John_Tao - Profile



LV 14
2020-07-28 Unido Global

Emblemas 26

Moments 4247



It was three weeks after the invasion and Kakashi had called in the judges of the exams together with the advisors he had chosen. He had sent Koharu and Homura into retirement as he couldn't stand their condescending ways and had made Hiruzen Sarutobi and Tsunade Senju his new advisors.

Naruto : Trickery

Naruto : Trickery

Anime & Comics · Doppins


I would have said no..

Minato seeing the Daimyo's confident attitude thought 'You already had it all planned out didn't you' Minato thought as he signaled an Anbu to bring a chair to the Daimyo 'Now it all makes sense. From the day he was told I planned to take over the fire country he made a plan. He held a meeting with the other Daimyo and probably told them I planned to conquer their territories, then told them he was coming to Konoha to negotiate peace, but said we were likely to take him prisoner. The other Daimyos probably told him that if that happened they would join in a joint war against Konoha.

Uzumaki Legend

Uzumaki Legend

Anime & Comics · kralux


He’s already dead…


"Someone has burned a piece of my soul. I think it's the one that was in Sasuke's seal" Orochimaru said as he gasped from the pain "WHO IS IT? IF I FIND OUT WHO HAS BURNED PART OF MY SOUL I WILL KILL HIM" Orochimaru shouted furiously.

Uzumaki Legend

Uzumaki Legend

Anime & Comics · kralux

Commented would be punishment…

'That's true, why I hesitate to save him anyway. Dying would be the easiest way for him. You will live sensei, you will live to witness the consequences of your actions. You will see how those who once venerated you as the greatest Hokage now despise you. The rest of your life will be spent making amends for your mistakes' Tsunade thought as a light of resolve shone in her eyes.

Uzumaki Legend

Uzumaki Legend

Anime & Comics · kralux

Replied to Potatowned

True but if you take Krytonian body/physique and had adaptability or Silver Superman..

"Energy doesn't have consciousness. We are an exception, meaning that we don't have control over any amount of energy we expend. Meaning, if, for some reason, we lose all our accumulated energy once we have definite form, we have to start from square one. Believe me when I tell you, in an indefinite form, accumulating energy is passive, making it a lot harder than it should be in a definite form".

I Am Energy In Dc

I Am Energy In Dc

Anime & Comics · Thirty_six_Hours


It does weakens Konaha and The Fire Country as a whole..

The Daimyo also became a bit angry with Danzo 'This Danzo is a son of a bitch, if his plans were to be carried out the fire country would be greatly weakened. Maybe it's better that he dies. 'No, I must go ahead with the plan' thought the Daimyo before speaking "Those things you said is very serious, but they are nothing without valid proof. Do you think that only a pile of paper can prove your accusations?" Said the Daimyo

Uzumaki Legend

Uzumaki Legend

Anime & Comics · kralux


That’s really impressive

An hour later Naruto was finishing his fifth series.

Uzumaki Legend

Uzumaki Legend

Anime & Comics · kralux


Affinity with a particular element does not mean that you can’t use any other element..just means that it’s more difficult to learn and control..Naruto is not one of those magic anime’s or manga that says you can only use one type of magic because of your affinity..I even call bull on that..

'Shit, if I had an affinity for fire these bugs would be nothing' Usagi thought as he prepared another jutsu "Suiton-Suisenpūjun (Water whirl shield)" Usagi said as the water he had used in his previous jutsu swirled around his hand forming a water shield that was able to prevent the bugs from reaching him. 

Uzumaki Legend

Uzumaki Legend

Anime & Comics · kralux

Replied to 1stSlug

Foxes are a combo of feline and canine with dominant feline..Wolves are combo of both with a dominant my opinion..which might also be fact..

"I the great Kyubi am not kind" Kurama said, he wanted to yell at them, but he didn't so he wouldn't hurt the little ones ears 

Uzumaki Legend

Uzumaki Legend

Anime & Comics · kralux

Replied to Fede56

Bobby..or Robert..but everyone calls him Bobby..

"Hello Bob Singer, it's an honor to meet you, my name is Henry, I need to talk to you!" the young man exclaimed with a serious face.

Traveling through horror cinema, start with Supernatural.

Traveling through horror cinema, start with Supernatural.

Movies · MRCAT66


Could do both..have Choji help in training and then as a reward go eat bbq

As for Chouji's, if I invited him to eat barbecue at my house, it could be different from inviting him to eat at a barbecue restaurant where they were proficient at what they did.

Naruto: My Relationship Book

Naruto: My Relationship Book

Anime & Comics · WizardKiki

Replied to newt

I mean if you start by doing your max then each day add more..

To my dismay, instead of increasing my strength, I lost 1 strength point because of that training. Because of this, I began to be cautious and not test random training routines.

Naruto: My Relationship Book

Naruto: My Relationship Book

Anime & Comics · WizardKiki


I am biased and prefer OP characters..


[Harry's first battle done. Please comment your views on what you thought about the battle. Also guess who is the bird flashing in lightning?]

Legacy of Harry Potter

Legacy of Harry Potter

Book&Literature · Graviele



Harry knew that he had to do something quick. Even if he was insanely powerful facing a large number of enemies was very risky. Secondly, the aurors could be here any minute. Even if he was on their side and protecting the innocents, politics was a fickle thing.

Legacy of Harry Potter

Legacy of Harry Potter

Book&Literature · Graviele


Those laws are now there forever…


And even to change the charter of thwe Wizarding Council, two-third majority of the primitive families was required and so, no matter how many times the Wizengamot was restructured, this particular clause could not be removed without the two-third majority of primitive families.

Legacy of Harry Potter

Legacy of Harry Potter

Book&Literature · Graviele

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