GodlyShade - Profile



male LV 13
2021-01-15 Unido United States

Emblemas 9

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Replied to SugmaMaleGamer

Yea she’s a real one fr fr

The most problematic of the Furious Five were these two. Crane due to his ability to fly and sound technique that could mess with my acute sense of hearing, and Viper due to her lethal venom.

More than a Dragon Warrior

More than a Dragon Warrior

Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn

Replied to YAMDAAA

Sorry already took it. No take backsies

I scoffed, "Of course I will call you kitty. That's what you are to me, you are only half my age. I was already travelling around China and kicking every Kung Fu master's ass when you were a baby." I said.

More than a Dragon Warrior

More than a Dragon Warrior

Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn

Replied to DespairHope

He is. Jesus was one of the disguises he used. This along with a few others while he decided how he wanted to shape humanity

Tai Lung was a bad guy trying to be good. That simple fact alone had made him better than the majority of people in this world.

More than a Dragon Warrior

More than a Dragon Warrior

Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn

Replied to Alexander_Mencos

Also author last chapter said wind and earth makes magnet release which is generally believed to be the case. I don’t know where you got that picture from but clearly it isn’t up to par

For Fujin, whose highest talents were in Wind and Lightning Manipulation, Swift Release should have been the easiest Kekkei Genkai to learn. However, unlike the Scorch Release where Fujin had limited success, he didn't make any progress whatsoever towards Swift Release.

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex

Replied to

Naruto mobile implies swift release is wind and lightning tho

For Fujin, whose highest talents were in Wind and Lightning Manipulation, Swift Release should have been the easiest Kekkei Genkai to learn. However, unlike the Scorch Release where Fujin had limited success, he didn't make any progress whatsoever towards Swift Release.

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex

Replied to Kamuiglazer

Yea this is the reason I agree with the decision to not save hiruzen. This amongst other things like Naruto learning an important lesson about why people sacrifice themselves and gaara becoming more human like

Other than the battlefields, the other thing to improve upon is the Eight Trigrams Divination Seal. If I can improve it in the way I envision, my strength will improve by leaps and bounds! Unfortunately, this will be very difficult. I can just hope that I can find the perfect combination before the Chunin Exams begin…'

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex

Replied to Paulo_D_Manoel

Reject the fake god and bow down to the true god. BOW DOWN TO THE GOD-EMPEROR OF MANKIND!!!


Tai Lung was a bad guy trying to be good. That simple fact alone had made him better than the majority of people in this world.

More than a Dragon Warrior

More than a Dragon Warrior

Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn

Replied to TheOneTruePanda

Fr massive headache afterwards

You know you slept well when you slept in the morning and woke up the next morning. A full 24 four hours of sleep.

More than a Dragon Warrior

More than a Dragon Warrior

Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn

Replied to MkGod

Nah bro it’s


It seemed after his encounter with Tai Lung, Crane, ever soft-hearted had developed PSTD. He was under the most emotional torture after all, seeing all his friends taken out, not knowing if they were alive or not. Yet he was not able to do a damn thing.

More than a Dragon Warrior

More than a Dragon Warrior

Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn


Neither this comment thread nor the author said it was the final boss. You’re confusing differing texts here bud

Yet that dummy was the only thing I could not destroy. Shifu used to joke that Oogway made it to train his very first student after he invented Kung Fu. Yet even after a thousand years, it had never required a repair once.

More than a Dragon Warrior

More than a Dragon Warrior

Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn

Replied to YAMDAAA


I scoffed, "Of course I will call you kitty. That's what you are to me, you are only half my age. I was already travelling around China and kicking every Kung Fu master's ass when you were a baby." I said.

More than a Dragon Warrior

More than a Dragon Warrior

Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn

Replied to Ireallylikereading


I used the chance to grab both of her arms and push them on top of her head. I also pinned her legs with my leg and ripped her clothes.

More than a Dragon Warrior

More than a Dragon Warrior

Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn


Reminds me of this funny a** scene. Bro got straight up humiliated


I turned around swiftly and picked up the rocks from the ground and toss one up. Crane stopped on his track, pauing his attack and swerved away from the rock which was oddly slow.

More than a Dragon Warrior

More than a Dragon Warrior

Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn

Replied to SugmaMaleGamer

Ehh it wasn’t that bad. Until the final panel that is. As you can clearly see she’s just cleaning the part of the horse that it can’t reach. Very child friendly content here


The most problematic of the Furious Five were these two. Crane due to his ability to fly and sound technique that could mess with my acute sense of hearing, and Viper due to her lethal venom.

More than a Dragon Warrior

More than a Dragon Warrior

Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn

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