Fialova - Profile



LV 3

English is not my first language.

2021-04-08 Unido Global

Emblemas 6

Moments 1358


nah the pain from poor posture is too realistic and specific

But he had long since been humbled now. Losing his powers, with his strength, was only somewhat stronger than a normal human man's, feeling pain in his bones from poor posture, chill from the cold and pain from the simplest things.. Damien had been afraid he could adapt at all. Things that he were used to, like his hearing and sight, seemed to be blurred and foggy, if a ball was thrown at his back he wouldn't be able to sense its oncoming presence at all. 

[BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

[BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake



Besides, his previous bad impression was from the original story of how she treated the original Alaric, which was something he had read ages ago. Honestly, if it wasn't the main reason he was here, Jia Hyson would have really forgotten about her completely. It can't be helped; he had caused way too much drama and problems on his own; how could he have the energy at this time to think about Jessica Fang? 

[BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

[BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake


improve your living standards king


After a moment of thought, he also adds very quickly, "Also, I'd like less homework, better wifi in my dorm, probably some more security in my dorm while we're at it, a barbed whip, a new computer, and more freedom to take leave from school grounds." Blinking his bright blue eyes, Jia Hyson grins innocently, "I hope that sounds fair?"

[BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

[BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake


On that note, it IS sad that nobody really noticed the real Alaric is gone, kinda makes you wonder; who had really loved him? Who had taken the time to get to know who Alaric really is? But then all the others are also, you can't even grief for a person that's alive

He wonders what happened to him. While they were hardly close, they still knew each other after all and had the relationship of not just student and teacher, but fellow members of the same coven. It was hard to think about, that someone he knew was just… taken over by a completely different person, it was something Mr Garth tried to ignore thinking too deeply on as the implications were still hard to bear. And it was even harder to not feel a little guilty for loving the person that had replaced Alaric. He had his flaws, but he didn't deserve to disappear with not a single person realising much less caring. 

[BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

[BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake


the stakes are definitely getting higher~~~kinda excited

He didn't feel this bad even when his playing around with people backfired and caused him to be placed into danger in his original life. Whether it's through being followed by stalkers, threatened by obsessive exes, or experiencing the murderous intentions of those who felt wronged as a result of his scummy ways, it was just another thrill, maybe unwelcome or annoying or even frightening at times. But it was just another way to live life, and would just become another interesting memory in the end. 

[BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

[BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake


i wonder if they could become friends and maybe he could make her more open-minded, perhaps. afterall, jia hyson is quite eccentric, yet like-able enough

However repeating the second year was still a bit, uh, embarrassing in comparison. After all, while it did admittedly give the same result he wanted, the feeling of it was quite different. The only benefit Jia Hyson could think of for repeating the same year was that he should be able to meet with the long awaited protagonist Jessica Fang, who has been transferred into the academy this year. But at the same time, given his current wishes of just living safe and well with his lover, was it really a benefit? 

[BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

[BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake

Replied to Mathew_Kilgore

its secrets of wysteria

Ahead, white marble stone steps that were embedded in their rough surface winded up towards a pavilion that had a lovely vantage point of the scenery below. Xiao De had informed Yan Zheyun that the flower season in the imperial city was from the third to the sixth months, which was why the imperial gardens were his best bet if he were to seek out the company of the other concubines. The magnolia trees were in their full glory, their elegant creamy blooms stately in contrast to the lively sprinkle of small almond blooms. Purple wisteria, red peonies, and the fiery trumpet vines that crept along the walls brightened up the atmosphere. 

From CEO to Concubine

From CEO to Concubine

LGBT+ · Queeniecat

Replied to xLeafx

that makes sense i guess

"I'm sorry," Richard said softly. With a heavy sigh, he turned around and sat in the cabin.

Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse With My Military System

Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse With My Military System

Sci-fi · Faux1231

Replied to Beck_E

haha i dunno anymore, sorry! i have bad short term memory

"Hmm..." Zein flicked the grinning face once before leaning back and crossing his arms, feeling even more confused now. "Interesting," he muttered while sipping on his drink again.

There’s No Love In the Deathzone (BL)

There’s No Love In the Deathzone (BL)

LGBT+ · Aerlev

Replied to LivChanin

awww if he doesnt change, i dont mind him dying. it just drives home who he is then❤️


Loma was terrified of this very thing. He would hate for that particular vision of hers to be true. He couldn't understand why Ciprian would insist Alaric bear every burden alone. There were so many people who wanted to help. Was Ciprian really trying to crush him?

Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]

Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]

LGBT+ · LivChanin

Replied to LivChanin

oh my! never apologize! youre the author of the book, is only natural that you'd talk about it!!❤️ no worries!!

Nicasi pushed his hand away. "I said not to bump it. That includes poking around to see if I did my job."

Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]

Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]

LGBT+ · LivChanin

Replied to LivChanin

hes kinda complex. i mean everybody has layers in this book of course. not me kinda liking him as a character tho. as a human being? no way

Loma was terrified of this very thing. He would hate for that particular vision of hers to be true. He couldn't understand why Ciprian would insist Alaric bear every burden alone. There were so many people who wanted to help. Was Ciprian really trying to crush him?

Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]

Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]

LGBT+ · LivChanin

Replied to LivChanin

no no i get it. i understand now!! so, disorder and order are categories in of themselves that dont actually exist? its man made? soo death and life just ... are, but technically, immortality, which would be man made, would be then something truly unnatural?

"An ordinary human," Ciprian continued. "Death still comes for them, doesn't it? It's slower now because of the work of the Order, but it comes. And I believe we will see more of it before this is done. You see…Disorder brings death, and Disorder is fighting as we speak to get its talons into this world so it can rip it apart. But I will make things right. I will restore the proper balance. The gods will assist me, and so will you."

Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]

Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]

LGBT+ · LivChanin


woah. why are the lies breaking? what is the catalyst? imagine if the catalyst to breaking the illusion is if rowan himself realizes everything, just like when you change, everyone around you changes, like a mirror/reflection. like, as long as rowan believed he was bad, everyone else will. but now that he believes something else, everybody will also wake up???? what is the reason?

"He can't." Desperation colored the tone of her voice. "Don't be upset. I'm not insulting your brother. I know how skilled he is, how proud. But Alaric has tried to call back their spirits. Over and over he's tried. I can see that he hates himself for it, but he just…can't. He's going to break. The Master is torturing him. Just like he tortures you and wants the rest of us to join in. How long are we supposed to ignore it?"

Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]

Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]

LGBT+ · LivChanin


so still left wondering if death is actually disorder? or is this a lie ciprian also tells?

"An ordinary human," Ciprian continued. "Death still comes for them, doesn't it? It's slower now because of the work of the Order, but it comes. And I believe we will see more of it before this is done. You see…Disorder brings death, and Disorder is fighting as we speak to get its talons into this world so it can rip it apart. But I will make things right. I will restore the proper balance. The gods will assist me, and so will you."

Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]

Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]

LGBT+ · LivChanin


ciprian uses the time in his hands to brood over how to create a single string of truth, into an entire web of lies, thats practically all he does

"He wasn't here in the flesh. The coward appeared in an illusion, of course. He wouldn't dare anything else. I would destroy him." Ciprian's fingers curled like claws on the arm of his chair. "He's getting stronger, but not strong enough. He's nothing like he used to be. I may have even dealt a fatal blow, though we can't be sure. After I injured him, I was easily able to seal him out again, but we need to be vigilant. Increase our defenses."

Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]

Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]

LGBT+ · LivChanin

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