Sasi_Soman - Profile


LV 1
2021-04-16 Unido Global

Emblemas 2

Moments 8


Always has been.

'Humans have become lazy,' Khan thought while crossing his legs to enter a meditative state again.

Chaos' Heir

Chaos' Heir

Fantasy · Eveofchaos


His father hopped from the milk store.

Rein's face grew a tense frown. His father, Drevius Alister, was a master dual-swordsman and a 12th prestige Ranger. He was the strongest Ranger at the time, and he donned the name of "Timeless Blitz". His Spring was the ability to hop forward in time, allowing him to dodge incoming attacks and surprise enemies, which was inherited by Leona. He truly was an unrivaled fighter, which was why Rein never accepted his cause of death. He was pronounced dead 7 years ago in the Elven Forest after he was sent there on a mission. A forest fire had started in the area where he and his group were. None of the bodies were found. What they found in their place was a gargantuan crater, at least a mile in diameter, and 50 feet deep. Rein's mother disappeared shortly after, abandoning her two children. One was 16 years old, and the other was 3.

Inverse System

Inverse System

Fantasy · Wizzez

Replied to Theoritizer


However, when Wendy could already feel the hot and extremely stinky breath of the Rat King, she momentarily opened her eyes and a thin white hand came into her field of vision extremely close to the girl's own eyes with an open palm, making a ball of fire launch towards the rat's mouth, so close that Wendy even felt her skin warm slightly due to the heat of the fire before the ball flew.

Lucifer's Descendant System

Lucifer's Descendant System

Fantasy · Zhanye

Replied to MrGaracter


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