Agoraphobic_God - Profile



female LV 11


2021-05-20 Unido United States

Emblemas 14

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"So, when I got back at the castle, the first thing I did was getting a Ballot!"

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


Figured I should review this and here I am. I have not read any of the authors other works although I am going to if their anything like this. The quality of the writing is absolutely wonderful and a true gem on the site. I'm ashamed it took me this long to find and eventually read this. so, time for the breakdown. -- World in general 5/5 the world in which everything takes place is very thought out and easy to understand. the empires and system between the continent is spaced out but easy to understand once you read a bit. I like the fact that each empire isn't the same, regions are diverse. overall it actually feels like a thriving and troubled world. -- character design 5/5 the author knows what they are doing character wise. nobody really felt like a fill in for plot purposes and they all actually have a personality and life goals. The MC is not OP just because he has help, he's cynical, paranoid, and overall my type of MC. it helps that there isn't plot armor to the max. I feel it's always used these days but the author avoids it and that helps the believability of the plot. I like the conflicts between characters and how the different regions contribute to their personalities and culture. -- plot 4.2/5 the plot is amazing overall. there is action and underhanded politics at play all the time which I love. little pieces of a mystery pop up until they all come together and it's absolutely wonderful to read. I like the fact the MC doesn't have a hero complex and has to actually work things out, he doesn't just know the answer instantly. I do have a bit of a gripe with the beginning chapters and the plot point with the MC's brother. it felt cheap and generic. there was honestly no reason for it other than character development and story progression. regardless I stuck with it and don't regret it. despite the cheap plot with the brother nothing like that happens again. so I know for a fact it was more a means to an end. I have read around 620 chapters, just finishing volume 5 or 6 I think. things have hit a sort of lull plot wise (not rly its still as good as always but I binged 3 volumes in a week and am taking a break - so plot drag in my book lol) and decided to review. I like reading more politically inclined books and almost never read any comedy because I find it doesn't translate well when written instead of said. we'll this is more action inclined I will admit and has comedy all over. I have laughed to tears at points and that just makes me love it more. I'm trying to stay vague as to not have to tag this as spoiler. either way if you are debating on whether or not to read this, do it.

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