Webnovel Author: Devil_Prince_Asura - Novel Collection



LV 15


2021-09-26 Unido Global

Emblemas 18

Moments 21

Replied to Mizako

I have a suggestion for a character and chapter This suggestion is for the Zhen Liu wedding and not his two cousins. Once Zhen Liu and family returned home his in-laws are still arguing about who is going to be the first wife with the patriarch. But what they didn’t know is Zhen Liu’s fiancés and girlfriends had a girls night with Zhen Liu’s mother. Alicia and bellona wanted to talk about adding Jin Fang and Rebecca as Zhen Liu’s fiancés and all four have it on the same day. They discuss how they wanted the first half of the wedding to be a fight against all four girls since all the girls have been training in secret. The reason is because they know after the wedding Zhen Liu is going to travel and the girls didn’t want to be left behind like their a burden. The girls wanted to show their strength to everyone and especially for Zhen Liu. This fight will also show which girl will be the first wife and also who will say their wedding vowels first and last. And Alicia will being the best healing pill so the will look beautiful for the wedding and Zhen Liu’s mother help them with everything and talk the in-laws and hide this form Zhen Liu. Second can you have Zhen Liu’s suggest to him to be some type of merchant selling his inventions but acting like it’s someone else’s since the library of nowhere has a lot knowledge plus the knowledge of earth since we’ve seen you use the knowledge, but he’s not making any profit. Like the boat and the hot tube the kaijin made. You can have them build some type of easy to make energy core that can power most of items they make like weapons, armor, and clothings. Or something he just always wanted in some comic or movie like a hoverboard. Because I know you can make both of the scenarios into something hilarious and serious. This suggestion is for a Character she will be a loli feline Bloodliner(lioness jaguar panther types) she is an energetic, short tempered foodie with a body constitution called True Apex and around Zhen Liu age. This body constitution gives her abnormal strength also let her absorb the abilities and body features of the Aether beast or something people she (hunt/kills)but more abilities for killing. This constitution also has another ability but it relies on having a mate and doing a ritual. The person must kiss the person that she deems worthy of being her mate. By doing this she will inject some type anesthetic that will weak her mates body defenses so she can bite him and make a bond between them. This will also allow them to know where each others are, share sense, and share some abilities. It’s basically like having a wedding in her tribe. She was find by Zhen Liu in an underground fighter Arena as a (Slave or Gladiator) but she acted more as a beast than human. But he noticed that this one has more than one desire it was like coming from two people. You can think of this situation as when Bruce Banner gets angry and turn into the hulk but she is having trouble turning off her beast side because of the constant battles she is in try to survive and find her (family/ or a family to call her own). Like I said before I know you can make this an interesting and hilarious scenario if you use it or part of it.

Replied to Devil_Prince_Asura

You can have them make bets with soul coins and have them buy extra lives with soul coins for the Colosseum by the dungeon master will get a percent.

Hello everyone! I'm seeking your input for the next floor of our story. If you have any exciting ideas or suggestions, please share them in the here. I haven't written the next chapter yet, so if I find your ideas intriguing, I might incorporate them into the story. I'm looking forward to hearing your creative thoughts!😉

I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Eastern · BLACKangelmarl


Weapon Spirit Floor

Hello everyone! I'm seeking your input for the next floor of our story. If you have any exciting ideas or suggestions, please share them in the here. I haven't written the next chapter yet, so if I find your ideas intriguing, I might incorporate them into the story. I'm looking forward to hearing your creative thoughts!😉

I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Eastern · BLACKangelmarl


Insect Floor with a Spider, Bee, and Ant Queen you and make them sister of the floor and complete for the Dungeon master attention. You can give them Half monster girl form.

Hello everyone! I'm seeking your input for the next floor of our story. If you have any exciting ideas or suggestions, please share them in the here. I haven't written the next chapter yet, so if I find your ideas intriguing, I might incorporate them into the story. I'm looking forward to hearing your creative thoughts!😉

I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Eastern · BLACKangelmarl

Replied to Devil_Prince_Asura

Colosseum floor like on Overlord Anime

Hello everyone! I'm seeking your input for the next floor of our story. If you have any exciting ideas or suggestions, please share them in the here. I haven't written the next chapter yet, so if I find your ideas intriguing, I might incorporate them into the story. I'm looking forward to hearing your creative thoughts!😉

I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Eastern · BLACKangelmarl


Floating Mountain floor Desert floor Serpent Floor Volcanic floor Ocean floor

Hello everyone! I'm seeking your input for the next floor of our story. If you have any exciting ideas or suggestions, please share them in the here. I haven't written the next chapter yet, so if I find your ideas intriguing, I might incorporate them into the story. I'm looking forward to hearing your creative thoughts!😉

I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Eastern · BLACKangelmarl

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