Webnovel Author: PlagueMan - Novel Collection



male LV 4

I like fanfic, dislike harems and Im in my 20s

2022-08-18 Unido Sweden

Emblemas 8

Moments 118


why are people taking it as the system, honestly. Like anything from this world could threaten the system, even the gods. It's a piece of something that can give him more or less omniversal knowledge. If it is the system it would be downright stupid. Plus prophecy or such should be on the level of that universe, the system transcends the universe. As such him gaining a new book could completely null the prophecy

Nick was quite worried about the last part of Trelawny's prediction as there is a number of things he holds quite dear to his heart and losing any of them would take a heavy toll on his emotions and mind. He sighed 'There's no point in agonizing over it until it happens , what will come will come.' he thought before getting started on making some rings of protection to draw his mind away from it. Nick wanted to bind himself formally to the realm so that he could take the first step towards his ultimate goal but before that he needed the other two hundred thousand points to purchase the book from the system.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro


It's honestly frustrating. The premise is good, the idea is solid but the execution is one of the worst I have ever seen. The way the story is flowing is literally brain dead however I can admit that I haven't finished the whole thing, the parts I have read are horrible. At first you would think it would be a DC oriented story about gaining power and expanding to the multi and later omniverse. But it really isn't, its a ploy for him to go to pacific rim and then other worlds while maybe years down the line go back to dc. *Spoilers kinda but not really, just a heads up* The story beats are horrendous, by that I mean. Him for some author'y bullshit reason having his dna be decoded in a matter of hours by some no names on pacific rim and then have them be able to literally instill his superpowers on even rodents mind you these arent only his superman powers individually which they did but also his multiverse transportation powers. Which means power transference and cloning, this doesn't bode well because some rando super duper "hot" science lady who is for some reason infatuated with his body will most likely be a love interest. Fun considering she mutilated him when he was unconscious The research to do all this took like a couple of hours in the book. It's all bullshit even after he woke up it didn't improve and from what I've gathered he won't return to dc for another hundred chapters. It's all meaningless filler with science that makes no sense whatsoever filling the lines, its not even the creative type of science fiction or understandable bullshit science its just purely wrong science. Reading what I did gave me a headache due to how infuriatingly bad the story was. I can't imagine the torture reading the rest of it would be. Honestly as a writer you should read your own story before you publish it and if you don't see how braincell killing it is there is something wrong. Sorry for harping on so harshly, I genuinely got a headache, felt sick and got angry due to how shit it was.


I usually never do this, especially not on old chapters. But its "their" their not thier, its their

Digitalized body helps the contestants to use 100% of thier physical capabilities in all thier actions, for example a human can score 500 points at a punching machine, but the same human, if he focuses and uses all the strength in his body he might be able to score even 700. But he can't do that in every punch.

Infinite Evolution: A spy in multiverse

Infinite Evolution: A spy in multiverse

Movies · _Crimson_


Bro, she's like 14 or 15, man. and from the actions of the mc he's most likely reincarnated, so like bro tf?

Then she found herself sliding a hand down his arm. It took too much effort for her to separate herself from Xing just enough to guide his hand under her dress, but when she felt his bare skin pressing against her breast, it was very well worth the trouble.

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Anime & Comics · arg3nt


It's well written and most everything in ot is interesting.The characters themselves feel fairly thought out and the world background is pretty well held together.Now I do have some problems with the novel, problems related to the romance first and foremost and the pace secondly.The pace while decent can get sluggish with chapters that are a pain to get through, but where the novel really is a shit show is the romance.The author should really wait until the mc is older to make romance work, mc is mentally a 20 something dude that has atleast some relation with the bad side of the world or used to be millitary. Either way, you can't just do everything in your power as an author to get him together with a 9 year old. It is disgusting and its just wrong.Then the character goes the "oh I lived in the 20th century so kissing isnt wrong" train of thought. Bro you made out with a 9 year old and the mcs brother is constantly pushing them together. It's weird.At the pace the story is developing and with how the 'relationship' or whatever is developing I'll image they'll do the deed by 13 or some bullshit amd have it be explained by "mc is following medieval customs" or some bs.tl;dr good story but author is pushing the mc to be a pedo. And dont use the "mc is currently 10" argument. Body is 10 but his mind sure as shit aint. Wait until he is atleast 16 to do this shit, even then I'll personally find it weird but dont do it at 10 or 9. 16 is acceptable, preferably it should be 18 or 20 but I know you wont wait that long

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