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male LV 3
2022-08-26 Unido Germany

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To be honest, I found it disappointing. I made it to Chapter 87, expecting more from such a large number of chapters. A lot seemed to happen, yet at the same time, nothing did. He's still the same naive guy, still stuck in his castle. The character growth up to this point disappointed me. Initially, he was portrayed as a rather cold-blooded guy who had been through hell and wanted to become free and enjoy life; I liked that direction. Then, they added a couple of "family" members (servants) to him. I thought that would be enough, and he would start his journey across the planet to become stronger before those hunting him arrived. But he stayed and began assembling his "family" like Pokémon. The author didn't stop there; he added a "son" to him, which seemed completely out of place. The main character is still a child at heart who only escaped from hell a few days ago, and now he has this baggage. I was expecting a more stoic sociopath who finds it difficult to trust and open up to others, but too many characters were added, and a series of phrases began, like "My lord, you are so cool... My lord, you are so strong... What would we do without you... "Daddy is the best," which started to annoy me. The whole family atmosphere started to irritate me. As for his strength, it's a completely different story. Chapter 87 really infuriated me. He's a damn homunculus assembled from a huge number of parts of the strongest races in this universe, a hybrid of two immortals, one Darkon and one vampire, inheriting only positive qualities. A being with incredibly high characteristics for his level, a creature with over 250 million Mana points when other creatures of the same level have 250 thousand Mana points. He, a creature with hundreds of battle skills, sacrificed his damn head to kill him in battle. against another dragon who rules over 2 small realms, each with 8 separate levels. It's absurd, no matter how much he lacks combat experience, he fought a fierce battle against another dragon who is much weaker than him, plus all his minions (family) also fought with him. Why make him such a unique creature with such absurd powers when he's nobody in battle? Usually, other main characters fight against enemies several realms above themselves, but here our main character fights against someone significantly weaker than himself in an unfair battle where they outnumber his opponent, AND HE DARES TO BE PROUD OF IT! I don't understand what his problem is, a lack of experience? Pffffft, just bombard him with spells; you have damn 250 million Mana points as well as regeneration that restores several million Mana points per second. Also, we were never told what our main character looks like (at least I don't remember). The only thing I know is that he has red eyes. What about his height? Build? Hair color? In short, at this point, I stopped reading. I'll go read some other works by the author; I've seen in the comments that they're highly praised. I hope to find something I like.


"In short, I didn't like reading this novell. There are pros and cons, but I still won't continue reading past Chapter 18. 1. The biggest problem: it's the style of how it's written, everything is too... wrong? It's like you're trying to retell the story from memory, the narrative style is very strange, it's not enjoyable to read. 2. I'm already getting annoyed with these child killers, they lived in 'hell' for 9 years killing their acquaintances and friends, fighting with each other, and learning how to become the perfect 'killing machine', but on their first mission they act like 'normal' kids, asking too many questions, doubting whether they should kill when it was their ORDER. They depicted them as too unprofessional for killers who were taught only this since childhood. Instead of quietly killing the village that was their target like normal killers would, they attacked head-on. KILLERS ATTACKED HEAD-ON!!!!!! STUPIDITY. Otherwise, not much has been shown yet, at the beginning there was a very interesting and refreshing plot twist that gave me incredibly strong hope that this would be one of my favorite novellas, but alas, it didn't turn out that way. The world that was described promised to be interesting, the plot and plans were also promising, but as I wrote before, I didn't like the narrative style, everything happens too quickly and without details, it goes something like this: (Mc trained for 3 hours (how he trained is not described, just his 'cultivation' method is described and a couple of other details), then went to a meeting [then the meeting begins, where an important future event is discussed, but we are shown almost none of this discussion, the main character throws important details about important future events to his 'family' there as if he's throwing cabbage, and to make them fulfill all his requirements, the author added some kind of contact, failure to comply with which will result in a family member being killed because he was too lazy to come up with something more believable about how Mc would manage the family.] The meeting lasted for several hours but we weren't shown anything substantial) In short, the author needs to improve the narrative style."


I really enjoyed it, very well written. However, there was one aspect of the plot that slightly puzzled me: the main character, after several initial chapters, does not seem to increase his improvement. I understand that he is strengthening his foundation and gaining strength without increasing his cultivation, but still, to only increase 1-2 secondary levels over 200 chapters seems somewhat implausible, especially considering all the resources he has used during this time. It's a minor detail that doesn't affect the plot, but in my opinion, it stands out a bit. Otherwise, the novel is good. 1. The MC is intelligent and doesn't act stupidly, at least from what I've noticed. 2. The romantic storylines are also believable (there's no instant 'love' like in Chinese novels where characters have s€x and then are suddenly willing to give their lives for each other). 3. The plot develops at a steady pace, with no overly boring moments that make you want to skip ahead. 4. The main character doesn't hesitate to kill his enemies. 5. There's also something akin to a harem here, but it's not really a harem. He has two girls, one of whom he's in a stable relationship with, while he's in a conflict with the second. By the 200th chapter, he reconciles with the second girl, but their relationship status as a 'threesome' has not been explicitly discussed yet; they haven't even had a proper conversation together. In short, I recommend reading it.


This book really impressed me. There were no dull moments, the main character is exactly how I would like to see him, the plot is original, and it's been a while since I've read something this good. Of course, like everywhere else, there are some drawbacks, but they are insignificant. For example, the author rarely describes appearances, maybe only once, assuming I'll remember it for a lifetime. I would have liked to see character descriptions mentioned at least once every 50-100 chapters. The biggest drawback, in my opinion, is the lack of romance. Although there are girls around the main character, and I understand that he's still dealing with problems that he'll likely resolve soon, throughout the 281 chapters I've read (on the left website), there hasn't been even a hint of romance. I also like his lazy side, because when I read books, I often imagine myself as the main character (silly, but it is what it is), and seeing him like that always makes me smile. On the plus side, I appreciate the intelligence of the main character; he's quite human, not as smart as a supercomputer, and not as dumb as I am. He's intelligent, though sometimes he acts foolishly, mainly in the emotional part, but not often. Overall, I would rate this web novel 9/10 because I enjoyed it, but due to the small number of chapters, I didn't get to see the most interesting parts. I'm putting it on hold for now and will wait for more chapters.


It's annoying, at first it was normal, a little cringe, but in general it's okay, I even liked it, but the further the worse, I understand that it's okay to have a harem there, but this is already stupidity: ms sees a beautiful girl ..... and oh gods, I love her. This is stupid! he already has 6 women in the harem and 2 are not far away to be there, since they have already had sex, but no!! he saw a beautiful woman!!! I quit. Even though he sees that he is being manipulated, he continues to act like a teenager at puberty, even though he is over 350 years old. Also about strength, it's also stupid, he won a fight with a woman who is objectively stronger (with the mother of the "princess"), but some chick passes by here, and he can't do absolutely anything, yes, the author tried to justify it somehow, but he can't be so weak, he trained so much, he was a saint of the sword, he even lived for years in a simulation, yeah, the power from there is not transferred to reality, but he did not even try to gain experience, train in the technique of the sword. He even cultivated a technique that allows you to remain calm during the battle, but no, he was distracted by her beautiful face. seriously? it's stupid, very, very stupid. (Chapter 166-167, here it infuriated me)I have nothing against the author, he did a good job of writing this story, but the problem is how he described the character of ms, he made him a person who strives to do everything to the maximum, he trained for years to be the best, but in reality, he is described as an otaku who is not bad at communication, but he completely stupid and fickle.

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