Sanket_Singh_5091 - Profile


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2022-10-21 Unido Global

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yes because of tywin i started camparing lannister family to targeriyan. But after House of dragon and some search from wiki i got know they just nrml and rich family . literally tywin is monstar in politics . Still i hate him😡

"Yea well they kept you on your feet as well, I have been reading over different reports from Aerion's singing minstrels searching for useful information. It is mainly just some Lord's wife cucking him by fucking one of his knights and the Lord being unaware. The good secrets are few and far between, like Lord Lannister having an inclination for feet and getting stepped on." I shake my head and can't help but imagine how that man's line will end up creating a monster named Tywin.

GOT/ASOIAF: Son of the Unworthy

GOT/ASOIAF: Son of the Unworthy

Book&Literature · Pretending_Author


yeah .but womans need more freedom now day . Just they doing stupid things because they don't have anything to do

Laying on the floor in my solar with some blankets stacked up for a cushion I read some reports on a clipboard. I read a line and then check to my right where my daughter and son are laying down and swinging their arms slightly. Their motor skills increase with each day and it makes my heart warm watching it with my own eyes. I suppose those people in my past life were right about being a stay-at-home parent, it's rewarding.

GOT/ASOIAF: Son of the Unworthy

GOT/ASOIAF: Son of the Unworthy

Book&Literature · Pretending_Author


they just destroy the show . i mean i cannot watch the show again because i know what gonna happen .

When the new Long night comes this time around they will find a prepared Westeros and we won't have to rely on a little girl sneaking up on the Night King.

GOT/ASOIAF: Son of the Unworthy

GOT/ASOIAF: Son of the Unworthy

Book&Literature · Pretending_Author


wonderful chapter but you can add more politics in it . That will fun to read ..

Soon I will be looking into Sothoryos or Ulthos like the English trying to find spice or something... god I need help. This baby on the way is not just driving Daenerys crazy but also me, I wish the baby would just come out so the worry could stop and my mind can rest.

GOT/ASOIAF: Son of the Unworthy

GOT/ASOIAF: Son of the Unworthy

Book&Literature · Pretending_Author


dreaming is free .so you dream how much you want .

Brick by brick I will build my way to the top, maybe then I could secure a hand in marriage for one of my future sons to one of Daenerys daughters. This way he can live the life I wanted and make me proud and have children who can ride dragons.

GOT/ASOIAF: Son of the Unworthy

GOT/ASOIAF: Son of the Unworthy

Book&Literature · Pretending_Author


fried rice should be consider is he find rice

Her and strawberry shortcakes hit it off and she had them made almost every day when I first made her some. It is one of the recipes I kept secret just for me to make for my family and potentially to make a restaurant in Kingslanding in the future. I plan to train a chief that is die-hard loyal and have them run a kitchen for me, it will be high-priced just for noble families. Fancy foods and potentially stuff like sushi if I can ever get some rice, my heart pangs in longing at the thought of rice.

GOT/ASOIAF: Son of the Unworthy

GOT/ASOIAF: Son of the Unworthy

Book&Literature · Pretending_Author


geroge is not the creator of the he is only writer .creator is different

It took years to reach the point I have now where I have a pretty good selection of 'familiar' things to work with. It seems the creator of this world I think I remember being a George guy or something enjoyed food. The options available are wider than I had hoped and now that I have a steady supply I have made great progress in getting some 'normal' food on my plate.

GOT/ASOIAF: Son of the Unworthy

GOT/ASOIAF: Son of the Unworthy

Book&Literature · Pretending_Author


bro . its getting degraded .😔🤮

"You…how dare you love someone huh! Do you know how much I suffer whenever you utter that dead man's name in your stream?"

Reincarnated as Napoleon

Reincarnated as Napoleon

History · SorryImJustDiamond


bro you want to emperor of france and you hiring a unknown employee . Wow what great mind . you need 1000 heavenly lighting strike for this


"If you really don't want to tell me, then so be it. Though I would find it preferable to work with someone I knew. We all have secrets to hide so I understand and respect your decision, Ciela."

Reincarnated as Napoleon

Reincarnated as Napoleon

History · SorryImJustDiamond


this is High school level maths .

Louis picked up the book and opened it. He flipped through the pages, looking for the hardest examples. After a few moments, Louis found what he was looking for and pointed to a particularly complex equation. "Can you solve this one?" [dy/dx + 2y/ x = x2y2sin(x)]

Reincarnated as Napoleon

Reincarnated as Napoleon

History · SorryImJustDiamond


my school was the same 😭😭

Napoleon's eyes scanned over his newly acquired schedule, and he let out a thoughtful hum. He took note of the seven subjects: French, Latin, Maths, History-Geography, Drawing, Music, Fencing, and Military Fortifications, each allotted one hour of study time. With three subjects per day, he would have a full schedule. He couldn't help but reflect on his earlier days in a different world, where the school week was much different. Here, the academic week began on Monday and stretched all the way through Saturday, a full six days of learning.

Reincarnated as Napoleon

Reincarnated as Napoleon

History · SorryImJustDiamond


wow i understand everything . see -- ahem Bonjour , haelde waldua khul das viel . poko tokako tula lula. Ahem thanks i know i am smart ..


wow how u use french word in English novel so that it becomes like they talk in French .

"Bonjour, Napoleon!" Joseph said with a wide grin, walking into the room. "I brought you some apples and pears from our orchard."

Reincarnated as Napoleon

Reincarnated as Napoleon

History · SorryImJustDiamond

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