Asahi Novels & Books - WebNovel

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About 89 results

  • Mr. Grim Reaper doesn't smile [BL]

    Mr. Grim Reaper doesn't smile [BL]


    The tale of a grim reaper who hates humans and a human who fell in love with him. From a really young age, Asahi Sato had always been beside Akira's side. They grew up together and faced all hardships together. Akira thought their friendship would last a lifetime but he didn't expect his life to be cut so short by that very friend.Logically speaking, their friendship did last a lifetime but only for Akira. As if having a secret affair with Akira's fiance wasn't enough, Sato also went ahead and killed Akira in order to steal the company. For the first and the last time in his life, Akira felt what it was like to be betrayed by the one you trust the most and the feeling was certainly not that amusing.Even after death, when the Grim Reaper who was in charge of him gave him a wish, Akira didn't hesitate to waste that wish on Sato. "Help me solve my murder.""I want to understand where everything went wrong.”"I want to know why Sato suddenly turned on me and I want to know why my fiance joined him.”Unfortunately, for the poor fellow, the grim reaper in charge of him was not a man who liked to be troubled and it seemed that nobody had ever taught him how to smile. "Tch- So much extra work! Can't you just pass away in peace?" "..." Read on more to know how Akira uncovered the mysterious circumstances behind his death and begged God to change his beloved Grim reaper's fate. __________________________________________I hope you enjoy!~__________________________________________BL||Romance||Grimreaper||Revenge||Fashion||CEO||Secondchance||Fantasy||Fluff||Mystery||Art by: Cherlyswan.

  • Hitoshi and Asahi

    Hitoshi and Asahi

    Realistic ROMANCE COMEDY

    A bunch of short cute scenes involving Hitoshi and Asahi.

  • Dingin
Asahi Treasure

    Dingin Asahi Treasure



    Asahi-kun is a young boy who lost his parents early, But he unlocked the ability to see spirits and keep them as his companion. Let's see the journey of our MC Asahi and His companion Aku

  • Mengasah Rasa

    Mengasah Rasa


    Menceritakan kisah kehidupan Rumah Tangga yang pahit, manis dan getir yang dialami Ibu Rumah Tangga bernama Ririn Puspita Ratih. Dia hidup dirumah mertua selama 7 tahun. Selama itu pula banyak berbagai kisah-kisah yang akan dituangkannya kedalam novel ini.Mulai dari mendapatkan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, hinaan dari orang-orang yang dengki kepadanya, bahkan sampai ancaman pembunuhan dari orang tefdekatnya.Penasaran bagaimana semua kisah itu terjadi pada kehidupan Ririn Puspita Ratih? Ayoo.. terus lanjutkan membaca kisahnya, "Mengasah Rasa".

  • Love & Lust System

    Love & Lust System


    Not posting here anymore. You can find my novel here: Kinoshita Asahi, who is a bit over two months away from starting to attend Tokyo University. He had horrendous luck throughout his life, but maybe this was about to change.A/N: If you're expecting an incel MC that goes around 'conquering', or even raping for the sake of points, this is not it. Our MC here is a smart and rational individual with one main goal: To live a life worth living. Although there will be many fully depicted sex scenes, with many different women, it won't have the misogynistic/sexist tones that these type of novels usually have. Just because he had sex with a woman, doesn't mean that she's 'his'. He's not looking for a relationship and is upfront about it, nor does he care if the women he hook up with have sex with someone else. I thought that it would be nice to let you know before you started reading it. :)Love & Lust System is Copyrighted 2021 by CasualCacophony. All rights reserved.

  • Yakuza Lady In Another World

    Yakuza Lady In Another World



    Ina-Yamaguchi is a girl who has a Yakuza background. She was ruthlessly trained by her father, as she was the successor of the Yakuza clan. In the determination of the next clan leader candidate, Ina defeated her cousins ​​and brothers. Ina is chosen as the next clan successor and gets a Dragon Tattoo on her back. Ina's obsession with martial arts was extraordinary, she studied various martial arts from the country. Feared wherever her presence is. One day when she was about to go to school with her childhood friend Asahi, a deep red circle suddenly appeared beneath them and vanished in an instant, transferring them to the old building and surrounded by purple-robed people .

  • FREE READ - Saingan Sang Playboy [SLOW UPDATE―Misteri & Romansa Gelap]

    FREE READ - Saingan Sang Playboy [SLOW UPDATE―Misteri & Romansa Gelap]



    Novel berlatar Jepang ♡ DARK, SWEET, AND DANGEROUS LOVE STORY! ♡ BACA BAB 109 INFO PENTING SAYA!MOHON BACA HALAMAN INI SAMPAI HABIS SEBELUM LANJUT MENGIKUTI CERITA INI! WAJIB, YA! Ayo dukung novel ini setiap hari menggunakan BATU KUASA (POWER STONE) agar tetap GRATIS alias TIDAK DIKUNCI __________________________________________ Blurb: Fujihara Misaki, perempuan bertipe Sadako (hantu dari film terkenal, The Ring) dengan gelar hikikomori dan kutu buku, tiba-tiba saja dimintai tolong oleh lelaki tampan dan playboy, Toshio Wataru, yang tinggal di sebelah apartemennya. Tak ingin lama-lama berurusan dengan lelaki itu, ia menyetujui saja permintaannya walaupun diam-diam memiliki phobia terhadap playboy. Tanpa perempuan itu ketahui, Wataru yang aslinya ternyata memiliki kepribadian buruk, sadis, dan bermulut tajam itu, sudah mengincarnya sejak awal dengan niat tersembunyi: menghancurkan Misaki dengan cintanya! Sebuah permintaan sederhana penuh intrik dan tipu daya yang akan mengubah kedua nasib anak manusia tersebut! Inilah kisah permainan takdir penuh emosi yang menguji kesabaran! Bermula dari cinta sederhana dan tulus hingga menyeret banyak pihak dalam misteri, pertumpahan darah, air mata, harapan, rasa percaya, dan perjuangan bertahan hidup....Apakah Misaki yang berpenampilan cupu dan suram sesuram hidupnya mampu menjalin hubungan dengan seorang Playboy sadis dan jenius berwajah rupawan? Apakah niat Wataru menghancurkan Misaki akan terwujud? Atau malah sebaliknya, sang playboy itu yang akan hancur lebur dan bertekuk lutut di hadapan Misaki yang ternyata masa lalunya menyimpan banyak rahasia dan misteri? Siapkan hati dan tissue kalian! Karena novel ini akan mengajak kalian menaiki roller coaster perasaan hingga membuat kalian ketagihan meminta bab selanjutnya! LAGI DAN LAGI! Apa yg akan kalian dapatkan dari novel ini? 1. Misteri, misteri, & MISTERI! 2. Romansa gelap yg bikin greget & penasaran dgn porsi 75%! Humornya juga ada, loh! 3. Sebel banget TAPI SERU & BIKIN NAGIH!!! 4. Hal-hal terkait Jepang (budaya, daerah, dll) 5. Aksi dan thriller 6. Mengasah otak tapi santai! 7. Suka cerita detektif yg mengungkap kasus pembunuhan & organisasi rahasia? Baca! ---------------------- ⚠️ PERHATIAN! ⚠️ 1. BERPOTENSI MEMBUAT PEMBACA INGIN MEMBANTING PONSEL SENDIRI, MEMAKI-MAKI CERITA DAN AUTHOR, TAPI TETAP LANJUT BACA KARENA PENASARAN AKUT! 2. SLOW STORY, JADI ALURNYA LAMBAT DAN BISA MEMBUAT BEBERAPA PEMBACA YANG TIDAK SABARAN MENJADI BOSAN KARENA BAB BARU RILIS SANGAT LAMBAT. MAAF, SAYA ORANG YANG SIBUK, TAPI SUKA NULIS! :) SAYA PUNYA KERJAAN JUGA, LAGIAN INI GRATIS! SAYA NGGAK DIBAYAR SEPESER PUN! DAN KALIAN NGGAK USAH BAYAR, KOK, KALO MAU BACA INI. GRATIS = SABAAARRRRR!!! 3. KALO SUKA CERITA INI, MAKA "WAJIB" UNTUK VOTE SETIAP HARI, KALO NGGAK VOTE ARTINYA CINTA KALIAN PALSU PADA NOVEL INI! HAHAHA! xD DAN TIDAK BERHAK KOMEN MINTA UPDATE, YA! :P KARENA, SAYA TAHU SIAPA SAJA YG SUKA VOTE NOVEL INI! ♡ Read at your own risk! Selamat membaca! ( • ̀ω•́ )✧ ■ CERITA INI ADALAH FIKSI, TIDAK ADA HUBUNGANNYA DENGAN ORANG, KELOMPOK, TEMPAT, MAUPUN PERISTIWA YANG SEBENARNYA ■ ----------------------------------------- Novel ini adalah karya asli anak bangsa, DILARANG menyalin dan meniru dalam bentuk apapun! Copyright @2019 by NatsuHika ----------------------------------------- Disclaimer: The original story is made by me, but the picture of the cover is not mine. I just used it temporary and it's been edited. All credits of the picture belong to the respective owner.

  • Di didik ripuh di asah perih

    Di didik ripuh di asah perih




    Doni Muliady tangguh, keras, dan bertato, menyembunyikan kesadaran dirinya di balik penyinggungan seseorang. Doni tidak pernah cocok—tidak di rumah di Padang dengan ayah mekanik mobil dan saudara-saudaranya, dan tidak di sekolah di mana teman-teman sekelasnya di Universitas Tingkat Tinggi memandang rendah dirinya. Sekarang, Doni lega memiliki pekerjaan di sebuah perguruan tinggi kecil di Hotel, Medan Utara, tetapi dia adalah anak kota terus menerus, dan jelas bahwa kota kecil ini adalah satu lagi tempat yang tidak cocok untuknya. Roni Ven berpegang teguh pada rutinitas untuk mengusir kesepian: mengasah tubuh berotot, menyempurnakan resep, dan membuat furnitur khusus. Roni telah tinggal di Jakarta selama bertahun-tahun, tetapi rasa malu dan ukuran tubuhnya yang mengesankan telah membuatnya tidak dapat berhubungan dengan orang-orang. Ketika kedua pria itu bertemu, chemistry mereka meledak, tetapi Roni takut Doni akan menjadi orang lain dalam barisan panjang yang meninggalkannya, dan Doni telah belajar bahwa membiarkan siapa pun masuk bisa menjadi kelemahan yang fatal. Tepat ketika mereka mulai meruntuhkan tembok yang memisahkan mereka, Doni dipanggil pulang ke Padang, di mana dia menemukan rahasia yang mengubah cara dia memahami segalanya.

  • Game Asah Otak Terbaik Paling Banyak Di mainkan

    Game Asah Otak Terbaik Paling Banyak Di mainkan

    Game Asah Otak Terbaik Paling Banyak Di mainkan. Link pendaftaran : Link pendaftaran :

  • belajarlah untuk menerima kekurangan dan mulailah mengasah kelebihan

    belajarlah untuk menerima kekurangan dan mulailah mengasah kelebihan

  • Obsesif


    Winda, putri semata wayang dari pasangan Bram dan Sari. Tidak pernah menduga kalo pada akhirnya akan jatuh cinta pada kharisma sang papa. Berawal dari rahasia kecil yang ditemukannya pada sebuah surat usang milik Mama, membuatnya terobsesi kagum dan memiliki hasrat pada sang papa.Namun harapan dan impian tidaklah seindah kenyataan. Dengan berbagai tantangan hidup yang menerpa, seolah membuatnya hampir putus asah bahkan nyaris terlantar.Setelah kedua orang tuanya bercerai, setahun kemudian Sari sang Mama meninggal dunia karena serangan kanker serviks yang menggerogoti kesehatannya. Bahkan tak lama setelah kematian mamanya, Winda semakin menderita apa lagi ketika Bramansyah menikah dengan wanita berusia 30 tahun yang bernama Shania. Istri Muda sang Papa adalah Wanita Picik berhati iblis. Hanya ingin mengincar Harta dan kekayaan Bramansyah. Bahkan Shania berulang kali merencanakan niat jahatnya untuk menjual Winda pada beberapa pria hidung belang namun selalu saja gagal.Winda yang sejatinya sangat terobsesi dengan kharisma sang papa harus bersabar menahan hasrat terpendamnya karena juga menyadari bahwa posisinya hanyalah seorang putri kandung.Namun setelah Bramansyah menceraikan Shania yang ketahuan berbuat jahat pada keluarga Bramansyah, mulai terjadi gejolak hasrat dan cinta yang semakin tumbuh antara papa dan putrinya. Namun Akhirnya Bram menolak jalinan asmara hubungan terlarang. Bram tidak ingin menikahi putri kandungnya. sementara Winda semakin mendambakan cinta dan perhatian sang papa. Winda sanggup menolak Cinta dari Pria seorang CEO demi mendapatkan kasih sayang dan cinta Bramansyah.Winda akhirnya putus asa setelah penghinaan orang yang dicintainya namun hatinya terlanjur mencintai kharisma sang papa luar dan dalam terlalu jauh.Mengetahui sang putri kesayangan terobsesi pada dirinya lalu apakah yang akan dilakukan sang papa. Apakah Bramansyah sang papa memilih menjalani hubungan terlarang dengan sang putri kesayangan...Simak dan ikuti alur ceritanya. Buku ini dikenakan batasan usia khusus 18 tahun keatas.

  • Ordinary Mob Character

    Ordinary Mob Character


    There was a boy who feared death, to escape from death he did many things but the world was harsh and he died. Reborn in a fantasy world, where magic existed. It means infinite possibilities, in this world, the boy will try to achieve immortality, and even if he fears death, he also gets a bit excited to gamble with his life. Welcome to this boy's journey, the goal was immortality, in his journey, he met people he care deeply about, made bonds that were thicker than any blood, defeat enemies, and crushed evil organizations and nations. His journey isn't a short one, So Welcome to Ace's journey. ---- MC will be overpowered but there are people who give MC tough times to defeat, and this series didn't focus on fighting but more on the story and characters. ----- I decided to write this novel after watching The Eminence of the Shadow anime, so at the start, this novel may seem similar, but I promise as the story progresses this novel will become completely different from The Eminence of the Shadow. Of course, there might be some similarities but I promise 80% content of the novel will be original.

  • When love was not meant for us

    When love was not meant for us

    Alya Kim(Kim Haneul) and Byun Hyuk's(Asahi Haga) lives are very different from each other. Alya is a surgeon and Asahi is a singer/idol by profession. Alya is a simple doctor and surgeon while Asahi is a famous celebrity and member of popular boygroup, SOL5. The only thing that connects them both is their past. The time they spent in high school together. And the friendship between their two families. But is it possible for Alya and Asahi to have the same friendship like their parents have? When their respective lives are so different from each other.Read the story to find out more and indulge into the lives of Alya and Asahi.

  • Everyone Else Is a Returnee ™

    Everyone Else Is a Returnee ™


    Ditinggalkan saat piknik sekolah dasar.Tertinggal selama kamp sekolah menengah.Tertinggal selama perjalanan sekolah menengah.Saya akhirnya menjadi mahasiswa, dan apa? Saya ditinggalkan dari semua umat manusia?Diabaikan oleh Tuhan, Yu IlHan menghabiskan satu milenium mengasah keterampilannya untuk Bencana Alam Besar, mengawasi bumi sendirian sementara semua orang berada di dunia lain.Legenda nya dimulai setelah manusia kembali dan bertemu dengan Bencana Alam Besar!

  • Fushi Tensei: Undead Reincarnation

    Fushi Tensei: Undead Reincarnation



    Asahi Yamamoto, a 17 year old teen, suffered from cancer at a young age. Now facing imminent death, he is ready to die in peace. However, as he opens his eyes, he sees himself in the body of a skeleton?!--------------------------------------------------Schedule: Weekly for now Chapter Length: 800-900 words --------------------------------------------------Support the Author: XXX (Not available atm)

  • Flames of Calamity

    Flames of Calamity


    When a Prince of the world's most powerful kingdom can be given everything he so ever desires, he can't help but feel empty inside and a need to better himself. And so, Asahi Agnideep decides to join the hero academy. That way, he can decide what future he wants to forge instead of one he's meant to follow due to his birthright.

  • old man Willem's second chance

    old man Willem's second chance

    a broken old man from the emotional stress of having lost his wife during a war and coming home to a daughter that hates him as a senile old man who is virtually useless finds himself dying and being reborn into a new worldcan he find new meaning in this new world where his daughter and wife don't exist... or do they?angst warning

  • The Fox Princes and The Emperor

    The Fox Princes and The Emperor


    A young emperor. Newly ascended to the dragon throne, Ryu Asahi had enemies on all sides. Scheming ministers that pushed for more power, ladies plotting to be the next Empress and rebel forces who demanded their independence. Troubles are everywhere. The fox princess. Shiori of Kyon, the scion of an ancient family that rivaled royalty. They only appeared whenever a new ruler was crowned. To achieve her dream, she agreed to see if the new emperor was worthy of her family's support. Asahi was prepared for everything but an attack on his heart. For the Fox Princess had captured his, utterly and irreparably. She had no interest in him or anything he could offer though. He wanted to be independent and had a lot of things to prove. She wanted to have a life free from secrets and responsibilities. Can they find a way to be together despite all of that? Can Asahi prove Shiori wrong and make her consider a compromise? Will the Emperor convince the Fox Princess to rule by his side?
