Mike Novels & Books - WebNovel

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About 484 results

  • My Mike

    My Mike

    According to the title, this should have something to do with "Mike." I really do wonder who mike is. Hopefully, one day I'll meet a mike that I find attractive. For now, I am yet to meet a person of the name, but when I do, and only then will this collection of words on pages be no more.Sincerely, a person who is searching desperately for Mike.

  • Jordan & mike

    Jordan & mike


    Michael and Mike are best friends due to an event that takes place they broke all ties and start different clans as they grew older and richer so does their hatred for each other . Due to the death of Michael and mike both their sons are forced to be the new leader of their clans , both boys are full hatred for each other and have a lot pressure on their hands.

  • A Demon named Mike

    A Demon named Mike

    Someone has messed up the proportions when Mike was created. He really wants to be a good demon, but... His flowery personality and heart-stealing smile get in the way.Will he be able to gather Virgin's Blood to save his skin? Will he learn to be a real Demon? Will he find some waffles?Let's find out, if you will!

  • Sweet Surrender: The CEO's Second Wife

    Sweet Surrender: The CEO's Second Wife

    Urban CEO


    *Love doesn't always bring the best person into your life, sometimes, love brings the worst people into your life. ~ Caroline loves money, an ambitious woman who will do anything for money. She come from a poor family background. Envious of her twin sister's good fortune enjoying a happy and secured life with her wealthy husband, Caroline believed that she must also be granted with the same amazing fate as her twin sister. She knows that money always comes with a heavy price... she's willing to pay any price! Meet... Mr. X... aka. Alex...he's upbringing isn't something that he can be proud of. He had a hard time trusting anyone. He rose to power, fame and wealth not because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth but because it's an inheritance bestowed to him from the wealthy man who adopted him. When these two people meet... What's gonna happen? Will there will be sparks igniting between them? How about attraction, is it possible? And how about love? Will love bring the best or worst out of them? ~~~ ( Excerpt from the novel: ) Maybe she already developed tender feelings for him, but it's not yet on the same level as her feelings for her husband. But she thinks that if she stays longer in Alex's side she will eventually fall in love with his wonderful personality and his expertise when it comes to giving her mind-blowing pleasure every time they have intimate moments together. When she was with Alex, there is no awkwardness between them as if they have known each other for a long time. Any woman who can capture Alex's love and affection...she will be a lucky woman! Honestly, if she didn't meet Mike and she met Alex first, she will fall for him hard 'coz he is easy to love, maybe because they have good chemistry together? A smile appeared on her lips. That was also the time Alex glanced at her. He was looking at her tenderly, loving her smile. Their eyes locked for a few minutes... their gaze spoke volumes. Alex stood up, he went to her side, he whispered in her ear while nuzzling it, licking it lightly, producing arousing tingles on Carolines' body. "Let's make love after we're done cleaning the kitchen," he suggested naughtily. Caroline giggled. "OMG, you're so insatiable!" Alex grinned. "When it comes to you, I'm forever your slave, willing to bring pleasure to your body, anytime and anywhere," he winked at her and began kissing the exposed skin on her neck. ~All rights to the cover belong to the owner. *** My other novel on this site are the following: * Hot Romance With The Vampire~ Completed * The Beauty And The Wolf~ Completed * The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny~ Demons, Vampires, Shapeshifter~ Completed. * Hidden Husband: Beloved Wife ~ Completed~ Contemporary Romance * The CEO's Painted Skin~ (Completed) Contemporary Romance~510 chapter. * The Last Embrace~ ( Completed) Fantasy Romance~ Vampires Love~ 472 chapters. * The Tale Of Three Sisters~ (Completed) Fantasy Romance~ Adventure.

  • Mike The Alien

    Mike The Alien


    Mike, The Alien from Xiana visits earth, falls in love and is trapped by humans, when he receives help.



    Kisah seorang remaja yang bereinkarnasi dengan kucing jalanan di dunia pedang dan sihir. the push, itulah nama yang ia berikan kepada kucing nya itu.Kota logetouwn adalah kota pertama yang ia temukan, ia mendaftar kan diri di guild sebagai petualang.Apa tujuan seorang remaja itu setelah bereinkarnasi di dunia pedang dan sihir? Apakah ia ingin menjadi pahlawan dan mengalahkan raja iblis atau hidup damai seperti orang biasa pada umumnya?Ikuti kisahnya Mike and the push.



    Teen ROMANCE

    Las amistades verdaderas son inquebrantables. No importa cuánto tiempo pase, o cuanta distancia los separe, la amistad seguirá existiendo.Ese tipo de amistad tenían Hannah Donovan y Chester Bennington.Tras muchos años sin verse, deciden reencontrarse, y rápidamente Hannah se verá envuelta de regreso en la vida de Chester, y todos quienes lo rodean.Entre esas personas está Mike Shinoda, compañero de banda y prácticamente hermano de Chester.Hannah tiene metas definidas para su vida, pero estas se verán cada vez más inalcanzables a medida que el tiempo avanza, y ella se ve involucrada en la vida de Mike, quien no lleva una vida fácil.

  • Mute-Mike


    domestic violence is something children go through and some are not strong enough to fight so to live they die.

  • The Anatomy of Mike Jacobs

    The Anatomy of Mike Jacobs

    The Jacobs family has never been known for anything too good besides their money. Everyone who carried the name always had a huge burden to carry and worse off they were not the brightest…… academically speaking. They had been blessed with the looks of models and wealth only many could dream of but a very questionable thinking capacity.Mike on the other hand was different; he was born third out of four children and got envied by all his siblings including his younger sister. He was the only Jacob who was born different, the only one born special, the only one born with 'it'. He never understood why he was so different, why he wasn’t regular like the rest of his family even if regular meant being different, and not the good kind of different. He always envied himself thinking that him being different was not a good thing, at least that’s what his parents constantly reminded him of, which resulted in him hiding what he had and shying away from the real world.What happens when Mike has finally had enough of his family putting him to shame because he was……different. What happens when he decides that he’s had enough of his family and takes matters into his own hands? Will he ever make up with his family or will his gift be the cause of the unfixable relationship he had with his family…… not that he even had a relationship with them to begin with.

  • Demons of the fog

    Demons of the fog

    In a world divided by magic, where ages of wars created tensions and hatred between humans and Granted, a force of pure malice appeared; slowly ravaging and killing everything. A young human boy, would get himself in the middle of this new war for survival in a world torn apart by pain. Follow the adventure of this hero-to-become that tries to heal generations of anger and save the world from Darkness.

  • Mike _bojz.ke

    Mike _bojz.ke

    To be the person who is creating things and help people

  • My Sister Mike

    My Sister Mike


    "Mike Patterson could do at least one thing better than any of her friends-she could put a hook shot clean into the basket from the middle. of the court. And this seemed to be enough for Mike. She wasn't even envious of her beautiful younger sister Pat, who was very popular. Then Jeff Parker, the idol of Brighthaven High, asked Mike for a date and for a while she was in seventh heaven. But things weren't really as they seemed, and Mike found out that boys aren't always as re liable as they might be. And, in turn, Jeff Parker Tearned a great deal from Mike, who was the most unusual girl he had ever met...

  • Be Here For You

    Be Here For You



    Devan yang seorang gay harus terusir dari keluarga karena itu. Bertahun- tahun memendam jati diri, pria remaja itu malah dikhianati oleh sang kekasih. Ketika remaja itu hampir putus asa karena pengkhianatan yang juga melibatkan anggota keluarga terdekat, secara tiba- tiba ia dipertemukan dengan pria bertatto yang nampak menyeramkan dengan gaya pakaian dan botol alkohol di tangannya. Devan tak pernah menyangka, hidup barunya yang secara penuh ditanggung pria bernama Mike itu akan merubah keseluruhan dirinya. Tampang menyeramkan dengan seringnya Mike bergaul dengan preman jalanan nyatanya tak merubah kepribadian baik pria dewasa itu. Mike bahkan selalu berusaha mengupayakan yang terbaik untuknya hingga memasukkannya ke sekolah elite. Semua peristiwa yang diciptakan oleh Mike pun nyatanya membuat Devan perlahan jatuh hati. Namun Devan berusaha meredamnya karena kesadaran diri dan lagipula Mike pria normal. Dan banyaknya tokoh baru yang seiring berjalannya waktu terus memaksa keduanya untuk jujur pada diri masing- masing.

  • Mike  &  Sarah

    Mike & Sarah

    Sebuah kejutan besar datang menerpa kehidupan 2 sahabat lama, mereka bertemu kembali setelah sekian lama terpisah oleh jarak serta waktu yang berbeda. Pertemuan yang awalnya di dasari oleh keadaan maka lambat laun berubah menjadi desiran aneh diantara mereka masing masing. Hampir setiap hari mereka lalui untuk mengenal satu sama lain, sungguh mereka tidak menyadari kalau mereka merupakan sahabat lama yang terpisah. Sehingga suatu hari mereka memutuskan untuk maju ke jenjang yang serius yaitu "Pernikahan" Awal nya semua tampak normal di kehidupan 2 pasutri muda ini, namun ketika kebenaran terungkap maka bisa kah mereka bertahan sebagai bukti kekuatan cinta mereka?~Sarah Natusha Hanum~ Dokter muda, cerdas dan berbakat hampir di segala bidang membuatnya banyak di incar sebagai menantu oleh keluarga kaya. Namun lamaran yang ada selalu ia tolak dengan sopan dengan alasan dia "Masih ingin belajar lebih banyak dan belum siap menjadi seorang Istri, karena di usianya yang baru menginjak 22 tahun dia sudah menjadi dokter bedah wanita terbaik di kota nya. ~Mike Auzorranof Wijaya~ Seorang pengusaha muda berjaya serta sukses membuat cabang perusahaan nya berkembang pesat dan hampir di belahan benua Asia. Bisa di bilang Mike sebagai generasi ke 3 penerus perusahaan setelah Papa nya. Mike selalu konsistes sejak kecil serta membuatnya sukses sampai sekarang.

  • Meant to be Mine [BL]

    Meant to be Mine [BL]


    Love? Love is meant for the people who can deal with any obstacle in life, to be together for that one person who can make your life feels like everything is magical. And every day is worth living with the person he loves. Gavin a strong, handsome young psychiatrist. Mike strong, handsome, self-made billionaire Mike falls in love at first sight with Gavin. Will Gavin accept him who is finding his answers from life?

  • Lucas, Maru, Bunny, Mike

    Lucas, Maru, Bunny, Mike

  • Mike Begins his journey

    Mike Begins his journey

  • In This House

    In This House

    Aubrey and Alexis are about to become step sisters. Aubrey's mother is marrying Alexis's father in less than a year. With the parents insisting on combining households, Aubrey feels like she is going through hell. Aubrey was pure sweetness. Her skin color was honey, she had thick but soft hair, and a curvy frame. She's taken out of her junior year in high school and away from her closest friends. Aubrey's relationship with her boyfriend Mike is put on rocks and it's all because of her soon-to-be step sister, Alexis. Alexis has always been into girls. She acted like a boy, walked like a boy, and somewhat dressed like a boy. She certainly didn't look like one. Alexis was beautiful. Her body was toned, due to the constant basketball games she played on the court with her group of friends. She also had every gay girl wanting her. The straight girls stared too. Her hair was long, eyes were big and hazel, and her skin was chocolate. Alexis could care less about them, she wanted Aubrey.

  • *poof* [mike]hello? Anyone there

    *poof* [mike]hello? Anyone there



    A guy kills his parents and teaches a dragon to become a monster. Read to find out more about this
