Payne Novels & Books - WebNovel

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About 60 results

  • A Companheira Rejeitada de Alfa Retorna como Rainha

    A Companheira Rejeitada de Alfa Retorna como Rainha


    "Eu, Benson Walton, rejeito você, Selma Payne, como minha futura Luna e companheira. "Se você for sensata, encontrará um lugar calmo para morrer sozinha, em vez de macular a glória de nosso povo. "Você é apenas um sapo feio. Fique na lama quietamente e não sobrecarregue nossa matilha." No décimo nono aniversário de Benson, ele descobriu que éramos companheiros destinados. Mas eu não esperava que ele preferisse suportar grande dor do que me aceitar. Cada palavra que ele dizia atingia diretamente meu coração, e a dor me fazia tremer incontrolavelmente. Descobri que não era filha biológica dos meus pais quando eu tinha dezesseis anos. Mesmo que eles pensassem em mim como um anjo que uma cegonha lhes deu, não mudava o fato de que eu era uma humana fraca e pequena. Era apenas um ovo frágil que cairia com um toque, uma perdedora que nem podia ver a estrada sem a ajuda do luar. Minha existência trouxe vergonha para meus pais e para minha matilha! Talvez eu devesse ter morrido na floresta desde o início. Com esse pensamento em mente, decidi devolver-lhes uma matilha pura e imaculada esta noite. Então, pulei de um penhasco e pensei que iria morrer. Nunca imaginei que seria salva, e minha verdadeira identidade acabou sendo a única filha do Rei Lycan que havia se perdido há dezoito anos. Eu era também a herdeira do trono! Isso me surpreendeu muito. Eu era realmente uma lobisomem? Mas... Por que eu era tão fraca? Será que tudo isso era apenas um erro? Para me tornar uma herdeira qualificada, escondi minha identidade e recebi treinamento. No entanto, aquele instrutor frívolo que estava encarregado de me treinar poderia realmente me ajudar a despertar meu lobo, ou ele estava apenas se aproveitando de mim? Enquanto eu me tornava mais forte e me tornava uma figura pública, outros atacaram e conspiraram contra mim muitas vezes. Eles tinham algo a ver com aqueles que me sequestraram todos aqueles anos atrás? Eu tenho que pegá-los! Eu vou proteger minha família, e meu amado!

  • La Compañera Rechazada de Alfa Regresa como Reina

    La Compañera Rechazada de Alfa Regresa como Reina

    —Yo, Benson Walton, te rechazo, Selma Payne, de ser mi futura Luna y compañera. —Si eres sensata, encontrarás un lugar tranquilo para morir por tu cuenta, en lugar de manchar la gloria de nuestra gente. —Eres solo un sapo feo. Quédate en el lodo tranquilamente, y no cargues a nuestra manada. En el decimonoveno cumpleaños de Benson, descubrió que estábamos destinados a ser compañeros —recordé—. Pero no esperaba que preferiría soportar un gran dolor antes que aceptarme. Cada palabra que dijo chocó directamente contra mi corazón, y el dolor me hizo temblar incontrolablemente. Descubrí que no era la hija biológica de mis padres cuando tenía dieciséis años. Aunque ellos me veían como un ángel que una cigüeña les había dado, no cambió el hecho de que era una pequeña humana débil. Era solo un huevo blando que se caería con un toque, una perdedora que ni siquiera podía ver la calle sin ayuda de la luz de la luna. ¡Mi existencia avergonzaba a mis padres y a mi manada! Tal vez debería haber muerto en el bosque desde el principio —reflexioné—. Con ese pensamiento en mente, decidí devolverles una manada pura e inmaculada esta noche. Entonces, salté de un acantilado y pensé que moriría —recordé mi pasado—. Nunca imaginé que sería salvada, y resultó que mi verdadera identidad era la única hija del Rey Lycan que se había perdido hace dieciocho años. ¡También era la heredera del trono! Eso me sorprendió mucho. ¿Realmente era una mujer lobo? Pero... ¿Por qué era tan débil? ¿Todo esto fue solo un error? Para convertirme en una heredera calificada, oculté mi identidad y recibí entrenamiento. Sin embargo, ¿podría ese frívolo instructor que estaba a cargo de entrenarme realmente ayudarme a despertar a mi lobo, o simplemente se estaba aprovechando de mí? A medida que me volvía más fuerte y me convertía en una figura pública, otros me atacaron y conspiraron contra mí muchas veces. ¿Tenían algo que ver con los que me secuestraron hace todos esos años? ¡Tengo que atraparlos! ¡Protegeré a mi familia y a mi amante!"

  • Alpha’s Rejected Mate Returns as Queen

    Alpha’s Rejected Mate Returns as Queen

    “I, Benson Walton, reject you, Selma Payne, from being my future Luna and mate. “If you’re sensible, you’ll find a quiet place to die on your own, instead of tarnishing our people’s glory. “You’re just an ugly toad. Stay in the mud quietly, and don’t burden our pack.” On Benson’s nineteenth birthday, he found out that we were destined mates. But I didn’t expect that he would rather endure great pain than accept me. Every word he said smashed directly into my heart, and the pain made me tremble uncontrollably. I learned I wasn’t my parents’ biological child when I was sixteen. Although they thought of me as an angel that a stork had given them, it didn’t change the fact that I was a weak, little human. I was just a soft egg who would fall over with a poke, a loser who couldn’t even see the road without help from the moonlight. My existence brought shame to my parents, and to my pack! Perhaps I should have died in the woods from the start. With that thought in mind, I decided to return them a pure and unblemished pack tonight. So, I jumped off a cliff and thought I would die. I never imagined I would be saved, and my true identity turned out to be the Lycan King’s only daughter who had been lost eighteen years ago. I was also heir to the throne! That surprised me a lot. I was actually a werewolf? But… Why was I so weak? Was this all just a mistake? To become a qualified heir, I concealed my identity and received training. However, could that frivolous instructor who was in charge of training me really help me awaken my wolf, or was he simply taking advantage of me? As I grew stronger and became a public figure, others attacked and plotted against me many times. Did they have anything to do with those who kidnapped me all those years ago? I have to catch them! I’ll protect my family, and my lover!

  • Loving Noah Payne

    Loving Noah Payne


    Stephanie is new to college, thrust into a new environment and a budding romance with LSU's heartthrob Noah Payne but with secrets coming to light will she endure or will it shatter more than her trust.

  • Payne: The Absolute King

    Payne: The Absolute King


    “There are times when life is a bitch, so you turn to it and say “Fuck you!” “Those who say that should either be those who think their lives could be salvaged with a “roar. Because more often than not, if you turn to the life and scream such a word, Life would scowl and rape you in the ass. “So, what do you do? Turn to it, look it in the eyes, shrug your shoulders before lopping its head off.” “What if I can’t do that?” “Then you’re fucked.” Payne was a simple man. However, due to unfortunate circumstances, he had an untimely death. But a Goddess saw his plight and sent him down to a different world in the expanding Multiverse. There, Payne willed to live a normal life but found himself in a strange position. "... I'm also dead here." He said as he found out he had no pulse... or even clothes after awakening in the next world. But, Payne continued walking and decided that in this world, he would try to live the best could. Follow as Payne grows, learns, and one day stand as the King of all Monsters across the Multiverse. === Cover not mine

  • MAX PAYNE (the lost soul)

    MAX PAYNE (the lost soul)

  • Transmigrated into a Novel: Payne Gale, The Villain's Spouse

    Transmigrated into a Novel: Payne Gale, The Villain's Spouse


    Our protagonist (Genevieve Dean) had a car accident while holding one of Blake Dickens's works 《i - MAGE》 that made her transmigrated into her favorite fictional novel.She cannot contain her excitement as she then encounters a puddle and into seeing her reflection. Her face was that of Payne Gale, the antagonist's girlfriend. Genevieve was sure of her feelings for Payne Gale's Spouse-to-be (Victus Embers) and was sure that she won't fall for a guy like him.But how long can she keep up with the fake mask and keep her heart under lock and key? And, play her role as the 'Villain's Lover'...

  • Niall Horan, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne,

    Niall Horan, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne,

  • Fairies Punch Too

    Fairies Punch Too

    Fantasy MAGIC TEEN


    AN: The book is currently being edited, I apologize if you have already started to read, it'll should be ready very soon, thank you. WINNER OF WFP #5 FEMALE LEAD (WEAK TO STRONG GOLD TIER ) Eden Mariach is a Fairy and like all Fairies, is expected to sit still and look pretty. In Aria there are two kinds of creatures that live together, the Fairies and the Elves but the Fairies are practically slaves to the Elves. Eden wants to change this but can she? When her very own weak and fragile nature is against her. Lily Larue hates his purple hair and he hates his name, he's not too excited about being a Fairy either plus the fact that he's supposed to be the strongest light Fairy but he can't even light a candle. Poppy Payne is the perfect Fairy Hero but all isn't as it seems. Aster Maloy simply doesn't care, he's emotionless and lost with no sense of right or wrong. Daisy Dane hides his true self because he's scared of being rejected. And Orchid Oak just wants to be different, she wants to count. Six Heroes with different stories and pasts come together to save a city that doesn't want to be saved. Will they be able to put their issues aside to save their Kind? -*- Come talk to me on discord at Aryna Stan#5852 I'd love to hear your thoughts... -*-

  • High-Class Mob

    High-Class Mob



    Read my Other Story: Payne: The Absolute King === As Leo opened his eyes, he found himself in the body that is not his. Colt Edgeworth is a man with little to no information in the story Sword of Heaven. The character Colt Edgeworth died in the hands of his fiancé after experiencing some stabby-stabby action. And that is who Leo had become. ‘I am in a world that has magic, different technology, customs, races, and Gods actually do shit, and I have a woman who loves me but also wants to turn me into swiss cheese...’ He looked at the mirror, contemplated his fate, and came to a single conclusion... ‘So be it, I’ll try living.’ === I do not own the cover pic...I just saw it and thought it was awesome...all rights reserve to the original creator Patreon:

  • Billionaire Wife

    Billionaire Wife


    A marriage is between two people who are in love. But what if the marriage was fixed or arranged and had the potential to last a long time? Or can you fall in love with each other? Odette and Kiel's marriage began similarly, as a fixed marriage for a business. Odette Lim was known as the architect who designed some of the five-star hotels. Most of the hotels she designs are for her family. Odette's family owns the top five-star hotel and restaurant in the country and a construction firm that Odette's dad has owned for years. Odette was an intelligent and fearless type of girl. She was even part of a Taekwondo team when she was in middle school. Odette was the eldest child of the Lim family. Her dad was known for being strict when it came to business. But Odette was a daddy's girl; she got everything she wanted, but not in her father's deal with Mr. Lopez. Her father dared to seal the deal about marriage with the son of her business partner. Odette had no intention of falling in love with her soon-to-be husband. Even though she can make herself feel good, she knew the deal was just for business. She partied all night with her friends just to feel relieved about how her situation would be framed in the future without having the right to decide for herself. Kiel Calvin Lopez was a well-known billionaire actor and model. In his generation, he was known as the "Supreme Idol" for being the top endorser of luxury brands. His films were blockbusters. Together with his co-actor and real-life girlfriend, their love team was incredible. Kiel had a cold personality, and most of the people around him thought his arrogance just came from his wealth and fame. They don't realize he's doing it to avoid making his girlfriend jealous of other girls. Kiel was the eldest son of the Lopez family; he had a twin who was completely different from him. Kiel was the obedient son and the future face of the Lopez Group of Companies. He will take over his father's multinational corporation. Everyone knows that Kiel is next in line as chairman and CEO of the company, yet he wants to pursue his dream of being an international actor. Will he choose to marry someone he knew he had never loved as an obedient son?  Sloan Payne is an actress and model. Even though she was a great actress, some of her haters called him a "wannabe," and another fan thought she just used Kiel because before he entered the entertainment industry he already had a name because of his dad. Sloan was not from a wealthy family, just like Kiel. But she proved to a lot of people that she was not just famous because of her boyfriend but also because she had talent. But will Sloan agree to the idea that her boyfriend will not be her husband in the future and that she should get married to another girl just for business? When will her love be able to fight for their relationship?  In the marriage of two people, what disaster will it be if there is an intruder? Who will he have to choose between her wife and her girlfriend? Will they still have time to realize they've fallen in love with each other, or will it be too late to express their feelings? Will it be Kiel who falls in love with Odette? He was already aware of his feelings for his girlfriend, Sloan. But will he be aware of what he will feel over Odette? Or should he just ignore it because his mind still tells him it's Slovene? It will be too late for Kiel to discover it, or will he make a move to make things right between him and Odette? Or was it Odette who would realize she was slowly falling for her husband? She had a feeling Kiel already belonged to someone else. Despite my best efforts to keep feelings away from him, she never knew what her heart was saying. Will she fight her love for Kiel or let it go? Is it worth fighting for? Will she choose what will make her happy or not?

  • The Almighty Saiyan of the Omniverse

    The Almighty Saiyan of the Omniverse


    (I only own my character and my made up wives of character. So don't sue me for the realitys I choose. I will be making up most the story, little research on main story's if I don't know it. I am doing my own thing though, so I'm not going to have my character go by the main story. I am fluent in English, but no other languages, I might misspell words though so correct if you want to on comments, I won't read all comments. I also won't have a set time to post my fan fic. oh if you dont like the way my fan fic is going or like it period then make suggestions, or just fuck off my fan fic if you are haters, or just leave if its not your tipe of read. Also im a new wrighter on here so help is wanted if any of you have free time or if you want to.)Most the beginning of the story Raven will be training from the beginning of the creation of dbz multivers, but in univers 7 she will be till she hits super saiyan 100 naturally non rage versain. That will take 100s of billions of yrs to trillions maby. She will be an uncaring character who will mainly focus of what she wants, not caring about what others want unless it involves her many spouses that will build over time.I will be having my character also just build a ship for the fun of it with parts that are useful from the many realities.Realities that are planned for now maby more later1: dragon ball (I'll be making it up)2: star wars(I'll be making it up)3: magic and sword world/ universe(I'll breaking it up)4: star trec5: I might do either crazy level system world or the mightiest level system universe or just mix them together(there is not much a difference in them. Help me pick if you like the read)6:?

  • The High Dragons Mate

    The High Dragons Mate

    Michael and his guards were on a mission for information. What they didn't expect was to find a child roaming the White Woods who would crawl into their hearts. As King of the North, he was resigned with the fact he would never mate, but someone forgot to tell his dragon that. To make things worse there was a war brewing and he had a kingdom to run. He didn't have time to deal with any of this. All Sky wanted was a family of her own. That's why she followed a group of strangers as a child when she ran across them in the woods. From day one she knew she wanted to by the pretty dragon with black hair's side. Unfortunately, life kept dealing her bad hands and all she ever seemed to do was make him angry.

  • The Lycan King's Mate

    The Lycan King's Mate

    Sorry if anything is messed up. This is my first story. I hope you enjoy. I will add more chapters to it. Just wanted to get a feel of everything. Please let me know of you have ideas for the story! HAPPY READING!

  • Hell Hound (Thompson Falls Series)

    Hell Hound (Thompson Falls Series)

    Elizabeth is new to town and finds there is a lot of secrets this town hides. When she discovers a girl half dead in her barn does her world get turn upside down. Shaw has lived most of his life in his wolf form. He's never met anyone who's ever made him want to walk around on two legs. That's until he meets a fiery redhead who pushes him to his limits.




    My love? Damn, who would have thought such endearment would light up my whole world? I think, no, I know I want this man forever. I don't see the time, the hour, or the day it happened, but I know he feels just like home. "Feelings for you. I want to be with you more than I care to admit. You would probably reject me." I sounded sad. He sat down beside me and placed an arm around my shoulders. The gesture comforted me, and I leaned in against him. Helena and her mother moved to a small town six months ago, and things are not as they seem. Although she has her reservations, she manages to befriend someone, and then Helena meets him, the guy who will turn her world upside down and make her see things she never thought she would. Listen to Helena's journey through her own eyes and see if she will understand the bond that ties her to her mate.

  • Safari




  • Shatteredsoul Series

    Shatteredsoul Series



    join Wil Payne as his world is turned upside down. In a twisting story of reincarnation lost family and magic. Grem Shatteredsoul ( AKA Wil Payne ) is brought back to his home world 1000 years after his family's fall. Will he manage to overcome the difficulties or will he give up along the way?

  • Manly Woman~

    Manly Woman~


    Joanna Milan Payne traveled from Modern 2020 to attack on titan.It all started because of a evil stepmothers hate for her.
