Ki Novels & Books - WebNovel

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About 741 results

  • The Legend Of Liu Feng

    The Legend Of Liu Feng


    Liu Feng was born with a strong body but with a weakling spirit that affected his legs. With a fortunate encounter, he would embark on a journey to awaken his bloodline. Would he achieve his goals in a world where the strongest survives?



  • The Desolate Era

    The Desolate Era



    Fate had never been kind to Ji Ning. Wracked by illnesses and infirm his entire life on Earth, Ning knew early on that he would die as a teenager. What he didn’t know was that there really was such a thing as life after death, and that the universe was a far larger place than he thought. A lucky twist of fate (one of the few in Ning’s life) meant that Ning was reborn into a world of Immortals and monsters, of Ki Refiners and powerful Fiendgods, a world where Dynasties lasted for millions of years. A world which is both greater…and yet also smaller…than he ever could imagine. He would have the opportunity to join them, and in this life, Ning swore to himself, he would never let himself be weak again! The Era he was born into was a Desolate one, but Ning would make it his era.

  • La era desolada

    La era desolada


    El destino nunca había sido amable con Ji Ning. Destrozado por dolencias y enfermo toda su vida en la tierra, supo desde el principio que moriría de adolescente. Lo que no sabía era que realmente existía la vida después de la muerte y que el universo era un lugar mucho más grande de lo que imaginaba. Un giro afortunado del destino (uno de los pocos en la vida de Ning) lo llevó a renacer en un mundo de Inmortales y monstruos, de Refinadores de Ki y poderosos Dioses Demonio. Un mundo donde las Dinastías duraban millones de años. Un mundo que era más grande y a la vez más pequeño de lo que él podría imaginar. Se le presentaría la oportunidad de unirse a ellos y, en esta vida, Ning se juró a sí mismo que nunca más sería débil. La era en la que nació era desolada, pero Ning la convertiría en su era.

  • Ketika Cinta Menemukan Tuannya

    Ketika Cinta Menemukan Tuannya



    "Aku Mencintainya, walaupun aku tahu kalau itu berbahaya! " ............... Novel ini bercerita tentang kehidupan seorang wanita asal Indonesia yang memiliki pengalaman buruk akan cinta. Calon suaminya terpaksa harus menikahi sepupunya disaat undangan pernikahannya sudah tersebar. Ditengah ke malangan nya itu, ia melarikan diri ke Korea Selatan. Di Hari pertamanya ia malah bertemu dengan Kim Lion yang merupakan lelaki kejam yang berkuasa di Seoul. Kim Lion menjalankan perusahaan milik keluarganya sebagai CEO di KI Grup yang merupakan salah satu perusahaan paling berpengaruh di Korea Selatan. Sayangnya, Kim Liom adalah lelaki sombong yang menganggap dirinya paling sempurna sehingga tidak ada wanita yang pantas untuk menjadi pendampingnya. Suatu hari Kim Lion bertemu dengan gadis yang aneh dan terlihat sangat biasa. Gadis itu adalah satu-satunya wanita yang membenci Kim Lion karena selalu mengusik hidupnya yang tenang, dia adalah Nana perempuan mungil asal Indonesia yang tidak cantik dan tidak juga jelek. Semenjak bertemu dengan Nana, Lion pun merasa resah dan tidak tenang karena ia selalu memikirkan Nana seperti orang gila. Kim Lion menggunakan segala cara agar Nana menjadi miliknya sehingga pada suatu hari, Nana terpaksa menjadi pelayannya. Kim Lion tahu kalau dia jatuh cinta sama Nana, namun dia tidak tahu bagaimana cara menyampaikannya. .......................................................................... "Dasar Iblis, apa yang kamu inginkan dariku?". Nana melotot ketika melihat Kim Lion memblokir tubuhnya di dinding kamar mewah itu. "Kenapa kamu selalu menolakku?". Wajah Lion semakin mendekat sehingga Nana merasa Frustasi. "Kenapa aku harus menerima Iblis sepertimu?". Nana memberanikan diri menantang tatapan jahat Kim Lion. "Karena Aku adalah Kim Lion. Lelaki tampan dan kaya raya yang dipuji oleh semua wanita. Jika kamu bersamaku, maka aku pastikan akan membuatmu menjadi wanita paling beruntung. Bagaimana?". Jawab Kim Lion sambil tersenyum licik. ......................................................................... Bagaimana dengan Nana? Akankah Dia mau hidup bersama lelaki kasar dan sombong seperti Kim Lion? Atau, dia memilih lelaki lain yang merupakan musuh sekaligus sahabat Kim Lion yang super baik dan tampan?. Temukan jawabannya dengan mengikuti setiap bab di novel ini. Kalau Kalian suka, jangan lupa dukung novel ini dengan memberi Power Stone sebanyak-banyaknya. Dan tulis pendapat kalian di kolom review dan komentar agar saya bisa memperbaiki yang salah. Satu Power Stone dan Komentar atau Review dari kalian adalah penyemangat saya untuk menulis. Happy Reading! Instagram. @azzahra_tina mampir Juga di Karyaku yang Lain. 1.Istri Kecil Tuan Ju 2. Pelengkap Hidupku. 3. Flower Of Evil

  • Menikah dengan Mantan

    Menikah dengan Mantan



    WARNING 21+ (ADA KALIMAT KASAR DAN ADEGAN DEWASA YANG BELUM CUKUP UMUR TAPI MASIH NAKAL, JANGAN TERLALU MENDALAMI KARENA INI HANYA CERITA.) KEHIDUPAN NYATA TIDAK SEINDAH KISAH DI NOVEL. Volume 1 Pertemuan dan Perjuangan :(Bab 1-100) Ananta Putri Sidqia gadis berparas cantik 25 tahun yang harus hidup sebatang kara akibat kecelakaan mobil yang di alaminya bersama keluarganya. Suatu hari dia melamar pekerjaan di perusahaan elit yang bergerak di bidang industri meuble yang cukup besar. Dia akhirnya di terima kerja di perusahaan itu sebagai OG. Semua berjalan manis hingga tidak sengaja dia bertemu kembali dengan sang mantan kekasih saat dia masih duduk di bangku kelas sepuluh SMA. Mantannya yang menghilang tanpa kabar setelah di nyatakan lulus. Apa yang akan terjadi pada Qia sapaan si gadis itu ketika tiba-tiba saja sang mantan berlutut di hadapannya dan mengeluarkan kotak beludru yang di dalamnya terdapat cincin berlian. Menerima atau menolak?Volume 2 After Marriage:(Bab 101 - belum di ketehaui)Kenan Melviano Pradipa sang mantan dari Ananta Putri Sidqia yang ternyata hanya memanfaatkan Qia untuk bisa kembali bersama dengan kekasihnya tanpa takut ketahuan oleh orang lain ataupun sang kakek yang menolak kekasihnya. Apa yang akan terjadi ketika Qia mengetahui jika Kenan memiliki hubungan dengan seseorang di belakangnya. Orang yang tidak pernah ada dalam benak Qia bahwa Kenan akan menajalin hubungan dengan orang itu. Orang itu adalah Raka Mahardika, seorang pria yang wajahnya tampan seperti oppa-oppa korea dan Qia sudah menganggap Raka sebagai Kakaknya sendiri.Akankah Qia bertahan dengan pernikahannya bersama Kenan supaya Kenan bisa kembali ke kodratnya mencintai seorang wanita. Ataukah Qia akan pergi dari kehidupan Kenan dan tidak pernah mau kembali lagi karena telah di kecewakan begitu dalam oleh Kenan?

  • Cuộc hôn nhân bí mật đầy ngọt ngào: Vợ yêu bé bỏng của đại gia tài phiệt

    Cuộc hôn nhân bí mật đầy ngọt ngào: Vợ yêu bé bỏng của đại gia tài phiệt


    Kiếp trước, Cố Vi Vi bị chính người đàn ông mình yêu đem trái tim của cô cấy ghép cho người bạn thân mà cô tín nhiệm nhất. Cô chết đi sống lại, trở thành cô bạn gái nhỏ của tài phiệt đệ nhất Trung Quốc, Phó Hàn Tranh. Cô cẩn trọng từng bước, báo thù kẻ hãm hại mình. Anh ở bên bảo vệ, hết mực yêu thương cô. Ai cũng nói Phó Hàn Tranh là kẻ kiêu ngạo lạnh lùng, bạc tình, vô nhân tính. Vậy chẳng lẽ người chồng hoàn mỹ ngày nào cũng trêu chọc cô tới mặt đỏ tim đập, sủng cô vô pháp vô thiên kia, là giả sao? “Tiên sinh, ở trường học có rất nhiều nam sinh theo đuổi phu nhân.” “Cho toàn bộ nam sinh trong trường nghỉ học, biến trường của cô ấy thành trường nữ sinh cho tôi.” “Tiên sinh, có tin đồn gán ghép phu nhân và một nam minh tinh đang nổi tiếng trong giới giải trí là một đôi.” “Phong sát nam minh tinh kia đi.” (“Phong sát” là ngăn cản mọi hoạt động trong giới giải trí của ai đó.) “Nam minh tinh kia là em trai anh.” “Vậy thì đánh chết cậu ta đi.”

  • Meri Phuppo Ki Beti

    Meri Phuppo Ki Beti


    Sheroze Khan a 23-year-old Pakistani living in UK has eyes in which girls can stare for hours, lips that make the perfect smile, cheeks that make the perfect dimple that makes the girls skip a beat. And when he opens his mouth his voice is like OMG. Hoorain Ali, A pretty 19-year-old having sarcasm as her second language, quite crazy, friendly girl living in Pakistan.Dive in to know about the two and how will they end up together...

  • Disrobe




    [Mature content] The King gets what he wants, always. “He's very rough." A mistress whispers to the woman standing beside her. “He’s inhuman, breeds a new kink everyday. I was so close to being chosen last week." Another mumbles. “Never make eye contact with him, he hates it.” The middle aged lady whispers in my ear, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. -x- The embodiment of Ruthless, Vain, Perverted : King Min Yun Ki. Attracted to what he deems pious and pure when his hands are dripping in the blood of his own. The reigns shift when a mere commoner rises to the ranks of The Queen Consort as his supposedly faithful better half. Can she infiltrate the man who sees her nothing more than just a slice of steak- medium rare? *The art is from Pinterest, editing is done by me.

  • Ki no shūtoku (mastery of ki)

    Ki no shūtoku (mastery of ki)

    After the collapse of the world and the near extinction of humankind, people finally regain their footing and slowly human societies start to flourish again, Now many, many years later young ki-master Si-Woo must grow stronger. To protect his family? To stand up to those who wish to see human societies in shambles again? Only the future can tell. A Future fraught with mysteries, friendships, dangers and adventures.

  • A ki a

    A ki a

  • Luận Kiếm Toàn Cầu

    Luận Kiếm Toàn Cầu

    Theo đuổi “Nhất đế” “Nhị hậu” “Tam vương” “Thất hầu” “Thập tam hào” ba năm dài, trước đêm “Luận kiếm toàn cầu ở Hoa Sơn”, Trần Khải Tâm bất ngờ bị tên tiểu nhân âm hiểm chuốc say không thể tham gia luận kiếm, hôm sau lại bị mai phục dưới chân núi Thiếu Thất, cảnh giới rớt không ngừng. Hoàn toàn mất đi cơ hội chen chân vào hàng ngũ cường giả đứng đầu “Giang hồ”, Khải Tâm chán nản đăng xuất game, rời khỏi “Giang hồ” từ đây. Thế nhưng… điều khiến hắn không ngờ là, trong cái đêm giông tố mơ màng ấy, hắn lại tỉnh mộng, trở về thời sinh viên ba năm trước, khi “Giang hồ” mới ra mắt chưa đầy một tháng. Giờ khắc này, Trần Khải Tâm đã ra quyết định! Trong cuộc luận bàn kiếm thuật ở Hoa Sơn ba năm sau… Chắc chắn cái tên “Khai Tâm” sẽ được cả thế giới khắc ghi! Nhưng ngay lúc này, điều hắn phải đối mặt là sự xấu hổ sau khi tỏ tình thất bại với hoa khôi của khoa – Hứa Hinh…

  • Married To An Heir

    Married To An Heir



    "I love him, even though I don't know if it's good or not"................This novel tells the story of a woman from Indonesia who has a bad experience of love. Her prospective husband was forced to marry her cousin when the invitations for her wedding had spread. In the midst of her misfortune, she fled to South Korea. On the first day she even met Kim Leon who was a cruel man who ruled in Seoul. Kim Leon runs his family owned company as CEO of KI Group which is one of the most influential companies in South Korea. Unfortunately, Kim Leon is an arrogant man who considers himself the most perfect so that no woman deserves to be his best man. One day Kim Leon meets a strange girl who looks very ordinary. That girl is the only woman who hates Kim Leon for always disturbing his quiet life, she is Nana, a tiny Indonesian woman who is neither beautiful nor ugly. Since meeting Nana, Leon has felt restless and uneasy because he always thinks of Nana like crazy. Kim Leon used everything he could to make Nana his own so that one day, Nana was forced to become his servant. Kim Leon knows that he is in love with Nana, but he doesn't know how to convey it. .................................................. ........................ "You devil, what do you want from me?". Nana glared when she saw Kim Leon blocking her body against the wall of the luxurious room. "Why do you always reject me?". Leon's face is getting closer so Nana feels frustrated. "Why do I have to accept a devil like you?". Nana dared to challenge Kim Leon's evil gaze. "Because I am Kim Leon, a handsome and rich man who is praised by all women. If you are with me, then I will make sure to make you the luckiest woman. How?". Kim Leon replied with a sly smile. .................................................. ....................... What about Nana? Will she want to live with a rude and arrogant man like Kim Leon? Or did she choose another man who was Kim Leon's super good and handsome enemy and best friend? Find the answer by following each chapter in this novel. If you like it, don't forget to support this novel by giving as many Power Stones as possible. And write your opinion in the review and comments column so that I can correct what is wrong. One Power Stone and your comments or reviews are my encouragement to write. Happy Reading! Instagram. @azzahra_tina

  • porn ki*****

    porn ki*****

  • Dil ki Awaaz

    Dil ki Awaaz

    This book contains Romanised Hindi and Urdu content. You don't need to think while writing poetries, all you need is to feel the emotions. Not all the emotions can be felt by everyone, some are just my perceptions about what I would have felt in that situation. I hope I reach your heart with the help of my words.

  • Immortal Ki Technique

    Immortal Ki Technique

    In life I devoted myself to my King and my martial arts, giving up everything else: friends, family, love and even wealth. After death, I was reborn into a world filled with powerful beasts and chaos. Why can't I have it all on my second chance?

  • Aliza ki kahani us ki jabani

    Aliza ki kahani us ki jabani

    It's a reality of life

  • Andhi duniya ki matlam ki duniya

    Andhi duniya ki matlam ki duniya

  • Ki&Ta


    Teen ROMANCE

    "Bila aku dan dia berjodoh, aku dan dia akan di pertemukan kembali walau pun sejauh jaraknya ia berada. takdir dan waktu yang akan mempertemukan aku dan dia kembali"***"sudah berbagai cara aku menjauhi mu tetapi tuhan selalu punya cara agar aku dan kamu selalu bersama, tetapi siapa sangka saat aku berusaha menjauhi mu, tuhan menjadi kan aku dan kamu menjadi kita"jangan lupa vote, komen, dan ramein di setiap chapter!!Dukungan kalian sangat berarti bagi aku

  • Quậy Tung Hogwarts

    Quậy Tung Hogwarts

    Kiếp trước, Alina sống tại một đất nước phương Đông và là fan chính hiệu của bộ tiểu thuyết Harry Potter. Kiếp này, Alina là chị đại trong một cô nhi viện nhỏ bé gần hồ Lomond, nước Anh. Giống như tất cả những nhân vật chính trong bộ tiểu thuyết Harry Potter nổi tiếng, vào thời điểm này, Alina cũng đã bắt đầu nhận được thư cú được chuyển tới từ học viện Ma thuật và Pháp thuật Hogwarts. Tuy là một fan chính hiệu, nhưng cô bé lại rất bài xích với việc phải tới ngôi trường đó học nên tìm mọi cách để phản đối điều đó. Giáo sư Albus Dumbledore đã nhận ra điều đặc biệt và sức mạnh tiềm ẩn ở cô bé kì lạ này nên cụ đã cố gắng thuyết phục Alina tới Hogwarts mà không hề lường trước được rằng không chỉ cụ mà cả Hogwarts sẽ chịu sự ảnh hưởng rất lớn từ cô bé.
