1992 Novels & Books - WebNovel

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About 63 results

  • Comeback 1992

    Comeback 1992

    What if life could be repeated?But he became the clan uncle who was once called a lunatic?Alas, wearing open-crotch pants in front of me, crawling on the ground, is it my two-year-old self?I originally wanted to give my former self more New Year’s money, but I never thought that I would go from a braised pork stall to a food giant, from a small factory to an industrial empire.

  • 起航1992



  • 种地从1992开始



  • Dandian, 1992

    Dandian, 1992


    Cerita ini menceritakan sebuah cerita hidup dari anak yang bernama Dandian dalam lika-liku kehidupannya.Berawal dari masa kecilnya, ia tumbuh besar seiring berjalannya waktu. Bertemu dengan sekian banyak orang yang menjadi faktor-faktor tertentu bagi kehidupannya. Drama, Asmara, aksi dan lain sebagainya yang ia alami sebagai perjalanan hidup oleh Dandian, seseorang yang berkelahiran pada tahun 1992. Di dalam dunia yang hitam, putih, dan abu-abu ini, Dandian, ia belajar, "hidup".--Cerita ini bersifat fiktif, tidak berdasar dari kebencian kepada suatu bentuk perorangan maupun bidang atau badan. Setiap jalan cerita di bentuk secara fiktif dari ide dan imajinasi penulis demi membentuk alur suatu cerita untuk kedepannya tanpa maksud-maksud tersembunyi. Fiksi ini diciptakan secara fiktif semata, demi menciptakan suatu kreasi bagi penulis.

  • 1992(working title)

    1992(working title)

    Realistic BL

    Pennsylvania 1992: They're banning gay people from being in the Boy Scouts but what if they never knew you were gay. That's the case for Danial, to live in a world where you have to hide who you are and sneak around everywhere you can, pretending to be straight. It's hard to find love but once you find it you never let it go.

  • The Great idol (continue)

    The Great idol (continue)

    Thirty years later, or in the more distant future, when people recall the splendor of rock music in the 90s and the splendor of Hollywood movies, will they bring up such a name, “Hugo Lancaster”, and will they She said repeatedly, “I think back then, I experienced the age when Hugo created miracles.”On January 14, 1992, Hugo Lancaster received his first Worst Actor Award in tears at the 12th Golden Raspberry Awards, becoming the first person to come to the scene to receive the gold. The characters of the Raspberry Award have left their mark on the page of history. However, since then, Hugo has embarked on a completely different path, opening his life long enough to be recorded in the annals of history. His name is destined to become the most shining symbol in the history of music and film.In 1993, when the rock and roll heroes came together, and in 1994 when the film masters gathered, the name of Hugo Lancaster has become one of the members that cannot be ignored.

  • Kenobi1992


  • 霍格沃茨新教授


    1992年的夏天,霍格沃茨将要开设一门全新课程,需要一位新教授的讯息,通过《预言家日报》、《唱唱反调》等报纸,很快就传遍了魔法界,为之意动的人数不胜数,纷纷写信送到霍格沃茨。 夏然·弗雷蒙,作为从霍格沃茨毕业了八年的巫师,他也想重回霍格沃茨并担任教授职位,而且他还收到了邓布利多校长的回信,邀请他几天后去霍格沃茨参加面试,高兴之余,夏然发现自己有一个当务之急,他必须向自己的顶头上司,也就是魔法部第一大部门魔法法律执行司的司长,提出辞职!

  • De las cenizas comenzar de nuevo

    De las cenizas comenzar de nuevo

    una casa sobreviviente de Valyria

  • The Succubus Series

    The Succubus Series


    Mia was a normal girl wanting love. After dying in a tragic accident, she awakes to find that she's turned into something sinister and begins to find her power. "Lamia, are you seeing this shit?" I internally asked as my eyes grew wide. "Give me control NOW" she yelled. As soon as I released for her to take control, the car was hit again, sliding forward at a speed that felt like we were still driving. Lamia lifted B's torso so he didn't scrape the road as we moved and dug my knees into the steering wheel. Once we stopped, Lamia planted us on the ground where the window used to be and jumped. She had to have jumped 10 foot easily. She landed, digging our knee into the road and leaving a small crater. Following the string from the second hit, whatever hit us was in the sky. Looking up Lamia thought "Well thats not good. It's got wings." Lamia took a quick scan of the surroundings and saw we were nowhere. The only light that showed were the headlights from the car on its side. "Listen Lamia", "I hear it" the slow beat of wings rang through the night sky when suddenly they stopped and we heard a whooshing sound. I could hear Lamia internally counting the seconds when she jumped unexpectedly towards the car hitting something mid-air before it could hit the vehicle again. "What was that?" I asked feeling the wings form around our body as we connected. "Silent. Concentrating." was all she said in return. The body lay silent 30 feet from us in the road. Lamia locked on to it and took a fighting stance facing it and again started her countdown. "I think its dead" I thought but she ignored me. When she hit 1, the cracking noise started. She ran towards it as it flipped an arm and planted it in the road. Before it even had a chance to really get up, she kicked at it with a force I had never seen before. The creature spread it wings and was gone before she could hit it. She planted her feet sliding across the road before we stopped. "Gressil I know it's you!" she yelled at the sky. After receiving no response, she yelled again "Don't make me kill you! You know I can!". The flapping came closer and we looked up to see a disgusting figure hovering over us looking over at us curiously. It looked like his face and skin was melting off. "Drop the act." she calmly stated.

  • Heshan1992


  • 逆流纯真年代


    时光是一艘航船,有人喜欢把90年代初的那几年,视为曾经那个纯真年代的最后一程。岁月更迭中早已不再单纯的江澈,逆流归来,重启1992,书写一场终于可以被妥善安放的璀璨青春。 【欢迎加入逆流纯真年代VIP二群:497283806(入群要全订截图,这次我试试多说话)】

  • Back to 1991

    Back to 1991

    This is an uncivilized era where bears, tyrants, and heroes coexist. When people had an average salary of one or two hundred, there was a group of people who made a lot of money every day and quickly completed primitive accumulation in this blank era. Chai Jin, who was reborn in 1992, stood on the old green train going south, looking out the window at the land greened by the spring breeze of reform, with sharp eyes: I want huge wealth! A magnificent business legend was born from then on!

  • My Devil || by: badgirlsuga1992

    My Devil || by: badgirlsuga1992


    Um demônio cujo nome ..., "vai à terra", fazer com que ... se arrependa de reclamar de sua vida

  • 王牌大明星


      天生过目不忘的萧然重生了,回到十八岁,却发现身处于平行世界。   这里科技发达,这里国家强盛,可惜文化产业却面临着一个断层。   这里没有BEYOND,没有四大天王,没有杰伦,也没有港产片,甚至连金古黄梁温这些武侠名家也统统没有。   于是萧然决定亲手再将这些文艺经典带给这个世界……   新书《娱乐圈教父》现已上传,求各种支持!

  • 风云1999



  • JAN 1992. I paid my first visit to Uzuakoli. It·was then a famous mark

    JAN 1992. I paid my first visit to Uzuakoli. It·was then a famous mark

  • 日本娱乐家


    郑重声明:新读者请直接从鸟线开始阅读。前面的不看也不影响什么。 …… 1992年,泡沫经济时期即将进入尾声。失去的十年即将结束,景气却根本不见到来…… 这一年,小猫俱乐部已经解散,ZARD如日中天,SMAP迅速崛起,而未来那个号称年收五十亿的秋元康则早已陷入了生活的最低谷…… 或许,这是一个最好的时代。 群号:717698300

  • The Toki-Girl and the Sparrow-Boy

    The Toki-Girl and the Sparrow-Boy

    Claire Youmans first went to Japan in 1992 and was immediately captivated. After years of travel and study, she continues to be charmed and amazed by a fascinating history and a culture that's both endearingly quirky and entirely unique. She is a retired lawyer who now lives in Tokyo. Her family, including her daughter and two grandsons, live in Seattle, USA. In 2014, she started Tales of the Meiji Era with The Toki-Girl and the Sparrow-Boy's unparalleled blend of historical fantasy in the first book of the series, Coming Home. She continues exploring the combination of history and folklore to share her love and fascination with a very different country and culture. Exciting adventures continue to unfold in this delightful fantastical yet historical world as social and political changes expand, technology explodes, and two very unusual children grow up.

  • Shura Warrior God

    Shura Warrior God


    The palm splits the heavenly palace town sun and moon, the sword cuts the netherworld to tread the nine heavens, the world's mortals trillion, Shura becomes a god I am the wildest! I am the proud son of heaven, but I was framed by a villain and abandoned by my family. He fell I, Chu Feng, vowed to kill my way back to the nine heavens and take back everything that belongs to me! All people see me as a Shura, but they don't know that I will become a martial god with my Shura!
