Amelia Lia Novels & Books - WebNovel

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  • Meu Ex Marido Quer Voltar Comigo Após 3 Anos de Divórcio

    Meu Ex Marido Quer Voltar Comigo Após 3 Anos de Divórcio



    Conheça Erika Walters, uma mulher que abandonou sua família rica e estilo de vida caro, escondeu sua identidade só para se casar com o homem que amava. Um homem que sua família a alertou para não correr atrás se ela não quisesse ter o coração partido. Ignorando sua família, Erika se casou com Adrian Hart. Adrian era contra o casamento, pelo fato de nunca ter tido sentimentos por Erika. No entanto, os dois se uniram por causa da matriarca da família Hart, a vovó Elizabeth. O casamento deveria ser uma jornada doce para uma mulher que acabou de ser aceita por sua família, mas o de Erika foi o oposto. Ser tratada como criada não era um dos papéis de uma mulher casada. Todos os seus sogros a tratavam como sujeira. Seu marido continuamente a traía com sua amante, Felicia Evans, a quem sua avó sempre desprezou. Depois de testemunhar seu marido fazendo sexo com sua amante em sua cama matrimonial, Erika não aguentava mais a tortura. Ela tinha atingido seu limite de resistência. Ela não podia permitir que seu coração continuasse sendo brincado como se fosse algum brinquedo. Erika pegou os papéis de divórcio, assinou seu nome e saiu da Mansão Hart com a promessa de que voltaria e faria com que perdessem tudo pelo que já haviam trabalhado muito. Amor? Ela tem três irmãos mais velhos que a adoram. Erika voltou para sua família e começou a tramar contra seus ex-sogros até que encontrou Ethan, seu amigo de infância com quem se esbarrou anos atrás. **** Excerto “Você realmente é uma vagabunda”, Adrian cuspiu em desgosto. Erika olhou para ele calmamente. “Na última vez que chequei, Sr. Hart. Nós não somos mais parentes, então por que te incomoda se eu sou uma vagabunda ou não?” Ela o questionou friamente. “Já que você tem um bom olho para identificar quem é uma vagabunda, por que ainda não descobriu a principal vagabunda da sua família?” Ela o questionou de volta. **** Erika conseguirá se vingar com sucesso? Como Adrian reagirá ao ver que ela seguiu em frente? Adrian e Felicia terão um final feliz? Erika sentirá algum arrependimento depois de se vingar? Haverá mais segredos que ela descobrirá em sua jornada de vingança? Descubra mais clicando no livro; Meu Ex Marido Me Quer De Volta Depois De 3 Anos De Divórcio **** Olá pessoal Este é o meu primeiro livro Ainda sou novata Então, espero que vocês gostem deste livro Mas não se esqueçam de me dar seu apoio e incentivo Obrigada

  • Mia is Not a Trouble-Maker!

    Mia is Not a Trouble-Maker!

    General NOROMANCE


    The Miller family had a troublemaker in the family. Her name was Amelia Miller. Her mother died in childbirth when she was born. Her stepmother fell off a flight of stairs while pregnant and died. Amelia's father punished her by making her face the wall in the attic. The attic was dark and humid, and there was no sunlight at all. Nobody brought her food, and Amelia thought she might very well die there. Moments before her death, she dialed a number that her mother had told her before she passed away. After she hung up, there were rumbling sounds all around her. The Miller family's residence was surrounded by a group of bodyguards dressed in black. Eight men got out of their cars, each with a different aura. They went directly to the attic. The man who led them went down on one knee and held Amelia, unconscious, in his arms. He had a solemn expression on his face. "The Miller family needs to go bankrupt." After sleeping the entire night, Amelia woke up to find that her father was bankrupt. Her family members were all homeless. Meanwhile, she... She had eight uncles and a kind grandfather who loved her dearly. Amelia's father regretted what he did, and he was unwilling to accept his fate. So what if Amelia was living a good life now? She was still the troublemaker who got her mother killed and her father bankrupt! Little did he know, after Amelia returned to her uncle's house, their luck only seemed to improve. Even her bedridden grandmother could now get out of bed and dance in the square! Finally, a god-like man claimed to be her father. He pampered her to the point where the entire world became envious of her.

  • Contract Marriage: From Vows To Vengeance

    Contract Marriage: From Vows To Vengeance



    What good could come out of a loveless marriage birthed from a bitter feud?Amelia Hudgens' dream of a marital bliss filled with love was shattered when she was married off to Daniel Theodore as a pawn for an ancient vendetta. Her husband, Daniel, was a cruel and abusive man who tormented her with his mistress and his fists. He shattered her dreams of happiness and freedom, leaving her broken and hopeless.Hope bloomed, fragile as a butterfly's wing, when she discovered life stirring within her, but fate had other plans. A tragic accident took away her unborn baby, leaving her shattered and alone. Daniel blamed her for everything, even in the hospital where she was recovering. He showed no mercy, only malice.Amelia wanted to end her misery, to jump from a bridge and drown in the sea. But as she was about to take the final plunge, she crossed paths with Cullen, a mysterious man who saved her from the brink of death. He was kind and gentle, a soothing balm for her wounded soul. He offered her a chance to start over, to heal from her past.But could Amelia trust him? Could she rebuild her life and find happiness again? Could she stand up against Daniel, who would stop at nothing to get her back? Was Cullen's help all genuine?

  • A Herdeira Contra-Ataca

    A Herdeira Contra-Ataca


    Sharon era uma pessoa comum, enquanto seu marido, Wallace Harris, era um homem promissor e bonito. Sua família era uma das mais prestigiosas e ricas de Nova York. Casar-se com Wallace foi um acidente. Ao longo de seus três anos de casamento, Wallace nunca havia dormido com Sharon. Sua família também continuava persuadindo-o a se divorciar de Sharon. Era a festa de aniversário da velha matriarca da família Harris, e todos os jovens da família Harris haviam dado os presentes mais caros possíveis para agradar a velha senhora - exceto Sharon. Ela pediu para pegar dinheiro emprestado com a Madame Harris para a antiga empregada doméstica, Tio Smith, pois ele não tinha dinheiro para pagar seu tratamento médico. Mas, como esperado, a família Harris a humilhou quando ela pediu. "A família Harris nunca teve um parente pobre como você. Não ouse aparecer na minha frente novamente! Wallace deveria ter se casado com Crystal. Ela é certamente uma jovem senhora digna de se casar com nossa família!", disse Madame Harris. "Por favor saiba o seu lugar e saia daqui. Não fique mais em nossa casa. Como pode o avô de Wallace ser tão tolo a ponto de casar uma mulher pobre e inútil como você com meu filho?!", disse June, a mãe de Wallace. "São apenas alguns milhões de dólares, mas você é tão pobre que precisa pedir emprestado à nossa família. Como uma mulher como você merece estar com Wallace? Se fosse Crystal, ela definitivamente não nos teria envergonhado tanto!" Naquela noite, Wallace entregou a Sharon um cartão bancário, que continha milhões de dólares. "A empresa está se desenvolvendo, então não tenho muito dinheiro. Você pode usar isso para ajudar o Tio Smith." Diante da hostilidade da família Harris, Wallace declarou: "Desde que me casei com ela, ela é minha responsabilidade. A riqueza, ou a falta dela, não importa; Sharon é minha esposa." Foi somente quando um estranho se aproximou de Sharon um dia. Só então Sharon soube que era filha de uma família prestigiosa, que tinha direito a receber ativos no valor de pelo menos dez bilhões. De repente, ela se tornou dona da maior empresa de Nova York e de um cartão bancário que continha centenas de milhões em 'dinheiro de bolso'. Num piscar de olhos, sua identidade mudou. Ela não era mais a nora pobre e desfavorecida pela família Harris. Em vez disso, ela se tornara a pessoa mais prestigiosa de Nova York!

  • The Throne Is Mine

    The Throne Is Mine


    “All I desire is a husband who can sit pretty on the throne beside me and keep his mouth shut while I rule. You don’t fit the criteria, Killian. I am not looking for a warrior.” “When the men at court point their swords at your neck princess, you’ll need a warrior by your side instead of a puppet. You won’t be able to get rid of me so easily Amelia. Not when I have made up my mind to have you.” “I am not something for you to simply have Killian.” “Aren’t you? The men out there seem to be putting a good price on your future. Become my wife and I will become your weapon. I will make sure this throne belongs to you.” … Fancy tiaras and dresses never interested Amelia Blackwell, current princess of the Backwell castle. It had always been the throne in the middle of the court that caught her eyes. The throne was the only thing she ever desired but the men in her life reminded her of how it would never belong to a princess. When talks of her marriage flood the castle and news that her father wishes to make her cousin Fraser Adams his heir, Amelia takes matters into her own hands. She sets off to find her own husband and plots to take the throne. Meeting the king of the north Killian Bune doesn’t make her life any easier. Along her way she finds love, betrayal, death, envy, and more as she tries to become queen. “I promise you, this throne will belong to me.” ... The cover was done by IG r.voh.k

  • Reivindicando Meu Marido CEO Possessivo

    Reivindicando Meu Marido CEO Possessivo

    Corria o boato de que Xaviera Evans tinha uma constituição frágil — uma beleza doentia. Dizia-se que ela gastava uma fortuna todos os dias em medicamentos — comendo-os como doces. E que dez servos a esperavam junto à sua cama todos os dias — um fardo para todos. Todos esperavam que a família Evans devolvesse Xaviera Evans para o campo e a deixasse cuidar de si mesma. Xaviera Evans: "Eles estão todos dizendo que sou fraca e não consigo cuidar de mim mesma. Aparentemente, também gasto dinheiro de forma imprudente." Ela olhou para sua camisa esfarrapada e ficou exasperada. Xaviera Evans: "Está dizendo que essa família rica deixa a filha usar roupas esfarrapadas todos os dias?" A filha rica da família Evans? Ela já tinha tido o suficiente! Não seria mais essa pessoa! Portanto... Malandro: "Sem a família Evans, você não é nada." Xaviera Evans: "Se eu for expulsa da família Evans, estarei acabada." Mulher malandra: "Irmã, não fique muito desapontada. Contanto que você trabalhe duro, será elogiada um dia." Xaviera Evans: "Cale a boca, eu não conheço um traidor como você." O malandro e a mulher malandra: "???" Corria o boato de que o filho mais novo da família Mamet, Caleb Mamet, casou-se precipitadamente com uma mulher que só tinha aparência. Xaviera Evans: "Alguém está me menosprezando?" Um dia, Xaviera Evans viu um dos funcionários de Caleb Mamet quebrando a cabeça sobre uma série de números na tela do computador. Como estava livre, ela deu uma mãozinha. Ela acabou de quebrar o firewall criado pelos esforços conjuntos dos melhores hackers de elite?! Caleb Mamet se aproximou a cada passo. "Xaviera, o que mais você está escondendo de mim? Hein?" Xaviera Evans: "Ah, não! Estou tonta de novo! Sou tão fraca. Este corpo meu é simplesmente muito fraco!"

  • The Daily Chronicles Of Mrs. Brown's Multiple Identities

    The Daily Chronicles Of Mrs. Brown's Multiple Identities


    After her flash marriage, Amelia Sanchez now had a kept man, who eventually turned out to be the Brown family's most profligate second son, Albert Brown. The next day, Cloud City's wealthy lady, Mrs. Brown, approached Amelia Sanchez with a stony face. Before she could throw out the cheque, she saw Amelia Sanchez calmly take out a card. "I'll give you 10 million for you to leave your son." Mrs. Brown, "???" After they got married, Amelia Sanchez arranged to meet with an online celebrity who had been her online friend for many years. She sat in the living room, fretting over how to hide this identity of hers and find an excuse to avoid Albert Brown. Meanwhile, Albert Brown, "Amelia, I'm going on a cruise ship with my friends for a few days. I won't be coming back." Amelia Sanchez's eyes lit up and she nodded. "Uh-huh, I'm going on a business trip too." Two days later, Amelia Sanchez and her online buddy agreed to meet up in a private room. The moment she entered, Albert Brown looked up and their eyes met, "..." 'So, my online buddy has always been my husband all this while.' Amelia Sanchez could feel herself getting torn apart in disbelief.




    What if a revenge plot on a man who hurt you and destroyed your life eight years ago goes wrong? You find yourself pushed into a corner with only two options; marry him or go to prison. Which selection would you make? Lia A small town girl whose dream of finding love went south eight years ago when Ryan Nash broke up with her. Now, she's sworn revenge on him, and things were going well until she got caught hacking into his computer system. Now, her choices are to marry the man who broke her heart or go to prison. Ryan If he wants to keep his family's company, he has to get married. Lia solves a problem for him - she's feisty, stands up to him, and isn't shaken by his powerful status. And they just might have a history…. A story of betrayal, revenge, blackmail, and love - what would you choose? The billionaire who broke your heart or a prison sentence? The Billionaire's Marriage Contract is created by Pat waDon, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.

  • AMELIA "Lia"

    AMELIA "Lia"


    Amelia The cold-hearted CEO of a hardid company has a dark past with secrets she hides from the world. How she becomes the CEO of a multi-million dollar company is still a mystery to people. What happens when she is caught up in a romantic journey with Lucas Bradford The Emperor of Bradford Enterprise? Will their love progress? Or will her past come back to haunt them?

  • Substitute Bride: Married to a Domineering Billionaire

    Substitute Bride: Married to a Domineering Billionaire

    [Mature Contents]"You'll pay for this, Amelia, mark my words, you get married to me through deception, you'll suffer the consequences. And now, you'll face your first punishment, you want to be my wife, huh, you'll face what happens to them on their wedding night," He chuckled, but it was one filled with bitterness. "You're not that beautiful. But that doesn't mean I won't have your body." Amelia Harper, a young lady with virtue, finds herself in a family and vicinity where she isn't acceptable. Her family borrowed money from Dylan Blackwood the billionaire and couldn't pay their debt. Dylan Blackwood decided to take Harper's most beautiful daughter as a wife in place of the debt but she fled leaving her elder sister, the not-so-pretty one, Amelia Harper to suffer the consequences.

  • The Broken Soul and Strings of Fate

    The Broken Soul and Strings of Fate


    In a world where fate and destiny rule, where one's path is decided, fate ties everyone to their partners. But what if you had no fate, no destiny? Or at least, none that anyone could see.Amelia is one such person. Ostracised by society, an outcast thrown to the edge, she struggles to survive each day, to find something to give her miserable life meaning. Though such a feat is not easy, the poison and venom spat at her by her peers eat away at her. Is this really all that life has intended for her? Does she truly deserve to exist?Join Amelia as she navigates her world of magic, mythical creatures, and fated love and discovers that perhaps her fate does exist, though only in a way that no one anticipated.Want updates on the novel, discuss with other fans, and interact with the author? Join the Discord server! The Broken Soul & Strings of Fate**WARNING** The story depicts scenes of suicide ideation, attempted suicide, abuse, war, gore, and sexual situations.

  • Revenge Deal With The Devil

    Revenge Deal With The Devil



    Curses that are placed on people works on some and doesn't work on some, that depends on how aggrieved the curser that decides to lay the curse. Amelia Smith in her agitation as she felt her life slipping away after the death of her child, laid a curse on her scum of a husband and his mistress that her spirit would forever hunt them. Then the devil himself decided to grace the curse and gave her the opportunity to transmigrate to hunt her husband and his mistress getting double portion of the things that were taken from her no matter the consequences and repercussions she must get her revenge. But he really there just to help, or for his own personal interest. "Give it up, you can't run from me no matter how you try." The devil breathed into Amelia's ears heavily trying to contain his anger. "You are mine, and mine alone." He yelled turning his back at Amelia, ripping the heart of the human that stood beside him with his sharp nails.

  • His Sweet Obsession

    His Sweet Obsession

    After Amelia Foster had been dumped by Young Master Cooper, rumors that she became depraved and was hooking up with overweight old men started circulating throughout Mu City. Men say she’s lofty and promiscuous, while women say she’s a pretentious b*tch. Yet, in reality — Daniel pushed her against the wall for the hundredth time. “Dr. Foster, do you need me in your bed tonight?” Amelia Foster was aloof. “But they all say that I’ve been dumped by you.” On the second day, he gave her a grand proposal in front of everyone. “They also say that I’ve become depraved.” A few days later, the companies of those who spread the gossip went bankrupt. “They also said I like overweight old men.” Daniel Cooper lifted his shirt. “Your husband’s abs don’t arouse you?” “They also say I’m promiscuous and b*tchy.” The man snickered, then flung her over his shoulders and started walking. “I like how you are.” Amelia Foster, “......” 1v1, how sweet.

  • Caring for Mr. Mutant

    Caring for Mr. Mutant



    [COMPLETED] How can a Mutant and a Mutant Caretaker fight for their love, if science is their greatest enemy?------------------------Year 2023: Random DNA mutations suddenly occurred around the world. These mutations caused newborn babies to acquire animal traits, and no one knows why or where they originated. Year 2033: When funds, advanced technology, and a capable workforce became available to study these mutants, a national team of scientists was formed, called the "DNA Mutation Cadre" or "D.M. Cadre". They were given modern, state-of-the-art laboratories complete with equipment and isolation rooms. Here, mutants were studied and monitored in exchange for a large sum of money and government assistance. Year 2048: In the busy city of Makylee, a 25-year-old part-timer, Lia Brentvale, got fired from her two part-time jobs in just one unlucky day. Since her parents aren’t around, she’s the breadwinner of her family, providing for her two college brothers. She applied as a Mutant Caretaker in the D.M. Cadre Research Facility and after passing their exam, she was assigned to the mysterious and aloof vulture mutant. But as she got to know him, she also learned more about D.M. Cadre. Together with her hacker friend and their batchmates, they tried to uncover the deep secrets that lie within the research facility.------------------------PREVIEW:Aesop had always felt that being a mutant is a curse. But upon meeting Lia, he started accepting himself. Lia was always pointing out his strong points. She was always encouraging him to enhance his skills and discover his talents. She always tells him not to think of himself as a test subject just like how the scientists treat him. She reassured him that even though he's a mutant, he's not less than a person, so he shouldn't look down on himself. It was her uplifting words and her mere existence that gave color to his monochrome life."Lia… I love you," Aesop uttered as his golden eyes stared through her deep blue eyes."Ae, I… I love you, too," Lia then wrapped her arms around Aesop's neck, drawing in close to him.Aesop's hands slid down to Lia's lower back, and he embraced her. Their heartbeats quicken as their lips graze against each other. Lia thought it would be just a simple kiss, just like they had always done after their very first kiss, but she was wrong. Aesop's right hand suddenly caressed her back, then he placed it at the back of her head, pulling her to him with a little force. The vulture mutant's majestic wings enveloped them, and it was as if he was owning her. Aesop's wet tongue slid into her mouth, and it surprised her. She tried to resist, but with his hand at the back of her head, she couldn't get away from him.Eventually, she gave in to that passionate kiss...NOTE: Not a superhero story, but tackled more of science ethics and social issues------------------------UPDATE: Added CFMM Special - The Afterstory chapters after the Finale. Happy reading! ;)------------------------WEBNOVEL CONTENT EDITOR: Ms. Qianyu BOOK COVER by @omichiart on IGSPECIAL THANKS: tricks, Wang Cult, AquilaOfficial Instagram: @ainawang.officialOfficial Discord:

  • Wicked Reincarnation

    Wicked Reincarnation



    For countless years, Lia has chased after her unrequited love and even helped him to become the Ghost King yet what awaited her? Nothing but betrayal, the murder of her family, her own sacrifice, tossed into an abyss to die and to be revived over and over again. Her endless love turned into bottomless hatred. Everyone who has wronged her and her family will suffer an unimaginable fate. Revenge against the mightiest being in the immortal world, the Ghost King? No problem, I'll carve a path and become the king myself. I'll raise an army of undead against your army of ghosts. So, rise my loyal followers, march with me into a war full of slaughter, blood and despair. Tear down the Ghost King along with those who dared to harm me and build a throne for me out of their bones and flesh. ------- Yano: Very well, my wifey wants to take on the whole immortal world. I will tear it down for you. Lia: I can do it myself. Just leave. Yano: No!! Wifey!! ------ Updates Monday- Friday Romance is not the main focus of the book, there will be romance later on in the story but more as a subplot. Also, check out the trailer I made for this novel on youtube just for fun: or type in wicked reincarnation- trailer Disclaimer: cover artwork does not belong to me. All credits to the rightful artist.

  • Love is a Sweet Poison

    Love is a Sweet Poison



    Finding true love is not an easy thing. Especially when your parents ask you to go to marriage interviews. You worry constantly and need to take Daily vitamins to be able to help your weak body. This is what Amelia's life is like. She dreams of falling in love, maybe setting her eyes on someone and knowing that he was the one. Next in line to take over the Hospital Gabriel is stuck going to arranged meetings in his spare time but honestly what spare time does an eighteen-year old medical student really have? He dreams of the one that is always matching his scores and his eyes are drawn to her even if she doesn’t notice him. Will fate allow him to be with her or will his parents tie him down with someone else. How will their love story pan out? Will they be forced to marry someone that they do not care for or will their parents' cave and let them fall in love and live in bliss? A glimpse of the story ahead: Amelia walked through the field that was full of flowers smiling and was chasing a child that was no more than two years of age. The child was giggling. The child had stopped and picked a lily. He turned and ran back to Amelia. "Mama! Flower for you!" The little boy handed the flower over and smiled.  "My, what a good boy you are. Thank you for your gift." Amelia took the flower and placed it in her hair.  Gabriel walked over carrying a girl that was also two years old. "Mama!" The little girl started to squirm in Gabriel's arms trying to get to Amelia.  Gabriel laughs happily and lets the girl down then watches her run to Amelia. He walks over and kisses Amelia on the cheek. "I can not believe that we had two beautiful children. Your illness hasn't spiked back up has it, my angel?" Amelia smiled up at him sweetly. "No, not as of late." She rests her hand on her belly and smiles up at Gabriel. "But I do not think that our twins will mind having another sibling, What do you think my love?"  Gabriel's eyes light up. He picks her up and spins her around. "When did you find out and how did I not know about it??"  "Just yesterday. Kazuki is the one that diagnosed me. I never thought that I would be strong enough for this and yet here we are." Once her feet are on the ground she hugs Gabriel, rubs her stomach then bends down and hugs the two children on the ground. "Are you two ready to be a big brother and big sister?"  "Mama has a baby growing in her tummy?" The little girl looks up and tilts her head to the side.  Gabriel happily bent down and kissed both children on the head. "Don't worry. You will always be our babies too." 

  • Sleeping with my Best Friend?

    Sleeping with my Best Friend?

    I woke up to the sun blinding my eyes through the shades. I groaned and turned over as I was face to face with black haired best friend's sleeping figure. I sat up and looked around the room to realize I was in a strangers room.....and I was naked. I screamed which caused my best friend Lia to wake up. I always known Lia was a lesbian and she would occasionally flirt with me but she has never made a move on me.Did I just sleep with my best friend?Warning, possible s/a and abuse triggers in this story! Read at your own risk!

  • The Bride of The Hexodar Kingdom

    The Bride of The Hexodar Kingdom



    Prince Aerus Horbin was the sole heir prince of the Hexodar Kingdom. The kingdom was located on the Hexa, a planet that was in the galaxy IC 1101, the largest galaxy in the universe. He had Bler energy that covered his entire body. It caused him never to be able to feel lust in his entire life, either in women or in men. As the sole heir, Prince Aerus was obliged by his father to have children. Otherwise, the Hexodar Kingdom would fall on their distant relative who was very greedy. All the women on the Hexa had been invited to the Hexodar Kingdom to arouse Prince Aerus' lust, but they all failed. Until finally King Artesun, the father of Prince Aerus, ordered his son to explore the galaxies in the universe to find his bride or mate. The bride was the one who would be able to awaken the Mirah energy in Prince Aerus' body so that he could become a completely mature man. Prince Aerus' exploration always never found any result. Until finally he felt the awakening of his lust when the plane he was riding, flying above the earth's atmosphere. Prince Aerus decided to land, following the pull of his Mirah ​​energy. Until finally he found a girl who was fallen asleep in her room. Her name was Lia. When the parts of his body became increasingly uncontrollable, Prince Aerus finally knew that he had found his bride. But another problem came. Even though he had slept with Lia before, she couldn't get pregnant. It turned out that mixed marriages between the Elfagos race and the human race could not easily produce offspring. If Prince Aerus wanted to have a child from Lia, then he must be able to make Lia fell in love with him first.NOTE: Prince Aerus has a very abusive and rough attitude at the beginning until he will madly in love with Lia. If you don't like hate becoming a love story, then this story is not a cup of your coffee. You better don't read it if you have a problem with this character or this kind of story. Enjoy!

  • antara CINTA atau UANG

    antara CINTA atau UANG



    Area dewasa!!!Cerita ini Hiatus untuk waktu yg lama, masih harus banyak revisi agar bisa nyambung ceritanya! Menjalin cinta dengan dua pria!! Lia bertemu Max dan saling jatuh cinta tanpa mereka sadari. Diantara hubungan yang mulai berkembang munculah Jack, si pengusaha yang misterius. Pria seksi bermata abu itu juga menjerat perasaan Lia. Max tak mau begitu saja melepaskan perasaannya pada Lia. dia berusaha meyakinkan Lia kalau dia adalah pria yang pantas. Max selalu ada saat Lia tertimpa masalah, tapi Jack punya cara lain untuk menghibur Lia. Cinta segitiga oh bukan. masih ada tuan Edward, bos Jack sekaligus ayah dari Max yang menginginkan Lia.. bagaimana akhir hubungan rumit ini?

  • Our Contractual Love

    Our Contractual Love


    "You are a beautiful mistake which changed my life."*********There are some mistakes, you shouldn't do!Getting drunk and wasted, Sleeping with your boss in a drunken state, And having sex without a condom. Unfortunately, Amelia did all this and as a result, she got pregnant. For once in her life, Amelia wanted to have fun forgetting her boring life. She wanted to be bold and reckless and wanted to enjoy her life fullest. But all her plans backfired when she found herself naked beside her boss. *********
