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About 913 results

  • Be Gentle, Immortal Master

    Be Gentle, Immortal Master



    [Warning: Mature Content] "Master, are we going to keep what happened last night a secret between us?" "For how loud you moaned and cried, Qing-er, I think the whole world has already learned all about it, and your concern is irrelevant." Yun Qing-er, the only disciple of the legendary immortal swordmaster Bai Ye, has been hiding her feelings for her master for years. Unaccepted by norms and morals, it is the darkest secret that she swears to bury deep within her heart. But life has other plans. Bai Ye's desire for her burns hot beneath his solemn appearance. He will teach her not only the art of the sword, but also the pleasures of life that she never knew existed before. ---------------- Smut starts at Chapter 17, with a teaser in Chapter 11. A bit softcore at first but will get wilder quickly as the story moves on :) Note that this is NOT a typical cultivation romance. Immortals and spiritual power and whatnot are all plot devices… You'll see what I mean in just a few chapters! ---------------- [Sneak Peek] He pinned me against the poplar tree at the center of the garden. A breeze rustled past, stirring the sunlight sparkling through the autumn foliage above us, and a sprinkle of gold fell over his shoulders. "Say you want me," he whispered. "Bai Ye—" I breathed, but the rest of my words were replaced by moans the moment he traced his kisses along my neck and took my earlobe into his mouth. Familiar tingles roared through me as he nibbled and suckled gently. His hand slid up my chest, and he played with my sensations with his lips and tongue and fingers until my arms trembled around him. All other thoughts vanished from my mind. The only thing I knew was the irresistible feeling of him on me, so overwhelming that my knees started growing weak. I would've fallen if he wasn't pinning me hard against the tree. "Bai Ye …" I moaned again, clawing at his clothes. "Of course I want you … Right here, right now." He let out a soft puff of laughter, and his hand grazed down, gripping the folds of my dress. With a rip of fabric, he tore them away.

  • A Lady Does It Better

    A Lady Does It Better



    [NOT HAREM] Luxury… How would you describe it? Eating 5 star multi course meals? Extravagant jewels and the finest of clothes? Being chauffeured in most expensive cars and private jets? All of this was the only thing Varya Vance, heiress to a multi-billion dollar company, knew until Earth was attacked by an Alien Invasion. After being targeted by the alien emperor, her plan to escape being captured is foiled when she is knocked unconscious. She wakes up in the bed of an alien prince as the world she once knew ceases to exist. Join her journey as she seeks to return to the security she once knew. For the first time in her life, she's going to have to rely only on herself. Only the tough will survive in this new reality of hers where murderous aliens run free and sanctimony has lost all reason. She had searched for her soulmate on Earth, but it turned out he was in the stars.

  • Be My Strength

    Be My Strength

    Urban ROMANCE


    ///Note from Author : How often have you made a negative opinion about someone based on first impression? I hope that when you get to the end of this story, it might change how you think. ///Excerpt : With a frown, she said, "I don't think it would be comfortable to sleep on the couch.""I thought you have a bed here?" asked DX."I do but it's a single bed." With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he smirked, "We can share." Pretending to be affronted, Kai Xin scoffed, "President Du! Behave yourself! Did I say that you can share MY bed?" /////Synopsis :She was a brash, kind and brave child, but most importantly, she was always full of confidence. No matter what happened to her, she always faced her conflicts head-on.However, an incident in high school changed her life.The course of Kara Zhen Kai Xin's life had drastically changed because she placed her trust in the wrong person.Consumed with despair, rage, and fear, she became suicidal. However, she forced herself to live on with only one thought in her mind: Revenge. Along the way, she encountered people who would be her friends, comrades, mentors...and even lovers. With their guidance, she advanced one step closer towards her goal. President Du XiAn of the Du Corporation had chanced upon her while he was escaping the woman who was forced upon him by his mother.With a single glance, Kara Zhen Kai Xin was forever etched in his mind. Unable to forget about her, he spent the next few years searching for her all across the world. Yet ultimately, fate played a prank on him. It turned out that all along, she was based in the same city as him. When she rejected his advances, he proposed a contractual relationship; To become her sugar daddy.Desiring to hold her in his arms in any way he could, Du XiAn was willing to do anything, even if it meant that he could only have her body.Over the years, his desire led him to the point of no return. No longer a simple infatuation, he found himself to be hopelessly in love with her. With his help, would Kai Xin be able to exact her revenge or would she lose what she holds dear in her quest for vengeance? ///(Imperial Series)Book 1 - Be My Strength - COMPLETED Book 2 - The President's Man - HIATUS(Fantasy)The Demon King's Cowardly Vessel - ONGOING///Discord: you would like to financially support the production of BMS, please consider buying me a coffee here:

  • Being a villain is better

    Being a villain is better


    Zach is a normal college student who wishes to stay away from people, he considers them to be a hassle as he likes to have hassle-free days as to avoid such conundrums he usually just plays games on his free time and one such game changed his life forever.

  • Alpha, Please Be Gentle

    Alpha, Please Be Gentle


    [Mature Content] "He attended her wedding as a guest and decided he wanted to be the groom instead." As the Alpha's only daughter, Roselia Fiore was obedient and pampered. Until, a single crime on her 18th birthday cost her everything. Three years into imprisonment, she's forced to marry Bruce Kerpan, a man old enough to be her father. That is, until Alpha Cruden Tiberias laid an unexpected claim on her, a woman who didn't even know his name! Cruel and heartless, Cruden yielded to no one, except—her. The second he saw her, he wanted her. And he'd stop at nothing to have her, even if she begged, "Alpha, please be gentle." - - - - - Tropes: - Sunshine x Villain - Hates everyone, but Her - He fell first and fell harder - Fake dating - Forced proximity - Found family Artwork: Sarzain

  • You'll be loved (bxb)

    You'll be loved (bxb)

    Aiden, an 18 year old Omega with strikingly blue eyes has finally managed to escape his horrible pack after years of abuse. Now he is on his own, wanting to live a lonely life with nobody ever hurting him again. But things can change and wounds can heal, even the ones on the inside.Aiden's whole world changes one night, when he is working at a club as a waiter. Let's just say, things don't go as planned...

  • [BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

    [BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?



    Jia Hyson finds he has hit the jackpot after he dies. He's got a system! He's a transmigrator! So cool! System: "Please help us fix the plot." Jia Hyson: "Of course!" System: "Firstly there are too many love interests." Jia Hyson: "Okay." System: "The main character is too annoying." Jia Hyson: "Um." System: "Needs more world building." Jia Hyson: "..." Oi, is he fixing the plot or is he rewriting the whole damn thing?! (This is not omegaverse, beta stands for beta reader) (This is bl/yaoi/danmei btw. 1v1, 2v1, 3+v1) Lovely Cover by my fanart empress @noc

  • There Will Be Aliens

    There Will Be Aliens

    Carlo Russo is having the worst day. Not only has he lost his job, caught his boyfriend cheating, and had one too many shots with his best friend Grace, now he’s seeing aliens too. Big, black, tail-equipped aliens. After a futile struggle, he and Grace find themselves on a spaceship leaving Earth.<br><br>Zenon Scoreceds Qhainqons doesn’t know what it is about the earthling male. Their mission is to bring back ten females in hopes of them being able to provide their planet with children, but he wants the male. What he’s going to do with the male, he doesn’t know, but he’s claiming him as his payment for going on the mission.<br><br>Carlo doesn’t approve of kidnapping, but the aliens aren’t too bad, and once the language chip is installed, he finds it entertaining to talk to them. Zen in particular. They’re standoffish and never show any emotion, but Carlo has no problem cuddling up next to Zen at night.<br><br>All Zenon wants is to spend time with Carlo, but it’s his job to get them all home in one piece. Will he be able to keep Carlo safe from all the dangers lurking along the trip? He has to because Carlo is his, and he’s not letting him go.

  • To Be or Not To Be A Family

    To Be or Not To Be A Family



    [NOTICE: SILVER WINNER OF WRITING PROMPT CONTEST 235 - FEMALE LEAD - FAMILY] Ashma never knew her father. Her mother and maternal granddad are the only family she knows. She hates her father as he left her mother after she became pregnant out of wedlock. But her mother made sure that she grows up into an independent woman. She is a world-renowned fashion designer. Suddenly she gets news of another family of her fathers as her half-sister seeks her out. Everyone in the new family loves her except her paternal grandfather. He hates her as she is an illegitimate child and would cause a scandal if the word of her existence comes out. She hates him as he destroyed her mother’s life, and he ordered his son to leave her mother forever. They go toe to toe at every turn. Who will win the familial war? Will they ever learn to love each other? Will Ashma accept her new family or reject their love?

  • Be Here For You

    Be Here For You



    Devan yang seorang gay harus terusir dari keluarga karena itu. Bertahun- tahun memendam jati diri, pria remaja itu malah dikhianati oleh sang kekasih. Ketika remaja itu hampir putus asa karena pengkhianatan yang juga melibatkan anggota keluarga terdekat, secara tiba- tiba ia dipertemukan dengan pria bertatto yang nampak menyeramkan dengan gaya pakaian dan botol alkohol di tangannya. Devan tak pernah menyangka, hidup barunya yang secara penuh ditanggung pria bernama Mike itu akan merubah keseluruhan dirinya. Tampang menyeramkan dengan seringnya Mike bergaul dengan preman jalanan nyatanya tak merubah kepribadian baik pria dewasa itu. Mike bahkan selalu berusaha mengupayakan yang terbaik untuknya hingga memasukkannya ke sekolah elite. Semua peristiwa yang diciptakan oleh Mike pun nyatanya membuat Devan perlahan jatuh hati. Namun Devan berusaha meredamnya karena kesadaran diri dan lagipula Mike pria normal. Dan banyaknya tokoh baru yang seiring berjalannya waktu terus memaksa keduanya untuk jujur pada diri masing- masing.

  • Be a Little Wife

    Be a Little Wife


    Haisha Hasnia Putri, gadis muda berusia 18 tahun yang memiliki wajah polos dan ceria. Sejak kematian ayahnya, Haisha harus bertahan hidup dengan menjadi pekerja di sebuah mini market, gaji yang sangat pas itu harus cukup untuk makan dan membayar biaya pengobatan ibunya yang koma. Suatu hari tanpa ia duga, keluarga mantan majikan orang tuanya datang melamar. "Menikah dengan Mas Fahri?" Haisha membulatkan matanya. Fahri Yudistira, anak tunggal sekaligus pewaris utama kerajaan bisnis Yudistira Group yang cukup terkenal, dia memiliki wajah yang tampan rupawan. Fahri menyetujui perjodohan ini karena ia ingin membalas rasa sakit hati pada mantan kekasihnya-Klareta yang telah berkhianat. Demi rasa terima kasih dan balas budinya, Haisha terima lamaran itu tanpa ia bertanya lebih pada Fahri apa tujuan pria itu menunjuknya sebagai pasangan hidup. Akankah pernikahan mereka bertahan lama? Apa Haisha bisa menggeser posisi Klareta di hati Fahri?

  • Cry, or Better Yet, Beg

    Cry, or Better Yet, Beg

    Yatim piatu di usia muda, Layla Llewellyn merasa seperti gadis paling beruntung di dunia setelah dia tinggal bersama pamannya Bill, seorang tukang kebun yang tinggal di perkebunan Arvis yang indah di Berg Empire. Bagi Layla, Arvis tampak seperti surga; Ia suka menjelajahi hutan yang luas, selalu membawa buku catatannya untuk mencatat satwa liar yang ditemuinya. Dia sangat menyukai burung-burung, mengamati mereka dengan kagum saat mereka menetas dan tumbuh dari anak ayam berbulu halus menjadi burung yang cantik. Duke Herhardt, penguasa Arvis yang muda dan tampan, juga tertarik pada burung―dan Layla. Tapi bedanya, dia tertarik pada burung karena dia suka memburunya... dan dia tertarik pada Layla karena dia suka membuatnya menangis. Jika seekor burung cantik terjebak dalam sangkar emas, mana yang akan ia pilih: kehidupan mewah atau kebebasan?PERINGATAN: Cerita ini mengandung gambaran pelecehan, trauma anak-anak, penyalahgunaan zat, dan kekerasan seksual yang mungkin membuat sebagian pembaca kesal.

  • tomorrow will be better

    tomorrow will be better

    you never know what's coming for you .You just have to move on where life takes you .But what ever comes you ought to be yourself first.

  • I Will Be Better

    I Will Be Better

    He a space-time esper. He also the last man standing. All of it worth nothing to him. He meet death in regret. Now he back to the time when it yet begin. "I Promised that I will be better..." He makes a vow to himself for a lifetime. This lifetime he won't be the same like previous lifetime.____________________________________________Hi all. Author here, I am a newbie. So all of you free to critic. I know my grammar is bad. So, to the one with high standard requirement in grammar then this not your cup of tea.

  • Better Be Slytherin!

    Better Be Slytherin!

    What would have happened if the sorting hat didn't listen to Harry and put him where he truly belongs in the house of the snakes.What if snape notices something off about the behavior of the son of his beloved Lilly and his nemesis potter.

  • Be My Love

    Be My Love


    SPIN OF Be My Bride! . . . Bagi Ellen Petunia, Liu adalah malaikat yang menyelamatkan dirinya dari jurang penderitaan, ia jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama ketika melihat sayap-sayap ungu yang terbentang di bawah sinar matahari. Bagi seorang Ksatria Naga yang telah hidup lama di dunia manusia, Liu Yaoshan menganggap Ellen sebagai seseorang yang kebetulan bertemu, menyebalkan dan berisik, ia ingin mengusir wanita itu sejauh-jauhnya dari kehidupannya. Mereka berdua ada di sisi yang berlawanan, Ellen seperti matahari yang bersinar cerah di langit yang biru, sedangkan Liu seperti setitik cahaya bintang nun jauh di langit yang gelap, cahayanya pudar dan tidak terlihat jelas. Meski sudah ditolak ratusan kali, Ellen tidak pantang menyerah, di balik wajahnya yang ceria ia menyembunyikan banyak rahasia kelam yang lambat laun terbongkar di tangan Liu. Apa yang akan terjadi pada mereka berdua? Apakah Liu akan menerima Ellen atau mengabaikan wanita itu seperti yang dulu-dulu? ig : winart12




    The love life of an innocent girl is influenced by a group of people who manipulated her into signing a year's contract of ownership in exchange for her dad's freedom from debt collectors. All Abigail Mckay, an innocent twenty-two years old girl ever wanted in life was to live a simple one, with the rest of her family members without worry or pain, but the universe had other plans for her. Since her family got bankrupt, and also a debtor at the age of twenty, she decided to do anything possible to elevate them from the cruel fate life had given to them. Little did she know that the decision held more weight than she had imagined. She was given a mission to seduce and tame a heartless billionaire, Liam Anderson, CEO of Anderson's empire within a year, whose mother's wish is to see him get married before she passes away after a month from recurrence of cancer. What will become of Abigail's fate when she's left to pick out of two decisions that can change her entire life; her love for the cold billionaire, and her family?

  • Life can't be better

    Life can't be better

  • Cry , Even better if you , beg

    Cry , Even better if you , beg


    Orphaned at a young age , Layla Llewellyn feels like the luckiest girl in the world after she moves in with her uncle Bill , a gardener who lives on the scenic Arvis estate in the Berg Empire . To Layla Arvis seems like paradise ; she loves to explore the vast forest , always bringing her notebook to record the wildlife she encounters . She especially loves the birds , watching them with awe as they hatch and grow from fluffy chicks into beautiful birds . Duke Herhardt , the young , handsome lord of Arvis , is also interested in birds--- and Layla . But the difference is , he's interested in birds because he likes to hunt them.... and he's interested in Layla because he likes to make her cry . If a lovely bird is trapped in a golden cage , which will she choose : a life of luxury , or freedom ?

  • Hallowed Be

    Hallowed Be


    Two years after Prince Heiko witnessed the death of his father during the 91st Battle of Tyton, and subsequently, the defeat of his kingdom, he was sent to the gates of the victor, armed with nothing but empty words and a command from his elder brother to form a treaty of peace. Two years after General Celestino Adesso released the arrow that felled the great king of Simo, he is presented with the youngest of his sons. Though barely a man at seventeen summers, the prince was far from wet behind the ears. In fact, his tactful yet brazen form of statecraft vaulted him far beyond his years. Coupled with his draconian mannerisms, and a knack for callous pleasure, it was only a matter of time before Celestino caught a whiff of something sinister. But Prince Heiko was no fool. He was betting heavily on that sharp nose. He wanted a sense of dubiety to gnaw at the general. He needed to create mistrust in his elder brother in order to build credence in himself. Because he knew of Celestino Adesso, and of the illustrious king he served. He knew they wouldn't trust him over his elder brother any more than they would trust a raincloud to bring sun. He knew that to those men, he wasn't honorable, and because of that, he was forced to play the games he was known for. The ones that conspired in the dead of night, the ones that spoke no words but shifted kingdoms. The ones that could obtain the allegiance of General Celestino. Little did the young prince know, however, allegiance was not all he would obtain. But no matter how much Heiko wanted to offer the man what he desired, he could not - not while bound to the gods. Check out my Discord:
