Belle Femme Novels & Books - WebNovel

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About 712 results

  • Love You My Way

    Love You My Way

    Cinta itu indah. Meski awalnya tercipta karena kebiasaan yang bisa terbilang buruk, akan tetapi rasa murni yang bernama cinta itu mampu muncul karena kebiasaan itu.Semua yang disiapkan dari awal, belum tentu jadi apa yang akan kau rasakan diakhir. Merasakan cinta yang bahkan belum sempat ia bayangkan panjang dan sampai di titik itu membuatnya ragu. Namun, parahnya perasaan aneh itu semakin terasa menyakitkan bila tak ia ungkapkan.Banyak orang yang mengajari bagaimana cara mencintai seseorang. Tapi menurutnya, mencintai seseorang itu bukan berdasarkan cara dari orang lain, melainkan caranya sendiri.Karena mencintai adalah suatu proses keharmonisan, dan ia yakin akan cara yang telah ia tempuh sendiri.Caranya mencintai itu berbeda, dan itu lebih istimewa.

  • My Stay

    My Stay

  • Belle Adams' Butler

    Belle Adams' Butler



    Waking up from a nightmare several hours before dawn, Belle fetched a drink of water. She paused in front of her kitchen's window when she noticed a lit lantern in front of her mansion's garden. Her butler stood there, shovel in hand. This was no hour to be gardening. Curious, she made her way outside, but when she had gotten close enough to see a large and hollow pit next to her eternally-stoic and polite butler, she saw him pick up a rotten body. A DEAD BODY! Her eyes widened fearfully when she saw her handsome butler drop the rotting body into the fresh hole. She asked in horror, "What are you doing?!" Surprised to see his young miss awake at this hour, he stared at her with the same expression he had been keeping up for all these years. He had made sure she was asleep before coming here. "Gardening." "And the body?!" she looked at him in disbelief. "Fertilizer," he answered her before picking up the shovel that was on the ground. Belle was now certain something had possessed her butler. Who gardened dead bodies?! She then heard him ask her, "Want to help me in planting it, Miss Adams?" he gave her a sweet smile. Note: If you enjoy a book of comedy with light-hearted romance and a gothic background. This book is for you~

  • CEO's Contract Obsession

    CEO's Contract Obsession



    [Warning: Mature Content, R18+] [Completed] [Join my Discord server to see more pictures of Amy and Henry.] She’s broke and lost everything, left with nothing but debts and liabilities. He’s rich and has everything, heir to a multi-billion company. Two different people, drawn together by their needs or is it fate? **** Amelia Bell was only 22 years old when her parents, brother, and sister-in-law died in a car crash. Her brother’s injured children are now her responsibility. She sold everything that she owns, she's in huge debt and all she can do now is just cry her eyes out. And then it struck her… the answer to her question… where will she get money for the operation? Right… she hasn't done everything so far, she hasn't tried selling herself yet. It was a desperate move but she had no other solutions left. She was immediately pulled back from her thoughts when the man shouted. "This is insane, his qualifications are simply impossible… Now he asks me to find him a pure and innocent one this time… Even if they signed a 6-month contract to be his, those women still fell in love with him even if they knew that after 6 months they would be evicted from his life… … I will never be able to find that pure and innocent woman that he is looking for even if I offer them 5 million upfront." Without hesitation Amy ran after the man, climbing up the stairs as fast as she could. "Excuse me, mister." "What do you need miss? I'm in a hurry." "I want the job… The 6-month contract, I can do it." "So I guess you also heard that I need a pure and innocent woman, even I don't know what it means." "Will a virgin count? I-I'm a virgin, perhaps t-that's what your boss wants, right?" Amy boldly stated. Then finally the boss, Mr. Welsh faced her… She didn’t expect him to be this young, perhaps almost her age. She was imagining an old man or someone not as handsome as him. “You should not stop breathing angel, that’s dangerous, you might faint. Who knows what will I do to you once you become unconscious.” Amy gasped, ‘What the hell just happened to me,’ she cursed internally while still staring at the man in front of him. He then leaned closer to her. “I've heard you've got something for me. I can't wait to receive your gift, my angel. I'm Henry.” ******** The book cover is AI-generated and edited by the author, please don't use it without permission.

  • Revendiquant Mon Mari PDG Possessif

    Revendiquant Mon Mari PDG Possessif


    La rumeur voulait que Xaviera Evans ait une constitution faible — une beauté maladive. La rumeur voulait qu'elle dépense une fortune chaque jour en médicaments — en les dévorant comme des bonbons. La rumeur voulait que chaque jour, dix serviteurs attendaient à son chevet — une charge pour tout le monde. Ils attendaient tous que la famille Evans jette Xaviera Evans de retour à la campagne et la laisse se débrouiller seule. Xaviera Evans : "On dit partout que je suis faible et incapable de prendre soin de moi. Apparemment, je dépense aussi de l'argent de manière inconsidérée." Elle regardait sa chemise en loques et était exaspérée. Xaviera Evans : “On veut dire que cette riche famille laisse leur fille porter des vêtements en lambeaux tous les jours ?” La fille riche de la famille Evans ? Elle en avait assez ! Elle ne le serait plus ! Alors... Le sale type : "Sans la famille Evans, tu n'es rien." Xaviera Evans : "Si je suis expulsée de la famille Evans, je suis fichue." La sale fille : "Sœur, ne sois pas trop déçue. Tant que tu travailles dur, on te fera des éloges un jour.” Xaviera Evans : "Tais-toi, je ne connais pas un traître comme toi." Le sale type et la fille : "???" La rumeur voulait que le plus jeune fils de la famille Mamet, Caleb Mamet, ait imprudemment marié une femme qui n'avait que des apparences. Xaviera Evans : "Quelqu'un me méprise-t-il ?" Un jour, Xaviera Evans a vu l'un des employés de Caleb Mamet se creusant la tête sur une série de nombres à l'écran de l'ordinateur. Comme elle était libre, elle lui a donné un coup de main. A-t-elle tout simplement piraté le pare-feu créé par les efforts conjugués des meilleurs pirates informatiques de l'élite ?! Caleb Mamet s'est rapproché pas à pas. "Xaviera, que me caches-tu encore ? Hmm ?" Xaviera Evans : "Oh, non ! Je me sens encore prise de vertiges ! Je suis si faible. Ce corps est tout simplement trop faible !"

  • La femme génie du milliardaire

    La femme génie du milliardaire


    Le monde de Scarlett s'effondre lorsqu'elle est droguée et forcée d'épouser un vieux veuf dégoûtant et riche avec cinq enfants. Essayant d'échapper à son problème apparemment inévitable, elle accepte une offre de mariage contractuel d'un an avec un homme mystérieux. Il lui promet que cela la sortira de ses problèmes de mariage arrangé hostile. Elle accepte l'offre. Si tout se passe bien, elle sera une femme libre et indépendante dans un an... Cependant, beaucoup de choses prennent un tournant inattendu. Le mariage contractuel a fait en sorte que la vie de Scarlett ressemble à une montagne russe. Un mélange d'excitation et d'exaltation, d'enfer redouté et de paradis joyeux. Préparez-vous pour un récit captivant qui vous tiendra en haleine du début à la fin, dévoilant les secrets énigmatiques de la vie de Scarlett. ******* Seule une personne folle accepterait son offre. Et en ce moment, elle ne peut pas dire qu'elle l'est. Son esprit est encore sain. "Ne vous méprenez pas, s'il vous plaît. Je cherche simplement à m'aider moi-même. Et en même temps vous aider." Scarlett était encore plus confuse. "Je sais que mon problème est compliqué. Mais, je pense qu'être mariée à un homme que je viens de rencontrer, sans amour, me semble étrange..." dit-elle. "Il ne s'agit pas d'un vrai mariage, mais d'un mariage contractuel que vous pouvez organiser à votre avantage. Et aussi le mien." Scarlett écouta silencieusement ; à l'intérieur, elle était choquée et un peu perplexe. Xander croisa les bras sur sa poitrine en regardant dans les yeux de Scarlett. Il poursuivit : "Comme je l'ai dit auparavant, je vous aiderai et en même temps, vous m'aiderez. Je n'ai pas besoin de vous expliquer quel est mon problème. Mais, je vous assure que si vous acceptez de faire un mariage contractuel avec moi, vos problèmes seront résolus. Alors, qu'en pensez-vous!?" Scarlett ne se précipita pas pour parler. Elle leva lentement la tête et dit : "Alors je peux mettre toutes les clauses que je veux dans le contrat?" L'homme acquiesce, disant: "Tant que cela ne me fait pas de mal." Elle tendit la main à Xander, "D'accord. On a un marché!"

  • I Stayed At Home For A Century, When I Emerged I Was Invincible

    I Stayed At Home For A Century, When I Emerged I Was Invincible



    Chu Xuan transmigrated to a fantasy world and became the young master of a powerful family. He was rebuked for misbehaving just because he sneezed during a banquet. As punishment, he was banished from the ancestral mansion and was relocated to a remote residence. He did not mind the punishment at all. He just needed a spot that could allow him to be a shut-in. With the system that would allow him to grow stronger by being a shut-in, the longer he stayed indoors, the more powerful he became. After being a shut-in for a day, he was rewarded with the Indestructible Body Technique. After being a shut-in for a month, he was rewarded with the Immovable Mountain Technique. After being a shut-in for a year, he was rewarded with the Yuxu Celestial Scripture and 100 years of cultivation. After being a shut-in for 10 years, he was rewarded with the Chaotic Indestructible Body and the Bell of Chaos. … Chu Xuan declared, “No one can make me leave my home. I like being a shut-in!”

  • Apocalypse Cheater

    Apocalypse Cheater



    What would happen if a man happened to travel back into the past where he can undo his mistakes and regret? Near in the future, an unknown being appeared and claimed that a new reality shall be opened up for humans to enter, creating havoc across the world. However, what they didn't know is that 10 years later, monsters from the unknown void broke through the world and caused massive destruction. The powers obtained from that reality can be brought out to the real world, hence, Earth could defend itself from these monsters. However, another 10 years later, Daniel Bell has been killed by a bunch of monsters, and suddenly he has travelled back to the past. Is this a fortunate outcome or will history repeat itself? Only the future can tell. (This novel contains tags that may not be to your liking specifically Yandere, milf, overpowered mc, Incest) (

  • L'ex-femme enceinte de M. Ceo

    L'ex-femme enceinte de M. Ceo


    Ace Carter Greyson, son mari depuis cinq longues années, a demandé le divorce la nuit de leur cinquième anniversaire de mariage. La raison ? Tout simplement parce qu'elle ne peut pas avoir de fils. Phoenix l'a supplié de rester mais sa décision ferme était inébranlable alors elle a finalement accepté de le laisser partir. Sa vie a été encore plus détruite après qu'elle a découvert sa longue liaison avec sa secrétaire, et maintenant, la maîtresse était enceinte. Quelques mois après leur divorce, il a épousé la secrétaire enceinte. Le monde de Phoenix bascule soudainement lorsqu'elle découvre qu'elle est enceinte de quatre mois.

  • Apocalypse King System

    Apocalypse King System


    MC Derick, unexpectedly reborn, had thought he could save his sister's fate, whom he had relied on since childhood. However, to his surprise, an apocalypse unfolded... After accidentally killing zombies, Derick activated the Apocalypse King system. Wasn't this forcing him to conquer the world and establish his own ideal kingdom? Thus, Derick embarked on the path of an Apocalypse King, singing all the way from the city of Gray Bear. Want to survive? First, call him "Master." Whether you are a high-ranking lady, a celebrity singer, a police flower, a school belle, or an elegant beauty, in Derick's eyes, you are merely a slave. To stay alive, behave obediently and serve as a good female slave...

  • La Princesse Oubliée

    La Princesse Oubliée


    Alicia Rosalyn Von Heist est la plus jeune fille du Roi Edward d'Alvannie. Elle est une enfant illégitime née d'une femme de chambre dans le château que son père avait affectionné. Après la mort de sa mère alors qu'elle était jeune, son père l'a ramenée chez lui et l'a 'adoptée'. En raison de sa naissance modeste et de son illégitimité, elle a été négligée par son père, le roi, maltraitée par sa belle-mère, la reine et ses demi-frères et sœurs. Quand elle a eu 16 ans, une guerre a éclaté avec le pays voisin de Grandcrest. La guerre a duré deux longues années et les deux pays ont conclu une trêve à la fin. L'empire Grandcest a demandé qu'une princesse soit mariée au jeune roi. On dit que le roi de Grandcrest a spécifiquement demandé la main d'Alicia. Alicia avait 18 ans quand elle a été envoyée à Grandcrest en tant que fiancée du jeune roi qui était réputé être un tyran maléfique au sang froid, le Roi Régaleon de l'empire Grandcrest. Note : Photo de couverture de Pinterest.

  • Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

    Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress



    "Today, I choose you. And I'll choose you over and over again. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat, I'll keep choosing you.” -A What would happen when a top assassin with a tragic background suddenly wakes up losing her memory after a long coma? Five years after living her new identity, Katherine meets many misfortunes. With the help of her friend, she takes on the role of a secretary-slash-assistant for the country’s popular bachelor, Damien Park, Aka the Resort King. But who would have thought that on her first day of work, her boss would end up being her bane of existence? With a smirk on his devilish, handsome face, Damien drags her to his office and presses her against the wall until his face is just inches away… “How dare you show up in front of me five years late?” Surprised by the forceful antics of the man in front of her, Katherine blurted, “Mister Whoever you are, let me go!” “What? Whoever... I am? Kitten, you better not think that you can get away with feigning ignorance. After disappearing that night, I thought you would already be on the other side of the world. Is being my secretary another one of your lies? Laughable.” Katherine’s fate from then on entangled with his as she began to spend more time with him. The more she does, the more her true self is revealed... and this would scare her. Will she allow herself to fall in love with him? *** Twirling the knife in her hand skillfully, Katherine stared daggers at the man before her. As she stands from her seat, she stabs the knife on the wooden table in front of her in a bang! Tied up with his hands behind his back, yet the man before her didn’t seem to feel a bit of fear. She saunters wearing only her lace underwear and a white long cardigan over it, a small sexy smile appeared on her face. Her fingers gently caressing the chin of Damien Park as her sweet voice resounded out in the room. “I never would have thought there would come a day where I would be facing you like this... Mr. Park, would you like to see me dance?” Chuckling slightly, Damien finds her provocation very tempting. "Let's see what you've got." Discovering the secrets and unfolding the truth of her past, will she spare Damien's life or will she kill him? ••• Future Plan: Femme Fatale Series ~~~~~~~~~~ Other Works: •Serendipity - A Chance Encounter (Complete-Ongoing revision) •The Mafia Prince's Naughty Angel (Ongoing) ~~~~~~~~~~ Join me and follow all my socials: *cover is mine.* Please don't use it without permission. Proofreaders: filledelisle Swaning

  • L'ex-femme enceinte du Président

    L'ex-femme enceinte du Président


    Sabrina Jewel a découvert qu'elle était enceinte après de nombreux tests de grossesse. Le même jour, son mari, le puissant Président du Groupe de sociétés Jewels à Ville de NY, Robin Jewel, a ramené une autre femme à la maison après que Sabrina ait supporté ses escapades avec des femmes incessantes et tenté d'être une bonne femme. "Quoi? Après tout le sperme, tu n'as pas pu être enceinte une seule fois. Pas même une fausse couche. Elle a fait ton travail pour toi," Robin a rejeté la faute sur Sabrina. Le monde de Sabrina s'est effondré devant ses yeux. Elle a quitté sa famille pour cet idiot mais plus maintenant. Son père savait qui elle était mais Robin ne s'est jamais donné la peine de se renseigner sur elle tout au long de leurs trois ans de mariage. Comme il a mis une autre femme enceinte, elle en avait fini pour de bon. "J'en ai assez, Robin. C'est soit elle qui part, soit je pars...."

  • Future News: My Phone Mutated

    Future News: My Phone Mutated



    After waking up, a strange app was installed on Lin Bai's phone. The news on the app came from the future. And as long as Lin Bai participated in the events and changed the future, he would be rewarded. [World News: Pfizer US announces that it had developed the first-ever Corona Virus vaccine, stock prices shot up 500% in one day.] [World News: Three days later, Elon Musk declares himself the godfather of DogeCoin on Twitter, forcefully manipulating DogeCoin prices.] [Regional News: New developments on the old man car accident, son of old man offers 10million dollars for clues of the culprit.] [Local News: Hard work won't disappoint you, S City old lottery buyer who had been buying the same number for 30 years finally won 1st prize!] [Local News: Daughter of the richest man in S city was kidnapped, violated, and murdered, the culprit is......] Wait! Lin Bai looked at the obituary photo in black-and-white on the latest message. That person in the photo, isn't that the school belle Yu Jinmo who's chasing me?

  • Pillow of Hearts: A tale between the warm hug and cold coffee

    Pillow of Hearts: A tale between the warm hug and cold coffee



    Moon Young Jae’s homophobic family considered him a disgrace and held his freedom in their clutch. Even with being obedient, he was not free from their abuse. Young Jae was almost blinded and crippled by his father when he stood up for himself for the first time. Left to bleed and die, luckily, he did have a family who wanted to save him. It was twin cousins, who were disowned long before him, who saved him. Sad and hopeless, Young Jae became curious when he met his cousins’ friend, who understood him better than anyone, even without words. Curiosity got the best of him, and he ended by handing his heart, love and soul over a plater as a price. Slowly, Young Jae fell in love with everything about and around Min Jun and eventually fell for the man. Calculative Wang Min Jun entered Young Jae’s life accidentally. He challenged Young Jae's belief with a warm smile and flipped Young Jae’s world upside down. Min Jun read Young Jae like an open book. He planned to get over the little crush he had on his seniors' cousin brother but failed miserably. Min Jun did not like the often-visited ‘frown’ between those beautiful eyebrows and even the always singing of ‘sigh’ through those sinful lips. Min Jun made it his mission to change it only to fall for everything about Young Jae. Wang Min Jun carried his share of baggage, but he was well-prepared to meet the demons from the past head-on. But Young Jae became a mess whenever his past demons decided to pay a visit. He realised he did not have to face anything alone as he has a wonderful boyfriend who cherishes everything about him. Both faced their past demons and trauma together. When a person betrayed by a family fell in love with a person who holds his family above everything, sparks flew, and hearts soared in happiness. Will their story has a harmonious bell, or would it be a sea of misery? Teaser: Files were shattered all over Min Jun’s bed, and his laptop was placed on the bedside table. It chimed once in a while, indicating a new email for him to check. The work was piling more and more as he was diligently finishing it. Young Jae walked into his boyfriend’s bedroom to witness his handsome lover working hard. "Jun Jun! Are you busy?" Even though Young Jae did not want to disturb his lover, he knew he needed some help to impress his boss. "Never for you, love. Tell you what you need?" Min Jun did not lift his head from the file he was going through, but the warmth in his voice reached Young Jae's heart without fail. "Do you have a minute to help me in reviewing my monthly internship report? I have to present to our boss tomorrow morning." Young Jae pouted as he asked. Min Ju looked at his adorable tokki and smiled mischievously. "You are brave, asking your superior to help you sneakily. I can't do it for free. I need a huge bribe to help you. What are you planning to offer?" "Be serious. You have too much work to do." Young Jae chided his shameless boyfriend, who never failed to seize every opportunity to make him moan and groan as he takes him to the pleasurable heaven. "Exactly. I have too much work to do. If I am taking my time to help you, I need something in return. Something so tempting that I don’t mind cramping lots of things later." Min Jun smiled like a devil he was as he grabbed Young Jae towards him. The little rabbit who fell into the cunning wolf's lap did not even get a chance to protest as he was devoured breathlessly. Young Jae forgot why he entered the wolf's lair altogether. Min Jun pushed the files away to make space for his little rabbit to lay down comfortably. Young Jae’s report was long forgotten as a treacherous hand started to caress him again under the shirt as a sinful sound filled the room. P.s: The cover belongs to the rightful owner, and it will be removed if the original owner asks to do so. WARNING: THIS IS A GAY LOVE STORY WITH BDSM. IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH IT, SPARE THE NOVEL. Discord:

  • Mme et Monsieur Smith

    Mme et Monsieur Smith

    Ethan Smith marchait dans la rue vide, une cigarette à la bouche, secouant la tête et forçant un sourire amer. Qui aurait pu imaginer qu'après trois ans de mariage, tout ce qui restait était la trahison ? Il jura de faire regretter à cette femme ce qu'elle avait fait et promit de faire en sorte que tous ceux qui avaient été bons avec lui mènent une bonne vie. Oui, c'était Emily Taylor, la femme qui l'avait aidé à sortir de l'abîme du désespoir quand il avait touché le point le plus bas de sa vie. "Emily, il est temps pour moi de m'occuper de toi."

  • Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

    Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance



    [BOOK1]What are the odds that Gael would find himself as the Hero of a dark romance novel?After stumbling upon the book that he probably wouldn't have found if not because of his sister, Gael read the entire thing in one night.He found the book worthy of his mockery. It was absolutely ludicrous! He must find whoever wrote this absolute nonsense about him so he could show that person what he does to people who were deserving of his wrath.But what would he do when he finds out that the author of the book wants to keep her identity a secret? Will he expose her?Or will he use the secret to his advantage?..."How dare she use me this way?" A menacing stare paints his face as he looks at the woman from a distance."She likes writing romance novels so much?" he scoffed. "Then I'll give her the best damn story she would ever want to write."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Other Works:•Serendipity - A Chance Encounter (Complete-Ongoing revision)•Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress •Gabriella's Hellfire: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance (Book 2 of The De Luca Mafia Series)•Giovanni's Black Heart: An Enemies to Lovers Mafia Romance (Book 3 of The De Luca Mafia Series)~~~~~~~~~~~Join me and follow all my*Licensed cover image~~~~~~~~~~~Proofreader/Editors:Filledelisle Swaning

  • Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

    Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle



    In her previous life, An Xiulan had been oppressed and tortured by the members of Duke An's household. Her legitimate status wasn't enough to save her from the schemes of jealous siblings. For sixteen years, she tolerated the oppression inflicted on her but in the seventeenth year, she was pushed to death into the frozen lake.  Now she has reincarnated into the body of a youthful girl in the modern world who died in a car accident. She was given everything she was devoid of in her last life– family, love and education.  Graced with a new life, An Xiulan is determined to strive towards a better life. She will be the best daughter. She will study hard. And she will stay away from puppy love.  Nothing must come between her path to become a top scholar!  But there seems to be a hitch in the plan.   Why was the backbencher Han Zixin following her to the library, laboratory, playground and even the principal's office?  Wasn't Big Boss Han allergic to studies?  Why was he following the campus Belle? … Teacher: An Xiulan is a top student. We must preserve her at all costs. Class Ten gulped as they recalled how a certain bro-con had supplied cheating slips to his model student sister in monthly tests subsequently resulting in her topping the exams!   Lu Xuan: No one is allowed to bully my sister!! Only I can bully her! Everyone in class Ten: ????  A few days later, class Ten witnessed the delicate looking youthful girl chasing her self proclaimed brother with a hockey stick!  The delicate looking campus Belle wasn't delicate at all! ... A delicate girl can't possibly make two big gangsters of Jingyuan Highschool dance on her tunes? …. Cover belongs to me! __ [Tags:  Reincarnation/ Beautiful Female Lead/  Caring Protagonist / Charming Protagonist/  Cold Love Interests / Couple / Cute Protagonist / Cute Story. / Familial Love / Handsome Male Leads Heartwarming Modern Day story/ Gangster/ School life. ] ... Special Note: If you are looking for a book filled with an emotional rollercoaster ride, this isn't the book for you! It's meant for light read with realistic character development and fluff. Also, for the smut lovers, you have to be disappointed this time. .... ... Other books by author: 1. The Typhoon's Dangerous Wife. (completed) 2. The Villain. (Completed) 3. The Kiss of Deception. (Completed) 4. Flash Marriage: I accidentally married a mafia princess (ongoing) 5. Billionare's Marriage of In-convenience

  • L'Épouse Masquée du Duc

    L'Épouse Masquée du Duc


    La fille du baron, Alessandra Barrett, porte un masque depuis son jeune âge à cause d'une blessure. Beaucoup disent que si vous deviez voir le visage derrière le masque, vous seriez maudit et mourriez peu après. Elle est considérée comme un fantôme, évitée par tous ceux qui visitent la maison du baron jusqu'à ce qu'elle devienne la femme du duc. Personne ne comprenait pourquoi le duc choisirait une telle femme. Souhaitait-il mourir ? Que deviendrait la jeune fille qui se cachait autrefois dans l'ombre mais qui était désormais sous le feu des projecteurs en tant que femme masquée du duc ? Que diraient tous s'ils apprenaient la vérité qu'elle était dans un mariage sous contrat avec le duc ?

  • Il m'a volée à mon mari minable

    Il m'a volée à mon mari minable


    [Contenu Mature.] “Ce bébé est le mien, et toi aussi,” a-t-il déclaré, pointant le ventre de Kate tandis que ses yeux verts profonds fixaient Kate, comme un viper prêt à frapper. Kate ne pouvait pas croire que lui - Henry Grant, son nouveau patron de huit ans son cadet, était le père de son enfant à naître. "Nous devrions être ensemble par défaut. Mais je te donnerai le choix. Va et souffre avec ton mari no-life, ou viens avec moi, je te montrerai tous les plaisirs que tu as manqués." ===== Pendant les cinq dernières années de son mariage, Katherine "Kate" Woods, 32 ans, avait toujours cru qu'elle était stérile. Elle ne pouvait pas concevoir d'enfant et son mari no-life Matt l'insultait toujours à cause de cela, la traitant de femme inutile alors même qu'il ne trouvait jamais de travail lui-même, forçant Kate à être le seul soutien de famille. Pourtant, il avait encore le culot de la tromper avec sa propre soeur ! Le cœur brisé, Kate s'est réfugiée dans son bureau tard dans la nuit avec quatre bouteilles de vin rouge fort. A sa surprise, elle n'était pas seule. Un beau jeune homme se tenait dans son bureau, en train de la regarder. Il a refusé de donner son nom, mais a proposé de lui tenir compagnie pour la nuit. Avec le désir et l'alcool courant dans ses veines, Kate s'est volontiers abandonnée à ses instincts les plus bas, les plus refoulés, séduisant le visiteur anonyme mais consentant. Dans son ivresse, elle a déclaré avec audace: "Si mon mari veut coucher avec toutes les femmes de la terre, alors deux peuvent jouer à ce jeu." Elle ne se souciait pas qu'ils le fassent à cru, car elle pensait toujours qu'elle était stérile. Seulement pour se retrouver à regarder un test de grossesse positif un mois plus tard. Kate Woods, la prétendument 'femme stérile', était enceinte. L'inconnu avait accompli en une nuit ce que Matt n'avait pas pu faire en cinq ans. - Maintenant que Henry lui a donné le choix, Kate va-t-elle quitter son mari no-life et se jeter dans la mer d'incertitude avec ce jeune homme ? Ou va-t-elle rester avec Matt, son mari qui l'a trompée pour le bien de leurs familles ? - Couverture Commandée Officielle. - Contactez moi : Instagram : @ForeverPupa -
