Double Si Novels & Books - WebNovel

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About 619 results

  • Corre, niña (si puedes)

    Corre, niña (si puedes)



    Keeley, una chica sencilla y común, se saca la lotería. [¡No ganó la lotería en realidad!] Al menos eso es lo que piensa cuando se casa con el soltero más cotizado de Nueva York: Aaron, un adinerado y frío galán y magnate. Quiere demostrar al mundo que merece su posición y hace todo lo posible por adaptarse a su mundo. Un hermoso día, Aaron le entrega un documento pidiéndole que lo firme. Un papel de divorcio... —Ella está embarazada y tengo que hacerme cargo—. Eso es lo último que sigue dando vueltas en su mente antes de dar su último aliento. Keeley muere en un —atropello y fuga—. [Fin de la historia. ¡Pero no!] Por alguna razón inexplicable, despierta siendo su versión más joven. Una joven estudiante de escuela secundaria, alrededor del tiempo en que conoce a su esposo infiel. Recordando su vida con Aaron antes de morir, se promete a sí misma que hará todo lo posible por evitarlo a toda costa. ¿Podrá cumplir su promesa cuando Aaron también tiene sus propios planes, específicamente para ella? ¿O repetirá la historia y se enamorará de él una vez más...? ¿Por qué no embarcarse conmigo en este viaje y descubrir la verdad detrás de su historia?

  • Istri Jenius si Miliarder

    Istri Jenius si Miliarder


    Dunia Scarlett runtuh ketika dia dicampur obat dan dipaksa menikah dengan janda kaya yang sangat tua, yang memiliki lima anak. Mencoba melarikan diri dari masalah yang nampaknya tidak bisa dihindari, dia menerima tawaran pernikahan kontrak selama satu tahun untuk pria misterius tersebut. Dia berjanji ini akan mengeluarkan dia dari masalah pernikahan yang ditentang dengan paksa. Dia menerima tawaran tersebut. Jika semuanya lancar, dia akan menjadi wanita bebas dan mandiri dalam satu tahun ... Namun, banyak hal yang mengambil giliran yang tak terduga. Pernikahan kontrak membuat kehidupan Scarlett terasa seperti dia sedang menaiki rollercoaster. Campuran kegembiraan dan antusiasme, diteror neraka, dan surganya yang bahagia. Bersiaplah untuk cerita yang menawan yang akan membuat Anda terpikat dari awal hingga akhir, mengurai rahasia enigmatik dari kehidupan Scarlett. ******* Hanya orang gila yang akan menerima tawarannya. Dan sekarang ini, dia tidak termasuk dalam kategori itu. Pikirannya masih waras. "Tolong jangan salah paham. Saya hanya mencoba membantu diri saya sendiri. Dan pada saat yang sama membantu Anda." Scarlett semakin bingung. "Saya tahu masalah saya rumit. Tapi, aku rasa menikah dengan pria yang baru saja kukenal, tanpa cinta, terasa aneh..." katanya. "Ini bukan pernikahan sungguhan, tetapi pernikahan kontrak yang bisa Anda atur untuk keuntungan Anda. Dan juga milikku." Scarlett mendengarkan dengan diam; di dalam hatinya, dia terkejut dan agak bingung. Xander menyilang lengan di atas dada sambil menatap mata Scarlett. Dia melanjutkan, "Seperti yang saya katakan sebelumnya, saya akan membantu Anda, dan pada saat yang sama, Anda akan membantu saya. Saya tidak perlu menjelaskan apa masalah saya. Tapi, saya menjamin Anda, jika Anda setuju untuk melakukan pernikahan kontrak dengan saya, maka masalah Anda akan terpecahkan. Jadi, apa pendapatmu!?" Scarlett tidak terburu-buru untuk bicara. Dia perlahan mengangkat kepala dan berkata, "Jadi saya bisa memasukkan klausul apa pun yang saya inginkan dalam kontrak?" Pria itu mengangguk, berkata, "Selama itu tidak menyakitiku." Dia menawarkan jabat tangan kepada Xander, "Oke. Kau dapat mengatasi!"

  • Cunning General Si Ning

    Cunning General Si Ning



    As a troublesome Idol with a bad personality who was confident of his pretty look. All Si Ning ever wanted was to gamble and become rich overnight so he could finally buy a mansion and lots of sports car for him to finally be able to drive the latest sports car to his hometown to see his mother and sister Then he would not feel guilty for dropping out of school and using his school expenses to gamble and lost, it was the plan he was working on and he never expected to be transmigrated to another world and turns out to be the General commanding a large army to war. "I cannot do this." Si Ning rolled on the bed knowing this was nothing more than a nightmare as he stared at his callused hands he woke up to. Being General Si Ning of the great Xiu imperial army was nothing more than a nightmare to him. In order to survive in a world of war, Si Ning had to choose the perfect partner and rise to be a powerful person in Xiu nation. *This is BL Means Boys love. *The cover is not mine* *I do not own the cover* If the owner tells me to remove it, I will and if you know the artist, leave me a msg in the comment box.

  • Dokter Jenius: Si Nona Perut Hitam

    Dokter Jenius: Si Nona Perut Hitam


    Ia adalah seorang jenius yang tiada tandingan di abad ke-24, yang ia perlukan hanyalah sebuah jarum perak dan ia dapat membangkitkan siapa pun dari kematian. Setelah sebuah ledakan, ia menyeberang ke dunia asing; semua orang memanggilnya "Nona". "Nona" sebelumnya tidak memiliki roh kontraktual, lemah dan tak cakap, dan bahkan tunangannya datang dengan kekasih baru dan mempermainkannya? Sekarang ia telah mengambil alih, siapa yang berani bersikap lancang padanya? Dengan jarum di tangannya, dunia adalah miliknya! Ke mana pun ia pergi, mukjizat mengikutinya! Tetapi ia telah menyelamatkan sesuatu yang menjijikkan. Apa yang ia pikirkan ketika menyelamatkan pria itu. Sosoknya yang memikat dan wajahnya yang sempurna sangat kontras dengan aksi kejamnya. Pria itu mencoba segala cara untuk memenangkan hati sang nona. Ini adalah sebuah cerita perpindahan dunia dengan sentuhan sihir, romansa dan nona berperut hitam sebagai karakter utama.

  • Cours, Fille (Si Tu Peux)

    Cours, Fille (Si Tu Peux)


    Keeley, une simple Jane quelconque, décroche le gros lot. [Non, elle n'a pas gagné à la loterie!] Du moins, c'est ce qu'elle pense lorsqu'elle épouse le célibataire le plus éligible de la ville de New York : Aaron, un riche séducteur au cœur froid et magnat. Elle veut montrer au monde qu'elle mérite sa position et se tord en quatre pour s'intégrer à son monde. Un beau jour, Aaron lui tend un document et lui demande de le signer. Un papier de divorce... "Elle est enceinte, et je dois assumer ma responsabilité." C’est la dernière chose qui lui tourne en tête avant de rendre son dernier souffle. Keeley meurt, victime d'un 'accident de la route'. [Fin de l'histoire. Pas du tout!] Pour une raison inexplicable, elle se réveille dans son jeune corps. Une jeune lycéenne, à peu près à l'époque où elle a rencontré pour la première fois son mari volage. Se souvenant de sa vie avec Aaron avant sa mort, elle se fait la promesse qu'elle fera tout en son pouvoir pour l'éviter à tout prix. Sera-t-elle capable de tenir sa promesse alors qu'Aaron a aussi ses propres plans, spécifiquement pour elle ? Ou va-t-elle répéter l'histoire et tomber à nouveau sous son charme... Pourquoi ne pas faire ce voyage avec moi et découvrir la vérité derrière leur histoire. *Couverture d'art par polkadottedscrunchie*

  • Pembalasan Cerdik Si Gadis Candu

    Pembalasan Cerdik Si Gadis Candu


    Diramalkan sebagai bintang bernasib buruk, Yun Xi jadi sangat dibenci oleh ibu kandungnya, Liang Xiuqin. Setelah wajahnya disiram cairan asam sulfat oleh ibunya sendiri, ia mengetahui kebenaran bahwa pujaan hati dan sahabatnya sendiri juga mengkhianatinya. Penderitaan yang bertubi-tubi membuat emosinya meluap hingga terjadi pertengkaran. Tanpa diduga, salah satu dari mereka mendorong Yun Xi hingga terjatuh dari balkon gedung yang tinggi. Di saat-saat terakhir hidupnya, Yun Xi seperti burung bersayap patah yang hanya bisa meratapi penderitaannya. Namun, ternyata itu bukanlah akhir baginya. Ia tiba-tiba terbangun di tengah hutan dan dirinya segera mencerna semuanya. Di situlah awal mula Yun Xi bisa bertemu dengan Mu Feichi, Tuan Muda Keluarga Mu yang paling berpengaruh di Ibukota. Ia berniat untuk kembali ke keluarga Yun, tapi ia malah terlibat dengan keluarga Jiang dan keluarga Shen yang juga memiliki posisi penting. Ia pun memanfaatkan semua keluarga ini demi mendapatkan apa yang dirinya inginkan. Apa yang sebenarnya terjadi pada Yun Xi? Apa yang ia inginkan? Apa yang akan ia lakukan selanjutnya?

  • Si Tukang Pamer Kemesraan

    Si Tukang Pamer Kemesraan


    Su Zhixi, seorang mahasiswi Universitas Yanzhou yang memiliki kehidupan cukup rumit. Sebelumnya, dia dijebak oleh adik tirinya, Su Lianxi, untuk bisa tidur bersama dengan pria sembarangan agar hidupnya semakin kacau. Namun tanpa diduga, dia justru menemukan dirinya terbangun bersama dengan pria tampan dari keluarga yang sangat berkuasa di Kota Yanzhao, He Jingyao. Sementara He Jingyao yang sebelumnya tidak pernah bisa menyentuh wanita, kali ini berbeda, dia bisa menikmati kebersamaannya bersama dengan Su Zhixi dan jatuh cinta untuk pertama kalinya. Dengan kekuasaan yang dimilikinya, dia berusaha merebut hati Su Zhixi yang sebenarnya sudah memiliki tambatan hatinya sendiri. Namun sayang, pria itu justru yang akan menjadi calon adik iparnya dalam waktu dekat. Akankah He jingyao mampu meraih cintanya dan membuat Su Zhixi melupakan cinta untuk pria lain yang selama ini dia simpan rapat-rapat?

  • Suami Pernikahan Percobaan : Si Cantik Pemuas Hasrat CEO Liar

    Suami Pernikahan Percobaan : Si Cantik Pemuas Hasrat CEO Liar

    Urban CEO


    “Dasar cowo brengsek! Gara-gara kelakuan lo sekarang gue jadi mabok-mabokan ngga jelas!” Setelah diputuskan pacar sebelumnya yang telah tega menguras habis tabungannya, Lisa Soewandi, seorang karyawati di sebuah perusahaan multinasional harus berjuang mati-matian demi menafkahi ibunya yang sakit dan adiknya yang masih kuliah. Muak dengan kehidupan yang tak berujung dan kondisi keuangan yang mengenaskan, Lisa memutuskan untuk memadu cinta satu malam bersama seorang pria tampan keturunan Eropa yang ternyata adalah bosnya sendiri, seorang CEO di perusahaan dimana ia bekerja. Demi tabungan yang terus kian menipis dan cibiran orang-orang yang mengolok-olok dirinya, Lisa terpaksa rela memuaskan nafsu liar CEO itu. Bahkan Lisa mulai berpikir menyetujui untuk menyerahkan dirinya menjadi istri seorang laki-laki binal demi menjaga kestabilan finansial hidup keluarganya. Pernikahan macam apa yang akan Lisa miliki hidup bersama CEO liar yang tak kunjung henti mempermainkan tubuhnya? Apakah maksud CEO itu mengajak Lisa untuk menikahinya? Apakah hanya untuk memuaskan fantasinya? Atau…

  • Double Moon

    Double Moon



    ##completed## Double Moon is a wolf book, but not the typical one with alpha mates and clichés. If you're looking for that, you're in the wrong place. This book has a supernatural vibe like Vampire Diaries and Teen Wolf, but it's also different. You have to read it to understand. It blends technology and fantasy in a way that could be called sci-fi. This book has both ancient and modern elements. The only downside to the book might be too many characters, but it could also be the strength of the book. It's ironic, anyway. Maybe, at the end, I represented these numerous characters very well and fleshed out the theme and plot line, or maybe not. You're free to rate on that. ... Meet Jun Mey - a mysterious figure who defies categorization. In a world where humans crave freedom and wolves fight for survival, Jun Mey stands alone, chased by both hunters and wolves who see her as a dangerous threat to their existence. She is an enigma, an unexpected force that can bring both groups to extinction. But Jun Mey is not defenseless - she pays back her enemies twofold for the damage they cause her. With a fierce determination to show them what it feels like to lose something precious, Jun Mey will stop at nothing to prove her strength.

  • Her Double Trouble

    Her Double Trouble


    "If given a chance, who would you rather, Daniel or me?" Owen asked. "Now that's a tough one." Chugging down the leftover champagne directly from the bottle, she said, "I need some time to think."Refilling his shot glass, Daniel suggested, "Or you do us both together and save some time."….The leaders of Anderson Enterprise, one of the top ten international companies in the world, Owen and Daniel Anderson are considered the most eligible bachelors in the country. They are heartthrobs every woman desires. Despite having a horde of women who are ready to throw themselves at them, the Anderson brothers have their eyes set on one woman who has managed to captivate their attention.Leaving home at the young age of fourteen, things have been quite rough for Emma Parker. Despite all the hardships she has faced in her life, Emma is very optimistic. She is a strong independent woman and somehow manages to find happiness in the small things she has. All Emma wants is to live a peaceful and comfortable life but her fate has different plans for her. After an unexpected eventful night with two strangers, Emma now has two new stalkers that follow her around: the millionaire brothers, Daniel and Owen.Caught in the middle of the two brothers who try to court her separately, will Emma ultimately figure out who she wants to be with… or both?And when she starts developing feelings for the charming suitors, will Emma’s heart be broken when she is reminded of the difference between their worlds? Or will the happily-ever-after bloom for Emma at long last?…..Join my discord server: Discord username: Sofia05#2273

  • Zayn,Si Jenius Tampan

    Zayn,Si Jenius Tampan



    WARNING (21+) Zayn adalah putra dari Ayya dan Rafi, dalam usia sepuluh tahun tahun dia berhasil lulus dan di wisuda sekaligus menjadi sarjana termuda. Seorang anak lelaki yang sangat tampan ini adalah seorang anak ajaib, bagaimana kehidupan masa kecilnya? juga tentang kisah cintanya, ikuti yuk ceritanya...

  • My Double-Cross System

    My Double-Cross System


    Xiao Ning in this novel is not enslaved to a system but in an employer x employee relationship with the system. ****** Xiao Ning exploded, as she was taking her last breaths, she suddenly finds herself in another world and another body with a system called Zion's Agent System? This was not a dream after death or virtual reality to play in. This was a place to either complete her mission or die. Join her as she struggles with each world, each new body and Shu Wei after her life, with the dream of being the strongest being far well as being alive! ******** Partner: I am searching for a woman..a woman that killed my mother. Partner: That woman destroyed my life, help me find her. Partner: We are partners from today..but you must inform me if you met her. Xiao Ning had only one realization, that her. And, she needs to keep being partners with the person that wants to kill her. Why not just kill her killer? My Killer is just too strong. So...I decided to betray her once I get the chance! Double-cross: Betraying someone with whom one is supposedly cooperating. ********* [ Disclaimer: The novel's POV is through Xiao Ning of her and her surroundings. This indicates that any characters introduced will be written from Xiao Ning's judgements. The better the MC tries to understand a person, the better their nature and circumstances will be shown in the novel. If a character is said to be 'cold-looking' it doesn't imply it's their personality, it's what the MC also known as Xiao Ning assumes.] [ 'The Encounter' is an acquainting Arc illustrating the Killer's motives, the readers are free to only read the finale of the Arc {First Encounter (End)} ]. [ Disclaimer: The R18 tag function shows up after chapter 50. ] [ Disclaimer: The novel revolves around world traversing with a Yuri subplot. ] [ Disclaimer: The MC and FL are both females that can occupy both female and male bodies. ] There is no idiotic love heroine in this novel, but people in the world transmigrated can have BL, GL, and BG. Welcome to Taishu's void book, will recommend golden ticket contributor's books if composed. Disclaimer: This is a 100% Original Writer Taishu Work. Disclaimer: DM me on Discord if you wish to remove your artwork from my cover.

  • I, the Reborn Hell King, My Wishes Grant Double upon my Enemies

    I, the Reborn Hell King, My Wishes Grant Double upon my Enemies


    Update Daily! 9 AM PST ---------------------- Leo was reborn. In his past life, he was the least favored prince, a fearsome demon lord, a revenger from hell, and an enemy of the gods. To defeat him, the Goddess of Wishes cursed him with the most powerful hex. Defeated by the divine, in his rebirth, Leo started his second life bearing the curse of the Goddess of Wishes... Any wish he made would come true—however, his enemies would receive double the effect of that wish. Faced with such a mighty divine curse, Leo actually found joy. When his enemies raised their swords against him... "I wish to lose half of my body's strength." Instantly, his enemy collapsed, weakened and unable to stand. "I wish for ten thousand gold coins!" Consequently, Leo received ten thousand gold coins, and from his enemies, he acquired an additional twenty thousand! "Just a curse from the gods, nothing serious," said the reborn Leo nonchalantly, "Look, because of this curse, I have actually become stronger!" ---------------------- WPC DEC Entry! Please show your support if you enjoy the story! How can you show your support? Gift Power Stone! 150=1 bonus chapter 200=2 bonus chapters 500=3 bonus chapters Bonus release will drop the following week!

  • Double Iris

    Double Iris


    Iris Ann Jones has been trying to live a normal and simple life with both her brother and her father, ever since her mother left them.Just a few years later, she comes in contact with the infamous son of the prestigous Waynes family, Zander Miller Wayne.She never knew that this little and unfortunate encounter with him will unravel a lot about their pasts. Finally when she though all her fight was over.....the table got turned around.What happens when she eventually finds out about her true identity?Will she be able to forgive those she truly loves? or get her revenge??

  • Double Flip

    Double Flip

    After a lifetime of devotion, Ben Thornton tries to focus on gold at the 2012 London Olympics. Unfortunately, a British tabloid reporter sets his sights on outing a famous athlete, namely Ben, who is just now accepting his sexual identity himself.<br><br>Meanwhile, someone crushing on Ben reveals himself via a mysterious love note. Is best friend and teammate Richie Stoker the one, or maybe Richie’s twin brother, Adam? Team members Steven, Vijra, or Cory could have authored it. Then, there’s Ben’s ex; the exe’s sibling; friend with occasional benefits, Booger Fisher; and also Ukrainian weightlifter Iggy, who follows Ben around the Olympic Village. It could also be a trick perpetrated by the gossipmonger, Ben fears.<br><br>Will the pressure of the media circus interfere with Ben’s competitions, or will Ben leave London with gold and the man of his dreams?

  • Siêu thần cơ giới sư

    Siêu thần cơ giới sư

    Là kẻ cày game thuê cấp Cốt Hôi trong game “Tinh Hải”, Hàn Tiêu bị một lực lượng thần bí nào đó ném vào đội ngũ xuyên không, từ game thủ biến thành NPC, trở về thời “Tinh Hải” mới Open Beta. Vừa tỉnh lại Hàn Tiêu đã trở thành vật thí nghiệm của tổ chức Manh Nha, anh lựa chọn hệ cơ giới với độ khó cao nhất để giúp mình thoát khỏi hiểm cảnh. Chiến hạm xếp thành hàng tung hoành biển sao, chiến giáp uốn lượn khí thế như rồng, pháo u năng phá trời diệt đất và còn cả đội quân máy móc vô biên vô tận ở trong kho hàng. Một người là một đội quân! Hàn Tiêu bước lên con đường trở thành cơ giới sư mạnh mẽ nhất trong lịch sử. Nhưng game thủ xuất hiện, Hàn Tiêu lần lượt thấy những khuôn mặt quen thuộc trước kia, thì ra thế giới hiện thực cũng quay ngược về mười năm trước. Bước đầu tiên để trở thành cường giả của Hàn Tiêu, đó là trốn thoát khỏi phòng thí nghiệm cái đã…

  • Double Act

    Double Act

    Sean Stirling isn’t having a good day. Hearing snide comments on a photoshoot, he storms off, not caring that he looks every inch a celebrity throwing a tantrum. Things get worse when he falls on the ice-covered street. As a car comes barreling toward him, there’s nothing he can do to prevent his fate.<br><br>Luckily, Emerson Willis is there to save the day.<br><br>Emerson pushes the man from the street, then gets bamboozled into accompanying the stranger to the hospital. After Emerson sees himself on television, he realizes the man he saved is a pop star.<br><br>Now, Sean is smitten and eager to thank his rescuer. Emerson, whose mind is still spinning, can’t tell what to think about the sudden attention. Can the musician convince Emerson they’re made for each other? Or will Emerson dismiss it all as the passing fancy of a rich and famous man?

  • Siêu cấp gen thần

    Siêu cấp gen thần

    Tiến vào thời đại vũ trụ, trình độ khoa học kỹ thuật của con người đã phát triển đến mức vô cùng cao, cuối cùng cũng đã nắm được kỹ thuật dịch chuyển không gian. Nhưng sau khi con người thử tiến hành dịch chuyển thì lại hoảng sợ phát hiện, bọn họ hoàn toàn không dịch chuyển đến tương lai, cũng chẳng thể ngược dòng quay về quá khứ. Thậm chí cũng không thể dịch chuyển từ hành tinh này sang hành tinh khác được, vì ở đầu bên kia của trạm dịch chuyển không gian lại là một thế giới khác hẳn. Đó là thế giới mà con người hoàn toàn không thể tưởng tượng được, trong thế giới này, tất cả khoa học kỹ thuật đều thành phế thải. Vùng đất được thần bảo hộ với vô số dị sinh vật khủng bố hoành hành, con người bắt đầu tiến hóa với tốc độ nhanh đến mức khoa học không cách nào lý giải được, mở ra kỷ nguyên mới huy hoàng nhất, sáng chói nhất. Từ một kẻ nhỏ yếu trong thành bảo hộ Cương Giáp, Hàn Sâm dựa vào kỳ ngộ và sự cố gắng không ngừng nghỉ của mình từng bước vươn lên, trở thành cường giả mà người người ngưỡng mộ, viết lên trang sử hào hùng của riêng mình...

  • Global Beast Taming: My Battle Pet is Double of Others

    Global Beast Taming: My Battle Pet is Double of Others


    "Ding, Tempest War Eagle had leveled up. Its blood hereditary had been activated and evolved into Dark flame Phoenix!" "Ding! Black tortoise level synchronization completed, current level: Immortal rank!" Qi revived, ferocious beasts were rampant, and humans lost half of their population instantly. The beast tamers emerged right on the verge of humanity's extinction, allowing them to survive. Today, this was a world full of beast tamers. Su Bai had traveled through time and space to this world, awakening his talent in making the dual contract so that he could possess twice as many battle pets as others! With his hot-blooded personality, Su Bai would eventually become the eternal legend of this world!

  • Si Genius Leo

    Si Genius Leo



    Leo anak laki-laki lahir dengan mewarisi gen dari ayahnya yang genius, namun saat umurnya memasuki tahun ke 4 sebuah kecelakaan merubah kehidupannya, kegeniusan yang dimilikinya lenyap seketika dan penderitaan terus datang silih berganti.Namun ia memilih terus maju untuk mendapatkan kegeniusannya yang telah lenyap, di saat yang sama ia tidak sadar karena rasa sakit itu, membuatnya membangkitkan kemampuan khusus yang dimiliki oleh seorang genius.Hingga ia masuk di SMA Sarien yang merupakan salah satu sekolah populer di daerah tersebut, sifat yang awalnya tidak peduli dan dingin mulai berubah ketika bertemu dengan teman-teman kelas yang baik.Leo juga bertemu dengan Niza Eriana, seorang gadis kaya-raya, paling populer di sekolah tersebut karena kecantikannya, namun di balik kesempurnaannya ia memiliki kesedihan yang sama dengan Leo, Mereka pun mulai mendekat dan saling bertukar cerita.Di tengah kehidupan Leo yang terus mencoba melupakan masa lalu, seorang murid bernama Lira yang juga sangat genius dan begitu mirip dengan adik perempuannya Shin, membuat dirinya memiliki harapan, di sekolah tersebut ia juga bertemu dengan murid misterius yang bisa mengendalikan "Aura" yang merupakan dasar utama untuk mendapatkan kemampuan khusus bagi seorang genius sejati.Dukung selalu si Genius Leo ^_^ ^_^
