Menikahi Putri Mafia Novels & Books - WebNovel

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About 963 results

  • Menikahi Putri Mafia

    Menikahi Putri Mafia



    Tamat!Bagaimana rasanya menjadi putri mafia yang berada dalam lingkungan mansion penuh para mafia binaan sang Ayah dan mendapatkan pengawalan ketat setiap waktu?Bagaimana dengan dirinya yang tidak bebas memilih pria yang dicintainya?Ah, pasti sangat tidak enak. Apalagi Redita jatuh cinta dengan pria yang tidak disukai oleh seluruh anggota keluarganya. Ada apa dengan pria itu?Belum lagi masa lalunya yang kelam menjadikan ia wanita yang terlihat lemah dan tak berdaya hingga harus selalu merapat pada pengawalnya.Banyak cerita di sini. Tidak hanya tawa dan tangis, tapi juga berbagai macam kisah para mafia itu sendiri. Namun pertanyaannya, siapa akan berakhir bersama sang Nona? Pria yang dicintainya atau ....Nb : Semua nama tempat hanyalah khayalan penulis semata.

  • Owned By The Mafia Boss

    Owned By The Mafia Boss



    His dark eyes stared into mine with no emotions at all. “Xav—” “Shut up!” I flinched and let out a shuddered breath. He came closer and took a hold of my neck as if trying to choke me or something. I stared at him and breathed heavily. “Just shut up.” I looked down and closed my eyes. “I own you.” His words resounded in the room. They were like torture to me and I couldn’t escape. I was trapped with him and there was no way out. ______________________ Join me on the roller coaster ride of love and hate, following Xavier Valencian -- a handsome, yet devilish mafia boss and his new interest -- Scarlett Walker. What happens when Scar's dad sells her to the mafia boss for three million dollars? Can she buy her back & save her life, or will she be always a prisoner to his little tricks? [Updated regularly. A long book with over 200k words intended, dark romance.]

  • Menikahimu yang Kaya dari Surga

    Menikahimu yang Kaya dari Surga


    Sampai mati pun dia tidak pernah menyangka kalau akan menikahi seorang sopir. Namun, siapa yang menyangka kalau pria itu bukan sopir, melainkan seorang CEO perusahaan dan sangat terhormat. Setelah menikah dia melahirkan seorang anak kembar yang salah satunya meninggal. Karena ingin menghidupi anak itu, dia bekerja keras dengan sangat rajin untuk menghidupi keluarganya. “Memangnya kenapa kalau aku menikahi sopir? Dengan pekerjaanku sebagai seorang model, aku bisa menafkahi suami dan anakku.” Suatu hari dia melihat pria yang paling misterius dan terlihat sangat bermartabat di sebuah pesta dan pria itu mengenakan cincin kawin yang sama dengan miliknya. Pria itu melihat ke bawah dan terkekeh, “Kebetulan sekali kita memiliki putra yang gayanya sama.”

  • Menikahi Simpanan Ayahku

    Menikahi Simpanan Ayahku

    Realistic ROMANCE R18 HAREM


    Warning 21+Bijaklah dalam membaca, memberikan komentar atau review. Tidak layak untuk yang di bawah umur. Andrew Hutama, seorang pengusaha muda yang sukses memilih untuk menikahi Simpanan Ayahnya. Bukan tanpa alasan, rasa sayangnya pada sang ibunda membuat dirinya rela berkorban demi kebahagiaan wanita yang sudah melahirkannya itu."Clarissa. Apa kamu punya kekasih?" tanya Andrew sambil tersenyum menggodanya."Sebenarnya kekasihku sudah beristri," jelas wanita itu."Apa! Jadi wanita secantik dirimu hanya dijadikan simpanan." Andrew pura-pura terkejut mendengar jawaban dari wanita simpanan ayahnya.Sayangnya, semua yang telah Andrew korbankan justru membuatnya harus berjuang dalam mencari kebahagiaan yang sejati. Bahkan ia harus membenci ayahnya sendiri karena sebuah alasan yang tak bisa diterimanya.Mampukah Andrew Hutama menemukan cinta sejatinya? Ataukah justru akan terjebak dalam hubungan rumit dengan Simpanan Ayahnya?Ikutilah Kisahnya ....Cerita ini hanya fiktif belaka. Jika ada kesamaan nama tokoh, tempat kejadian ataupun cerita, itu adalah kebetulan semata dan tidak ada unsur kesengajaan.





    What will you do if you, as an heiress of a mafia organization in this modern world, suddenly jump into another dimension? Historical era?The worst in this world is when a girl needs to be girlish, polite, wearing a dress with thick layers, and too traditional for her liking!But, of course, she will ruled this world, too, right? ~~~~~~~~~::VOLUME 1 : WHERE IS THIS WORLD?::=> Ariana Rose Conrad, heiress of Mafia from Black Eagle Organization in modern world suddenly jump into another dimension which totally different than the world that she know. ::VOLUME 2 : MARRY THE ENEMY::=> New life of Ariana as a Duchess. She also began to focusing on her mafia organization here. Her first case to investigate regarding the disease suffered by her mother-in-law. Love also started to blossom between her and her husband but something like this definitely not that easy as they started as enemies. After a big event, Ariana decided to leave the Silver Palace and divorce.::VOLUME 3 : THE STRUGGLE OF LOVE::=> The Duke does not want to give up and keep on searching for his wife desperately even if she already left him. Reunite at some point but Ariana refused to coming back. Things getting complicated after Zayn collapsed, making Ariana have to make another big decision in her life. ::VOLUME 4 : THE FAMILY::=> The Basileious and the Conrad are now in a tense state after what Ariana said to the King, her own father. The empire also is in uproar because of that. People opinion is now divided into both of the household.~~~~~~~~~~

  • Menikahi Sang Pewaris

    Menikahi Sang Pewaris


    Ditinggalkan di altar pernikahan oleh calon istrinya, membuat Christian Allen tanpa pikir panjang mencari gadis yang bisa ia nikahi tepat di saat itu juga. Demi menyelamatkan harga diri seorang Allen di mata semua orang, ia pun menikahi Alessia Falco, anak dari kepala pelayan yang mengabdikan seluruh hidupnya pada keluarga Allen. Alessia tahu bahwa dia hanyalah bidak kecil yang bisa dimanfaatkan demi menyelamatkan nama baik keluarga konglomerat itu. Tapi gadis itu juga manusia, ia selalu berharap ada cinta yang tulus dari seorang pria dingin yang kini menikahinya. Allesia berdoa pada Tuhan agar mengabulkan harapannya, supaya hati Christian terbuka untuknya. Di saat rasa percaya itu mulai hadir di dalam hati Christian, seorang wanita dari masa lalu kembali hadir. Apakah rasa yang pernah ada untuk sang mantan kekasih masih tertinggal di dalam relung jiwa pewaris Allen Group ataukah ia membuka hatinya untuk gadis yang telah dinikahinya?

  • A Possessive Mafia Leader

    A Possessive Mafia Leader


    Czar Pattinson, a 26-year-old British-Russian mafia leader, and a billionaire. He is a dominant, Possessive, Jealous, arrogant, and merciless adult. He hates lies. When he was 15 years old, his parents were killed by another mafia gang. He has money, fame, power, got everything he wanted especially women, and the people who know him don't dare to defy him. His business is into drugs, illegal weapons and casinos, and hotels in Russia and London. But, on a rainy day, his emerald green eyes and his heart laid on Siena Davies, the woman he craved for, and make her his. He couldn't digest the word HATE and REJECT by his lover Siena. So, he conquers his love and marries her by blackmailing her that he will kill her father and her older brothers.Siena Davies, a 22-year-old, editor of a well-reputed publishing company firm named Davies Publishing Inc. She is intelligent, independent, smart, beautiful, kind-hearted. She was her brother's favorite. When she was a month's baby, Her parents got divorced. She hates her mother to the core. Her childhood was imperfect and ruined. Till now she doesn't know the reason why her mother divorced her dad. She stays with her father and her older brothers. Her father and her older siblings were each other support, and strength took responsibility for their publishing business into their hands and after 10 years their hard work paid off. Davies Publishing Inc. is in the number one position in London, United Kingdom.Join me in reading how this Dominant's love conquers his lover's hate changed into Love? Hope you enjoy reading!***Completed****WARNING: BAD LANGUAGE AND MATURE CONTENT.The photo is not mine. The rightful credit goes to the owner. XOXOXO4Maggievasiredz.

  • Legenda Chu Qiao: Tuan Putri Agen Divisi 11

    Legenda Chu Qiao: Tuan Putri Agen Divisi 11


    Chu Qiao, seorang agen intelijen dari divisi ke-11 yang dijebak dan terkurung dalam penjara. Setelah ia berhasil melarikan diri dari penjara, ia mengorbankan nyawanya untuk membawa pergi bom yang dimaksudkan untuk meledakkan seluruh penjara tersebut. Setelah kejadian ini, ia terbangun di dalam tubuh seorang gadis budak berusia delapan tahun di Kekaisaran Xia...

  • Suami Pengganti (Terpaksa Menikahi Calon Kakak Ipar)

    Suami Pengganti (Terpaksa Menikahi Calon Kakak Ipar)


    Karena tingkah memalukan sang adik yang lari tepat di hari pernikahannya, Daffa Eldaz terpaksa harus menggantikan posisi adiknya demi menyelamatkan nama baik keluarga Eldaz.Awalnya Almira menolak karena selain dia hanya mencintai Rian Eldaz, wanita itu juga sangat-sangat mengetahui bagaimana perangai seorang Daffa yang merupakan Casanova sejati. Tapi, desakan dari seluruh keluarga membuat Almira terpaksa harus menyetujuinya.Apalagi kepribadian keduanya yang sama-sama keras kepala sepertinya akan sangat sulit untuk bisa disatukan. Mereka tidak ada yang mau mengalah untuk satu sama lain. Keseharian mereka hanya di isi dengan keributan bak Tom and Jerry, tidak selayaknya pengantin baru yang masih dalam masa hangat-hangatnya."Dengar, Almira! Aku menikahimu hanya karena ingin menyelamatkan nama baik keluargaku saja. Aku tidak mungkin tertarik pada wanita yang body nya datar kayak tembok macam kamu!" Celetuk Daffa dengan tatapan yang merendahkan pada Almira."Heh, tuan Daffa Eldaz yang terhormat! Anda pikir saya sudi untuk anda jamah, begitu? Jangan terlalu percaya diri anda! Saya tidak biasa memakai barang bekas orang lain, bisa gatal-gatal nanti tubuh mulus saya ini." Serang balik Almira yang tidak terima Daffa merendahkannya.Akankah suatu saat mereka bisa akur hingga menjalani biduk rumah tangga seperti pasangan normal lainnya? Menerima pernikahan yang mengikat mereka sebagai sebuah takdir yang harus mereka terima dengan lapang dada.Ataukah mereka akan memilih menyerah karena watak keduanya yang sama-sama keras dan tidak bisa dapat disatukan?



    WARNING: This book is extremely steamy, if you’re patient enough to get to where it all starts.~~~~~~~Bianca Bianchi has had a huge crush on the billionaire businessman; Manuel Russo, for the longest time! When she gets the opportunity to work as his favorite cousin’s personal assistant, she jumps on it because that means she gets to be in a closer range with the man she had admired for years. Unfortunately, she starts working for his cousin and realizes that things didn’t go the way she thought. She did get to see Manuel, but only once in a while, and he never really seemed to notice her. Things get more unfortunate when she finds out he already has a fiancée, and she decides to give up on her crush that seemed to have developed into real feelings.Manuel Russo is the perfect description of a businessman by day, and a ruthless mafia boss by night. When Manuel Russo decides to be spontaneous and abduct his fiancée for a dream island wedding surprise, on her birthday, his men get it all wrong. They kidnap the wrong lady. A woman whom he recognizes to be his cousin’s personal assistant. Luck is not on his side, when due to travel restrictions, they get stuck on the island together. A lot could happen within 3 weeks of being stuck, including being strangely addicted to Bianca’s body, and getting her pregnant.

  • Menikahlah denganku

    Menikahlah denganku



    Volume 1Bian menikahi Mutiara karena ingin membuat Ristie, mantannya, cemburu dan menyesal telah meninggalkannya. Bian sangat mencintai Ristie dan ingin gadis itu kembali padanya. Bian memaksa Mumut yang datang meminta bantuan kepadanya untuk menikah dalam waktu satu minggu. Bian menikahi gadis itu untuk membantunya dan dan menjaganya. Dia berjanji suatu saat Ia akan melepasnya pada orang yang dicintainya. Mumut, seorang cleaning servis di perusahaan Bian, Mumut memiliki cita-cita yang tinggi karena itu dia kuliah di malam hari untuk mewujudkan impiannya meski serba kekurangan. Dia terpaksa menikah dengan Bian karena membutuhkan biaya untuk membayar biaya rumah sakit ibunya yang harus menjalani operasi dan melunasi hutang-hutangnya. Akankah benih-benih cinta tumbuh di antara mereka atau Bian memilih berpisah dari Mumut dan kembali pada Ristie dan membiarkan Mumut bersama orang yang dicintainya???Volume 2Bian semakin menyadari kalau dia sangat mencintai Mumut dan mulai melupakan cintanya pada Ristie. Mumut juga merasa perasaannya pada Bian semakin kuat dan membuatnya tak lagi memberi ruang pada Andika yang selama ini dia sukai diam-diam.Mumut dan Bian terpaksa mempercepat bulan madu mereka karena putra mereka diculik. Keduanya bekerja sama untuk menyelamatkan buah cinta mereka dari cengkraman para orang menculiknya. Follow me on FB : : @alany828

  • Menikahimu Sampai ke Tulang-tulangku

    Menikahimu Sampai ke Tulang-tulangku


    Xu Youyou, putri dari keluarga Xu yang tumbuh besar di pedesaan telah kembali untuk memenuhi perjodohannya dengan putra keluarga Lin. Namun, tepat di hari pernikahannya, sang pengantin pria sekaligus orang yang dia cintai justru melarikan diri dan memilih untuk menemui sang mantan kekasih. Xu Youyou yang tidak ingin mempermalukan keluarga pun meminta seorang pria yang menjadi tamu pernikahannya untuk menggantikan sang pengantin pria. Pria itu adalah Mo Shenbai, seorang CEO muda yang misterius, sahabat sang kakak. Akan tetapi, setelah pernikahan terjadi, sang mantan tunangan tiba-tiba kembali dan ingin mengadakan ulang pernikahan. Apa yang akan Xu Youyou lakukan? Tetap bersama suami asingnya, atau kembali pada pria yang dicintainya? “Tuan Mo, apa kamu mau menikah denganku?” —Xu Youyou, putri keluarga Xu. “Mo Shenbai, Aku akan membunuhmu!!!” —Xu Jialu, putra keluarga Xu. “.... Aku janji mulai sekarang dia tidak akan muncul lagi di antara kita. Jangan marah.” —Lin Yin, sang mantan tunangan. “Dia adalah istriku.” Mo Shenbai, CEO yang misterius.

  • The Mafia's Weakness

    The Mafia's Weakness


    Blurb Everyone believes Giovanni Martino the Italian mafia boss is a misogynist, women were the last thing on his mind. His enemies were desperate to know his weakness, but he does not have one. Giovanni doesn't allow men close to him. All he does was strictly business and deals. What happens when he finds a woman in his room in the middle of the night, a naked woman in his shower. ****** I moved away from the shower, I was expecting him to say something, but he only stared. I tried to move past him, but he didn't move. His eyes was glued to my naked body. The only thing that occurred to me was to get out of here before I get into trouble or even get raped. Long hairy hands snaked round my waist, pulling me to a hard chest. My body became hot instantly. My breasts were squashed against his hard chest and his hands were on my ass. I tried squirming away but his hands only tightened. "Who the fuck are you?And what the fuck are you doing in my room?"He asked, his deep voice booming out loud.

  • Aku, Putri Pemeran Utama yang (Harusnya) Tersiksa

    Aku, Putri Pemeran Utama yang (Harusnya) Tersiksa


    Ibuku adalah seorang protagonis wanita yang manis dan naif. Ibuku juga adalah kekasih kontrak sang presiden yang kabur dan menyembunyikan kehamilannya. Dan aku, adalah seorang hacker imut berusia lima tahun. ------------------------------ Hacker jenius Gu Chu bertransmigrasi ke dalam novel. Dia menjadi si kecil yang imut dan cantik berusia lima tahun. Ibunya adalah sang protagonis wanita dengan hidup menyedihkan, dan ayahnya adalah seorang presiden yang ‘buta’. Tak lupa, ada juga sekelompok kerabat dengan mata bagai harimau yang selalu mengawasi mangsanya, dan juga bibi yang pintar menyamar seperti orang yang polos dan baik. Berbagai macam orang jahat ada disana. Gu Chu akhirnya menegakkan tubuh kecilnya dan membantu ibunya bertarung. Anak kecil berusia lima tahun bisa memiliki pikiran sejahat apa? Aku hanya ingin melindungi ibu, sambil mewarisi kekayaan dari ayah presidenku. ------------------------------ Hingga suatu hari, Pria yang mengejarnya ke ujung bumi manapun dan ingin membunuhnya di kehidupannya yang sebelumnya muncul. Melihat anak kecil dengan baju putri sedang menangis di depan matanya, pria itu terdiam beberapa saat.

  • Mafia King

    Mafia King

    I glared when his hand reached again to my neck. Our faces only an inch apart. His big hand was almost wrapping it whole. His thumb massaging my throat like a feather. "And when I thrust inside of you, I want to hear you scream my name. Every name of mine.""Dante. Adriano. Sol. Di. Angelo." His thumb stroking the center of my neck while uttering every name he owned. His eyes hooded in heat, lust clouding the windows of his soul. "And when you cum, it'll be Dante you moan."---Hailynn Fleury is a talented painter. Growing up as an orphan, she and her best friend Ethan, always wanted to get back to the people that helped and cared for them. When one of her friends convinced her to auction her paintings at one of her charity events, it didn't take much persuasion knowing the money would go to the orphanage. On the night of the auction, her future took another turn when she saw a handsome man holding a gun. Later finding out that he was a mafia boss with an intention of keeping her from thereon. Witnessing him pulling a trigger to someone would have been the mafia boss' wisest decision to never let her go. Except that he couldn't touch the girl knowing the promise he had with his cousin. Dreams of bedding the girl is no longer an option. But how will he treat his ragazza, really?Find out how both of their lives took a turn- with the aspiring artist and the Italian mafia boss.




    “Please, let me go…” I cried while he kept walking forward towards me, making me shiver more. While his eyes fixated on me, he brought the cigarette to his lips and inhaled deeply while I gulped. As he exhaled, a slow stream of smoke escaped his lips, dissipating into the air and he started, “You shouldn’t have done that… You did a big mistake” “I am sorry…” I cried again and shook my head. “It’s done. It’s time for the punishment now…” He said and my heart skipped a beat. . Allison Wesley was living a normal life as a journalist until she gets involved into a task which leads her to slap the mafia boss in town. Her one mistake gets her life upside down as she enters the world of thrill, excitement, passion and danger. Read on to find out more!

  • Mate to the Mafia Alpha

    Mate to the Mafia Alpha


    note: cover art is a kindness by Rosella fellow artist and author. Celeste's life was about to take a strange turn one night. It was just supposed to be a harmless shortcut so that she could got to her favorite spot to enjoy the full moon. It was only during this one day of the month that she could feel reenergized after soaking up the rays of the full moon. Who would know though that on that exact night she would have a fateful encounter with a one of the most dangerous mafia groups in the area- The Black Star Family who also happened to be werewolves. And what was this about being the Alpha's mate? Bane Black or is it BlackStar? Rich, charming, and successful business man by day, harsh and callous werewolf alpha and mafia boss by night who extended kindness and mercy to few who crossed him and his pack. What was the moon goddess thinking by pairing him with the little human?

  • Mafia Indebted

    Mafia Indebted

    "Don't please," she sobbed, shaking badly. The fear of her situation was slowly sinking in. "Please let me go, I want to go home." She cried. He smirked and cupped her face. She immediately stiffened upon his touch and stared into his Smokey grey eyes. "You are home, tara, this is your home now, by my side." He spoke firmly. She saw the determination in his eyes and her eyes widened with shock. "No!" she shrieked and tried to push him away but he didn't budge. Before she could retaliate, he had caught her wrists in a vice-like grip with one hand and locked them down  while with the other hand, he firmly griped the back of her neck, his fingers digging into her scalp, making her whimper. "Refuse me again tara, go on, I fucking dare you." He hissed, his eyes blazing with rage, the grey had darkened. But she wasn't one to give up so easily. "Let me go..." she tried to shout but was immediately silenced by his lips crashing against hers into a fiery harsh kiss. Meet Anissa Ghalib, a young doctor, possessing a strong, kind and confident character. She's a known beauty and has a very high moral sense and regard. For her, family is everything and she would do anything to protect her family. So, what happens when a certain grey eyed crime boss claims her as his? Shehryaar Ghulari, the cold and ruthless mafia leader of the country's most dangerous Mafia; He's a powerful man who gets anything he wants. He's cold, brutal and absolutely inhuman, a borderline psychopath. For him, morals and ethics hold no meaning, Family is nothing. He rules with tyranny and loves every bit of it. What will happen when the country's most powerful and dangerous man becomes indebted to a certain doctor? It starts with a twisted malice, obsession, murder, lust, politics, darkness, sacrifice and love.   A story where Innocence clashes  with culpability. Simplicity with sophistication. Bloodlust with conscience. Lust with Love. Good with Bad.

  • Kidnapped by the Italian Mafia

    Kidnapped by the Italian Mafia



    Do you ever wonder what your life will be like when you cross paths with your arch nemesis? Yes? Well buckle up, it’s a wild ride. Katarina Montenegro is what everyone would simply call spoiled. She was raised with a silver spoon in her mouth and a custom Tiffany’s diamond tiara on her head. She was referred to as The Spanish Princess by everyone who knew of her existence, and she revelled in the nickname. She was young, cunning, and powerful. There was nothing Katarina wanted that she didn’t have. On the other hand, Marco DiBiancci was known by everyone as The Emperor Lynx, due to his ability to see through deception as easily as he could breathe. Unlike Katarina, who lived a mainly pampered life, Marco was raised by a strict father who wanted him to be in the front lines of the job since he was fourteen years old. He had spent his years getting his hands dirty and washing them again. He was young, strong, and powerful. There was nothing Marco wanted that he didn’t take for himself. The common ground? They were both set to inherit their father’s thrones as King and Queen of their respective organised crime kingdoms. The problem? Marco wanted Katarina, or more importantly, he wanted what she was set to lay claim on. Even though the two had never met, Marco was determined to get his hands on her by all means necessary, and that’s how we’re here. This is how I, Katarina Montenegro, was kidnapped by the Italian mafia. [WARNING: highly foul language and mature themes]

  • Bought by a mafia

    Bought by a mafia

    She had always wished to be a successful person with a good heart, but that never happened. After living a life as a maid after her father died, her step mom decided to sell her off into a brothel were she was bought by a ruthless Mafia who loves to inflict pain.
