Rias Gremory Novels & Books - WebNovel

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About 248 results

  • Mortals and Royal's

    Mortals and Royal's


  • A Slave To My Vengeful Lover

    A Slave To My Vengeful Lover



    [Warning: This noval features Mature Content]She wanted love, but he wanted revenge!"Okay.., Thanks for saving me.."(I said, and turned around to leave his room)Mark: "It's better, If You Remove Your Undergarments"..(A sudden shrill electrified my body when I heard those words. I turn around to look at him. He is just doing his work on his laptop very casually. I didn't respond and turn to reach the door.)Mark: "Your wound will heal soon, so..."Anna: "Okay..."(What I just say? Did I actually agree to remove my undergarments?It's embarrassed me.I just rush out of his room in a hurry, but when I unintentionally imagine his words, my heart starts racing.)_________Anna is devastated when her best friend Ria dies mysteriously. Whereas Mark, who is Ria's older brother wants to find the culprits, who are responsible for Ria's death....Both Anna and Mark teams up to find the facts regarding Ria's case but they don't know that they fall in love to eachother...They feel like they can't live without eachother...On one fine day, both of them confess their love to eachother and their relationship leads to marriage... However, there are secrets behind Ria's death that will threaten the fragile romance blossoming between Anna and Mark and it leads Anna to be his slave...Mark wants to take strong revenge on Anna by entering into Slave aggrement...But Anna always trusts that love always Wins over revenge, so she always enjoys his sexual intense punishments out of love towards him...But to his surprise, he starts to find himself falling in love with Anna again. Revenge Wins?or Love Wins..?No matter how many fights you may get into, if you truly love someone it should never matter in the end...Love Always Blossom...Follow the book for further details...Hope you will enjoy it..._______In the first 100 chapters Mark behaviour is a kind of Pervert and tease Anna in all possible ways...After 100 chapters, he realised his love towards her and started giving values to her wishes, He replaced Anna's nightmares with dreams, Anna's worries with happiness, and her fears with love...(Just bear his pervert behaviour of first 100 chapters and see how he will change step by step towards Anna...)_______Anna's wish: I wish to wake up everyday to the feel of your breath on my neck...The warmth of your lips on my skin...The sound of your heart beating with mine... ---------- Once, you were my salvation My light My peace Now, you are my prison My captor My king Your once warm eyes, Are now, cold as ice... You once took my heart in both hands, Calling me the finest in all the lands... But now your stone cold, dagger-like stare, Makes me want to run away like a startled hare I’m no pet to be kept, No exotic beast to be bound... Even with all this rage against you that I hold, What am I to do except do as I am told... {By SOL (beloved reader)} -----------Special Thanks to my content editor, ISLINDA, Who supported me in all the possible ways...I am blessed to find you as my CE...and as always a special thanks to Webnoval for giving me such a Great platform by pooling of readers and authors...And a special Thanks to my beloved readers for supporting...And a special Thanks to the co authors who always supported me and teach me many lessons..._______ Join Anna and Mark in there sweet Revenge journey of Love and compassion...Please buy me a coffee at https://ko-fi.com/annamark

  • Cinta Rahasia yang Sempurna: Istri Baru yang Buruk itu Sedikit Manis

    Cinta Rahasia yang Sempurna: Istri Baru yang Buruk itu Sedikit Manis


    Seberapa buruk selera Si Ye Han? Dia masih menginginkanku yang terlihat seperti ini? Beranjak bangun, Ye Wan Wan melihat pantulannya pada cermin: rambut palsu eksplosif, tato, dan riasan wajah seperti iblis. Siapapun dengan penglihatan normal akan terbakar jika mereka memandangnya lebih dari sedetik. Sebelum Ye Wan Wan terlahir kembali, ia jatuh cinta dengan lelaki yang berbeda, sehingga semua yang dia ingin lakukan hanyalah melarikan diri dari Si Ye Han dan sangat membencinya setelah terbelenggu olehnya. Setelah ia terlahir kembali, Ye Wan Wan melihat perubahan pada Si Ye Han, berpikir bahwa mungkin SI Ye Han sudah berubah menjadi lebih baik? Dulu, pikirannya begitu kacau balau. Ye Wan Wan melepaskan sosok suami yang mengagumkan, disakiti oleh baj*ngan dan pengkhianat lalu terlebih lagi, telah dicuci pikirannya oleh teman yang paling dipercayainya. Pada akhirnya, dia benar-benar sendirian. Di kehidupannya sekarang, terdapat beberapa orang jahat yang begitu licik dan begitu semangat menunggu kehancurannya. Maaf, tetapi gadis ini tidak akan terjatuh dalam tipuan yang serupa untuk kedua kalinya!

  • Uma Noite Selvagem

    Uma Noite Selvagem


    Lucinda Perry, uma reclusa social e workaholic, faz uma promessa a si mesma de se soltar no seu vigésimo quinto aniversário e até mesmo conseguir uma noite de amor casual se ela conseguir a tão esperada promoção no trabalho. Poucos dias antes do seu vigésimo quinto aniversário, ela é promovida para uma posição superior e para a sede em outra cidade. Tendo que passar a noite do seu aniversário em uma nova cidade, ela vai à boate onde conhece um belo desconhecido, Thomas Hank, que se oferece para ser seu caso de uma noite depois de ver sua lista de desafios a cumprir, que incluía ter uma noite de amor casual. Thomas Hank, depois de ter sido usado por várias mulheres no passado, está determinado a conquistar a mulher dos seus sonhos que o amaria por ele mesmo e não por sua riqueza. Então, quando ele conhece a fofa e ingênua Lucinda Perry na boate, ele decide esconder sua verdadeira identidade dela e descobrir se ela valia a pena. ***Trecho*** O que é mais divertido do que um personagem secundário louco? Diga olá à Sonia e ao Bryan. O coração de Sonia parou de bater por um segundo e, em seguida, diferentes pensamentos começaram a voar em sua cabeça naquele mesmo momento. Bryan Hank? O seu crush celebridade estava ajoelhado bem na frente dela e pedindo-a em casamento? Ele a estava confundindo com outra pessoa? Seria possível que isso fosse uma encenação, ou talvez fosse uma daquelas pegadinhas de celebridades, e havia câmeras por perto esperando para capturar sua reação? Ou talvez ela estivesse sonhando? Sonia se perguntava enquanto olhava ao redor, mas tudo o que via eram espectadores curiosos. "Por favor! Seja minha esposa e me torne o homem mais feliz da Terra", disse ele em voz alta, chamando a atenção de todos. Seu editor, para quem ela tinha esperado por mais de uma hora porque estava tentando fechar um acordo com um produtor de cinema interessado em uma de suas histórias, apareceu naquele momento, "Sonia, você conhece o Bryan Hank?" Seu editor perguntou em genuína surpresa ao ver a cena diante dele. Parecia ter passado uma hora desde que Bryan se ajoelhou, mas só tinha passado um minuto. Bryan sabia que nenhuma mulher seria louca o suficiente para aceitar uma proposta tão maluca e, mesmo que alguma fosse, seria fácil pagar-lhe e cancelar toda a situação, já que tudo o que ele queria era um escândalo que pudesse vir disso. As manchetes seriam sobre sua proposta de casamento rejeitada ou seu suposto noivado, o que seria suficiente para tirar Sophia do gancho. "Sim!" Sonia respondeu, balançando a cabeça empolgadamente e estendendo o dedo para que ele colocasse o anel. "Sim?" Bryan perguntou confuso ao ouvir sua resposta. "Sim! Eu serei sua esposa e farei de você o homem mais feliz do mundo!" Sonia disse rindo e mexendo os dedos até que Bryan deslizou o anel neles. Surpreendentemente, o anel era de seu tamanho exato e cabia perfeitamente em seu dedo, como se tivesse sido feito especialmente para ela. O som de aplausos irrompeu ao redor deles enquanto Sonia se levantava com um grande sorriso no rosto e abraçava Bryan antes de beijá-lo nos lábios. Bryan ficou um pouco surpreso com a audácia dela, mas rapidamente se recuperou já que este era o seu jogo, e ele tinha que participar. Afinal, ele tinha sido quem a procurou primeiro. Então, quando ela tentou interromper o beijo, ele segurou o queixo dela e lentamente mordeu seu lábio inferior antes de separar seus lábios com a língua e sugar de maneira provocante, arrancando um gemido de Sonia. Sonia se sentia tonta. Isso era bom demais para ser verdade. Só podia ser um sonho. Como mais ela poderia explicar que um momento estava sentada no saguão de um hotel esperando seu editor, e no seguinte estava noiva de seu crush celebridade e o beijava bem ali, em público?

  • Roubado pelo Rei Rebelde

    Roubado pelo Rei Rebelde


    Como uma princesa que não conseguia usar magia, o único valor da Princesa Daphne para o seu reino era seu casamento arranjado. A tarefa era simples, mas quando Daphne é sequestrada e levada para as frias montanhas de Vramid, ela percebe que a situação é mais complicada do que pensava. Ela já tinha ouvido falar dessas montanhas amaldiçoadas antes - terreno rochoso, temperaturas congelantes, e a terra era governada por um homem temido por muitos no continente. Rei Atticus Heinvres, o sanguinário governante do Norte. Embora nunca tivesse o conhecido antes, histórias sobre a crueldade do Rei Atticus circulavam. Alguns diziam que ele era um monstro, outros afirmavam que ele era o diabo em pessoa, mas seja qual fosse a história, todos conheciam o homem que possuía poderes além da imaginação de qualquer um. Com um simples aceno de sua mão, auxiliado pelo que os outros rumoravam ser um anel de obsidiana amaldiçoado, ele podia derrubar exércitos e desmoronar nações. Ninguém fora de Vramid jamais havia conhecido o temido rei. Até Daphne. Porém, ao encontrar o formidável homem, Daphne descobriu que o rei pode não ser exatamente o monstro que outros disseram que ele era. Na verdade, o que estava escondido sob aquele escudo de obsidiana poderia ser apenas um diamante bruto. ― [Trecho] “Agora... onde devo colocar vocês dois?” ele perguntou casualmente, sem esperar uma resposta. “É lamentável que eu só tenha um lustre.” “Embaixo da minha cama? Não, não, muito sujo. Meus coelhinhos de poeira não merecem isso”, murmurou Atticus para si mesmo. “A prateleira da lareira? Que tal a mesa de maquiagem? Suponho que se eu cortar uma das suas cabeças eu poderia colocá-la em cima... Esposa, qual cabeça você quer encarar enquanto arruma o cabelo?” “Atticus!” Daphne gritou. “Eu não quero nenhuma cabeça! Deixe-os ir.” “Tudo bem.” Atticus deu de ombros e estalou os dedos. Houve dois estalos idênticos quando ambos os pescoços se quebraram de uma vez. Daphne ofegou, horrorizada. Este homem, seu marido, acabou de matar dois homens com um estalar de dedos, como se estivesse apagando velas. “Eu disse para você deixá-los ir!” Daphne gritou. “Sim, eu os deixei ir”, disse Atticus. Depois, seus olhos escureceram. “Para receber o julgamento divino dos céus.” ― Servidor de Discord: https://discord.gg/7HAMK2bRYU

  • reincarnated as rias gremory

    reincarnated as rias gremory

  • The World seems Realistic but Why do I have a Leveling System?

    The World seems Realistic but Why do I have a Leveling System?



    Sheila is an average girl who likes to play video games and watch animes in her free time. If there’s anything that stood out from her, that would be her beautiful appearance. Due to spending too much time playing video games till late at night, she would usually forget to do her homework which she would, later on, asked her best friend, Ria, for help. A total average gamer-otaku girl. Like any other day, Sheila was walking her way to school when suddenly the phone in her pocket vibrates. She pulled it out of her pocket to check with the expectation of seeing a new message, but the result was something that would change her entire life completely upside down. Leveling System, it was a mysterious app which suddenly appeared inside her phone. By using it, she could level up like the character in the game and become stronger. But what would an average girl do by becoming stronger? Not expecting to fight anything absurd in her daily life, Sheila slowly adapts to her new life of leveling up inside an instant dungeon. But out of nowhere, A goblin appeared in front of her somewhere in the alleyways. Where did it come from? Not knowing anything, Sheila ended up killing it. That night, She woke up to a nightmare where the world turned chaotic as monsters run rampage everywhere, it was a world where a weak human life was nothing but garbage, a world where strong prey the weak. She believes it was a premonition of what her future would be if she does nothing. Will she stand up and take responsibly to fight for others? Or would she be selfish and only fight for her loved ones? The fate of the entire world is on her hand. Her decision will decide the outcome of everything. *** Important note: English is not my first language, so do expect to see a grammatic error and if you're such a kind and big heart person and would willing to help, feel free do so as I appreciated any sort of support. I'm also a new author who only wrote the story because purely for my own pleasure. Be warn though as the story progress and development is very slow. I started writing this story out of spit of not having anything interesting to read, do expect some cliche since this author likes it. *** [UPDATED!]The characters design followed by tiny bits information(Be warn as it would be a spoiler to the new readers!): http://imgur.com/gallery/twsIaJe If you like the story, please give some power stone, any will be appreciated! Credit to the artist, I just simply edit to fit the book cover; https://picrew.me/image_maker/234517 *** Discord: https://discord.gg/2JMqZ3e Support me: Send me a cup of coffee: Ko-fi/minxmean Patreon: patreon.com/NEETGuy

  • Rias Gremory Done Right

    Rias Gremory Done Right


  • danny reincarnation as rias gremory

    danny reincarnation as rias gremory


    danny he die and reincarntion in to another world to be reborn as the devil

  • Blind Billionaire Bride

    Blind Billionaire Bride

    "Ria Robert can only see the dark, she is trapped in the dark and not to mention that she has a past she is trying to forget and run from.Her perception of men is cold and cruel. So how can she possibly love a man when she is bruised, scarred and physically blind?Love is the least of her concerns. She only wants her sight, with that she can be a famous designer, the only thing she ever truly desired. As impossible as it sounds, she is ambitious and optimistic. Her life changes when she meet a man and his goal is to bring her out of the dark.Ian Bryant, a billionaire whose business is rated top one in America. He has everything; striking looks, intelligence, riches and women pooling at his feet. What more could a man want? He wants her - The blind lady who intrigued him. The woman whose eyes are filled with pains yet manages to push on.The billionaire finds himself in a roller coaster fighting his primal desires for her, he has a thirst that only she can quench. How will their story play out?"

  • Reencarnação do Deus da Espada Mais Forte

    Reencarnação do Deus da Espada Mais Forte


    Recomeçando mais uma vez, ele entrou novamente neste "jogo vivo" para controlar seu próprio destino. Desta vez, ele não será controlado por outros. Anteriormente o Rei da Espada de Nível 200, ele chegará a um pico mais alto nesta vida. Métodos para ganhar dinheiro! Estratégias para conquistar masmorras! Missões Lendárias! Locais de queda de equipamento! Técnicas de batalha desconhecidas! Até os segredos que os Testadores Beta desconheciam, ele sabe de todos eles. Guerras massivas, avanço da vida, ingressando na divindade, espada alcançando o pico; uma lenda de um homem se tornando um Deus da Espada começou.

  • Legacy of Judah Gremory

    Legacy of Judah Gremory



    Judah Gremory it is not like every kid. He is really special... He is a member of Gremory Family, a family which is cursed for generations. And one of those curse it is dying at a young age or young adult. Most of the members of that family have decided to convert their Gremory blood into another family blood. Some have changed their whole life by becoming slaves, nobles workers and other disgusting things in Kingdom of Rodnia, or known as Kingdom of Romania. Jump on this story to discover the adventures of a ten-year-old squire and his good friends, Ron, Gregonson, Lu, Fiona, Diana and Brother's Flint.

  • Crazy Love Of CEO

    Crazy Love Of CEO



    Hari pernikahan adalah hari yang paling ditunggu-tunggu oleh Sienna apalagi dirinya akan menikah dengan kekasih tercintanya. Sienna tersenyum senang begitu dirinya ingin keluar dari kamar hotelnya setelah dirias. Ia berjalan menuju lantai bawah hotel dengan mengenakan gaun pernikahannya tapi saat dirinya baru saja memasuki lift mendadak dirinya dibekap dari belakang dan matanya menutup saat aroma yang sangat menyengat tercium di indera perciumannya. Ketika sadar dirinya melihat bahwa ia sedang berada di aula pernikahannya dan semua keluarganya dan juga kekasihnya sudah diancam dengan senjata tajam agar tidak bergerak. Agar keluarga dan kekasihnya dibebaskan Sienna terpaksa menikah dengan pria yang bahkan ia tidak kenali sama sekali di hadapannya saat ini. "Kamu adalah takdirku dan akan aku pastikan kamu jatuh cinta padaku." Arga Bowie. Akankah Sienna jatuh cinta kepada pria  yang sama sekali tidak ia kenali?

  • Isekai : Party Harem

    Isekai : Party Harem



    Tokoh utama cerita ini, yaitu Ryuji yang pergi bersama teman masa kecilnya Nisha.... Namun, keduanya terlibat dalam kecelakaan jatuh rangka baja dan kehilangan nyawa.... Keduanya yang kehilangan nyawa berbicara dengan seseorang yang mereka temui yaitu seorang Dewa di dunia, dan ternyata kecelakaan yang menimpa mereka itu adalah sebuah kesalahan dalam penyelidikan sang Dewa.... Sudah terlambat untuk hidup kembali, jadi mereka bereinkarnasi di dunia yang berbeda dari tempat asal mereka, yang disebut Paragon, dimana tempat sihir dan sains berkembang.... Setelah itu, sebagai permintaan maaf, keduanya mendapatkan senjata dan skill super langka dari sang Dewa dan berangkat ke Paragon.... Namun, tak lama setelah tiba di Paragon, keduanya bertemu dengan goblin dan bertarung. Pertempuran segera berakhir, tetapi pada saat itu dia bertemu dengan Angelina, seorang putri yang tinggal di kota terdekat. Setelah itu, mereka akan bergabung dengan guild kota bekerjasama dengan Angelina..... Setelah itu, Ryuji melakukan kontak dengan lawan jenis selain Nisha.... - Rana, peri gadis yang cukup cabul. - Angelina, seorang ksatria wanita yang pertama kali bertemu dengan dua orang yang bereinkarnasi. - Ria, seorang gadis dengan gelar pahlawan. - Eira, gadis iblis yang tinggal di dunia iblis yang kesepian. Pertempuran macam apa yang menunggu mereka? Bagaimana nasib mereka nantinya? Tidak ada yang tahu....





    Saat ini adalah malam Jum'at Kliwon. Suara tetes air hujan terdengar jelas dari atap rumah Seroja, yang terbuat dari genteng tanah liat. Sebuah sobekan kecil, kain kafan putih tergeletak di atas meja riasnya. Seroja mengambil sebuah silet, yang tergeletak di samping kain kafan tersebut. Sambil menyeringai sinis dan membaca mantra, yang pernah diajarkan oleh Ibunya, Nyai Ayu Rembulan. Kemudian dia mulai menyayat sedikit ujung jari telunjuknya, agar dapat mengeluarkan darah segar. Pada saat darah menetes, Seroja mulai menuliskan tujuh nama laki-laki di atas sobekan kain kafan tersebut. "Besok, aku akan menyelipkan kain kafan ini di jenazah Rembulan. Agar rohnya kelak dapat membantu aku, membalaskan semua dendam!" gumam Seroja sambil menyeringai penuh kebencian.

  • RIA


  • Everyone Has A Magical Lamp In This World

    Everyone Has A Magical Lamp In This World



    "This was a mythical world where demons and spirits existed. Despite that, humans were beings who had no control over magic. Fortunately, countless magic lamps were scattered all around the world. Every human was required to choose a lamp when they were born. They had to cultivate the spirit in it that would stay with them for the rest of their lives. When Ron was reincarnated into this world, he had a system that not only allowed him to have multiple spirits but he could also level his spirits up easily. “Ding!” [Your spirit, Nature Spirit Ria, has killed a skeleton demon. 100 experience points received.] [Your spirit, Naga Queen Reina, has killed a Vampire Lord. 1000 experience points received.] [Your spirit, Flame Crown Sia, has killed…] …"

  • ria


  • Ria and the boy

    Ria and the boy

    Ria is a 17 year old female, who lives alone.One day Ria is running late to school and runs into a boy.They have a disagreement and Later on things get even weirder.

  • histórias inacabadas

    histórias inacabadas

    Histórias criadas no caos.
