Seohyun Novels & Books - WebNovel

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About 9 results

  • Queen Seohyun

    Queen Seohyun

    History HISTORICAL

    Shin Yoo Ri jatuh hati pada pandangan pertama kepada seorang pemuda yang dijumpainya saat berteduh dari hujan. Yoo Ri tidak tahu jika pemuda yang disukainya itu adalah sang pewaris tahta, Putra Mahkota Yi Jin. Sejak pertemuan pertamanya dengan Yi Jin, Yoo Ri terus mencari keberadaan pemuda itu namun tidak pernah ia jumpai lagi. Pada akhirnya, Yoo Ri berhasil bertemu kembali dengan Yi Jin saat ia datang ke istana. Pada saat itu juga ia mengetahui jika pemuda yang ia sukai adalah sang pewaris tahta. Sejak saat itu Yoo Ri bertekad untuk menjadi pendamping bagi Yi Jin. Bagaimana kisah selanjutnya dari Shin Yoo Ri? Akankah ia berhasil meraih tekadnya untuk menjadi pendamping bagi sang pewaris tahta?

  • Cerise Ketsueki

    Cerise Ketsueki

    The biggest Mafia in Asia is run by none other than...a woman Ahn Seohyun must face the challenges of being overthrown by rivals while also dealing with love and protecting her sisters

  • 뭔가(Mwonga): Sesuatu

    뭔가(Mwonga): Sesuatu

    Lee Shi Wan (Siwan), Ia adalah Reporter di Daily News dan Ia mempunyai Adik yang bernama Lee Yoo Cha (Yoocha). Yoocha, Ia adalah Adik dari Siwan dan Ia adalah Anak Indigo yang juga mempunyai Kemampuan Multitalenta, selain itu Ia juga bisa melihat Makhluk Gaib dan Menggambar kejadian yang Ia lihat di terawangan ya itu serta Ia juga bisa berbicara dengan Makhluk Gaib. Siwan dan Yoocha juga Anak dari Orang Kaya yang berada di Seoul dan Siwan dan Yoocha mempunyai Apartemen di Seoul. Yoocha adalah Pegawai di Perusahaan Ayahnya itu.Sejak beberapa Minggu kemudian... Siwan sudah naik Jabatan yaitu menjadi Pembawa acara berita di Studio 6 Daily News serta Siwan ditemani dengan Yoona di acara berita tersebut.Beberapa Bulan kemudian... Akhirnya Siwan menikahi wanita yang lain yaitu Kim Ha-Sol (Hasol) dan setahun kemudian... Hasol melahirkan Anak kembar perempuan dan laki-laki yang bernama Son-Ah (Sona) serta Yoon-Sil (Yoonsil).10 Tahun Kemudian... Sona dan Yoonsil sudah berumur 10 Tahun dan Sona dan Yoonsil sudah Kelas 4 Sekolah Dasar. Namun Hyeonga mengalami Krisis rumah tangga yang sangat Hebat akibat suaminya itu berpacaran lagi dengan Wanita lain dan sampai Akhirnya Hyeonga dengan sangat terpaksa menceraikan suaminya itu karena Suaminya ingin mencari Wanita yang lebih kaya darinya.10 Tahun Kemudian... Yoonsil dan Sona sudah berumur 20 Tahun dan Mereka saat ini sedang Kuliah. Siwan sudah membeli Apartemen itu dan mengambil Alih menjadi Bos di Perusahaan Ayahnya itu. Hasol saat ini sudah menjadi Anggota Dewan Perwakilan rakyat perwakilan dari Busan dan Hasol masuk dalam Partai Demokrat sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu dan Hasol saat ini juga sudah bekerja di Parlemen Korea Selatan itu. Siwan mengubah nama Perusahaan Ayahnya menjadi CEO Lee Shi-Wan serta Apartemen itu di ubah juga namanya oleh Siwan dan nama yang sekarang Apartemen itu adalah Apartment Residence Lee Shi-Wan. Sekarang ini Siwan yang memiliki Apartemen itu.3 Tahun Kemudian... Yoonsil dan Sona Akhirnya lulus Kuliah. Yoonsil menikahi wanita yang bernama Suzy sedangkan Sona menikahi pria yang bernama Jungso.Tak lama beberapa bulan kemudian... Akhirnya Suzy dan Sona hamil di hari yang sama. 9 Bulan Kemudian... Lahirlah anak laki-laki dari Suzy yang bernama Jungsa dan lahir juga anak perempuan dari Sona yang bernama Seohyun. Jungsa dan Seohyun lahir di hari yang sama dan waktu yang sama.4 Tahun Kemudian... Akhirnya Jungsa dan Seohyun tumbuh bersama dan Saat ini Jungsa dan Seohyun sudah memasuki sekolah Kelas A di Taman Kanak-kanak yang berada di Busan.Saat ini Siwan sudah tidak menjadi pembawa Acara berita lagi dan Siwan saat ini bekerja menjadi Politisi biasa di Parlemen Korea Selatan dan Siwan saat ini bekerja juga di Partai Demokrat.

  • Ace of Spades || the killer

    Ace of Spades || the killer


    The book Ace of spades is a story based on a murder mystery and contemporary romance. The main plot revolves around an excellent criminologist Huang Renjun who is the head of the crime department and is following the case of a series of murders by a killer called 'ace of spades. while following him a forensic specialist park Seohyun who is also her university fellow is transferred to the department and the group of criminologist work to find the killer. In between finding the killer many of the secrets of the past are revealed along with Renjun's and Seohyun's traumatic yet romantic past.

  • 뭔가 (Mwonga): Something

    뭔가 (Mwonga): Something

    Lee Shi Wan (Siwan), he is a reporter at the Daily News and he has a younger sister named Lee Yoo Cha (Yoocha). Yoocha, he is a sister of Siwan and he is an Indigo child who also has multitalented abilities, besides that he can also see supernatural beings and draw events that he sees in those eyes and he can also speak with supernatural beings. Siwan and Yoocha are also Children of Rich People in Seoul and Siwan and Yoocha have apartments in Seoul. Yoocha is an employee at his father's company.Since a few weeks later ... Siwan has risen to the position of being the bearer of a news program in Studio 6 Daily News and Siwan accompanied by Yoona on the news program. Months later ... Finally Siwan married another woman, Kim Ha-Sol (Hasol) and a year later ... Hasol gave birth to twin girls and boys named Son-Ah (Sona) and Yoon-Sil (Yoonsil) . 10 Years Later ... Sona and Yoonsil were 10 years old and Sona and Yoonsil were already Class 4 Elementary School. But Hyeonga experienced a very severe household crisis because her husband was dating again with another woman and until finally Hyeonga was very forced to divorce her husband because her husband wanted to find a woman who was richer than him. 10 Years Later ... Yoonsil and Sona are 20 years old and they are currently studying. Siwan had bought the apartment and took over to become the boss at his father's company. Hasol has now become a member of the People's Representative Council representatives from Busan and Hasol in the Democratic Party a few years ago and Hasol is currently working in the South Korean Parliament. Siwan changed the name of his father's company to CEO Lee Shi-Wan and the name of the apartment was changed by Siwan and the current name of the apartment was Apartment Residence Lee Shi-Wan. Now Siwan owns the apartment. 3 years later ... Yoonsil and Sona finally graduated from college. Yoonsil marries a woman named Suzy while Sona marries a man named Jungso. Shortly a few months later ... Finally Suzy and Sona got pregnant the same day. 9 Months Later ... Suzy's son Jungsa was born and Sona's daughter, Seohyun, was born. Jungsa and Seohyun were born on the same day and at the same time. 4 Years Later ... Finally Jungsa and Seohyun grew up together and now Jungsa and Seohyun have entered Class A school in kindergarten in Busan. Currently Siwan is no longer a news anchor and Siwan is currently working as an ordinary politician in the South Korean Parliament and Siwan is currently working also in the Democratic Party.




    From a strange and mere human to a God who holds the fates of souls and spirits in her hands, join the journey of Seohyun as she tries to survive in worlds where she's constantly being targeted. After an emergency call, as her family leaves from the monastery midway of a ritual, Seohyun is shot. Waking up in a hospital and doing her best to not get killed, struggling with moral dilemmas and finding love and true happiness, will she survive through, especially since she is the most valuable thing.. which is why she's being hunted.. And on the other side, where the main problem remains...

  • Love by a Cup of Coffee

    Love by a Cup of Coffee

    This story is about Kim Seohyun and Kim Hyunjoon. Seohyun has a very mysterious family history that even she doesn't know and she lives with her mom. She has to find a job soon or else they would be helpless. Hyunjoon lives with his dad who is a CEO of a famous company, Fay. His mom died in a car accident. So his father is an excellent cook.(not to mention that Hyunjoon loves coffee) This a comedy romantic story and u will fall in love soon. I hope you enjoy and my publishing dates are not finalled. When it is finalled, I will inform you and publish itLots of Love from author,Aastha7705

  • High Positions

    High Positions

    Teen CEO

    When one is in a bad situation, will there be someone to balance it out? When one is facing judgement, will there be someone to encourage them? When one is struggling, will there be someone to help them in the way they truly need?——Lae Sybounma: a Lao female whose family pass their company to her with little notice. After being shut down by her family all her life, it's hard for her to express emotions. With her family being so strict, she can't make it into the business she wants it to be.Hong Seohyun: a Korean male who needs to juggle many jobs and a failing business in order to support his family. Being shy isn’t the best way to run a business but he couldn’t imagine himself doing anything else.

  • Maybe,You Are...

    Maybe,You Are...


    Seohyun-hee is a sarcastic woman,who have a trust issues and actually, hates Men.She believes that girls don't need a man to survive.One day, everything changed after she run into her classmate named Hyesung Park.A cold handsome man and the top in their class.What could be the reason of that change?What happened between her and Hyesung Park?a/n:Hello,if you can find this on Mangatoon,I'm the same author.I posted this on both sites, Here(Webnovel) and in Mangatoon.

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