Shikamaru Nara Novels & Books - WebNovel

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About 165 results

  • Haziel and Zoelie

    Haziel and Zoelie

    Teen ROMANCE


    Kisah cinta antara sosok gunung es dan mentari yang telah di takdirkan bersama. Haziel pangeran es yang bisa mencintai Zoelie sang mentari. Keduanya mempunya kehidupan yang sangat bahagia dan sempurna saat mempunyai dua putra dan putri yang menyempurnakan keluarga kecil mereka. Hanya saja, perjalanan cinta keduanya di terpa masalah dan takdir yang tidak bisa yang di alami oleh Zoelie. Membuat sebuah pengorbanan di antara rasa kasih sayang dan cinta. Kisah cinta Haziel dan Zoelie sangat di uji saat datangnya sosok Kim Altan Alv yang juga mencintai Zoelie. Bahkan keduanya mempunyai seorang anak. Takdir apakah yang akan di miliki Zoelie? Kembali bersama dengan suaminya Haziel ataukan tetap bersama dengan Alv?

  • Accidental Pregnancy

    Accidental Pregnancy

    Accidental pregnancy is not a book but a whole book series. These book series have a total of 5 books. One main book and other is its sequences. Accidental pregnancy is the main book and other books are its sequences.It's chronological order is: 1. Accidental pregnancy 2. The beauty trap of an agent 3. His clumsy little angle 4. His contract bride5. Her secret admirer Book1: - Accidental pregnancyThis is the first part of the book of pregnancy series. Nate Nara is the CEO of Nara enterprise who had everything in his life good looks, fame, wealth, and a beautiful wife but the only thing he wants more than anything is to have a family. He wants to have his own family and his own children. But he lost the ability to become a father due to illness. So he tried to have the child by using the elimination method.Mia Mathis is planning to go to New York after one month for her studies and she has just started working under his company. She goes to visit the gynecologist for a check-up but gets eliminated by mistake because a nurse misplaced the files and send her to an endocrinologist by mistake.After finding out that Mia is pregnant he decided to give divorce to his wife but the situation turns out and Mia had to deliver the kids forcefully due to get shot by the g*n by Anna, Nate's wife. Another day at hospital they get to know that Anna was the death and Nate takes all the blame to save Mia and goes to jail but the thing was Anna was alive when they go to a hospital to save Mia and their kids so who killed her was still suspense.Read the book to find out the murderer and to know what happens next.I will be uploading the whole series in this book. You will know when the first book ends and another book began as you continue reading the book.

  • We Got Married - NEW

    We Got Married - NEW


    Hera and Hyun become surrogate brides. They are an emergency couple, because Yeon and Ahra canceled the wedding party, right on the day the party took place. They need a substitute to save the family's pride in front of the guests.They only promised to be bound for three months with the benefits offered by each party.Will the plan work? Because it turns out that their two brothers secretly want to get married again after the divorce happened.**Marcus, the idol singer, and Meera, who must be involved in the variety show We Got Married, will be introduced in the second volume.Two couples who are not actually married but are forced to marry. But love slowly unites them.





    Nada adalah seorang pelajar yang masih duduk di bangku SMA. Dia adalah anak yang humble, baik dan periang. Meski dirinya memiliki sikap penakut, namun banyak orang yang peduli padanya dan menjadi teman baiknya. Termasuk enam orang yang selalu bersamanya juga menemaninya. Suatu malam, ketika ia sedang tinggal sendirian di dalam rumah. Ada sebuah suara yang memanggil-manggil namanya dan mengetuk pintu rumahnya di tengah malam. Nada yang memang penakut itu pun tak berani keluar dan hanya mengintip lewat jendela rumahnya. Sesosok wanita berbaju putih dengan rambut yang panjang, juga keadaan tubuh yang basah itu berdiri tepat di depan pintu masuk rumahnya. Mengetuk berkali-kali sehingga semakin lama ketukan itu semakin kencang. Membuat Nada merasa ketakutan dan panik hingga ia menelephone temannya untuk meminta bantuan. Predictia, salah satu temannya yang memang dapat berkomunikasi dengan makhluk-makhluk tak kasat mata itu pun memberitahu Nada jika wanita yang malam tadi menemuinya bukanlah sosok manusia, melainkan sebuah arwah gentayangan yang meminta bantuan pada Nada. Awalnya Predictia hanya memberikan beberapa cara untuk mengusir arwah tersebut, namun semakin lama arwah itu semakin mengganggu dan bahkan menghantui mereka bertujuh. Akhirnya Predictia pun memutuskan untuk mengajak seluruh temannya melakukan SEANCE, sebuah ritual pemanggilan arwah. Ritual itu di lakukan dengan sebuah cara yang berbeda dari cara yang lain, di mana mereka harus berdiri melingkar dan tak boleh merusak lingkaran tersebut. Predictia yang memang sudah biasa melakukan itu mengajak mereka semua berkomunikasi dengan arwah gentayangan itu, namun sebuah kesalahan terjadi di saat mereka melakukan ritual tersebut. Hingga mereka tak sengaja membuka sebuah pintu untuk makhluk-makhluk lainnya berkomunikasi dengan mereka termasuk sang iblis. Siapa sebenarnya hantu tersebut? Bagaimana cara mereka untuk mengatasi semua itu, termasuk menghadapi Iblis yang datang? Apakah mereka akan berhasil membantu arwah gentayangan yang menghantui Nada?

  • Super Planet System Behind The Moon

    Super Planet System Behind The Moon



    Lucas realized that he was one of the twelve fallen stars, nineteen years ago. The twelve stars turned out to represent the twelve Powers that came from outside the earth, more precisely a place that always followed the moon. Lucas decided to look for the eleven other fallen stars after he heard the story from his grandfather, with a roll of paper containing a symbol and a tattoo that he had on his wrist. Lucas makes these two things as clues to finding the other. Because Lucas wanted to know where he came from and why he and the eleven other stars fell to earth? How did Lucas find the others stars?

  • Nara's Revenge?

    Nara's Revenge?


    WARNING!!: THIS BOOK IS RATED 18 Due to some mature content....In "Nara's Revenge?," love turns into a wild ride of drama and revenge when Nara learns the jaw-dropping truth about her marriage to the man she thought was her soulmate. Totally head over heels for Nathan, Nara's whole world comes crashing down when she finds out that he only said "I do" because of her striking resemblance to his deceased ex-wife. Talk about a major plot twist!Furious but not about to let Nathan off the hook, Nara plans for payback. But as she gets deeper into her revenge scheme, she starts feeling all sorts of mixed emotions about Nathan. Is she still inlove with him or should she just forget about him and move on?With drama and excitement on every page, "Nara's Revenge" takes readers on a wild rollercoaster of love, betrayal, and redemption. As secrets come out and loyalties are tested, Nara has to decide whether to stick it out with Nathan or kick him to the curb for good. Trust me, you'll be hooked until the very end.

  • Rayhan dan Nara

    Rayhan dan Nara

    Ini kisah antara Rayhan dan Nara.Menceritakan tentang cewe cowo yang dulu nya adalah teman satu sekolah TK, dan berpisah saat menginjakan kaki di bangku SD dan SMP. Lalu mereka bertemu kembali di bangku SMA. Kedekatan mereka menimbulkan adanya suatu perasaan. Tapi tidak semudah itu mereka untuk bersama, kisah mereka juga dihiasi oleh lika-liku kehidupan.

  • Housewife



    Menikah memang bukan keinginan Nara, melainkan permintaan kedua orang tuanya. Dan dia menikah dengan laki-laki pilihan ibunya. Iya, keduanya menikah melalui jalur perjodohan.Baik Nara maupun Rayhan, keduanya memiliki sifat yang terbilang bertolakbelakang. Bagaimana sabarnya Nara saat menghadapi suaminya yang melakukan penghematan kalimat. Ditambah, keduanya yang belum saling mengenal lebih jauh, sedikit menyulitkan Nara untuk hidup bersama Rayhan.Tetap ada orang-orang disekitarnya yang membantu Nara dalam urusan rumah tangganya ini.Namun, ketika sebuah kartu nama hadir dalam perusahaannya, menjadikan sebuah munculnya konflik dendam lama dan membuat pasangan itu melewati rintangan. Ditambah konflik yang muncul dari diri mereka masing-masing. Hal itu juga mengharuskan mereka melakukan banyak pertimbangan demi rumah tangganya.Bahkan, keluarga Nara dan Rayhan ikut merasakan kekhawatiran yang mana awal pernikahan ini dimulai dari dua orang ibu yang setuju menjodohkan putra dan putri mereka.

  • Naruto: Nara Shadow

    Naruto: Nara Shadow


  • Crazy Marry Problem

    Crazy Marry Problem


    He assumed she was a bitch. They met in the Maldives and slept together also making love for two weeks.  He thought the girl for a reward from his buddies for the vacation package he had won. But it wasn't the case. Haneul is the daughter of a wealthy family that has been stranded in the Maldives with him after losing a bet. Haneul finds out she's pregnant after the encounter and asks Myung to take responsibility for the baby.  The girl comes from a wealthy society. They come suddenly and threaten Myung with jail if he does not marry their daughter.

  • I'm spoiled rotten by the gods

    I'm spoiled rotten by the gods






    Toxic Relationship 17+ Banyak Kisah Romantis Anak Muda di dalam novel ini. Jangan bosan, jangan khawatir semua akan memiliki ending yang sesungguhnya. Hehe, wkwkkw. Happy Reading! Salah satunya. Tidak ada cinta sejati saat masih remaja yang ada adalah cinta monyet. Menurut Manurios tidak perlu adanya keseriusan dalam menjalin hubungan. Dengan wajah tampan serta kemewahan miliknya, ia mampu memikat para gadis. Meski mendapat julukan Badboy, playboy. Manurios akan tetap menjadi idola para cewek di sekolah. Manurios tertarik dengan seorang gadis yang bernama Nara. Cewek jutek, judes belum lama ini menjadi wakil Ketua OSIS. Gadis itu mengenal dengan jelas siapa Manurios. Ketika dia dalam masalah Manurios selalu ada untuknya, membantunya, menemaninya. Ternyata mereka adalah teman dari kecil, pada akhirnya mereka dijodohkan. Namun, Nara menolak karena Manurios tidak pernah serius dalam menjalin hubungan. Lambat laun keduanya saling dekat, saling gengsi tapi perhatian satu sama lain. Apakah mereka akan saling mencintai? Lalu bagaimana kisah selanjutnya? Baca yuk!

  • A Contract of Lies

    A Contract of Lies


    In "Contract of Lies," Twenty-one-year-old Desiree Götz leads a double life, alternating between her role as a dedicated kindergarten teacher in bustling Vietnam and her secret identity as an anonymous author, pouring her heart into her hidden passion for writing. With a past shrouded in secrecy and pain, Desiree has carefully constructed a new life for herself, using fake papers to start afresh and evade the shadows that haunt her. Everything changes when she encounters Aizen Nara, a mysterious and enigmatic figure with ties to the criminal underworld. Despite their shared history as childhood friends, Aizen becomes fixated on Desiree by chance, determined to make her his own. Exploiting her vulnerability, Aizen discovers Desiree's false credentials and blackmails her into a marriage of convenience, wielding the threat of exposure as his leverage. Forced into a precarious arrangement with Aizen, Desiree must confront her deepest fears and darkest secrets as she navigates the treacherous waters of their relationship. As their bond deepens and Desiree uncovers Aizen's own hidden vulnerabilities, she grapples with conflicting emotions and the impossible choice between her heart's desires and the harsh realities of her circumstances. Caught in a web of lies and manipulation, Desiree must summon all her strength and courage to reclaim her identity and break free from Aizen's hold. In a world where trust is a luxury and betrayal lurks around every corner, she must find the strength to forge her own path forward and discover the truth that lies within herself. "Contract of Lies" is a gripping tale of love, sacrifice, and redemption, where the line between right and wrong blurs, and the truest bonds are forged in the crucible of adversity.

  • Breathe : Contempt of Death

    Breathe : Contempt of Death



    Abriella Sachs was experiencing very strange things in her life, and that’s all started when she accidentally witnessed suicide a few days ago. In her dream, she met David Wagner, the one who had committed suicide. Abriella dreamed that David didn’t kill himself that day, but was killed by someone. And Abriella has the intention to uncover that murder case which is considered a suicide case. Abriella will always meet David in her dreams, which will make her keep thinking about David when she wakes up from her dream. Then She realizes that she has returned to the past through that dream when she reads an old article about David that talks about a ghost who has been seeing him lately, and the traits that David mentioned from the ghost are similar to her. Abriella finally changed her plan, which originally wanted to uncover the murder case, to save David’s life from death. But while she was planning it, she realized that every time she dreams and meets David in her dreams, her breath stops. Will Abriella be able to save David from his Death? Will Abriella die because she doesn’t breathe in her dreams? Will there be a feeling of love between them? Who’s killed David? And what was the motive behind the murder? Let's Find The Murder!

  • Bro, I Love Him!

    Bro, I Love Him!

    Fantasy ROMANCE


    A beautiful girl named Nara has a cheerful personality, never guessing that what she wants when she talks carelessly just happens. Maybe some people will like it if the things they want will come true! But ... She doesn't want it! The crazy things happen with her. How would you feel if your soul had been reverse with your brother's soul? What should Nara do? And how about her first love?

  • Super Planet System Behind The Moon (Versi Bahasa)

    Super Planet System Behind The Moon (Versi Bahasa)

    Lucas menyadari bahwa dia adalah salah satu dari dua belas bintang yang jatuh sembilan belas tahun yang lalu. Kedua belas bintang itu ternyata mewakili dua belas Kekuatan yang berasal dari luar bumi, lebih tepatnya tempat yang selalu mengikuti bulan.Lucas memutuskan untuk mencari sebelas bintang jatuh lainnya, setelah dia mendengar cerita dari sang kakek. Dengan gulungan kertas berisi simbol, dan tato yang dia miliki di pergelangan tangannya, menjadikan dua hal ini sebagai petunjuk untuk menemukan bintang yang lain.Lucas ingin mencari tahu dari mana dia berasal, dan mengapa dia bersama sebelas bintang lainnya jatuh ke bumi? Bagaimana cara Lucas menemukan bintang lainnya?

  • NARA



    Sejak malam itu, aku tidak bisa melupakan sentuhan hangatmu..Dirimu membuatku merasa ketagihan..Tapi, aku tidak tau siapa dan dimana kamu..Apa liontin ini bisa menuntunku untuk bisa menemukanmu..??

  • Ka, Aku Mencintainya!

    Ka, Aku Mencintainya!


    Seorang gadis cantik bernama Nara yang memiliki kepribadian ceria, tidak pernah menyangka bahwa apa yang ia inginkan ketika ia asal bicara dapat terjadi begitu saja. Mungkin beberapa orang akan menyukainya jika hal yang mereka inginkan menjadi kenyataan! Tapi ... Dia tidak menginginkannya! Hal-hal gila terjadi padanya. Bagaimana perasaanmu jika jiwamu tertukar dengan jiwa kembaranmu sendiri? Apa yang harus Nara lakukan? Dan bagaimana dengan cinta pertamanya?

  • Nemesis: The Grand Voyage

    Nemesis: The Grand Voyage

    It's the great pirate era where pirates seek adventure and pillage towns and islands. Ryujin Nemesis a being from another world seeks adventure as a pirate in order to achieve his goal to become a God of pirates. Together with his crew of women: Skye, Vee, March, Juliet, Sugar, Raven Darker, Nara, Lisa and Temari. They discover new islands, uncover mysteries, solve puzzles and form allies and meet new foes on their grand voyage.

  • (Avatar: Naruto)

    (Avatar: Naruto)


    a mix between Naruto and Avatar there are some Clans such as Uchiha and Nara.
