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About 408 results

  • Affair With The Mafia (English Version)

    Affair With The Mafia (English Version)


    Cheryl Jacqueline Alejandro, her life is full of perfection. A charming, beautiful face, seductive body goals, rich parents who always give everything, also a handsome fiancé who loves her so much. Carlos never left her, never had an affair, and was attracted to other women. Carlos just stares at her, never turns to anyone. However, Carlos' loyalty just made her feel curious with foreign gazes that watched her like a hungry lion. Rafael Frederich Wagner, a man she knows as her sister-in-law's ex-boyfriend. In a smoldering fire game, Cheryl finds herself on the run with Rafael from pursuing a foreign mob who is trying to catch him. In her heart, there was a big question mark about who was the man who was running holding her hand. Who is the man who looks so thirsty when staring at her body? Who is the man who dares to burn her skin with a hot seductive kiss? And then, Cheryl is in a tremendous vacillation between continuing her life with her fiancé or choosing another line with the new man in her life. The man who made her fall in love differently, faster, smoldering, and made her crave a foreign desire that surged in her body. Forbidden, but kept calling her to come closer, as if calling her name in a seductive voice. *** Should I fight the world for you? —Rafael Frederick Wagner— Should I fight the world with you? — Cheryl Jacqueline Alejandro—

  • 49 Days Before I Die (English Version)

    49 Days Before I Die (English Version)


    The first night of marriage, which should have been filled with joy and sweet talk turned out to be only dreams and fantasies in Janice’s head. The happy look that Janice displayed throughout the wedding was replaced with blank stares and silent cries that she did alone. Her husband left right on the first night of their wedding. That man goes to meet another woman, who is—unfortunately, Janice’s older sister. It’s true that Julian’s purpose in marrying her was to avenge Jacob’s death, but Janice still had a hard time accepting the fact that in her entire life, she would never be considered a wife by her own husband. Things get even more complicated when Janice gets into an accident that makes her meet Ezra, a companion angel who delivers a message from God—from Deity. He said Janice had an extra 49 days to live to restore her husband’s happiness. After 49 days, Janice must face her destiny again, which is death. If Janice can bring Julian’s happiness back, then Deity will consider her reincarnation in the next life. If Janice fails, she won’t get a chance to be reincarnated, or if she is lucky, the Deity will let her reincarnate into an animal or a plant. In her life, the only thing Janice had always wanted to do was make Julian happy, make him get his happiness back. However, five years ago she made a mistake. Such a huge mistake that she may never get forgiveness from Julian or maybe from the Deity too. So, can Janice bring back her husband’s happiness when he always looks at her with hatred?

  • 49 Days Before I Die

    49 Days Before I Die

    Malam pertama pernikahan yang seharusnya diisi dengan sukacita dan cumbu rayu ternyata hanya ada dalam mimpi dan khayalan di kepala Janice. Raut bahagia yang Janice tampilkan di sepanjang pesta pernikahan diganti dengan tatapan kosong dan tangisan tanpa suara yang ia lakukan sendirian. Suaminya pergi tepat pada malam pertama pernikahan mereka. Pria itu pergi untuk menemui wanita lain, yang sayangnya adalah kakak kandung Janice sendiri. Memang benar jika tujuan Julian menikahinya adalah untuk balas dendam atas kematian Jacob, namun Janice tetap sulit menerima fakta jika seumur hidupnya dia tidak akan pernah dianggap sebagai istri oleh suaminya sendiri. Segalanya semakin rumit ketika Janice mengalami kecelakaan yang membuatnya bertemu dengan Ezra, seorang malaikat pendamping yang menyampaikan pesan dari Dewa. Katanya, Janice mendapatkan tambahan waktu hidup selama 49 hari untuk mengembalikan kebahagiaan suaminya. Setelah 49 hari berlalu, Janice harus kembali menghadapi takdirnya, yaitu kematian. Lantas, dapatkah Janice mengembalikan kebahagiaan suaminya ketika pria itu selalu menatapnya dengan penuh kebencian?

  • Affair With The Mafia

    Affair With The Mafia

    Cherryl Jacqueline Alejandro, hidupnya penuh dengan kesempurnaan. Wajah cantik yang menawan, tubuh indah yang menggoda, orang tua kaya raya yang selalu memberikan segalanya, juga tunangan tampan yang begitu mencintainya. Carlos tidak pernah meninggalkannya, tidak pernah berselingkuh dan tertarik pada wanita lain selain dirinya seorang. Namun kesetiaan Carlos justru membuatnya merasa penasaran dengan tatapan asing yang menelisiknya bagai singa kelaparan. Rafael Frederich Wagner, seorang pria yang ia kenal sebagai mantan kekasih kakak iparnya. Dalam permainan api yang membara, Cherryl justru mendapati dirinya sedang melarikan diri bersama Rafael dari kejaran mafia asing yang berusaha menangkap pria itu. Dalam hatinya sempat bergejolak sebuah tanda tanya besar mengenai siapa pria yang sedang berlari sambil mengenggam tangannya. Siapa pria dengan tatapan haus yang begitu mendamba akan dirinya? Siapa pria yang berani membakar kulitnya dengan ciuman panas yang begitu menggoda? Lalu Cherryl berada dalam kebimbangan luar biasa antara melanjutkan kehidupan dengan tunangannya atau memilih jalan lain bersama dengan pria baru di dalam hidupnya. Pria yang membuatnya jatuh cinta dengan cara berbeda, lebih cepat, membara, dan membuatnya mendambakan hasrat asing yang menggelora di dalam tubuhnya. Terlarang, tapi terus memanggilnya untuk mendekat, seolah memanggilnya dengan suara yang menggoda. Haruskah aku melawan dunia untukmu? —Rafael Frederich Wagner— *** Haruskah aku melawan dunia bersamamu? — Cherryl Jacqueline Alejandro

  • Unperfect Marriage: Second Chance

    Unperfect Marriage: Second Chance


    After being betrothed to her adoptive parents’ son, Frenda knew that her life would completely change. She used to have been living independently and taking care of herself, must begin to get used to the existence of Ervan, a foreign man who she does not really know closely. “We can’t trust anybody but you to be Ervan’s wife, Frenda.” Her adoptive parents said those words when they asked her to marry Ervan. And Frenda doesn’t have the power to refuse her adoptive parents’ request because she remembers the good thing they have done in her entire life. But of course, Ervan has the option to refuse their ridiculous married arrangement with a mediocre woman like her. But, unfortunately, there was no rejection from Ervan as she had expected. The marriage occurred two years after Frenda and Ervan knew each other well. Ervan is handsome. He cares and always knows how to make a woman bounce with his sweet smile. There’s nothing wrong with Ervan, so it’s easy for a woman with little experience in love relationship like Frenda to fall in love with this man. Unfortunately, one year after their marriage, Frenda found out that Ervan was cheating—he had an affair. Not once or twice, but more than six times. A marriage that at first Frenda lived happily has turned into a hell that burns her own heart. The only thing Frenda continues to do is survive to fulfill her responsibility as an adopted child who is trying to repay her parents’ kindness. So, she still tries to continue her marriage with Ervan. She acted as if Ervan had done nothing wrong. She chose to ignore Ervan’s infidelity, forgetting her husband’s mistakes. But, when her heart was getting used to the pain, she suddenly decided to run away and sent Ervan divorce papers as a sign that she had given up. What made Frenda finally decide to leave? Especially when she was being pregnant secretly. When Ervan’s affair could not break through her defensive walls, what made her decision suddenly change?

  • Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy

    Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy



    No one knows who is she, how does she look and where does she live but they only know that she is the apple of the Rao family, born with beauty and a great mind. After suffering from a cruel incident when she was five, she was chased by nightmares every night and then was forced to leave her country to protect herself. After staying abroad for twelve long years, she finally decided to return to her country and face the nightmare courageously but to her surprise, when she returned she found about her late grandmother's promise…and that was to marry her to the heir of Mu family….Mu Jun. What kind of person he is? She has no idea. Mu Jun, the only grandson of Elder Mu, lost his mother at the age of ten. Because of his cunning and greedy stepmother, he was forced to distance himself from his father and grandfather. To the world, he was the heir of the Mu family but he had another identity in the underworld and that was one of the five pillars of the Garuda. What kind of person he is? Other than his identity, Sia was not aware of anything about him but as obedient as she was, she decided to disguise herself and enter his life to know more about to him and fulfill her late grandmothers wish. From school life to love life, from being crime partners to investigators will they have a smooth road? Will Mu Jun and Sia be able to find out about the secret of their life and purpose of marriage? To know more about how the two love birds will end up, follow up the story… After hesitating for a while, she asked: “Darling, don’t you like kids?” “No I don’t” he replied without any hesitation Humming, she asked in another way “Darling, do you like daughter?” Closing the file, he looked at her and said “Okay…let’s make one” After a few years, he frowned deeply and said “I won't give up. I want a daughter….let’s make one” “.…” ‘are you sure? We already have three sons’

  • Rebirth, but why?

    Rebirth, but why?



        Love is a very beautiful feeling, then why it turns out an ugly scar for her.          Sia never understand what she has done wrong, she for her entire life love Arnav, she never cheated on him or do anything wrong, she even not hurt anyone. Then why she ended up losing everything. Her love of life, her child, her father, everything.  But then again she gets a chance to re-do her life. but why? In her previous life, she takes revenge on those who hurt her but in this process, she lost what is valuable for her, she does many mistakes, then why God gives her a new chance, she by no means a good person. But now if she gets the chance to change things for good, then she will surely protect those who love her and ignore the other. She avoids the mistakes she has done in her previous life. This is the story of Sia & how she changed her previous life tragedy, and gain life.

  • Sandiwara Kehidupan Kedua

    Sandiwara Kehidupan Kedua


    Tang Li terlahir dari hubungan yang tidak sah. Ibunya telah tiada, sedangkan ayahnya membawanya kembali pada keluarga Li hanya untuk memanfaatkannya, dan orang yang dicintainya malah menyia-nyiakannya. Setelah penderitaan panjang, tiba-tiba ia dilahirkan kembali dan menjalani kehidupan yang tak kalah mengerikan dari kehidupan sebelumnya. Apa saja penderitaan yang membuat Tang Li berubah 180 derajat di kehidupannya yang sekarang? Bisakah Tang Li membalaskan dendamnya dari kehidupannya yang dulu?

  • sia sia

    sia sia


    novel cerpen



    Terlahir dengan luka yang begitu menjadikannya dewasa sebelum waktunya, membuat aleesha mengerti betapa kejamnya dunia mempermainkannya, tak ada yang mampu memahami betapa menyedihkan takdir yang sedang dilakoninya hari ini, besok, lusa dan mungkin untuk seumur hidupnya. Melihat tanpa terlihat, mendengar tanpa terdengar, meraba tanpa teraba, yang menyakitkan pada cerita ini adalah saat mencintai tanpa dicintai. Perihal cinta, ini tidak jauh beda menyakit dari luka kelam kehidupannya, pria berwibawa itu masih menjadi cinta pertamanya, mengagumi setiap inci dari parasnya, sisi gumawa yang membuatnya tergila-gila mengenyampingkan rasa benci dan memeluk erat rindu yang semakin tumbuh setiap hati nya, ya untuk lelakinya, lelaki yang sangat membencinya, ya itu ayahnya. Tiap kali lelaki itu menghancurkan mentalnya, sumpah serapah yang selalu keluar dari mulut itu membuatnya kehilangan masa kecilnya yang bahagia, berulang kali mencoba mengakhiri hidupnya, namun semuanya sia-sia, sampai pada akhirnya sisi buruk dalam hidupnya bangkit untuk memberontak, melanjutkan hidup dengan dua kepribadian yang berbeda. namun sosok lain datang disaat tak mampu lagi hatinya menerima kenyataan saat dia sudah sangat membenci hadirnya seorang laki-laki, wanita cantik bermata bak kucing nan menawan, sikap dingin, angkuh dan menyebalkan membuatnya jengah satu udara dengan dirinya, namun entahlah takdir kembali mempermainkannya, saat cinta menyapa lewat lewat seorang wanita, ya dia mencintai wanita gila itu, jauh dari perkiraannya, dia jatuh lebih dalam, dan tanpa disadari dia menyukai perasaan ini, perasaan anehnya terhadap ruby.

  • Perjuangan Yang Sia Sia

    Perjuangan Yang Sia Sia

  • Kultivator Perempuan

    Kultivator Perempuan


    Tantangan hidup yang harus dihadapi seorang kultivator perempuan tak terhitung jumlahnya. Ia tak boleh kekurangan bakat, teknik kultivasi, pil obat, dan senjata. Jika tidak, kultivasinya akan berkembang terlalu lambat. Ia juga tak boleh menunjukkan terlalu banyak emosi, kelemahan, kebaikan, dan keserakahan. Jika tidak, ia akan segera menyapa kematian. Selain itu, dia harus terlihat tidak terlalu cantik maupun terlalu jelek. Meskipun dia tidak boleh bodoh, dia juga tidak bisa terlalu pintar. Sebagai kultivator perempuan, Mo Tiange tentunya harus menghadapi tantangan itu. Namun, menjadi yatim piatu sejak kecil telah memperkuat kegigihan dan ketahanannya. Tidak ada yang mampu menghalangi semangatnya, baik karena buruknya akar spiritual hingga keterbatasan sumber daya sekalipun. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, Ia menjaga agar tidak semencolok mungkin, tapi tetap tidak pernah menyia-nyiakan kesempatan. Ikuti petualangan Mo Tiange mencapai keabadian di dalam dunia kultivasi yang keras dan tanpa ampun ...

  • Istri Supermodel (For Sale!)

    Istri Supermodel (For Sale!)

    Urban ROMANCE


    Impianku sebentar lagi jadi kenyataan! Tidak lama lagi aku akan tiba di Itali dan tampil di Milan Fashion Show! Foto-fotoku akan dimuat di semua majalah fashion di seluruh dunia!Akhirnya, semua pengorbanan dan kerja kerasku nggak bakal sia-sia!Tapi kenapa impianku justru jadi mimpi buruk!? Ayah tiba-tiba mengajakku untuk bertemu seorang CEO muda yang sombong bukan main. Katanya, untuk kelancaran usaha keluargaku, aku mulai sekarang jadi calon istri CEO itu!Aku tidak mau menikahinya! Kenal saja tidak, apalagi sampai cinta, tapi sekarang aku harus mengorbankan impianku demi jadi ibu rumah tangga!?Bagaimana dengan impianku? Apa usaha dan pengorbananku sia-sia? Apa maunya CEO paling sombong sedunia ini? Apa dia pikir uang bisa membeli cintaku?******************************************Halo pembaca baik hati, terimakasih sudah membaca Istri Supermodel (For Sale!)Untuk tetap update Istri Supermodel dan cerita-ceritaku yang lain, bisa follow facebook dan instagramku ya! FB: @renatawordsmithTerimakasih pembaca baik hati, Happy reading ^^

  • perjuangan ku sia sia

    perjuangan ku sia sia

  • Perjuangan Yang Tidak sia-sia

    Perjuangan Yang Tidak sia-sia

    History SEDIH

  • Perjuangan yang sia sia

    Perjuangan yang sia sia

    Teen ROMANCE




  • Pernikahan Yang Sia-sia

    Pernikahan Yang Sia-sia

    Cerita ini merupakan pengalaman hidup dari saya sendiri,di mulai dari pertemuan pertamaku dengan dirinya hingga perjuangan mempertahankan rumah tangga demi anak-anak , namun pada akhirnya,semua yang ku lakukan hanyalah sia-sia setelah dia menceritakan semua hal yang tidak aku ketahui sebelumnya .

  • Perjuangan cinta sia sia

    Perjuangan cinta sia sia

    Perjuangan yang melelahkan hati dan pikiran

  • Penantian Yang Tak Sia-sia

    Penantian Yang Tak Sia-sia
