Smithing Novels & Books - WebNovel

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About 909 results

  • Mrs. and Mr. Smith

    Mrs. and Mr. Smith


    Ethan Smith walked down the empty street, cigarette in mouth, shaking his head and forcing a bitter smile. Who could have imagined that after three years of marriage, all that remained was betrayal? He vowed to make that woman regret what she had done and promised to make everyone who had been good to him live a good life. Yes, it was Emily Taylor, the woman who had helped him out of the abyss of despair when he hit the lowest point in his lifetime. "Emily, it's time for me to take care of you."

  • Ibu dan Bapak Smith

    Ibu dan Bapak Smith


    Ethan Smith berjalan di sepanjang jalan yang sepi, rokok di mulut, menggelengkan kepalanya dan memaksakan senyum pahit. Siapa sangka setelah tiga tahun menikah, yang tersisa hanyalah pengkhianatan? Dia bersumpah akan membuat wanita itu menyesal atas apa yang telah dilakukannya dan berjanji membuat semua orang yang baik kepadanya hidup bahagia. Ya, itu dia Emily Taylor, wanita yang membantunya keluar dari jurang keputusasaan saat dia mencapai titik terendah dalam hidupnya. "Emily, saatnya aku menjagamu."

  • Señora y Señor Smith

    Señora y Señor Smith


    Ethan Smith caminó por la calle vacía, cigarrillo en boca, sacudiendo su cabeza y forzando una amarga sonrisa. ¿Quién podría haber imaginado que después de tres años de matrimonio, todo lo que quedaba era traición? Juró hacer que esa mujer lamentara lo que había hecho y prometió hacer que todos los que habían sido buenos con él vivieran una buena vida. Sí, era Emily Taylor, la mujer que lo había ayudado a salir del abismo de la desesperación cuando tocó el punto más bajo de su vida. —Emily, es tiempo de que me ocupe de ti.

  • Volviéndose hermosa luego de la ruptura

    Volviéndose hermosa luego de la ruptura


    La gorda y fea Nora Smith fue el hazmerreír del pueblo cuando su prometido terminó su compromiso. —¡Solo ver tu enorme cara y tus muslos gigantes me repugna! No vuelvas a molestarme —le dijo. —Qué idiota —se burló Nora, dándose la vuelta con los labios curvados en una sonrisa. Más tarde, cuando consigue adelgazar, se convierte en una belleza asombrosa. Su ex prometido se acerca a ella con flores y le ruega: —Me equivoqué, Nora. Estoy dispuesto a hacer cualquier cosa con tal de que vuelvas conmigo. Nora apoya la barbilla en las manos y sonríe mientras responde: —Los hombres de verdad no se quedan en el pasado. —No eres más que una estúpida cargado con tu pasado, Nora. Nadie te querrá excepto yo —amenaza él, enfadado. Pero después de eso... un joven y popular cantante tuitea: [¡Nora Smith es mi diosa!] Un cirujano de renombre internacional pregunta: —¿Estás libre esta noche, Nora? Incluso el rico e influyente galán al que todo el mundo teme interviene y dice: —Puedo cuidar yo mismo de mi mujer y mis hijos, muchas gracias.

  • Villain: Transmigrated Into A NTR Manga As The Antagonist

    Villain: Transmigrated Into A NTR Manga As The Antagonist



    An infamous playboy, killed by a former lover, inexplicably awakens to discover himself transmigrated into a NTR manga, assuming the role of the antagonist - Alex Smith. Propelled by a mysterious system that magnifies his skill in captivating women, he holds the power to seduce the women that belong to the various “main characters“. 【Ding! The Queen of Hearts System has awakened.】 【Overall goal: Steal all the heroines from the various main characters across the world.】 【Reward: God Status.】 ----------------------------------------------- [Disclaimer: This novel is based around Netori, NOT Netorare. Alex will NOT get cheated on, and there will be NO Yuri.]

  • Limitless The Strongest Revenant

    Limitless The Strongest Revenant



    I was a loser in life. I died and got reincarnated into a revenant. Revenants in exchange for a second life had one task and were blessed with one cheat ability. The task? To kick as much zombie ass as humanly possible. My ability? Never running out of ammunition. Did I get to mention I also get paid $200 for each zombie I killed? And so began my 2nd life. Which eventually became my legend. Who am I you ask? I was born as John Smith. But these days only my wives use that name, as everyone else thinks its fake. Both on Earth and Hellsgate everyone else just calls me Limitless. And I am the Strongest Revenant. *************************** Author Notes: Harem size: 7 | No NTR | No Yuri | No Grape Novel Focus: Action, Adventure, Urban Fantasy, Reincarnation, Dark, Weak to Strong, Battle Harem, Military, Loyal Subordinates, Kingdom Building. I paid for and have copyrights to both the Cover and the Heroine Art. Official link, See you there!

  • She Becomes Glamorous After The Engagement Annulment

    She Becomes Glamorous After The Engagement Annulment



    The fat and ugly Nora Smith is the laughingstock of the town when her fiancé breaks off their engagement. He says, “The sight of your gigantic face and thunder thighs disgusts me! Don't ever pester me again!" “What an idiot.” Nora scoffs and turns around, her lips curling up into a smile. Later, when Nora successfully slims down, she returns as an astounding beauty. Her ex-fiancé comes to her bearing flowers and begs, "I was wrong, Nora. I’m willing to do anything as long as you come back to me.” Nora rests her chin in her hands and smiles as she replies, “Real men don’t dwell on the past.” Angered, he says, “You’re just a dimwit saddled with baggage that I dumped, Nora. No one will want you except me!" But following that… A young and popular singer tweets: “Nora Smith is my goddess!" An internationally renowned surgeon asks, “Are you free tonight, Nora?” Even the rich and influential hotshot whom everyone is scared of comes forward and says, ”I can take care of my wife and children myself, thank you very much.”

  • Ela Se Torna Glamorosa Após O Anulamento do Noivado

    Ela Se Torna Glamorosa Após O Anulamento do Noivado


    A gorda e feia Nora Smith é motivo de piada na cidade quando seu noivo rompe o noivado. Ele diz: “A visão do seu rosto gigante e coxas grossas me enoja! Nunca mais me aborreça!" “Que idiota.” Nora debocha e se vira, com um sorriso nos lábios. Mais tarde, quando Nora emagrece com sucesso, ela retorna como uma beleza surpreendente. Seu ex-noivo vem até ela com flores e implora: "Eu estava errado, Nora. Estou disposto a fazer qualquer coisa desde que você volte para mim.” Nora apoia o queixo nas mãos e sorri ao responder: “Homens de verdade não vivem do passado.” Irritado, ele diz: “Você é apenas uma idiota com bagagem que eu deixei para trás, Nora. Ninguém vai te querer além de mim!" Mas após isso... Um jovem e popular cantor tweet: “Nora Smith é minha deusa!" Um cirurgião de renome internacional pergunta: “Você está livre esta noite, Nora?” Até o rico e influente poderoso, de quem todos têm medo, se apresenta e diz: “Eu posso cuidar da minha esposa e filhos sozinho, muito obrigado.”

  • In Love With My Fierce Farming Wife!

    In Love With My Fierce Farming Wife!

    [1V1 easy read, a pampered romance] Time-traveled straight into a wedding, does it have to be this intense? "Hey, hold on, groom, I'm not your bride!" Su Pan'er fiercely resisted. Someone chuckled craftily, "Quit messing around, my dear wife!" This story is fantasy, don't compare it with actual historical context. Recommended another novel by Dou Dou: "Joy of Being a Mother in a Farmhouse".

  • Mme et Monsieur Smith

    Mme et Monsieur Smith

    Ethan Smith marchait dans la rue vide, une cigarette à la bouche, secouant la tête et forçant un sourire amer. Qui aurait pu imaginer qu'après trois ans de mariage, tout ce qui restait était la trahison ? Il jura de faire regretter à cette femme ce qu'elle avait fait et promit de faire en sorte que tous ceux qui avaient été bons avec lui mènent une bonne vie. Oui, c'était Emily Taylor, la femme qui l'avait aidé à sortir de l'abîme du désespoir quand il avait touché le point le plus bas de sa vie. "Emily, il est temps pour moi de m'occuper de toi."

  • Nach der Aufhebung der Verlobung wird sie glamourös

    Nach der Aufhebung der Verlobung wird sie glamourös


    Die fette und hässliche Nora Smith wird zum Gespött der Stadt, als ihr Verlobter die Verlobung auflöst. Er sagt: "Der Anblick deines riesigen Gesichts und deiner dicken Schenkel ekelt mich an! Belästigen Sie mich nie wieder!" "Was für ein Idiot." Nora spottet und dreht sich um, wobei sich ihre Lippen zu einem Lächeln verziehen. Später, als Nora erfolgreich abgenommen hat, kehrt sie als verblüffende Schönheit zurück. Ihr Ex-Verlobter kommt mit Blumen zu ihr und bettelt: "Ich habe mich geirrt, Nora. Ich bin bereit, alles zu tun, solange du zu mir zurückkommst." Nora stützt ihr Kinn in die Hände und lächelt, als sie antwortet: "Echte Männer halten sich nicht mit der Vergangenheit auf." Verärgert sagt er: "Du bist nur ein Dummkopf, der mit Gepäck beladen ist, das ich weggeworfen habe, Nora. Niemand außer mir wird dich wollen!" Aber dann twittert eine junge und beliebte Sängerin: "Nora Smith ist meine Göttin!" Ein international renommierter Chirurg fragt: "Bist du heute Abend frei, Nora?" Selbst der reiche und einflussreiche Teufelskerl, vor dem alle Angst haben, meldet sich und sagt: "Ich kann mich selbst um meine Frau und meine Kinder kümmern, vielen Dank."

  • Sra. e Sr. Smith

    Sra. e Sr. Smith

    Ethan Smith caminhou pela rua vazia, cigarro na boca, balançando a cabeça e forçando um sorriso amargo. Quem poderia imaginar que, após três anos de casamento, tudo o que restava era traição? Ele jurou fazer aquela mulher se arrepender do que havia feito e prometeu fazer todos que tinham sido bons para ele viverem uma vida boa. Sim, era Emily Taylor, a mulher que o havia ajudado a sair do abismo do desespero quando ele atingiu o ponto mais baixo de sua vida. "Emily, é hora de eu cuidar de você."

  • Immortal Path to Heaven

    Immortal Path to Heaven


    "Master Ouyang, please smith a divine weapon for me!" "Master Ouyang, you're the only person who can forge a weapon with seven attributes. Please make my dream come true!" "Master Ouyang, could you..." "Ouyang my *ss! My surname is Ou!" Ou Yangming was an orphan who was adopted by a reputable old blacksmith from a military camp. After working as a helper under the old man for years, he was given a chance to acquire the Military Fire—a trait allowing him to smith and restore equipment with the Military Fire produced from his hands. Gifted with mental power, Ou Yangming controlled his Military Fire unusually well and was also strangely talented in martial arts. On top of it, he could also attach Unique Attributes into weapons with a hundred-percent success rate. Those who belittled Ou Yangming because of his background and age eventually honored him so much that they would do anything to get their hands on his equipment. Little did Ou Yangming know that as he slowly unfolded the mysteries of the Military Fire and his mental power, he was advancing step by step on the immortal path to Heaven!

  • My Pet Beast is really not an Evil God

    My Pet Beast is really not an Evil God

    Gary Smith arrived in a peculiar world of beastmasters, where an ancient taboo was reborn from the depth of time, and an evil god was lurking. In this world, birds and beasts, rivers and mountains, even elements could spawn spiritual power and turn into pet beasts. Among them, the powerful ones became ecological niches by themselves, radiating secret realm ecosystems such as the Yellow Spring, Skeleton Kingdom, Succubus Nest, and Kingdom of the Sky Tree, nurturing countless followers. The beastmasters make contracts with the pet beasts, nurture them, and control the spiritual power. After witnessing the "Taboo Sun" event, Gary Smith obtained the ability to extract materials from everything in the world and compile "Secret Food". Through the Evolutionary Secret Food, the combination of "The Shattered Dusk World" + "Ancient Dragon’s Dead Egg" results in the Feast of the End. When the pet beast consumes it, it evolves into the Dusk Dragon God. The Dusk Domain erodes the world, turning into the God at the end of time. The Skill Secret Food allows the pet beasts to plunder skills from everything, becoming omniscient and omnipotent. The Sacrificial Secret Food snatches the taboo time, sacrifices the ancient beings, and blasphemes against the gods. His style of beast control also started to become peculiar. There is the Spider Shadow that devours ancient dragons and weaves dreams of all lives with its threads, the Red Master that pollutes the multiverse, and the Devourer of the Realms, who consumes worlds... In response to this, he explained, "My pet beasts are just a bit peculiar. They really are not evil gods!"

  • The Heiress Strikes Back

    The Heiress Strikes Back



    Sharon was an ordinary person, while her husband, Wallace Harris, was a promising and handsome man. His family was one of the most prestigious and wealthiest families in New York City. Being able to marry Wallace was an accident. Throughout their three years of marriage, Wallace had never slept with Sharon. His family also kept persuading him to divorce Sharon. It was the birthday party of the Harris family's old matriarch, and all youngsters of the Harris family had given the most expensive gifts possible to make the old lady happy—everyone but Sharon. She asked to borrow money from Madam Harris for the old housekeeper, Uncle Smith, as he had no money to pay for his medical treatment. But as expected, the Harris family humiliated her when she requested. "The Harris family has never had a poor relative like you. Don't you ever appear in front of me again! Wallace should've married Crystal. She's certainly a young lady who's worthy of marrying into our family!" said Madam Harris. "Please know your place and get out of here. Don't stay at our house anymore. How can Wallace's grandfather be so foolish to marry a poor, useless woman like you to my son?!" said June, Wallace's mother. "It's just a few million dollars, yet you're so poor that you need to borrow from our family. How can a woman like you deserve to be with Wallace? If it were Crystal, she definitely wouldn't have embarrassed us so much!" That night, Wallace handed Sharon a bank card, which contained millions of dollars. "The company is developing, so I don't have much cash. You can use this to help Uncle Smith." Facing the Harris family's hostility, Wallace stated, "Since I have married her, she is my responsibility. Regardless of her being rich or poor, Sharon is my wife." It wasn't until a stranger approached Sharon one day. Only then did Sharon know that she was the daughter of a top prestigious family, who was eligible to receive assets worth at least ten billion. She suddenly owned the largest company in New York and a bank card that contained hundreds of millions of 'pocket money.' In the blink of an eye, her identity had changed. She was no longer the poor daughter-in-law that wasn't favored by the Harris family. Instead, she had become the most prestigious person in New York!

  • Be happy with sports

    Be happy with sports



    A person who lived the life to the maximum even being a person with paralysis, always played his favorite sport basketball, even if alone, follow the story of Jake Smith to be happy with a second chance.Jake who suffered a lot in his life, was unable to use his legs, lost his mother, was even more optimistic, before his death he received help from the fate that will be his system when he returns to age of 10, now that Jake can do it all over again, he will become a pro at basketball, and give a better life to his mother, and do everything he can to be happyImage by Varun Kulkarni from PixabayTo keep myself able to concentrate on writing, I'm doing lives on twitch, if you can follow me there and if you can and have a prime of amazon, subscribe, my name there is goodlionbr,

  • Lord of the Oasis

    Lord of the Oasis


    Bags of salt, spices and sugar stacked from inside the shop all the way out into the streets. Merchants loaded with goods going flooded the streets with their carriages. The air was filled with fragrances emanating from all manner of spices. It was a prosperous, lively city at the side of the oasis. Sounds of metals being hammered and threads being woven were heard all over the place, as smiths and craftsmen were busy at work in their respective workshops. The banner of the successor of the Kingdom of Swadia—Baron Kant—was hanging on the city gates. The citizens lived peaceful, happy lives, revering their lord from the bottom of their hearts. Soldiers on the city walls armed with crossbows stood guard over the city, and footmen wearing mail armor patrolled the streets.  The place was one of peace and security.

  • Elle Devient Glamour Après L'Annulation Des Fiançailles

    Elle Devient Glamour Après L'Annulation Des Fiançailles


    La grosse et laide Nora Smith est la risée de la ville lorsque son fiancé rompt leurs fiançailles. Il dit : "La vue de ton visage gigantesque et de tes cuisses énormes me dégoûte ! Ne me dérange plus jamais !" “Quel idiot.” Nora se moque et se retourne, ses lèvres se courbent en un sourire. Plus tard, lorsque Nora réussit à mincir, elle revient en tant que beauté stupéfiante. Son ex-fiancé vient à elle avec des fleurs et supplie, "J'ai eu tort, Nora. Je suis prêt à tout tant que tu reviens vers moi." Nora pose son menton dans ses mains et sourit en répondant, “Les vrais hommes ne vivent pas dans le passé.” Enervé, il dit, “Tu n'es qu'une idiote chargée de bagages que j'ai jetée, Nora. Personne ne te voudra sauf moi!" Mais après ça... Un jeune chanteur populaire tweete : "Nora Smith est ma déesse!" Un chirurgien de renommée internationale demande, "Es-tu libre ce soir, Nora ?" Même le riche et influent homme d'affaires dont tout le monde a peur s'avance et dit: ”Je peux m'occuper de ma femme et de mes enfants moi-même, merci beaucoup.”

  • Smith and Wesen: A Modern Blacksmith's Magical Reincarnation

    Smith and Wesen: A Modern Blacksmith's Magical Reincarnation



    "You're just a Nenner! A glorified blacksmith! You can't possibly stand up against a Zahler's elemental power!""As if that'll stop me! A Zahler might have the elements under their control, but that won't matter if I have a Seigel-riddled weapon for every occasion!"⬛⬛⬛Wesen... the innate power within that allows a person to manipulate the world around them. While it sounded straightforward enough, Rouge still has a lot to learn if he wanted to harness it for his own benefit. Thankfully, being a standard guy with blacksmithing as a hobby had given him a headstart in the new pseudo-medieval world that he now found himself in. In fact, blacksmithing in general is an integral part of his new life and the Wesen-filled wonders that entailed it.It was a good thing too, especially since it would be the one ticket he had to get out of the servitude of the Empire that insisted on grinding him under its heel.With his newfound power of rune-like Seigels at his disposal, Rouge will take the Matheman Empire by storm as he builds his rebellion into a force to be reckoned with. He will ensure that his fellow Nenners will be free from the Empire's oppressive practises, and he sure as hell will do it if it was the last thing he did.Well, that, and he refused to live in a backwater medieval world for longer than he could manage it. His modern sensibilities demanded proper technology, and he was sure that even his half-complete understanding of modern science will give him the edge he needs to take on a literal continent-spanning Empire.⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛UPDATES: Daily 19:00 JSTTwitter: @ChellyArks

  • Frau und Herr Smith

    Frau und Herr Smith

    Ethan Smith ging die leere Straße entlang, die Zigarette im Mund, schüttelte den Kopf und zwang sich zu einem bitteren Lächeln. Wer hätte sich vorstellen können, dass nach drei Jahren Ehe nur noch Verrat übrig war? Er schwor sich, diese Frau bereuen zu lassen, was sie getan hatte, und versprach, allen, die gut zu ihm gewesen waren, ein gutes Leben zu ermöglichen. Ja, es war Emily Taylor, die Frau, die ihm über den Abgrund der Verzweiflung hinweggeholfen hatte, als er am tiefsten Punkt seines Lebens angelangt war. "Emily, es wird Zeit, dass ich mich um dich kümmere."
