Truestory Psikologi Sad Novels & Books - WebNovel

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About 891 results

  • Unstoppable Martial Arts: Starting from Attribute Points Allocation

    Unstoppable Martial Arts: Starting from Attribute Points Allocation


    Lu Yun woke up one day to find himself a young hunter in the Spirit Martial Prefecture of Ling Province in Morigin. With demon beasts rampant and the Hundred Sects standing strong, watch as Lu Yun uses his attribute panel to enhance his cultivation technique, grow stronger, and travel across the universe.

  • Psikologi Kehidupan

    Psikologi Kehidupan

    Aku ayana sekarang menempuh pendidikan S1 akuntansi di UI, aku mempunyai cerita menarik dari beberapa orang yang mempunyai pengalaman tentang cinta dan kehidupan malam bahkan masuk ke narkoba diusia ku yang sangat muda 16 th ketika masih duduk dibangku SMA,. Aku sudah sering melihat hal yang tak perlu dilihat,.

  • Dunia Manipulasi Psikologi

    Dunia Manipulasi Psikologi

    Dalam kota yang tampak damai jika dilihat dari ketinggian, namun penuh dengan kejahatan yang tak kenal belas kasihan, Takashi Morioka adalah seorang agen intelijen pemerintah yang menjalani kehidupan ganda yang kompleks. Dalam cerita ini, kita memasuki dunianya yang gelap dan penuh intrik di mana ketidaksempurnaan menyelinap di bawah keindahan visual.Takashi memiliki kemampuan luar biasa dalam membaca dan memanipulasi pikiran serta perasaan orang lain. Dalam perang rahasianya melawan kriminalitas, dia tidak pernah memerlukan kekerasan fisik. Namun, di balik penampilannya yang tenang dan sopan, Takashi juga menjalani permainan ganda. Ia tidak ragu menerima tawaran dari kriminal jika itu mendukung tujuannya yang rahasia.Pertanyaan utama dalam cerita ini adalah apakah Takashi adalah seorang pahlawan yang memerangi kejahatan atau hanya seorang manipulator yang bekerja untuk keuntungannya sendiri. Konflik moral ini menjadi pusat cerita, sementara kita mengikuti langkah-langkahnya dalam menghadapi ancaman kriminal yang merajalela.Namun, di tengah dunia yang gelap, ada juga hubungan yang kuat antara Takashi dan neneknya, Eiko. Neneknya memberinya cinta, perhatian, dan stabilitas dalam hidupnya yang sulit, menunjukkan bahwa bahkan dalam kekerasannya, Takashi memiliki akar yang menghubungkannya dengan kemanusiaannya.Ketika Takashi menjalankan misi berbahaya untuk menyusup ke dalam kelompok kriminal yang sangat berbahaya, dia membuat keputusan berani yang mengubah arah cerita, mengorbankan seorang rekan dalam prosesnya. Namun, dia berhasil mengalihkan perhatian kelompok kriminal tersebut dan menjaga identitasnya yang sebenarnya tersembunyi.Dalam dunia yang gelap dan penuh risiko ini, Takashi terus menjalankan tugasnya dengan ketelitian dan kehati-hatian, menjaga rahasia pekerjaannya yang gelap. Baginya, kebenaran dan keadilan lebih penting daripada ketenaran atau pengakuan. Cerita ini adalah perjalanan seorang agen intelijen yang harus menghadapi moralitas yang kabur dalam upayanya untuk melawan kejahatan dan korupsi.

  • Tale of The Sad Ghost

    Tale of The Sad Ghost



    Tama adalah seorang mahasiswa tingkat akhir di Universitas Banten. Saat perayaan wisuda nanti ia berniat untuk menyatakan cintanya pada seorang wanita bernama Nadia. Ia sudah jatuh cinta dengan Nadia sejak SD, hingga ia rela mengikuti Nadia dari SD sampai kuliah di jurusan yang sama. Sayangnya nasib naas menghampirinya, saat acara wisuda berlangsung, ia tertimpa tiang listrik dan akhirnya ia meninggal sebelum sempat menyatakan cinta nya. Setelah kematiannya, ia bertemu dengan siluman ular yang bisa mengubahnya menjadi manusia kembali setiap bulan purnama, tetapi dengan syarat ia harus rela menjadi budak nya. Apakah Tama berhasil menyatakan cintanya saat ia kembali menjadi manusia?

  • CEO + psikologi di jodohkan?

    CEO + psikologi di jodohkan?

    pertemuan antara dua orang yang sangat menjaga agamanya

  • I Became My Unfortunate Female Lead

    I Became My Unfortunate Female Lead



    "JUST LIKE THE MOON, YOU CAN SHINE ALONE" [Author, I’m coming for you!] [You are such a cruel author, I want to give her a happy life] [I’m gonna burn your house, author…fufufu’] [This is so sad, please make the female lead happy’] [Omoo,I’m crying now, uwaah~] Instead of giving sympathy to her readers, littleyoonie curled on her stomach and laughed her heart out. “O-Oh my gosh! I can’t take it. They’re all crying..” Littleyoonie is a sadistic author who likes to write tragic and sad novels. For her, a happy ending is not an option. *** ‘HOWEVER, KARMA IS A BITCH’ She thought she already experienced the bitterness of life until she fell into a sinkhole and died. As soon as she opened her eyes, she found herself in the body of the female lead. “Lady Athasia? Are you okay?” She tilted her head. ‘Athasia?’ that name sounds very familiar to her. ‘NOOO!!!!!’ she screamed in her thoughts. Littleyoonie, the author herself, will experience the tragic and sad novel she wrote. “I will not let myself experience all of that bullshits!” She decided that she’ll going to do the character development she wanted before she died. What if things run out of her control and everything turns chaotic? Eyooo!!! Your author Yohan here!! Aiyaa~ here we go! A new novel! I'm asking for all of your supports, please vote this novel and help me unfold the ending we all want! Yey! Don't forget to add this to your library. Cover not mine

  • Tale of The Sad Ghost (English Version)

    Tale of The Sad Ghost (English Version)



    Tama is a final year student at the University of Banten. During the graduation celebration, he intends to express his love for a woman named Nadia. He had fallen in love with Nadia since elementary school, so he was willing to follow Nadia from elementary school to college in the same department. Unfortunately, bad luck approached him, in the graduation ceremony, he was hit by an electric pole. And finally, he died before he could express his love. After his death, he met a demon snake who could turn him into a human again in every full moon, but on the condition that he must be willing to become her slave. Did Tama manage to confess his love to Nadia?

  • A Sad Begging A Sad Ending

    A Sad Begging A Sad Ending

  • Sad ?

    Sad ?

    Kehilangan sesuatu yang tak disangkakan??

  • Rebirth And Will Love You

    Rebirth And Will Love You

    Everyone deserves a second chance. But Xie Li Na certainly knows that she doesn't deserve it. All those mistakes she committed earned a good punishment. And she had received it all.But still, that man's sad eyes makes her feels distressed.'Shen Yun Tian, this time I will love you. I promise'

  • Sad Ending Stories

    Sad Ending Stories


    This is Short Sad Random Stories. Tagalog languange/ Taglish it depends on the story.

  • A sad love story

    A sad love story

    Alexa always wanted freedom and independence, but when she is forced to live with a man she barely knew she finds her whole world is constricted to his rules. She begins to hate this man and his unpredictable temper. Her whole world is thrown into chaos as she slowly discovers her life isn't what it seems.

  • Sad Story(Tagalog)

    Sad Story(Tagalog)


  • sad kid

    sad kid

  • That Sad Girl

    That Sad Girl

    Fantasy ROMANCE

    This is the story of a sad girl and her path to find the end to her sadness :) will she be able to do it ? Maybe someone is there to help her a bit ?

  • Sad Movie

    Sad Movie


    "They Always Make Me Cry." -Juliette

  • sad shayari

    sad shayari

  • восточный русский (sad ending)

    восточный русский (sad ending)

    в этой истории три подростка, которые покидают UFA Russia и направляются в Нью-Йорк, поскольку они обнаружили, что сайт New York Times взломан, и половина, чтобы остановить того, кто отвечает за его сайт

  • Sad Promise

    Sad Promise

    A promise must usually be fulfilled no matter what. But what happens if that promise is broken? Will you get away with it as long your powerful or have an important role in society? Who knows what punishment awaits for those who breaks a promise. ————————— Fritz Fuji a 15 year old boy that is half-Japanese and half-German. He is the descendant of the legendary Fuji family. The family is well known to produce the greatest krieger and the feats that they acquired along the years. They are also well respected from the krieger community and the society due to their kraft. The kraft that they have is a strong and one of a kind. Fritz dreams to be a a krieger like his father and the others before him. Unfortunately for Fritz. He dreams are crushed when he hit the age of 6. The doctors classsify him as a non- kraft. Not long fter the devastating news. He was sent to a far way prefecture, Sedai, He was sent there due to his father current occupation as the royal commander for the the queen. The queen herself despise non-kraft people. She would go out of her way to kill them if she knew they were a kraft. So, Fritz’s father wouldn’t want to take any chances even though the queen was on good terms with Fritz. Fritz spends most of his days either playing or studying with his childhood best friend, Sakura Yuuki. Fritz’s father asked the Yuuki family to take care of Fritz. They gladly agreed to it since Sakura’s dad and Fritz’s dad are best friends. One day, Fritz was returning home from school. He was welcomed by an unpleasant guest in his home. Crazy stuff happens and he needs to run away from the guest. This is his journey to rewrite a new promise. ————————— About the words krieger (Warrior in German) and Kraft (Power in Swedish). You’ll find out why i use it later in the story

  • Too Sad

    Too Sad

    The story of a sad boy.
