Wulin Novels & Books - WebNovel

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About 17 results

  • Soul Land III (Douluo Dalu): The Legend of the Dragon King

    Soul Land III (Douluo Dalu): The Legend of the Dragon King


    Following the advancement of soul technology, the humans of Douluo Continent conquered the ocean and discovered two new continents. After being hunted by spirit masters excessively, the soul beasts are nearly extinct. After countless years of lying dormant, the King of the Soul Beasts has awakened in the Great Star Dou Forest. It will lead its remaining clansmen in taking vengeance against humanity! Tang Wulin is determined to become a powerful Soul Master. However, when he awakened his martial soul, it was actually a… Incomparable talent. The battle of the Dragon King. The Legend of our Dragon King hereby begins.

  • Benua Pertarungan 3: Legenda Raja Naga

    Benua Pertarungan 3: Legenda Raja Naga

    Zaman Dewa telah lama usai, suara mereka tidak lagi terdengar di benua Douluo. Kemanusiaan, semakin maju karena pengetahuan mereka, teknologi jiwa semakin maju ke kecanggihan yang tak terbayangkan. Manusia yang adalah masyarakat benua Douluo menemukan senjata pemusnah massal, baju besi mekanik, dan logam hidup. Dengan kemajuan ini, mereka terus menaklukkan lautan dan menemukan dua benua baru. Untuk mendorong teknologi baru ini, umat manusia memburu para Binatang Jiwa sampai ke ambang kepunahan. Yang dulunya memegang kuasa dominan di benua Douluo kini menjadi buruan, beberapa binatang jiwa yang masih hidup sekarang bersembunyi di ceruk paling gelap pada tempat perlindungan akhir mereka. Yang terlemah semuanya telah diburu, yang tersisa hanya yang paling kuat berlindung di jantung hutan. Para Binatang Jiwa, yang tidak berserah pada keadaan, merencanakan pemberontakan untuk bertahan hidup. Di tengah-tengah ini, seorang dewa dari era yang telah lama terlupakan kembali hidup di kedalaman Hutan Besar Bintang Dou dengan maksud untuk membalas dendam kepada Para Binatang Jiwa. Ketika kegelapan merambah dari jurang maut, harapan menjelma sebagai seorang anak lelaki yang memegang kekuatan melebihi keilahian dalam dirinya — Tang Wulin! Harapan bagi manusia dan Binatang Jiwa untuk kembali hidup berdampingan. Dia menemukan jalannya ke aula Legenda Akademi Shrek, di mana dia belajar menggunakan kekuatan luar biasa, berteman dan menemukan sekutu, akhirnya bangkit untuk menjadi pemimpin yang menjulang. Ketika ia belajar untuk memanfaatkan kekuatannya, bahaya mengintai di dalam bayang-bayang sebagai berbagai faksi manuver kemanusiaan dan merencanakan untuk merebut Akademi Shrek. Tang Wulin menemukan ancaman bagi satu-satunya dunia yang dia kenal saat lebih dalam dia tenggelam ke dalam daya tarik. Sementara itu, tersama oleh kekacauan dan tanpa sepengetahuan manusia, persiapan Binatang Jiwa terus maju dengan mantap. Untuk mempertahankan apa yang dicintainya dan merebut kembali apa yang telah dicuri, Tang Wulin harus mencari peninggalan legenda masa lalu dan membuka kekuatan penuh Raja Naga Emas!

  • Legenda Raja Naga (The Legend of the Dragon King)

    Legenda Raja Naga (The Legend of the Dragon King)


    Zaman dewa telah lama berakhir, suara mereka tidak lagi terdengar di benua Douluo. Kemanusiaan berdiri di atas pengetahuan mereka, teknologi jiwa yang maju hingga tak terbayangkan. Manusia Douluo menemukan senjata pemusnah massal, baju besi mekanik, dan logam hidup. Dengan kemajuan ini, mereka pergi untuk manaklukkan lautan dan menemukan dua benua baru. Untuk mendorong teknologi baru ini, umat manusia memburu Soul Beast hingga ke ambang kepunahan. Yang dulu merupakan penguasa Douluo, sekarang beberapa Soul Beast yang masih hidup bersembunyi dalam relung tergelap dari tempat perlindungan mereka. Yang terlemah telah diburu, meninggalkan yang terkuat bersembunyi di jantung hutan. Soul Beast yang tidak ingin lenyap merencanakan pemberontakan untuk bertahan hidup. Di tengah-tengah ini, dewa dari era yang telah lama terlupakan terbangun di kedalam Hutan Besar Bintang Dou dengan tujuan memalas dendam untuk Soul Beast. Saat kegelapan merambah dari jurang maut, harapan ditemukan pada seorang anak laki-laki yang memiliki kekuatan melebihi keilahian di dalam dirinya – Tang Wulin! Harapan bagi manusia dan Soul Beast untuk hidup berdampingan. Dia menemukan jalannya ke aula Legenda Akademi Shrek, di mana dia belajar menggunakan kekuatannya yang luar biasa, berteman dan menemukan sekutu, akhirnya naik menjadi pemimpin yang menjulang tinggi. Saat ia belajar untuk menggunakan kekuatannya, bahaya mengintai di dalam bayang-bayang saat berbagai faksi manusia mengatur siasat dan merencakan untuk merebut Akademi Shrek. Tang Wulin menemukan ancaman bagi satu-satunya dunia yang dia tahu saat dia tenggelam lebih dalam tipu muslihat. Sementara itu, disamarkan oleh kekacauan dan tanpa sepengetahuan manusia, rencana Soul Beast terus berlanjut. Untuk mempertahankan apa yang dia cintai dan merebut kembali apa yang hilang, Tang Wulin harus mencari peninggalan legenda masa lalu dan membuka kekuatan penuh Raja Naga Emas! *************** Douluo Dalu 3: Legend of the Dragon King Long Wang Chuan Shuo, Author : Tang Jia San Shao, Terjemahan Bahasa Inggris dari Wuxiaworld

  • Records Of The Immortals (Completed up to Book 2)

    Records Of The Immortals (Completed up to Book 2)



    A chivalrous adventure fiction based on romanticized historical events in the Spring and Autum and The Warring States Era of ancient China. The story is written from the perspective of the immortal peoples - Ying, Xuanye and Yue Maiden, who lived, experienced, and recorded the history. Book 1 :Yue Maiden saved a fugitive prince from Chu State who fled from a rebellion. The unlikely romance happened between them, and for thirteen years they lived happily. Her love story and poem are immortalized forever in history. Book 2:The story is about Ying the immortal who helped King Goujian of Yue to conquer the Wu State and wiped it off the map forever. A story of a beautiful young girl who turned into a sword forger who took a vow to be a sword of justice. Book 3:Xuanye - the handsome and righteous immortal who became an immortal during the rebellion that toppled the Western Zhou Dynasty. He then helped the legitimate ruler and friends to found the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and the Vassal State of Qin.

  • soul land 3- time traveler

    soul land 3- time traveler


    After the their final clash, Wulin and yuena dissappeared into the northern mountains, as they sealed themselves within the icy mountains, away from all the burden they had to carry. But what if, the Golden dragon king bloodline, that had the power over time was able to send Wulin back in time. Will Wulin be able to prevent the catastrophe that may take place? Hey guys! This book is written because I feel bad about soul land 3 novel ending. I really didn't want Wulin to suffer like this. I am new with these, and I'm releasing the chapters early than I planned so as to know how you guys feel, and how the story should be written. So please Dont hold back on criticism! But please refrain from exhibiting toxic behavior Disclaimer: I have no rights over soul land series. This is simply my point of view of how the story could have gone. I have no ownership over the book, other than this plot

  • Tierra del alma 3: Leyenda del Rey Dragón

    Tierra del alma 3: Leyenda del Rey Dragón

    La Era de los Dioses terminó hace mucho tiempo, sus voces ya no se escuchan en el continente de Douluo. La humanidad, sobre los hombros de leyendas de su historia, avanzó la tecnología del alma a alturas inconcebibles. Los humanos de Douluo inventaron armas de destrucción masiva, armaduras mecanizadas y metales vivos. Con estos avances, pasaron a conquistar los océanos y descubrieron dos nuevos continentes. Para alimentar estas nuevas tecnologías, la humanidad cazó a las bestias del alma al borde de la extinción. Una vez que la fuerza dominante de Douluo, las pocas bestias del alma supervivientes ahora se esconden en los rincones más oscuros de su último santuario. Los más débiles han sido cazados, dejando solo a los más fuertes para conspirar en el corazón del bosque. Las bestias del alma, no dispuestas a desaparecer, planean un levantamiento para su supervivencia. En medio de esto, un dios de una era olvidada despierta en las profundidades del bosque de Great Star Dou para buscar venganza por las bestias del alma. Mientras la oscuridad invade el abismo, la esperanza se encuentra en un joven que tiene un poder más allá de la divinidad dentro de sí mismo: ¡Tang Wulin! Esperanza tanto para la humanidad como para las bestias del alma, como puente entre los dos. Encuentra su camino hacia los legendarios pasillos de la Academia Shrek, donde aprende a manejar sus prodigiosos poderes, hace amigos y encuentra aliados, y eventualmente se convierte en un líder imponente. Mientras aprende a aprovechar su fuerza, el peligro acecha entre las sombras mientras las diversas facciones de la humanidad maniobran y conspiran para usurpar la Academia Shrek. Tang Wulin descubre la amenaza al único mundo que conoce mientras se sumerge más en la intriga. Mientras tanto, camuflado por el caos y sin el conocimiento de los humanos, el complot de las bestias del alma continúa avanzando de manera constante.Para defender lo que ama y recuperar lo perdido, Tang Wulin debe buscar los legados de leyendas del pasado y desbloquear todo el poder del Rey Dragón Dorado.

  • Anak ng Liwanag (A Tagalog Version of Child of Light)

    Anak ng Liwanag (A Tagalog Version of Child of Light)

  • Douluo Dalu 4: Final Douluo

    Douluo Dalu 4: Final Douluo


    Author: Tang Jia San ShaoRights of DD4: Qidian InternationalThe MC is the child of Wulin & Yuena!Named Tang Longyu!Rihavein_Any Errors, please email to syronvixwritings@gmail.com

  • Doomed to be Cannon Fodder

    Doomed to be Cannon Fodder


    (Novel not mine, i just placed it here cause i couldnt find it and i was interested in it) She’s somehow ended up transmigrating into the book as the supporting female lead, who was beaten to death! Deeply in love with the male lead, she’s fated to be beaten to a bloody pulp before even holding hands with him?! First things first, she needs to survive and latch onto the big thigh of a patron. But the supporting male lead is a true gentleman and feels nothing for her stunning, alluring body. That’s alright! She’ll latch onto the old madame or the male lead then! But why does the supporting male lead look at her with increasingly odd eyes? And what of that Wulin Alliance Head with the personality disorder? You’re just a random bystander, what are you getting involved for?? Finally, the male lead could bear it no longer and dragged her back to the Prince Li Manor… ——— Hey there! This novel is not mine i would like to clear this up I really wanted to read this novel, but i couldnt find it here so when i found it out i wanted to post it here as well. I will try to correct some stuff in the grammar area if there are any, but other than that i wont touch the story.

  • "Fateful Bonds of Seven Nights Snow"

    "Fateful Bonds of Seven Nights Snow"

    "Wulin Master Fleeing to the Ends of the Earth, the Medicine Attire Valley's Female Physician Ascends Kunlun Mountain to Save the Life of an Old Friend."

  • The Stolen Princess and the Blind Prince

    The Stolen Princess and the Blind Prince


    AhnAhn was royal property. A prize won when her country’s war against the emperor failed. Her mother and older brother were spared on one condition: if AhnAhn married the emperor's blind son Wulin. Wulin was a curious young man, the product of the emperor and a concubine. He was pushed aside, forgotten and spurred by many within the palace. But being the emperor's son, he was well trained in martial arts, his blindness amplifying his senses. He found his fun blending amongst the common folk. Every night dressing up as a poor man, a common man, a noodle seller and the like. Currently, he had the most fun disguising himself as a thief, he and his gang robbing carriages by candlelight. Tonight, was the night AhnAhn would be delivered to the royal palace, and tonight AhnAhn's carriage was in his sights...

  • Doomed to be Cannon Fødder

    Doomed to be Cannon Fødder


    (WPC 269)She’s somehow ended up transmigrating into the book as the supporting female lead, who was beaten to death! Deeply in love with the male lead, she’s fated to be beaten to a bloody pulp before even holding hands with him?! First things first, she needs to survive and latch onto the big thigh of a patron. But the supporting male lead is a true gentleman and feels nothing for her stunning, alluring body. That’s alright! She’ll latch onto the old madame or the male lead then! But why does the supporting male lead look at her with increasingly odd eyes? And what of that Wulin Alliance Head with the personality disorder? You’re just a random bystander, what are you getting involved for?? Finally, the male lead could bear it no longer and dragged her back to the Prince Li Manor…

  • Realm of Gods

    Realm of Gods

    Having descent from the heavenly realm, Gu Wulin must travel along the path few have completed, ascending through the realms of power to break back into the Heavenly realm to re-join his family, Staking it all for a chance to lead them to the Land of Gods.

  • Chronicles Of Dragon Emperor

    Chronicles Of Dragon Emperor

    This Story Have Biggest Chapters you have ever seen. And yes One chapter needs over two weeks to make. It's Not just Filling up words, but the words have actual emotions in it It's short summarized Version of "Soul Land III" (also known as "Douluo Dalu III: The Legend of the Dragon King") is a Chinese web novel written by Tang Jia San Shao, and it is the third sequel in the "Soul Land" series. The story takes place 10,000 years after the events of the previous two sequels. The Tang Sect, now renamed the Tang Outer Sect, has lost its prestige and is no longer a powerhouse in the world of soul masters. The story follows a young boy named Tang Wulin, who was born with a unique soul power, as he embarks on a journey to become a powerful soul master and revive the Tang Sect. Along the way, Tang Wulin makes new friends and allies, including Gu Yuena, a girl with a mysterious past and powerful soul power, and Xie Xie, a thief who is also a talented soul master. Together, they face various challenges and obstacles, including the threat of the Abyssal Douluo, a powerful enemy that seeks to destroy the world of soul masters. As Tang Wulin and his friends grow stronger and face more challenges, they uncover secrets and conspiracies that threaten not only their own lives but also the fate of the entire world. With determination, courage, and their unique soul powers, they strive to overcome these challenges and protect the world they love.

  • Ditakdirkan Menjadi Umpan Meriam

    Ditakdirkan Menjadi Umpan Meriam


    Novel ini bukan karya saya, saya cuma ingin menterjemahkan buku yang saya baca dan saya sukai ini.Nama alternatif: Doomed To Be Cannon FodderPaohui nu pei: Wanku li WangfeiPenulis:xiaoxiao ye yu / Whistling night rainSinopsis:Liu yangyang entah bagaimana akhirnya pindah ke buku sebagai pemeran wanita pendukung, yang dipukuli sampai mati! Sangat mencintai pemeran utama pria, dia ditakdirkan untuk dipukuli sampai mati bahkan sebelum berpegangan tangan dengannya?!Hal pertama yang perlu dilakukan, dia harus bertahan hidup dan menempel di paha besar pelindung. Tapi pemeran pria pendukung adalah pria sejati dan tidak merasakan apa-apa untuk tubuhnya yang menakjubkan dan memikat. Itu benar! Dia akan mengunci nyonya tua atau pemeran utama pria!Tapi mengapa pemeran pria pendukung menatapnya dengan mata yang semakin aneh? Dan bagaimana dengan Kepala Aliansi Wulin dengan gangguan kepribadian itu? Anda hanya pengamat acak, untuk apa Anda terlibat ??Akhirnya, pemeran utama pria tidak tahan lagi dan menyeretnya kembali ...Sumber:Novel Volare

  • The Villain Is A Matchmaker

    The Villain Is A Matchmaker


    How far will you go for a chance to live again?The dying Xi Xie did not hesitate to venture the Thousand Worlds. Without his original world's memories, Xi Xie must complete each mission world with the help of his Villain Happiness System to gain each cannon fodder villain's full happiness index.Cannon fodder villain wants to be a successful business magnate in the CEO World?Xi Xie: Here is a gift certificate for an exclusive 10,000-hour Innovative Business For Dummies Immersive Training. Money is not a problem, dear.Cannon fodder villain wants to be the Wulin Alliance Leader in the Cultivation World?Xi Xie: A gift certificate for 10,000-hour Swordsman Cultivation and the Ultimate Guide to Ascension. The master is strict, but you'll live.Cannon fodder villain wants to be the youngest mecha design master in the Interstellar World?Xi Xie: Resources! Resources! Here is a 10,000-hour Apprenticeship to the Greatest Mecha Designer in the Thousand Worlds.Cannon fodder villain wants to marry the male lead?Xi Xie: ......... Here is an all-expense paid Honeymoon Trip sponsored by the Thousand Worlds Mission Center. (T___T)

  • Doomed To Be  Cannon Fodder

    Doomed To Be Cannon Fodder

    Disclaimer update: Adding onto the discleaner information in "chapter 1" volarenovels.com has shut down, when I checked today. The find this story will need to be searches elsewhere, volarenovela will be missed, I have read many great stories there. She’s somehow ended up transmigrating into the book as the supporting female lead, who was beaten to death! Deeply in love with the male lead, she’s fated to be beaten to a bloody pulp before even holding hands with him?!First things first, she needs to survive and latch onto the big thigh of a patron. But the supporting male lead is a true gentleman and feels nothing for her stunning, alluring body. That’s alright! She’ll latch onto the old madame or the male lead then!But why does the supporting male lead look at her with increasingly odd eyes? And what of that Wulin Alliance Head with the personality disorder? You’re just a random bystander, what are you getting involved for??Finally, the male lead could bear it no longer and dragged her back to the Prince Li Manor…

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