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Raven, also known as Rachel Roth, is a superhero with magical abilities and a prominent member of the Teen Titans. Raven is a tele-empathetic, she can teleport, and send out her Soul-Self, which can fight physically, manifest as a force field, manipulate objects and others as with telekinesis, as well as act as Raven's eyes and ears away from her body.



Raven was born the half-breed daughter of a human mother named Angela Roth and the demon overlord Emperor Trigon. She was conceived when her mother ran away from home and joined a cult, which then summoned the demon lord Trigon, who raped her.

Angela Roth, going by Arella, retreated to an alternate dimension where Raven was born and raised in the pacifistic reality called Azarath. Growing up, Raven was taught to "control her emotions" by the Azar and the Azarathian monks in order to suppress and control her inherited demonic powers. [1]

Teen Titans

Eventually she learned that Trigon was planning to come to her dimension and vowed to stop him. She initially approached the Justice League, but they refused her on the advice of Zatanna who sensed her demonic parentage. In desperation, she reformed the Titans as the New Teen Titans to fight her father.[2]

The team was eventually able to defeat Trigon and seal him in an inter-dimensional prison.[3] However, Raven still had to fight her father's influence, as he was not completely destroyed. More than once, Raven nearly lost control in various high stress situations in her adventures and barely regained it before Trigon could reassert himself. Compounding the problem was the death of Azar, who had by now passed away from old age and Raven was left bereft of her support.

Trigon eventually escaped, came to Earth and over the course of the next few months, slowly took control of Raven, eventually corrupting her completely. Trigon's demon army invaded Azarath and it was destroyed, despite the Titans best efforts to save it. The Titans pursued them back to Earth, only to find it was almost completely subjugated under Trigon's will. The Titans came together and killed Raven. This allowed the souls of Azarath to possess her and use her as a channel to kill Trigon. Afterward, Raven was presumed dead, but she actually rose from ashes of the battle, finally purged of Trigon's evil. She vanished, and her mother went looking for her.[4]

Free from Trigon

Raven was then captured by Brother Blood's minions to control Nightwing as part of Brother Blood's resurrection. The Titans rescued them both and prevented Brother Blood from returning. Raven donned a new white cloak to represent her being free from her father's influence.

The Titans were eventually captured by the Wildebeest Society, but were rescued by a group of heroes. The leader of the Wildebeest Society was actually their teammate Jericho, who was inhabited by the souls of Azarath. Jericho tried to use the Titans as vessels for the souls, but in the end was killed by his father, Deathstroke the Terminator.

Dark Raven

Later, another version of Raven appeared, this time possessed by her evil conscience. She attempted to implant seeds of Trigon's children into new bodies. She crashed the wedding of Dick Grayson and Koriand'r of Tamaran, and implanted one of the seeds into the alien princess. However, she actually implanted the seed of the good Raven, which caused Starfire to leave Earth in order to escape from the evil Raven and go on a spiritual journey. Raven then implanted seeds into several superheroes. The Titans were able to defeat her with the help of Phantasm.

Raven returned later, still evil, in order to destroy her good self which she had implanted in Starfire. The Titans defeated her once again, for the last time. The good Raven was instilled into a new golden spirit body.

Rachel Roth

As a spirit, Raven wandered Earth, looking for her place in the world, when Brother Blood came to claim her. Her spirit was instilled into the body of a teenage girl by the Church of Blood. The Teen Titans (reformed again), discovered that the Church of Blood were worshipers of Raven's father, Trigon. They also found a prophecy which told of the marriage between Brother Blood and Raven that would result in Armageddon. The new team interrupted the wedding, and Raven forced the cult to escape[5]. She then joined the new Teen Titans and enrolled at a high school as Rachel Roth to honor her mother.

Titans Tomorrow

The Teen Titans once traveled through time to a possible dystopian future, where Raven became the Dark Raven and gathered Superman IV (formerly Superboy), Wonder Woman IV (formerly Wonder Girl II), Batman IV (formerly Robin III), Animal Man II (formerly Beast Boy), and Aquawoman (formerly Aquagirl IV) to continue the heroic crusade, but using ruthless, murderous tactics.

Hell's Gates

Later, she was attacked by the villain Kestrel. When Hell's gates were broken, Brother Blood escaped along with his newly appointed mother, Lilith Clay (formerly known as Omen). Hawk and Dove, Kole, and Phantasm also returned from the grave.

Raven has recently become romantically attached to Beast Boy. Raven had been developing feelings for him since her recent rebirth.

Infinite Crisis

Due to the effects of the Spectre's destruction of magic, Raven found her own magical powers weakening and slipping out of her control, but continued on the good fight nonetheless, helping the Titans both in evacuating the shattered city of Blüdhaven and battling Superboy-Prime.

After the Second Crisis, Raven quit the team after she and Beast Boy broke up their relationship. A recording of her told Cyborg that Beast Boy was stressed by being team leader, and even compared him to Nightwing. Raven then left the Titans because she learned a secret about the new members of the team, though she let them think she was leaving because of Beast Boy.

One Year Later

Raven traveled around the globe, looking for something that had been stolen from Titans Tower by one of the many members the team had seen in the previous year. She based her operations out of an apartment in Beijing, and met with Red Star briefly in Moscow to ask the Russian hero questions about their former teammates. She was able to recover a book, but this action resulted in her being chased by a squadron of armed soldiers. She eventually made her way back to the United States where she reached the Church of Brother Blood. The book that she had in her possession contained a computer disk, which housed the spirit of her old colleague, Jericho. Raven was able to withdraw Jericho's soul from the disk and transpose it into a resurrected body.

Raven was later approached by Robin and Wonder Girl, in the hopes that she could resurrect Superboy like she did Jericho. Unfortunately, Raven declares that impossible since Superboy's soul had moved on to the afterlife, while Jericho's soul was kept on a computer disk. Without warning, the Titans were captured by the villainous Titans East and transported to the original Titans Island in New York, where Raven was placed in the 'care' of Enigma and Duela Dent, who took to torturing her psychologically. Raven managed her escape by offering Duela membership into the true Titans group. After knocking Enigma and Risk unconscious, Raven, Duela, and Cyborg got reinforcements in the form of Nightwing, Troia, Beast Boy, and Flash (Bart Allen). After beating the Titans East, she revealed hints that she still loved Gar, but he refused to dwell on the matter, leaving their relationship uncertain at the moment.

Raven and a group of classmates were attacked by a demonic creature, sent by Raven's resurrected father Trigon. She soon joined Beast Boy, Donna Troy, Red Arrow, Starfire, Flash and Nightwing at New York's Titan's Island where Cyborg and his Teen Titans team were attacked by Deathstroke and the villainous Titans East. These events lead to the creation of the newest team of Titans, which consists of the original New Teen Titans.

Raven discovered that Trigon had more than one child, and that a trio of children devoted to her father are behind the attacks. She was affected along with many of the other Titans by these three beings, who preyed on the strongest emotions present in the group at the time (such as Nightwing and Starfire giving in to long suppressed longing for one another, and Flash and Donna Troy's mild envy taken to extremes in a usually calm social interaction). For Raven and Beast Boy, the emotion used against them was their subdued rage and insecurity towards themselves and each other. Raven was attacked at one point by an incensed Garfield, but their fight was broken up by the remaining Titans when they begin to gradually recover from the attack. Raven's three half-brothers then used her and Beast Boy to act as keys to open a portal to Trigon's realm. Raven used her own power to influence greed in others to make her half-brothers steal what little power Trigon had left. The portal was closed, and Trigon's sons, believing they had gained great power, left the scene.

Deadly Sins

The Sin of Pride

While Raven and Beast Boy went out together on a "not-a-date", she informed him that since meeting her half-brothers, she's felt herself being tempted by her father's evil power and fears she will once again turn evil. Although Beast Boy rejected the idea, Raven's fear was made reality, as her half-brothers later returned, and provoked her demonic side, causing her to leave the Titans and join them. However the team was able to track them down and convince Raven to join the side of good once more with the help of a mystical artifact Raven gave Donna Troy should such a situation ever arise. She later provided a number of other artifacts, all capable of killing her, to the Titans as terms for her staying with the team. However, the experience played a hand in Raven ultimately electing not to pursue a renewed relationship with Beast Boy.

Raven aided the Titans in capturing Match, who went on a rampage with Jericho trapped inside of him. Through her powers, she discovered that Jericho was actually in control of Match, not the other way around. Before she could warn the other Titans, Jericho used a device to temporarily knock out the lights. When the back-up generator kicked in, Jericho was gone, and Nightwing deduced he must have possessed one of the Titans in the confusion.

Powers and Abilities


Raven in flight

Astral Projection: Through the use of her soul-self, Raven can project her consciousness into the mind, for therapeutic purposes (to aid in her own meditation, or to help calm an agitated ally), or for offensive attacks, rendering her enemies unconscious, as well as manifesting as strong forcefields.Soul-Self: Raven can manifest her "Soul-Self" through astral projection. It normally takes the form of either her human shape or a giant raven.

Darkness Manipulation: Raven's astral form is made out of pure darkness. She can project this darkness out as an offensive attackEnergy Construct Creation

Dimensional TravelTeleportation: Raven can instantly travel through space (and even time) to anywhere she likes, almost like teleportation. However, according to her, she does not actually consider this teleporting because, instead, she simply instantly travels through dimensions via portals.[6]

Empathy: Raven has the psionic ability of empathy, the power to read, manipulate and absorb emotions, enabling her to feel the feelings of others,[7] and has the ability to sense people and their souls and emotions.[8]Emotion Negation: She can also use her empathy to steal emotions from others, rendering them emotionally "numb".

Empathic Healing: She can absorb the pain of injured people to ease their suffering, and induce rapid healing. This cannot be done to major injuries.

Force Emotion: Raven is able to induce emotions into other people's subconscious to affect their mental state as she wishes.[7]

Energy Projection: Raven on some occasions has been shown to project powerful bolts of energy that has sent objects and people flying backwards.[9]

Flight: With her new body came new powers and new abilities, the ability to naturally fly being one of them. In her older bodies, she was still capable of flight using her Soul Self and/or telekinesis.

Precognition: Raven has a limited precognition ability to foresee future events before they happen, although this ability is not able to be controlled and activates spontaneously.[10]

Reality Alteration: As a result of her demonic heritage, Raven is able to alter and warp reality at a whim, and has destroyed an entire city and its population, and reverted it all back to normal.[4] She also once unintentionally created an inter-dimensional being.[11] Her capabilities are so powerful, it is said that she is capable of destroying the Heavens and entire planets.[12] Raven herself said that she could destroy a universe.[13]Illusion Casting: She is also able to project realistic illusions.[14] They are convincing enough that Jericho even smelled blood when he saw the Titans' dead bodies.[15]

Molecular Reconstruction: When destroying the city of New York, she trans-mutated its human civilians into stone.[16] She also accidentally created Wyld by fusing several animals from different dimensions into one singular being.[17]

Superhuman Durability: Due to her demon heritage, Raven is able to withstand a certain amount of bodily harm and distress.[18][19][20][21] She even survived a physical encounter with Plasmus although the radiation he emits did cause some internal pain.[18]

Telekinesis: Raven has the ability to move objects and matter with her mind, seen for example when she uses this ability to levitate children out of a burning hospital in Dakota and move herself through the flames.[22]. As mentioned above, she can also use it for self levitation and flight.

Telepathy: Raven harbors telepathic abilities and has been able to alter the dreams of others,[23] read their minds,[24] absorb information,[25] erase their memories,[26] and induce a sleep or comatose state in them.[27]



Martial Arts: Raven was trained by the Teen Titans.Raven has shown to defend herself in battle against armed cultists and even managed to best her brother Envy in one on one combat.[21]


Strong Emotions: As an empathy Raven has the ability to feel other people's emotions. But if she comes into contact with an individual with strong emotions whether good or bad, it will overwhelm her and bring her pain.[30]



Chakra: The Chakra helps her to control the darker passions of her soul-self.[citation needed]


Although this character was originally introduced during DC's Earth-One era of publication, their existence following the events of the 1985–86 limited series Crisis on Infinite Earths remains intact. However, some elements of the character's Pre-Crisis history may have been altered or removed for Post-Crisis New Earth continuity, and should be considered apocryphal.


Raven does not eat meat.[31]

Raven has a tattoo of her namesake on the small of her lower back.[32]

After being resurrected into a new teenage body, Raven began watching the television series Gossip Girl religiously.[33]


447 Appearances of Raven (New Earth)

98 Images featuring Raven (New Earth)

17 Quotations by or about Raven (New Earth)

Character Gallery: Raven (New Earth)


Koriand'r is an alien princess from the planet Tamaran who lived in peace and happiness until her home planet was conquered. Banished from Tamaran, Koriand'r was enslaved and experimented on, granting her extraordinary powers which she used to lead a rebellion and liberate herself and her fellow slaves from their captors. She became known throughout the cosmos as Starfire, and settled on Earth, where she became a member of the superhero teams the Outlaws and the Teen Titans.



1.2Red Hood and the Outlaws

1.3Return to Tamaran


1.5Key West

1.6Teen Titans

1.7Forming Team Mystery

1.8Justice League Odyssey

1.9Doomsday Clock

1.10Infinite Frontier

2Powers and Abilities2.1Powers


2.3Other Characteristics






Princess Koriand'r was the youngest daughter born to the First House of Tamaran. She lived a happy and peaceful life until her home planet was attacked by the alien conquerers, the Citadel, who operated under the orders of the evil Dominators. The Citadel killed Kori's family, with the exception of her older sister Komand'r, and enslaved the entire population of Tamaran, including Kori. They appointed Komand'r as the leader of Tamaran, seeking to use her as a figurehead to appease the planet's people. However, in an attempt to take away the people of Tamaran's will to fight back, they forced Komand'r to publicly banish her sister from the planet.

Kori was taken by the Citadel and was the subject of numerous painful experiments. She was discarded in Takron, a savage prison populated by aliens from the various planets the Citadel had conquered. The Citadel suspected she would perish quickly, but she survived motivated by her rage. After lashing out against a Citadelian guard, Kori projected huge amounts of energy from her body, and realized the experiments conducted on her had unintentionally given her incredible powers. She was restrained and further experimented on, enslaved and drugged to keep her compliant.

Eventually, Kori was forced to work on a slave ship called the S.S. Starfire, where she met Orn, a rebel Citadelian who had been enslaved by his own people. He showed Kori kindness and love, and smuggled food for her. She began training in secret with Orn, and eventually managed to empower the slaves on her ship to overthrow their captors, leading a rebellion that freed the aliens from their captors. Kori took control of the ship she had been enslaved upon, liberated the people of Tamaran, and became known throughout the galaxy as Starfire.[1]

Red Hood and the Outlaws

Kori lived on Earth for some time and used her powers to fight for justice, before suddenly losing her memories. She found herself in her alien ship on an island in the Caribbean, not knowing how she had got there. She lived solemnly until she discovered an injured Jason Todd, who had washed up on the island's shores. Jason reminded Kori of her former lover Dick Grayson, and she decided to use her ship's Tamaranean technology to nurse him back to health. Jason told her of his history as Robin and his superhero identity as Red Hood, and the two quickly grew fond of one another.

Starfire during her time with the Outlaws

Jason lived with Kori for a short time until he learned that Roy Harper was scheduled to be put to death as punishment for protesting in Qurac.[2] Jason requested Kori's help in rescuing him, and Red Hood and Starfire succeeded in their mission. The three heroes traveled back to the Caribbean, and Kori and Roy began a sexual relationship. They later decided to band their efforts, forming a mercenary team called the "Outlaws".[3]

One of the team's earliest adventures led them to encounter an alien hunter named Crux. Crux had targeted Koriand'r after discovering a photograph of her on the internet, and wanted to drain her powers away and gain them for himself. Starfire was attacked by Crux, who used Tamaranean technology against her in attempt to strip her of her powers.[4] He failed to do so, as Starfire had grown resistant to the technology after the experiments she had undergone by the Citadel, though Crux did severely wound her in the process. Kori was rescued by Arsenal, who managed to fend off Crux while she gathered her strength. Together they overpowered the alien hunter, and Kori was about to kill Crux until she and Roy were forced to retreat after Jason arrived, followed by an angry mob who were intent on chasing him.[5]

The team traveled to Gotham City to rescue civilians who were being held hostage in Gotham General Hospital by Jason's former adversary Suzie Su. Shortly afterwards, their ship intercepted a message sent from Alfred Pennyworth to the Batman Family, which explained that the Court of Owls had sent multiple Talons loose across Gotham where they were targeting forty people of interest. The Outlaws decided to stay and help, and attempted to protect one of the Court's targets: Mister Freeze.[6] Starfire and Arsenal were tasked with keeping Freeze safe, while Red Hood pursued the Talon that had been sent for him. The heroes managed to defend Freeze and delivered him to Batgirl before they left Gotham.[7]

Return to Tamaran

Koriand'r pilots the H.M.S.S. Starfire once again

Kori was awoken to a visit from her friend Orn, who had helped her overthrow her captors when she was a slave. Orn informed her that Tamaran had been taken over by the Blight, a parasitic alien race, and requested she return to her former role as the former commander of the H.M.S.S. Starfire to defeat them. Orn teleported Starfire, Red Hood and Arsenal to the ship,[8] however Kori was hesitant to rescue her people once again, feeling that they had never attempted to help her. Roy convinced Kori to fight the Blight, but he was eventually captured by members of the alien race, forcing Starfire to return to her home planet.[9] Kori successfully rescued Roy and was reunited with her sister Komand'r, who had been forced to work with the Blight to stay alive. The two tearfully reconciled and worked together with the Outlaws to take on the Blight.[10] They succeeded in protecting their home planet, and Komand'r offered Koriand'r the chance to join her on the throne and rule Tamaran together. Kori kindly declined her offer, choosing to return to Earth with the Outlaws instead.[11]


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Koriand'r later found her home planet of Tamaran from being invaded again, this time by the Helspont. When the Outlaws arrived on the planet they discovered that Komand'r had sided with the Helspont in order to ensure the safety of her people and had ensured that Tamaran was spared. Koriand'r was devastated to learn of her sister's apparent betrayal, however, Komand'r heard her sister's pleas and betrayed Helspont, destroying him and nearly killing herself in the process. This led Kori and Roy to break up - though purely out of necessity - as Koriand'r was forced to return to Tamaran to ensure that Komand'r could get the medical attention she needed. The two shared a kiss, and Koriand'r promised to remember Roy for "forever and a day".

Key West

Starfire would eventually return to Earth and started to live in Key West, a small coastal town. She desired to experience a normal human life and appeared to have no interest in heroism. She befriended the local Sheriff, Stella Gomez, who helped her find a place to live and constantly dealt with Kori's naiveté regarding human culture. Kori also got to know Stella's widowed brother, Sol (who happened to bear a striking resemblance to Dick Grayson), and later began dating him. Starfire later met Atlee, a waitress who was secretly a super-powered woman from a civilization living below the Earth's surface. Despite no longer wanting be a hero, trouble continued to find Kori in her new home and she was forced to defend Key West from various threats. After a trip to Atlee's home, Starfire decided that she should once again use her powers to help others. She left her friends in Key West and tried her hand at being a hero once again.

Teen Titans

Inspired by her earlier life as a slave, Starfire had begun investigating a human trafficking ring going on in the East Coast. She managed to locate the base of the operation on an island, but while talking to a person who had information she needed, she was knocked unconscious by an unknown person. She awakened in an unknown location surrounded by the other young heroes Beast Boy, Raven and Kid Flash. The identity of their captor was revealed to be Robin, who kidnapped Koriand'r and the others with the intention of creating a new team of Teen Titans.[12] Damian then reveals that Ra's Al Ghul has sent a team of assassins after them.


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Forming Team Mystery


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Justice League Odyssey

Starfire later joined the Justice League Odyssey, a team formed to bring order to the newly created space sector known as the Ghost Sector.


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Doomsday Clock

Main article: Doomsday Clock Vol 1

After Superman is framed and rendered comatose, Starfire joined the group of heroes heading towards Mars to confront their mysterious enemy. The heroes meet and engage Doctor Manhattan, but they are easily defeated.[13]

Infinite Frontier

Starfire, along with her teamates Raven, Beast Boy, Nightwing, Cyborg and Donna Troy formed an academy in honor of Roy Harper to train new Titans.[14]

Powers and Abilities


Starfire using her Starbolts

Tamaranean Physiology: Koriand'r has green eyes with no pupils, orange skin and fiery hair. When she is using her abilities in full force, her hair seems to glow and react like fire. However, this is simply an illusion.[10]Superhuman Strength: Starfire is superhumanly strong and was capable of stopping and holding up an elevator containing both Jason Todd and the obese Suzie Su.

Superhuman Durability: Starfire is so durable, she can resist the vacuum of space.

Energy Projection: Koriand'r can project her 'Starbolts' at her opponents in a variety of ways. The energy is burning hot and melts or destroys most metal objects and skin. It is unknown where this energy comes from.[3]

Flight: Koriand'r can use her energy to push herself through the sky. This only works when gravity is affecting her, and she cannot fly unaided in space.[15][16]

Superhuman Stamina[17]

Linguistic Assimilation: Starfire is capable of assimilating other languages through physical contact with another person. She usually chooses to use this power in the form of a kiss.

Energy Absorption



Aviation: Koriand'r is highly skilled at piloting alien spacecraft. She stole and refitted the spacecraft she had been enslaved on, the H.M.S.S. Starfire, which she became the commander of.[11]

Firearms: Koriand'r has been using guns since she was first imprisoned, and has used them against her captors and enemies since. However she prefers to use her Starbolts rather than guns.[18]

Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced): Koriand'r was taught basic combat moves as a young girl and continued to train throughout her enslavement and beyond. Although highly trained, she is prone to brutally attacking her opponents with reckless abandon when she is angered.[15]

Swordsmanship: Koriand'r has been seen using swords on a number of occasions. She prefers to use her own fists or her Starbolts to weapons, but her skill with swordsmanship once allowed her to chop the hands off an opponent before he could even react.[19]




Tactical Analysis[10]

Other Characteristics

Drug Addiction (Formerly): When she was a slave, Kori was addicted to the drugs that were forcefully given to her by her captors. She managed to overcome her addiction, however.[1]

Selective Amnesia (Formerly)[20]



H.M.S.S. Starfire (Destroyed): The Starfire was a former slave spacecraft that was repaired, commandeered and crewed by Starfire and then used by her to travel through space.


Starfire was created by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez, first appearing in DC Comics Presents #26. However, in the Prime Earth continuity, Starfire first appeared as part of the New 52 DC Universe in Red Hood and the Outlaws #1 by Scott Lobdell and Kenneth Rocafort.


Kara-Zor-El is the heroine known as Supergirl. Born on Krypton to Superman's uncle and aunt, Kara was rocketed to Earth by her father to save her life. Supergirl was adopted by the Danvers and became the protector of National City. In her secret identity she is Kara Danvers, a run-on-the-mill high-schooler. Possessing vast powers given by her Kryptonian physiology, Supergirl is one of the most powerful heroes in the world, and has been a member of the Justice League and the Red Lantern Corps.


1History1.1Origins and Early Life1.1.1New 52 Origin

1.1.2Current Origin

1.1.3Early Career

1.2New 521.2.1Arrival on Earth

1.2.2Meeting Silver Banshee and Superboy


1.2.4H'el on Earth

1.2.5Supergirl and Power Girl

1.2.6I'noxia and Cyborg Superman

1.2.7Krypton Returns

1.2.8Red Daughter of Krypton

1.2.9Superman: Doomed

1.2.10Red Lanterns: Atrocities

1.2.11Supergirl and the Justice League



1.2.14Final Days of Superman

1.3Rebirth1.3.1Reign of the Cyborg Supermen

1.3.2Superman: Reborn

1.3.3Escape from the Phantom Zone

1.3.4Superman Revenge Squad

1.3.5The Girl of No Tomorrow

1.3.6Plain Sight

1.3.7No Justice

1.3.8The Dark Gods

1.3.9The Man of Steel

1.3.10The Killers of Krypton

1.3.11Secret Six

1.3.12Doomsday Clock

1.4Infinite Frontier1.4.1Woman of Tomorrow

1.4.2Dark Crisis

2Powers and Abilities2.1Powers






6Recommended Reading



Origins and Early Life

ExpandNew 52 Origin

Following the cosmic upheavals of the Rebirth period, this character's history was revised.

Current Origin

Kara was born in Argo City to Zor-El and Alura In-Ze. During Kara's naming ceremony, her uncle Kru-El attempted to kill her father and her uncle, Jor-El, intending to take control of the House of El for himself. However, the attempt was not successful, and Kru-El was arrested before being sentenced to the Phantom Zone.

As she grew, Kara developed a keen interest in history. As such, she became an avid student of the teacher and historian Catar-Ol.

Argo City survived Krypton's destruction as a result of the efforts of her father, though many of its citizens perished. Though her mother Alura survived the initial destruction, she was eventually as a result radiation poisoning as the minerals in the soil beneath Argo slowly became Kryptonite. Ever the scientist, Zor-El created a solution; he would mass-produce lead shields and spread them over every inch of exposed land in Argo. Every hand was required to complete this massive task, including Kara's. The task was long and ardous, and by its completion, only five thousand citizens survived out of the initial eighteen thousand, and many who survived were still slowly dying of radiation exposure from before the lead shield was completed.

In the next year, she continued to survive in the slowly dying city, living a relatively solitary life. However, as stellar debris hit the exterior of the unsteerable Argo, it penetrated the city's air bubble, and asteroid fragments rained down on the city, penetrating the lead shield they had struggled so hard to build, dooming the survivors of Argo.

Desperate, her father salvaged what was left of the lead shield and his own creations and built a rocket capable of carrying a singular passenger, and used it to send his daughter out into the cosmos, leaving her as the the sole known survivor of Argo.[2]

Kara eventually arrived on Earth at some point during the early years of her cousin Kal-El's career as Superman.[3] During this period, he briefly put her in an orphanage as part of her cover, something that continued to be a sore subject later on in their lives.[4]

Early Career

At some point, she went on a date with Dick Grayson, an outing that ended in distaster.[5]

When her cousin was injected with a chemical cocktail of red kryptonite isotopes, it was briefly suggested that she be called in to help, but it was feared that she, too, could be exposed. [6] Later, after Superman was cured by the Doom Patrol and the attack traced back to the legend of an ancient Chinese warlord, the Devil Nezha, Kara was contacted. Together, she and Robin were sent back in time to contact the House of Ji, who had defeated Nezha in their time.

They sucessfully arrived in the correct time, and were able to find the House of Ji with relative ease. However, as they carried Nezha's sword, the House of Ji mistook them for servants of Nezha, and confronted them nearly immediately.[7]

At some point, she met and befriended Biron, a centaur who was forced into the shape of a horse by a magic spell. [8]

Though she met her cousin-once-removed, Jon Kent, it would be many years before she realized how much the infant Jon resembled his father at the same age.[9]

New 52

ExpandArrival on Earth

Following the cosmic upheavals of the Rebirth period, this character's history was revised. While some of these events may have occurred, Kara arrived on Earth much earlier in current continuity.

Meeting Silver Banshee and Superboy

Main article: Supergirl: Girl in the World (Collected)

Later, Kara met Siobhan Smythe, an Irish girl with a gift for language and music. Both girls befriended each other quickly, and Siobhan offered to help Kara, letting her stay in her apartment for a while.

Siobhan decided to bring Kara to listen to music at a club. While at the club, both girls were attacked by Siobhan's father, a villain known as Black Banshee. Being a magic creature, Black Banshee hurt Kara, forcing Siobhan to transform into Silver Banshee in order to stop him.[17]

The menace of Black Banshee

Kara and Siobhan faced the Black Banshee together, but Kara had no choice but to let Black Banshee absorb her in order to fight him.[18] Supergirl managed to defeat Black Banshee and rescue Thomas, Siobhan's older brother who had been previously absorbed by Black Banshee.[19]

A while later Kara met Superboy when she was taking some time by herself. They talked, but when she learned about him being a clone, she attacked, believing him to be evil. However, she stopped when she realized that Superboy didn't know that Kryptonian clones were mindless killing machines. Seeing Superboy that wasn't evil, Kara protected him from police attack and opted to leave him alone, going to confront Kal about Kon.[20]

Upon arriving in Metropolis, Kara had to battle a Superman duplicate to protect the city. Kara fought valiantly, but the fake Superman gained the upper hand and beat Kara up. Their battle got interrupted when the real Superman showed up and managed to defeat the imposter. Kara congratulated her cousin and questioned him about Superboy, but Kal explained he didn't know anything about Superboy.[21]


Sanctuary of Solitude

While having lunch with Tom Smythe at a cafe, Kara was attacked by a humanoid blob. She fought and won, but the fact that it was able to find her when she was dressed in plain clothes worried her. Kara left Siobhan and Tom for their own safety and to find out who was attacking her.[22]

Kara brought the remains of her attacker to Superman, and using the technology in his Fortress of Solitude, they tracked the signal that was controlling the nano-machine man back to its source, miles beneath the ocean. Superman offered his assistance, but Kara still didn't fully trust him, turning down his offer to help yet again, leaving to find whoever was attacking her.[23]

Exploring the ocean floor, Kara found a Kryptonian sanctuary, created by a fragment of her pod. She also found out Simon Tycho had invaded her Sanctuary of Solitude and was the one was behind the attacks. Kara battled him and locked him away in a crystal prison, claiming her underwater base.[24]

H'el on Earth

In order to achieve his plan to bring Krypton back, H'el tricked Kara into helping him, promising to save Krypton and claiming that Earth would not suffer. Kara helped him, even going so far as to battle her cousin, Superboy, the Flash and Wonder Woman until she found out that H'el actually planned to destroy Earth to bring Krypton back. Horrified, Kara turned against him. During the final battle, she stabbed him in the chest with a shard of Kryptonite, saving the planet.[25]

Kara collapsed afterward, muttering that she couldn't "leave things to her baby cousin". Superman held her in his arms carrying her to safety.

Supergirl and Power Girl

Main article: Supergirl: Sanctuary (Collected)

Two Supergirls

Her ordeal with H'el left Kara with a severe case of Kryptonite poisoning.

Kara went to Dr. Shay Veritas to help, but she grew impatient and left during a battery of tests. On her way back, Kara was attacked by an alien woman made of lava [26] (who previously had attacked Superboy [27]). The lava woman defeated Kara, but fled when the US Army came along. The soldiers were about to take an unconscious Kara with them, when Power Girl showed up and rescued her alternate self.[28]

Both girls fought the army and an agent of Lex Luthor named Appex. Supergirl and Power Girl won the battle, but Kara fainted again, and Power Girl took her to Sanctuary to heal. Unfortunately, the Sanctuary's AI went crazy and tried to kill Kara, forcing both heroines to blow it up.[29]

I'noxia and Cyborg Superman

Main article: Supergirl: Out of the Past (Collected)

Supergirl looks for Cyborg Superman

Believing that no one could heal her illness, Kara left Earth to die alone.

Kara headed out into space and ran into I'noxia, a technological world conquered by Brainiac and ruled by Cyborg Superman.[30]

Cyborg Superman pretended to be a friend before revealing his true intentions: using Kara's flesh to reconstitute his own body and restore his memory.[31] Kara fought hard and desperately but he won. Kara's body was dissolved and her soul was forcefully integrated into the I'noxian mind-hive as her flesh was used to reconstruct Cyborg Superman's body. Cyborg Superman got his memories back remembering he was Kara's father.[32]

Horrified, Zor-El rebuilt Kara's body -who was meanwhile tearing down the I'noxian's collective consciousness-, turning himself back into the Cyborg Superman. While he and Brainiac -who had come to check on his pawn- fought, Supergirl and the I'noxian collective escaped undetected.[33]

Krypton Returns

Kara helped Superman and Superboy to ruin Hel's plans to bring Krypton back to life, an act which would alter the time line and destroy the universe.[34]

Supergirl traveled to the Battle of the Sky Core during the Great War in order to prevent a clone insurrection and defeated H'el in that timeline.[35] For his part, Superboy was sent to Argo City, a few days before Krypton's destruction, and protected Kara Zor-El from H'El.[36]

Kara and Kal reunited in the present after fulfilling their respective missions. There, they learned Superboy didn't make it. Mourning his loss, they returned to Earth.[37]

Red Daughter of Krypton

Supergirl against Lobo

After several months of endless battles during which Kara never dealt with her survivor guilt and feelings of loss and loneliness, and believing she had been manipulated, betrayed or let down by everybody she met, Kara was on the verge of a breakdown.[38]

While visiting Dr. Veritas, The Block was attacked by Lobo.[39]. Kara initially tried to talk him down, but he exploited her friendliness to hurt her. Feeling angrier than ever, Supergirl decided she was done with being civil. They fought, and Lobo taunted Kara during the whole battle until she exploded, and her long-repressed, unleashed fury acted like a magnet to a Red Power Ring.[40]

A Red Ring finds Supergirl

After a brief scuffle with Silver Banshee, a barely coherent and enraged Kara flew into space so that she didn't hurt anybody.[41] Found by a pair of Green Lanterns, Kara was taken to Ysmault by Hal Jordan [42] and dunked into the Blood Ocean. After getting her sanity back, Kara joined the Red Lantern Corps of Guy Gardner.[43]

Ironically, joining the Rage Lanterns helped Kara get over her anger and isolation issues, and gain emotional stability. She fought alongside the Red Lanterns for a while, battling the Diasporans [44] and Atrocitus' splinter cell [45] However Guy kicked her out of the team, unwilling to let her get killed by Atrocitus.[46]

Supergirl emerging from the Sun

with her Red Lantern tenure over, Kara decided to come back to Earth. She was reentering Solar System when she was attacked by the Diasporan army. Although the Diasporans tried their best to capture her, Kara beat them and engaged the Diasporan leader, who revealed he was the last Worldkiller. A parasitic being, the Worldkiller tried to bond with Kara and take over her body.[47] Kara hurled herself into the Sun to destroy it, but when her attempt failed, she removed her Red Ring. Such action should have killed her, but the Sun restarted her heart and granted her a power boost which allowed her to destroy the last Worldkiller once and for all.

Free from the Red Ring and the accompanying all-consuming anger and confusion clouding her mind, Kara realized Earth could become her new home after all, and headed for the planet.[48]

Superman: Doomed

Before being kicked out of the team, Kara and her Red Lantern allies tried to stop Superman, who had been infected with a virus that was turning him into a rampaging monster, but Kal-El [49] fought them off. So she tried a different tactic, showing her cousin he could harness his anger to protect the galaxy, as she had done.[50]

After ridding herself of the Red Ring, Kara returned to Earth and helped out to rescue people trapped or hurt owing to the energy-draining Brainiac's attack. In the process, she saved the parents of Michael, a crippled boy she had a brief relationship with.[51]

Shortly after she spotted Superman when he was returning to Earth and caught him when he got hit by an energy pulse that sent him plummeting through the atmosphere.[52] Finally, Kara saved Batman from Cyborg Superman, defeating him conclusively.[53]

In the aftermath of the battle against Brainiac, Kara met Red Hood, who 'requested' her help to dismantle an alien gang that was supplying alien weaponry to street gangs.[54]

Red Lanterns: Atrocities

Shortly after Kara left the Red Lanterns, Atrocitus invaded Earth. Kara took part in the battle, helping her ex-team out [55] and keeping an army of newly-created Red Lanterns at bay while Guy took the fight to Atrocitus.[56]

Remarkably, she had the opportunity to seize a new Red Ring but she turned it down, arguing that she had let her anger go.[55]

Supergirl and the Justice League

Main article: Justice League United Vol 1

Justice League member

After being released from the Red Ring, Supergirl listened to a distant cry for help across the galaxy. Kara streaked through the space to help several Leaguers solve a case. Kara joined the new Justice League along with Martian Manhunter, Stargirl, Green Arrow, Animal Man, Hawkman, Equinox, Adam Strange and Alanna Strange to deal with Infinitus and other threats.[57]



This section of the history takes place during Convergence, a massive crossover event revisiting characters from past eras and realities. The villains Brainiac and Telos plucked them from their own timeline and stored them together, causing them to cross over into each others' reality. Its precise chronological placement and canonicity may be unclear.

While several alternate Supergirls fought in the Convergence planet, Kara joined the heroes working to save the universe. However, when Telos manifested in their universe, most of the heroes fled. Only Kal and Kara stayed behind to watch, holding hands and hoping for the best.[58]


Crucible Academy

After her ordeals with the Red Lanterns, Super-Doom and Brainiac, Kara decided to make an effort to adapt to Earth. She started working as barista in New York and dated Michael. During a heart-to-heart conversation with her cousin, she stated that Earth was her home now and she wanted to live among the people she was protecting.[59]

Shortly later she was transported away to Crucible Academy, an intergalactic organization that trains heroes. Kara agreed to undergo training, and after helping to uncover a conspiracy to take over the school, she graduated and returned to Earth.

After returning, though, she realized her powers were suddenly gone.[60]

Final Days of Superman

Inheriting the mantle

After coming back from Crucible Academy, Kara's powers started being leeched by Vandal Savage shortly before her cousin's secret identity was revealed.[61]

She still tried to help people until she lost most of her powers. Then she was approached by Director Cameron Chase, who offered to help her get her powers back if Kara joined the D.E.O.. Kara agreed, leaving New York City and the Justice League with no explanation[62] -albeit she retained "reserve member" status-[63] and moving to National City.

A few weeks later Superman sought Supergirl out to reveal he was dying, tell her his Fortress belonged to her now and ask her to consider protecting Earth after he was gone. Shedding a tear, Kara accepted.[64]

Later, while she was undergoing treatment to restore her powers, Kara heard her cousin was in danger. She told her new foster parents to let her go, and streaked off.[65]

Kara joined the battle against the Energy Superman, but she was unable to save her cousin. Before his apparent death, she vowed that she would make him proud.[66]


Reign of the Cyborg Supermen

A new home

As a last-ditch effort to restore her powers, the D.E.O. built a space rocket and sent Kara into the Sun. The intense charge of solar energy managed restore Supergirl's powers, and she flew back to Earth just in time to save the D.E.O. from a Kryptonian werewolf called Lar-On who escaped from the Phantom Zone accidentally.

After that ordeal Kara started working for the D.E.O. officially, moving to National City, being adopted by Jeremiah and Eliza Danvers and attending her new school.[67]

While Kara tried to adapt to her new life and new parents after her cousin's death, Cyborg Superman returned, revealing his true identity to Kara[68] and vowing to make her happy by bringing Argo City back to life... even if he had to sacrifice Earth in the process. He refused to listen when Kara tried to dissuade him from that course of action,[69] forcing her daughter to fight him.[70] Kara managed to disable his cybernetic body, and after expressing regret at his inability to ask her help to save Argo, Kara hugged him and vowed to help him go back to being the man he was.[71]

Superman: Reborn

After putting a stop to Cyborg Superman, Supergirl and the D.E.O. worked on finding the cause of Lar-On's transformation in order to cure him.[72]

A few days later, Superman visited Supergirl and invited her over to celebrate a Kryptonian celebration called "Day of Truth"[73][74]. Kara was thrilled to finally talk to her family and speak to her second cousin Jonathan. Afterwards, Clark revealed Kara that he and Lois were whole again after being split by an unknown but immensely powerful enemy, and history was changed in the process.[75] Kara stated she would always be there for him, and promised to help him fight whoever threatened him.

Escape from the Phantom Zone

Supergirl and Batgirl, together again for the first time

After listening to the telepathic messages of an alleged Kryptonian imprisoned by Project Cadmus called Gayle Marsh (Psi), Kara enlisted Batgirl's help to break into a Cadmus black site. Although it was revealed Gayle wasn't Kryptonian but she was trying to find a way to travel to the Phantom Zone, Supergirl and Batgirl became friends during that case.[76]

Several days after her meeting with Kal, Supergirl had to attend a clean energy expo sponsored by TychoTech, Simon Tycho's old firm. TychoTech stole Kryptonian dangerous techonology from the D.E.O. and created a device powered by energy siphoned from Phantom Zone. Supergirl needed to be in the event to make sure that nobody got hurt. Kara met Barbara Gordon before the unveiling and recognized her right away. Magog attacked Supergirl during the ceremony and their battle broke the device down. Both Batgirl and Supergirl were thrown into the Phantom Zone.[77]

There they were captured by Xa-Du, the Phantom Zone's first inmate. Xa-Du had captured Psi, intending to coerce her into opening a rift to escape from the Zone, but she encased herself into a psionic bubble. So Xa-Du was boiling other Phantom Zoners over and turning their souls into fuel for his armor in order to make himself powerful enough to break her shell.[78] Batgirl and Supergirl managed to escape, and Batgirl faced Xa-Du while Supergirl reached Psi out. Both girls managed to defeat the villain and Psi sent them back home. After their adventure, Barbara and Kara praised each other, and Barbara stated Kara could ask her help whenever she needed her.[79]

In the meantime, Emerald Empress got to build a team to destroy Supergirl.

Superman Revenge Squad

The Superman Family in action

Hank Henshaw, turned back into Cyborg Superman, and five other Superman enemies -Zod, Mongul, Metallo, Eradicator and Blanque- allied themselves to destroy the Man of Steel.[80] Blinded and cornered, Kal-El took his wife and son to the Fortress, sent his cousin a distress call and tried to fight the six villains at once. The Superman Revenge Squad was about to kill him when Supergirl swooped down and took her cousin away.[81]

The Superman Family and the Revenge Squad battled. Kara fought Cyborg Superman, but when Zod appeared to blow up Lois and Jon's escape ship, Supergirl got utterly mad and attacked him. Unfortunately, he smashed her into the ground.[82] Zod sent the rest of the Superman Family to the Zone and decided to kill the last member of the House of El, but Superboy -riding a Kryptonian battle suit- distracted Zod long enough for Kara recovering. During the battle Supergirl struck Zod and bashed Metallo. However, Zod managed to get his own family out of the Zone and leaving Earth together with them. After the battle, Superman and Supergirl freed the Superman Family but agreed to leave Cyborg Superman in there.[83]

The Girl of No Tomorrow

Emerald Empress put together a new Fatal Five team to destroy Supergirl, made up of Selena, Magog, Indigo, a clone of Solomon Grundy and herself.

In order to destroy the Girl of Steel and erase her legacy, they scrambled her powers[84] and leaked that her father was Cyborg Superman and was put under her custody.[85] Although the Fatal Five were defeated and the Emerald Empress sent back to the future, the National City townsfolk stopped trusting Supergirl, Catherine Grant started campaigning against the young hero, and the D.E.O. cut ties with her to save face. Kara's adoptive parents quit their jobs and the whole family moved out, but Supergirl was determined to keep protecting National City, unaware that Mister Bones is plotting against her and Mister Oz mercy-killed her father.[86]

Shortly after cutting ties with the D.E.O., Supergirl helped stop Superwoman when the latter went on a rampage.[87] After calm Lana down, Kara helped her get a friend of hers infected with Red Kryptonite back to normal. Then both women were attacked by an Almeracian soldier looking to claim the "Maxima" name, but the real Maxima joined them in bringing the pretender down.[88]

Plain Sight

Supergirl under siege

Although the Fatal Five were defeated, their actions left Supergirl in a very precarious situation. In order to control her overwhelming powers, Kara visited Kong Kenan and his master I-Ching per Superman's advice. I-Ching taught Kara meditation routines to bring her powers under control, which came in handy when Supergirl and the Chinese Super-Man headed to Mongolia to solve a conflict between a Rocket Red Brigade member and several frightened civilians.[89]

Nonetheless, Supergirl was facing bigger troubles. She was considered dangerous and untrustworthy by the National City's residents, who couldn't forget her father was the Cyborg Superman. Director Bones had taken direct control of the D.E.O.'s National City branch and was determined to get dangerous parahumans like Supergirl under control. As his agents patrolled the schools, searching for clues to discover her secret identity, search-and-capture squads were deployed every time Supergirl intervened to save lives. At the same time, Kara Danvers' boss Cat Grant, who also felt betrayed by the Cyborg Superman's business, was campaigning against her. Chased by the D.E.O. and hated by the townsfolk, Kara briefly wondered if she should bother with a secret identity despite her parents' asking her to lay low for a while.[90]

Mister Bones started to send out mind-controlled parahumans after her: Strange Visitor,[91] Deceilia,[92] and the Evolutionist.[93] Nonetheless, all of them were talked down or beaten down by Supergirl, who guessed the DEO was after them and Bones was being helped by some expert in mind-controlling and brainwashing.

Working jointly, Cameron Chase, Shay Veritas and Lar-On discovered Bones was working with, and being manipulated by, Mokkari. Mokkari captured Shay straight after she found out about his schemes, forcing Kara and her allies to go on the attack after a failed attempt to reason with Bones on Cameron's part. As Supergirl confronted Bones and Mokkari -at the same time saving their lives from an overzealous metahuman-, Cameron and Lar broke into the DEO's base, rescued Chase and hacked in the database, sending all information regarding Mister Bones's dirty dealings to Benjamin Rubel, who had decided to help Supergirl after talking to people saved by the Girl of Steel.[94] Ben spread the data through the CatCo Worldwide Media's app, ruining Bones' reputation.

At the end, Supergirl delivered a public speech, stating she wasn't perfect and she would always make mistakes, but she promised to work for earning everybody's trust.[95]

No Justice

Main article: Justice League: No Justice Vol 1

When the Source Wall got cracked and several Justice League teams left to save Colu from the Omega Titans, Supergirl and Green Arrow remained on Earth. However, Supergirl found the Titans had arrived on Earth first when she was leaving the Earth's atmosphere.[96]

During the Crisis, Supergirl and Batgirl work together to find Green Arrow, but Supergirl is attacked by Brainiac 2.0 as looking for Oliver Queen around the Fortress of Solitude.[97]

The Dark Gods

Supergirl engaging Savage Fire

As a mysterious insanity made people across the world swear off their old gods and riot violently while proclaiming the coming of "the dark gods", Supergirl was mind-controlled into attacking Wonder Woman.[98] Both women battled across the skies of Washington, D.C. until Wonder Woman ensnared Supergirl in her Lasso of Truth and commanded Kara to tell her everything she knew about the dark gods. Instead, Supergirl blacked out and collapsed.[99]

Supergirl came around later, mercifully free from mind control, and found the dark gods had already arrived, and one of them was pummelling an armored man mercilessly. Supergirl knocked Savage Fire with a double fist attack but her magic aura weakened the Girl of Steel. As Savage Fire vanished, Wonder Woman's brother Jason helped Supergirl land safely and introduced himself. Supergirl, Jason and the Justice League decided to approach the leader of the dark gods, King Best, who was standing still. Unfortunately, King Best absorbed their combined might when they came near him and wished them away.[100]

The Man of Steel

Supergirl fighting Rogol Zaar

Kara attended a ceremony to honor everything her cousin had done for Metropolis.[101]

Later, she heard the Fortress of Solitude's alarm and headed to the place. She became horrified when she found the base demolished and the Bottle City of Kandor smashed. Kara and Kal - who had arrived first - were deeply upset and headed out to find the culprit. Supergirl first went back to National City to check on her family and friends and then headed towards Metropolis to meet with her cousin, who was already under attack by an unknown alien calling himself Rogol Zaar. Rogol Zaar claimed to have been the destructor of Krypton and had sworn to cleanse the universe of all Kryptonians.[102]

Kara and Kal attacked right away, the former blind with rage, but not even their combined might was enough to stop Rogol. Rogol Zaar knocked Supergirl away, blasted Superman down and was about to run his axe through the Man of Steel when the incoming arrival of Green Lantern caused him to run away mysteriously. Supergirl decided to fly off and look for Rogol.[103]

Supergirl made a stop at the Fortress to clean up the mess and retrieved an undamaged Phantom Zone Projector. Back on Metropolis, Supergirl was busy searching for her now missing cousin and saving people when she was approached by the Justice League, already aware of Rogol Zaar's crimes. As Wonder Woman tried to reassure her, Supergirl realized Superman would want to take Rogol off world. A quick telescopic scan confirmed her cousin was lying on the Moon, unconscious and badly wounded. Kara retrieved Kal and took him to the Hall of Justice where he received medical treatment. Suddenly, Superman realized where Rogol Zaar was hiding, and bolted out, leaving his dejected cousin behind.[104]

Supergirl sends Rogol Zaar into the Phantom Zone

Unwilling to be left behind or protected, Supergirl picked up the Phantom Zone Projector and when she spotted Superman and Rogol Zaar battling beyond the atmosphere, joined the fight and sent Rogol into the Zone. When her cousin argued they couldn't toss every trouble into the Phantom Zone, Kara agreed, but said that monster deserved the punishment as far as she and Kryptonian law were concerned.

Later, Kara and Kal were building a memorial for Kandor. Since they knew nothing about Rogol other than his claims of destroying Krypton, Supergirl decided to leave Earth for a short while in order to investigate.[105]

The Killers of Krypton

Supergirl puts her new solar-collector suit on

Supergirl set out to find out the truth about Rogol Zaar's claims in spite of her cousin begging her to take a breath and stay with him. She believed she had put her pain and anger to rest, but Rogol's actions and words brought her post-traumatic stress disorder and survivor's guilt back to the forefront. Kara got Hal Jordan to scan Rogol's battleaxe and confirmed that someone powerful who doesn't want to be found was behind Rogol's actions and hiding the truth about Krypton. Determined to get answers, Kara built a spaceship, donned a solar collector suit and took off towards Mogo, accompanied by Krypto.[106]

Shortly after arriving in Mogo, Kara discovered a recording of Appa Ali Apsa confessing to being a member of an organization called the Circle which was responsible for Krypton's demise,[107] and revealed the existence of several data stones storing the full truth.[108] Supergirl started a hunt across the galaxy, unknowingly followed by an agent of the Circle.[109]

During her quest, though, Supergirl was found and captured by Harry Hokum.[110] After getting several genetic samples, Hokum had her thrown in a cell, but Kara broke out on her own and stumbled upon the Omega Men during her jailbreak.[111] The group of heroes managed to run away from the Citadel, but Hokum sent after them an army of Supergirl clones.[112]

Secret Six


Supergirl responded to the Fortress of Solitude's security alarm, which had been activated by The Commissioner, and found herself in the midst of a battle between five corrupted former heroes against Batman and Superman. She came to the aid of Batman as Sky Tyrant almost killed him and brought him to her cousin. As Scarab launched a Batarang infected by the Batman Who Laughs, Supergirl caught it. Kara soon felt the infection and transformed into the darkest version of herself. With Supergirl's infection, the Secret Six had been assembled and used their powers to open a portal into the Dark Multiverse.[113] Shortly afterwards, she left to foil Brainiac-1's attempts to control her and killed him.[114]

Doomsday Clock

Main article: Doomsday Clock Vol 1

After Superman was framed and rendered comatose by an unknown enemy, Supergirl joined the army of heroes who headed towards Mars to confront Doctor Manhattan. Although she took part in the ensuing battle, she and all the remaining heroes were easily defeated by Manhattan.[115]

Infinite Frontier

Woman of Tomorrow


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Dark Crisis

After returning from space, she was asked, and accepted, to be part of Jon Kent's New Justice League, created in the wake of the death of the Justice League. [116]

Powers and Abilities


Kryptonian Physiology: Under the effects of a "yellow" sun, Kara possesses the same potential powers as an average Kryptonian. These include:Solar Energy Absorption: Under optimal conditions, this is the main source of Kara's super powers as they are contingent upon exposure to solar radiation from a yellow sun star system. Her biological make up includes a number of organs which lack analogues in humans and whose functions are unknown. It is believed that between one or more of these and her bio-cellular matrix, "yellow" solar energy is stored for later use. This allows for the use of these powers to fade when yellow solar radiation is not available instead of immediate failure.

Heat Vision: Kara can, as a conscious act, fire beams of intense heat at a target by looking at it. She can vary the heat and area affected.

Super-Hearing: Kara's hearing is sensitive enough to hear any sound at any volume or pitch. With skill and concentration, she can block out ambient sounds to focus on a specific source or frequency.

Enhanced Vision: Kara's vision processes the entire electromagnetic spectrum as well as allowing vast control over selective perception and focus.

This umbrella ability includes the following:Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision: Kara can see well into most of the electromagnetic spectrum. She can see and identify radio and television signals as well as all other broadcast or transmitted frequencies. Using this ability, she can avoid detection by radar or satellite monitoring methods. This also allows her to see the aura generated by living thing.

Telescopic Vision: This is the ability to see something at a great distance, without violating the laws of physics. Though limited, the exact extent of the ability is undetermined. In function, it is similar to the zoom lens on a camera.

X-Ray Vision: This is the ability to see through any volume of matter except lead. Karas can see things behind a solid, opaque object as if it were not there. She can focus this ability to "peel back" layers of an object, allowing hidden image or inner workings to be observed. The exact type of energy perceived—such as x-rays, cosmic rays, or some other energy invisible to normal humans—is unclear. This ability perceives an ambient energy source though, it does not involve the eye projecting a concentrated, possibly toxic, beam to be reflected back from objects.

Microscopic Vision: This is the ability to see extremely small objects and images down to the atomic level.

Infrared Vision: Kara can see with better acuity in darkness, and to a degree in total darkness.

Flight: Kara is able to manipulate graviton particles to defy the forces of gravity and achieve flight. This ranges from hovering to moving in any posture, in any direction.

Invulnerability: Due to the interaction of her dense molecular structure and supercharged bio-electric aura, Kara is nigh-invulnerable to extreme energy forces. In addition, her extends this protection against toxins and diseases.Enhanced Immunity

Superhuman Stamina: Kara is able to maintain continuous strenuous physical action for an indefinite period of time. This based on her body converting yellow solar radiation directly to energy, but is limited by physiological and psychological needs to eat, drink, and sleep.

Superhuman Strength: Kara's strength is augmented by yellow solar radiation interacting with the greater than human density, resilience and biological efficiency of her musculature. Her strength is more an act of conscious will on energy fields than actual physical strength. It is this act of conscious will that enables her to perform physical feats that are beyond the mere application force, such as moving a mountain top without said rock crumbling under its own mass.

Superhuman Speed: Kara is able to move at incredible speed by sheer force of will. This extends to her perceptions and allows for feats such as catching bullets in mid flight as well as covering vast distances in little or no time.

This also confers:Superhuman Agility

Superhuman Reflexes

Super-Breath: Kara is able to create hurricane force winds by exhaling air from her lungs. She can chill the air as it leaves her lungs to freeze targets. She can also reverse the process to pull large volumes of air or vapor into her lungs.

Longevity: Kara can live longer than regular humans, remaining at her prime as long as she was under the exposure of the "yellow" sun.

Energy Projection: Supergirl can project the solar energy she has absorbed. The energy projection is strong enough to free her from the Lasso of Truth.[117]

Force Field: Supergirl can use the absorbed solar energy to cover her body in a glowing light. The force field has a protective nature. For example, it can prevent her from getting wet and allows her to breathe underwater. However, the extent of its effects is unknown.[23]

Sound Manipulation: Supergirl is able to alter her voice in order to affect her surroundings as demonstrated when, in order to get out of a trap created by Cyborg Superman, Kara disrupted the frequency of the machine by screaming at a certain frequency.[118]


Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced):[119][36] Kara was taught how to fight on Krypton as part of her trials,[15] and in Crucible Academy.[120]Martial Arts: Kara is adept in several Kryptonian fighting styles like Klurkor and Torquasm Rao.[109]


Chi Manipulation: Supergirl learned the art of Bagua under the instruction of I-Ching. She practiced how to manipulate her Chi or Qi in order to gain a better control on her powers due to them becoming supercharged after her conflict with the Fatal Five.[86] Superman recommended tutelage with I-Ching for Supergirl in the first place.[89]

Multilingualism: Kara can speak fluent English and Kryptonian. She has been studying all Earth's languages, but she thinks she is bad at most of them.[89]

Genius Level Intellect


Kryptonian Physiology: Under the effects of a "yellow" sun, Kara possesses the same potential weaknesses as an average Kryptonian. These include:Vulnerability to Kryptonite

Vulnerability to Magic

Vulnerability to Sensory Overload: Supergirl's sensitive sense can be overpowered, such as when Lobo tossed a sonic grenade under her feet and knocked her unconscious.[39]-[89]

Solar Energy Dependency

Bigotry (Formerly): Raised on Krypton where cloning was illegal, Kara developed an unconscious bigotry against Kryptonian clones from her culture, believing they were evil. When she met Superboy (Kon-El) for the first time and learned he was a clone, she attacked him, until she learned to work through her prejudice and trust him. [20]

Uncontrollable Rage (Formerly)



Rogol Zaar's Axe

Red Lantern Ring (Formerly)


Supergirl (Kara Zor-El) was created by Otto Binder and Al Plastino, first appearing in Action Comics #252. However, in the Prime Earth continuity, Supergirl (Kara Zor-El) first appeared as part of the New 52 DC Universe in Supergirl (Volume 6) #1 by Michael Green, Mike Johnson, and Mahmud Asrar.


Supergirl was 16 years old when she arrived on Earth.[110]

Supergirl is known as the Girl of Steel and the Girl of Tomorrow.[28]

Supergirl is the first member of the Red Lantern Corps who has managed to destroy her own ring and survive without one and without having any help from a Blue Power Ring, only because she was able to absorb enough yellow sunlight due to being at Earth's yellow sun when it happened.


Wonder Woman is the princess Diana, the daughter of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons and Zeus, the mightiest of the Gods of Olympus. Diana volunteered to leave behind her home of Themyscira and champion the Amazons' message of peace, fighting for justice and equality in Man's World. She is a founding member of the Justice League.




1.1.3Learning Her History

1.1.4Antiope's Visit

1.2Origins1.2.1Rebirth Origin

1.2.2Current Origin

1.2.3Justice League

1.3New 52

1.4False Memories1.4.1Blood







1.4.8Romance with Superman

1.4.9Trinity War and Forever Evil

1.5Rebirth1.5.1The Lies and The Truth

1.5.2Heart of the Amazon

1.5.3Children of the Gods and Swan's Song

1.5.4Amazons Attacked

1.5.5The Dark Gods

1.5.6The Last Age of Magic

1.5.7The Witching Hour

1.5.8Lords of Chaos

1.5.9The Witching War

1.5.10Teaming with Artemis

1.5.11Olympians Exiled

1.5.12Return of the Amazons and Loveless

1.6Doomsday Clock1.6.1The Four Horsewomen

1.6.2The Return of Maxwell Lord

1.7Justice/Doom War

1.8Death Metal

1.9Infinite Frontier1.9.1Afterworlds

1.9.2Through a Glass Darkly

1.9.3Trial of the Amazons

1.9.4The Villainy of our Fears

2Powers and Abilities2.1Powers











Legend told Diana of Themiscyra was born of her mother's strong desire for a child, a lump of clay brought to life in the form of a girl; the perfect Amazon, as she was born of no man.[2] The truth, though, was that Queen Hippolyta had had an affair with Zeus, and Diana's real parentage was hidden in order to protect the Queen and her daughter from the wrath of Zeus' notoriously jealous wife Hera.[3] Unbeknownst to Diana, her mother also gave birth to her twin, a brother named Jason. A third child, Grail, would be born to an Amazon on Themyiscyra that stormy evening; half divine, like Diana and Jason, but with a significantly less glorious father: Darkseid. Grail, spirited from the island by her mother, Myrina, would one day grow to be a dangerous enemy to Diana, and to all Amazons.[4]


As she grew, Diana often became restless, feeling that she had seen all that the idyllic isle had to offer; her listlessness compounded by her existence as the sole child within Themiscyra's borders. She did, however, befriend a young Kanga she named Jumpa, and she shared a special bond with Nubia, who emerged from the Well of Souls on the day of Diana's birth; they were considered to be twin sisters, despite their vast difference in age.[5]

Learning Her History

One birthday while she was young, Diana climbed a tree atop one of Themiscyra's peaks, taking in a vista overlooking the island. As she stood on one of the tree's branches, pondering her circumstances, Diana accidentally lost her footing, and fell from the tree. Luckily, she was saved by her erstwhile companion Jumpa. Afterwards, she rode Jumpa down to (and through) the market, much to the consternation of many of the merchants. She and Jumpa proceeded to the beach, where Jumpa, who had not been fully trained, bucked her off, into the water. While underwater, she saw a megalodon in the distance. Much to Diana's relief, she would quickly be pulled from the water by Oenone, who gently admonished her for not training Jumpa more thoroughly, and for fearing the megaladons, who protected the island. Oenone took Diana to a small camp elswhere on the beach, where the Amazons had organized a birthday celebration for Diana.

Despite the celebration, Diana felt ill at ease. She felt unsatisfied with her life, with her seeming lack of purpose. She offered her elders a number of ways she could help: building with Calyce, working the stables with Althea, or tending to the gardens with Oenone. However, her path had already been decided: she would learn the art of storytelling from Clio, the Scribe.

This did not satisfy Diana; she sought adventure, and she saw no such thing taking place in Themisycra's archives. The next day, she met Clio in the archives, where they discussed Themiscyra's history. Clio took the position that there were imperfect, dark parts of Themiscyra's history, a position that her superior, Hellene admonished her for. However, Diana was intrigued by Clio's debate with Hellene, and, impassioned, sought to learn more about Amazon history from Clio.

Clio informed Diana that parts of Amazonian history had been lost over the years. She took her deeper into the temple archives, showing her a shrine to the Amazon's patron goddesses where some of their most ancient texts were stored, and demonstrated that each statue of the patron goddesses carried a tome- all of them except Aphrodite. She explained that traditional wisdom held that it was because Aphrodite's gift was love, not knowledge, but that she suspected the truth was otherwise. She suspected that that tome was lost to the elements or a battle with intruders.

Diana, ever the thrill-seeker, immediately offered to try and recover the missing texts for Clio. Clio was reluctant, but after some badgering on the part of the young princess, she relented and accepted Diana's offer. A few days later, Diana began to search the one place that largely remained untouched: the sea surrounding the island. First, however, she made a stop at Oenone's quarters, and convinced her to loan her a breathing apparatus.

Diana dove into the underwater islands surrounding the island, beginning her search despite her fears of the megalodons. While there, she encountered a young megalodon; she bonded with him, naming him Theo, and Theo led her to an undersea cavern- a cavern that contained the missing text she was searching for. Retreiving it, she brought it back to Clio, to Clios's great excitement. However, they realized that pages had been torn out. Afterwards, she visted her Mother and Phillipus and spoke to them for a time.

The next day, she visited Magala, the Amazonian mystic who tended to the Well of Souls, the font from which new Amazons are brought into the world. She confided to Magala about her and Clio's discovery; Magala revealed that she possesed the missing pages. Later that evening, Diana heard a mysterious voice that prompted her to begin reading through the recovered pages. Within them, she discovered the tale of a young soldier who had been amongst Hercules' forces- compasionate and kind, he had been killed by his own men while attempting to surrender.

Later, she became obsessed with the seemingly enchanted pages. She was interrupted by Clio, who pulled at the pages, causing them to rip, releasing the magic bound within- which then possesed Clio. The possesed Clio began to attack those around her; luckily, Phillipus saved Diana in time. Hippolyta amd Hellene confronted the possessed Clio, only to be defeated. Clio would only be saved after Io hit her with a blast from the purple healing ray. Clio and Diana quickly realized that a trap had been placed upon the pages by the witch Circe in order to discourage truth-seekers.

A short time later, Hellene revealed to Clio and Diana that it was her who had torn the pages and hidden the text; that she had done it to gain prestige amongst her fellow Amazons, and that this had left her vulnerable to Circe's manipulations. Clio and Diana accepted Hellene's apology, and in turn Hellene revealed who had ordered her to hide the book in the first place: Queen Hippolyta. Diana confronted Hippolyta, who revealed the truth: she had the histories altered in order to hide her own failure. She then gave Diana an accurate account of the fall of the first Themiscyra to Hercules and Theseus, and the death of her sister, Antiope, and how it was her spear that had started the bloodshed. After discussion with Magala, Diana returned to her mother, and convinced her to reveal the truth to her sisters.[6]

Afterwards, Clio and Diana participated in the Amazonian games for the first time.[7]

Antiope's Visit

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ExpandRebirth Origin

Following the cosmic upheavals of the Rebirth period, this character's history was revised.

Current Origin

Wonder Woman after saving president Roosevelt

Diana of Themiscyra first revealed herself to the world during the 1939 World's Fair, saving the life of sitting president Franklin Deleanor Roosevelt by a Nazi sleeper agent. Diana then warned Roosevelt that a great evil was coming and asked him to let her help them. Following this, she continued her heroics and thus became a national icon as well as the world's first superhero. This, and her ability to see the greatness each human was capable of inspired the "Golden Age" of superheroes as well as the Green Lantern Alan Scott.[13]

She would go on to become a core member of the Justice Society. Eventually the Justice Society was forced to retire by McCarthyist operators within the United States Congress, including Wonder Woman, though she would resume her super-heroic career decades later.

Justice League

Wonder Woman fighting Parademons

Many decades later, when Parademons stormed Metropolis, Wonder Woman resolved to defend the city, meeting the heroes Superman, Batman, Flash, Green Lantern and Aquaman.[14] They also met the young hero Cyborg, who attempted to warn them against the evil alien conqueror Darkseid. Unfortunately, Cyborg's warnings were meaningless, as Darkseid had already arrived.[15] Although Darkseid had initially beat them without effort, Green Lantern rallied them in order to confront Darkseid as a team.[16] Wonder Woman proved crucial in Darkseid's defeat, stabbing him in one of his eyes to prevent him from using his Omega Beams. This gave Superman and Cyborg enough time to throw Darkseid back into his home-world.[17]

At some point, she died and was resurrected. Resultingly, during the Blackest Night Nekron was able to turn her into a Black Lantern.[18] She also briefly served as a member of the Star Sapphire Corps.

New 52

ExpandFalse Memories

When the deities Deimos and Phobos, sons of Ares, started planning how to free their father from the prison of Themyscira, they began to manipulate Diana, changing all the memories Wonder Woman had about her past, from her birth to travelling out of Themyscira to live in the world of men, she was also manipulated into believing she lived certain adventures after she left her home. Until later, Diana was convinced that this memories were true.

However, during this period, Diana did participate in many adventures in Man's World that truly ocurred; largely events unrelated the Greek Pantheon and her kin.

Trinity War and Forever Evil

The Trinity War was a major conflict between the three Justice Leagues.

After taking Despero to the authorities, Wonder Woman and Superman came across the mysterious Pandora, someone Wonder Woman was familiar with. She believed Superman could use her box to trap the evil she unleashed in ancient times; but when Superman touched it, he was overwhelmed by its power. While Pandora took the box and left, the two heroes received news that a new superhuman, Shazam, was entering the borders of Kahndaq. Their confrontation with Shazam turned violent until the rest of the Justice League and the Justice League of America intervened to defuse the situation. Suddenly, Dr. Light lost control of his powers and began absorbing Superman's solar energy, unleashing an energy beam at Wonder Woman. In a fit of anger, Superman killed Dr. Light with his heat vision, an action that caused a fight between the two Leagues.[68]

Superman begged his fellow heroes to arrest him, and while he was taken to the A.R.G.U.S. facilities, Diana expressed disapproval at Steve's secret Justice League. Wonder Woman travelled to the Temple of Hephaestus and demanded Hephaestus tell her about what the box really was. Hephaestus answered that the box was not created by the Gods of Olympus and the truth was a mystery even to them. Wonder Woman decided to seek help from the Justice League Dark.[69] Suddenly, the three Justice Leagues converged at the House of Mystery, where the heroes were divided, one side led by Wonder Woman, the other by Batman. Zatanna, having taken Wonder Woman's side, teleported the group away.[70] Wonder Woman's group tracked Pandora's box to Lex Luthor's prison cell, where Pandora was offering the box to Luthor. Wonder Woman grabbed the box but was overwhelmed by its power.[71]

A fight broke out among the heroes for possession of the box and was only ended when John Constantine took the box, being the only one capable of doing so without being corrupted. Zatanna and Constantine took the box to the temple of Hephaestus, where the three Justice Leagues had converged again.[72] After yet another battle between heroes, the box went dormant and the Justice Leagues discovered a Kryptonite sliver in Superman's nervous system, placed there by the Atomica, a traitor working for the Outsider, leader of the Secret Society. Then, the Outsider used the box to open a path across universes, allowing the Crime Syndicate to enter the Justice Leagues' world.[73]

The Crime Syndicate imprisoned the Justice Leagues inside the Firestorm Matrix[74] which psychologically placed them in situations that depicted their greatest failures. Wonder Woman was placed in a situation where she was forced to do battle against both Amazons and humans for the lives of Superman and Steve Trevor. Martian Manhunter and Stargirl attempted to break her out but Wonder Woman ignored them.[75][76]

Wonder Woman and the other heroes were finally released from the Firestorm Matrix when Batman used the Lasso of Truth on Firestorm. Superman was still infected with the Kryptonite shard inside his nervous system, but Lex Luthor was able to extract it, saving Superman's life. Luthor also assembled a group of villains that defeated the Crime Syndicate. Later, at the Batcave, Wonder Woman and the Justice League talked about the enemy that destroyed the Crime Syndicate's world and came to the conclusion that Darkseid would return.[77]


After the death of Superman, Wonder Woman became depressed and began to remember her origins differently, questioning aspects of her past such as whether she truly was mocked as a child and her relationship with Ares. In a fit of rage Diana crushed the helmet of War. Realizing that she shouldn't have been able to do that, she used the Lasso of Truth on herself and discovered that she had been deceived. Diana traveled to Olympus for answers, but found it abandoned. She also found herself unable to return to her home of Themyscira.[78]

The Lies and The Truth

Wonder Woman travels to a "Themyscira" that she does not recognize

Seeking answers, Wonder Woman sought out an old friend that she believed could provide the way to Themyscira: Barbara Minerva, the Cheetah.[79] Cheetah agreed to help, under the condition that Diana kill the plant-god Urzkartaga and free Barbara from her curse, which Diana agreed to do.[80] When she located Urzkartaga, however, she discovered Steve Trevor and some of his fellow soldiers had been captured by Colonel Andres Cadulo, who intended to become the embodiment of the god and sacrifice Steve in the process. Wonder Woman freed dozens of Cadulo's captives and, with the help of Cheetah and the women he had captured, succeeded in destroying Urzkartaga and freeing Barbara from the curse of the Cheetah.[81] With Barbara's help, Diana and Steve were able to find "Themyscira", though Diana was surprised to find her mother alive and well despite remembering her as dead at the hands of Hera. After removing her bracelets Diana realized that her past interactions with these representations of the Amazons and her home were in fact an illusion, and that she may have never returned home since she originally left to escort Steve to the United States.[82] Upon this realization, Diana suffered a mental breakdown.[83]

Having learnt of Wonder Woman's inability to return to Themyscira, Doctor Veronica Cale, a wealthy and powerful woman, set into motion a plan to use Wonder Woman to find Themyscira. Years earlier, Cale's daughter Izzy had her soul stolen by the gods Phobos and Deimos. They told Veronica that they would only return her daughter to her if she helped them find Wonder Woman, and got the location of Themyscira from her. Seeing no other option, Cale had formed a team called Godwatch, dedicated to locating Diana and Themyscira.

Veronica Cale employed the toxicologist Colonel Poison, who led Team Poison, a team that attempted to capture Diana and Steve. In order to protect Diana in her vulnerable state, Steve had her admitted to a mental hospital in London.[83] Team Poison continued to pursue Steve, Barbara and Commander Etta Candy, however. Barbara, who had been a member of Godwatch when she was Cheetah, decided to speak to Veronica herself. Cale and Doctor Cyber showed Barbara footage of Team Poison, who were about to kill her friends, and Barbara agreed to become Cheetah again in exchange for Veronica calling off the team and sparing their lives.[84]

Diana quickly regained her sanity and was taken out of the mental hospital's care. She immediately noted the absence of Barbara and set out to locate her. However, when she arrived at Empire Enterprises, she was greeted only by Doctor Cyber.[85] Cale set Team Poison onto Wonder Woman once again, and Colonel Poison managed to shoot Diana through the chest. Diana and Steve quickly overcame their forces and followed Veronica Cale and Cheetah to a gateway that led to Themyscira. Wonder Woman and Cheetah fought, and a drop of Diana's blood fell onto the gateway which opened the portal to Ares' prison beneath Themyscira. Phobos and Deimos, whom Cale had turned into dogs with the help of Circe, entered the portal, along with Diana and Veronica Cale. Veronica found her daughter beside Ares.[86]

Diana and her mother, Hipployta, are reunited for the first time since Diana left Themyscira

Ares told Diana that he had been imprisoned by the other Gods of Olympus and bound in chains that were secured by Aphrodite through the power of her love. He also told her that years ago, Phobos and Deimos had implanted false memories of Themyscira into her mind, and these had caused her to imagine aspects of her past that had never happened in reality. Meanwhile, Phobos and Deimos entered Themyscira and battled with the Amazons. Diana knew what she had to do, and called Ares to unite her with Phobos and Deimos. He teleported them to her, and using her Lasso of Truth, Wonder Woman bound them through the power of her unconditional love for them, as Aphrodite had done to Ares. With the twin gods defeated, Diana attempted to leave Ares' prison along with Veronica and Izzy, however Izzy's essence had been attached to the realm and could not return to Earth. Izzy was forced to either live out the rest of her days in the prison or live in Themyscira as an Amazon for eternity. She chose the latter and Veronica said goodbye to her daughter. Diana was briefly reunited with her mother, for the first time since she left the island.[87]

Steve and Diana, re-united

Cheetah sought revenge upon Veronica Cale for abandoning her, and attempted to murder her, but was stopped by Wonder Woman.[88] Cale refused to transform Cheetah back to her human form, and Cheetah herself decided that she no longer desired to be human. Having left her Lasso of Truth binding Phobos and Deimos, Diana was given it back by the Olympian Gods and reunited with Steve.[89]

Heart of the Amazon

After preventing a terrorist attack at a refugee camp in Greece, Wonder Woman returned to a government facility in the United States and was examined by a sickly doctor, Dr. Shannon Crawford. That evening, Diana attended the wedding of Etta Candy's brother, where she discovered a bomb seconds away from detonation hidden underneath one of the tables.[90] She was able to contain the blast, but Etta was injured by a piece of shrapnel. She returned Etta to Dr. Crawford who removed the shrapnel, before touching Wonder Woman with an Amazon-strength sedative she had developed, leaving Diana too weak to fight back. Dr. Crawford told Diana that she had a rare genetic illness, and that she intended to use Diana's Amazon blood to develop a cure, saving her life as well as providing life-saving treatment for others afflicted with the same disease. Diana awoke to discover Crawford had developed Amazonian strength as a result of the blood transfusion. She was able to bind Dr. Crawford in the Lasso of Truth, which rejected the lie and restored Crawford to her previous state. Having lost hope for a cure, Crawford injected herself with the sedative, killing her. Wonder Woman was too late to stop her, but she understood Crawford's decision to end her pain and held her as she died.[91]

Wonder Woman and Etta Candy fight off assassins

Later, Etta was released from hospital and Diana accompanied her to her home. She was shot by a sniper, but deflected the bullet and interrogated the attacker, who called herself Mayfly. She revealed that she had attempted to assassinate Wonder Woman in return for a bounty that had been placed on her.[92] Shortly afterwards, Diana was attacked by five more assassins: Cat Eye, Cheshire, Abolith, Baundo and Plastique, the latter of whom revealed that she had planted the bomb at the wedding. Wonder Woman was able to defeat them all with the help of Etta, and they returned to an A.R.G.U.S. facility. There, Sasha Bordeaux informed her that another scientist, Hamilton Revere, had heard of Dr. Crawford's attempts to harvest Diana's DNA, and had apparently hypothesized that it could be used for the treatment of numerous diseases. Wonder Woman was intrigued and decided to seek out Revere of her own accord and hear out his plans.[93] When she arrived, Revere informed her that in truth, he sought to use her DNA to create an army of super-soldiers. He had also used samples of Diana's blood to grant some of his goons super strength, who attacked her. Etta and Steve Trevor arrived to assist Wonder Woman, and together they bound the attackers in the Lasso of Truth, which once again removed the lie within their bodies. Revere was arrested, and Diana returned home with Steve and Etta.[94]

Children of the Gods and Swan's Song

Wonder Woman faces Darkseid

After defeating Giganta in battle, Wonder Woman was approached by a lawyer who informed her that she had inherited the estate of Hercules, who had been killed.[95] Shortly thereafter, she was told by A.R.G.U.S. that Hercules' body came from an area containing traces of energy unique to Apokolips. Diana visited Hercules' home and found a letter addressed to her, informing her of the location of her twin brother, Jason. She found him in Greece,[96] and the two seemingly began to bond, only for Jason to turn against Diana after the arrival of Grail, who he had secretly allied himself with.[97] Grail had begun killing children of the earthly gods in order to use their divine power to restore her father Darkseid to adulthood, as he had been turned into a baby at the end of the Darkseid War. Jason allied himself with her in order to exact revenge on Wonder Woman, as he resented her for not seeking him out after she learned of his existence some time ago and was envious of her. However, as Darkseid was about to drain Diana's life force, Jason regretted his actions and joined Wonder Woman in battle against Grail and Darkseid. Then, Hercules' lawyer revealed his true identity as the King of the Gods himself, Zeus.[98] Zeus fought Darkseid while Wonder Woman took on his daughter, Grail. Ultimately, Zeus was defeated and his life force was drained by Darkseid, restoring the Apokoliptian to his full adult form. The Justice League arrived, forcing Darkseid and Grail to retreat through a Boom Tube. In the aftermath of the battle, Diana forgave her brother for his deceit.[99]

Wonder Woman battles Silver Swan

Wonder Woman was soon faced with a new threat. Some years ago, Diana saved a young girl, Vanessa Kapatelis, from death at the hands of Major Disaster. She continued to visit Vanessa for many years as she recovered from her injuries, and encouraged her to undergo experimental treatment involving nanites, which allowed Vanessa to walk again. Eventually, Wonder Woman's superheroics forced her to cease her visits. During Diana's absence, Vanessa's mother Julia died, and Vanessa was left alone and felt that Diana had abandoned her. She began to resent Wonder Woman and declared herself her enemy, using the nanites in her blood to create a metallic, winged suit of armor and adopting the name Silver Swan.[100] Silver Swan murdered a family of people that Diana had recently saved, causing Wonder Woman to fight her alongside Jason. Diana managed to drown Silver Swan until she lost consciousness, causing her to revert to her human form. She left Vanessa to recover in the care of A.R.G.U.S.[101]

Amazons Attacked

After Darkseid and Grail's retreat, they returned to a base in the Amazon Rainforest, where Darkseid was setting his mysterious plans into motion. He tasked his loyal Female Furies with tracking down a godly relic he needed, but they were unable to do so thanks to the intervention of Steve Trevor and his A.R.G.U.S. forces. Meanwhile, Wonder Woman fought a number of villains that had been recruited by Veronica Cale: Zara of the Crimson Flame, Blue Snowman and Anglette. As Diana caught up with Steve at A.R.G.U.S. HQ, Jason returned wearing a suit of armor gifted to him by the gods, but with no knowledge of its purpose.[102] As news came in of an attack by Grail, Wonder Woman and Jason immediately responded just in time to prevent Grail from killing another demigod. Wonder Woman bound Grail in the Lasso of Truth and forced her to reveal Darkseid's plans. Grail explained that Darkseid was looking to build himself an army of Amazons. Due to her half-Amazon blood, Grail was able to break free from the Lasso's grip and retreated.[103]

Wonder Woman and Jason take on Darkseid

The final remaining relics Darkseid needed were being guarded by A.R.G.U.S. at their HQ, so Darkseid decided to use a Boom Tube to transport the building and all its contents to his base in the Amazon Rainforest. The Female Furies retrieved the relics and put them into place while Wonder Woman fought Darkseid. With the relics' power, Darkseid was able to open a portal to Themyscira. As it is impossible for one who has set foot on Themyscira to return after leaving, Diana was unable to follow Grail through the portal. Grail invaded and began transforming the Amazons into creatures resembling Darkseid's Parademons.[104] As Jason had never actually set foot on Themyscira, he followed Grail and met his mother Hippolyta for the first time since his birth. While Jason and Hippolyta fought off the transformed Amazons, Wonder Woman was able to defeat Darkseid through her love for her deceased father, Zeus and her half-siblings, calling their spirits out of Darkseid's body and destroying him from the inside. The Amazons captured Grail and imprisoned her in the prison beneath Themyscira, alongside Ares, while Darkseid re-emerged somewhere on Earth. Jason was gifted a magical spear from his mother and returned to Earth.[105]

Jean Grey is a mutant with vast empathic and telepathic abilities that were traumatically awakened when as a child she witnessed her best friend's death. For years, Jean Grey was mentored by mutant specialist Professor Charles Xavier, a telepath himself. Eventually, she also developed telekinetic powers.[14] When Xavier opened a school for mutants in order to prepare his students to carry on his dream of peaceful coexistence between mutants and humans, Jean Grey was enrolled as the last student of his first class. As Marvel Girl, she became one of the original X-Men, a group that fights for a world that hates and fears mutants.[15]

Jean Grey is intimately associated with the Phoenix, an immensely powerful cosmic entity.[16] After being corrupted by the Hellfire Club, Phoenix rose as the Dark Phoenix and caused immeasurable destruction. Jean Grey's conscience led the Phoenix to sacrifice herself to prevent further destruction.[17] Jean Grey's connection to the Phoenix, a force of destruction and rebirth, inflicted a number of deaths,[18][7] and resurrections.[19][20] Upon her most recent return, Jean Grey permanently rejected the Phoenix and took the direction of a new X-Men team.[21]

When all of mutantkind was united on the mutant-exclusive island nation of Krakoa by Charles Xavier's initiative, Jean Grey joined her former friends.[1] On Krakoa, she was part of the governing body known as the Quiet Council,[22] as well as part of recreating X-Force, the Krakoan black ops organization, in its intelligence sector.[23] More recently, alongside her husband, Cyclops, she decided to reform the X-Men as a Krakoan super hero team who fights to protect mutantkind.[24]

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