
ตอน 44: Hook, Line and Sinker

"Mizuki is hereby sentenced to execution. She is more a curse than she is human. She should not be able to become a sorcerer. It is against our ideals and traditions." The Higher-Ups announced, having come to a unanimous decision.

"And due to his crimes of hiding and protecting the Curse-User Frank Langley Atlas is hereby exiled from the Jujutsu Society. Siding or helping with him will be seen as a criminal act and punishable by exile to execution." The Higher-Ups finished, finalizing the statement.

Smirking in the background, sitting within the shadow unseen by anyone Kenjaku in the body of Joben, an advisor to the Higher-Ups. He had been offered a spot, but of course, he refused. It wasn't the position he wanted, that would put him too far into the spotlight.

(A/N: since some people might question it, yes he was referred to as Gavin by Frank earlier in the story. There is a reason that is later explored.)

Things were going perfectly, Atlas had chosen to come back? That was fine by him, he would do everything in his power to make sure he knew what happened because he had. He had helped Minori find Frank, and he had declared Mizuki to execution.

He just needed to turn Gojo and Geto against him, he couldn't have them involved with Atlas, he was too much of a variable. The fact that he had been able to bring Riko back confirmed one thing. Hoshi who he felt go dark a while ago was still alive.

He had just escaped his influence.

Dropping his smile his gaze grew cold. We would see about that, his pawns had one job and that was to obediently follow him, and they would. Hoshi was his pawn and would stay his pawn.

Standing up he left the room quickly through the backdoor. Unseen and unheard like normal. He had things to do.


"I won't let them lay their hands on my father," Atlas said as he looked and Geto and Gojo. "The more that I stay involved with you the more Kenjaku will do to force me away from you two. I need you two to trust me okay? You have to make him believe that you both hate me. Come up with a plan, use finding out about Frank as an excuse and my relation with Toji just make it realistic." Atlas instructed, his voice cracking like shattering glass as it forced its way through dimensions towards two students that pretended to be talking to each other.

He had come up behind them, he knew what was happening. And for now, he couldn't do anything about it without causing a rift to form between him and society. But he would soon enough, it was time for Kenjaku to come to light.

"Why don't you just kill the Higher-Ups?" Gojo asks, the answer seemed simple to him.

"Without any solid reasoning that will turn the entire Jujutsu Society against me, it doesn't matter who accepts me or who doesn't I will always be seen as extreme and hated by the majority of sorcerers even if I can stay after those actions," Atlas explains, it was too risky to do right now.

"You know you might never be seen as anything but a curse user after today?" Geto asked, wondering if Atlas knew the price he was paying.

"Yes, yes I do know that Geto. But it's what needs to be done to keep the people I care about safe okay. Keep a close eye on Riko Geto… Kenjaku will use everything he can to try and break you. I am sorry that you were born with the powers you were in the time we are in. I believe in you both though." Atlas said as a small smile crossed his face.

Despite everything that was happening he had a reason to move. Things were not going to go smoothly but he had one thing that Kenjaku didn't, he knew about the future. That was invaluable.

He would force Kenjaku into a situation where he had to emerge or risk losing the most important part of his plan. Geto's body.

He and Geto were going to fake their deaths.

"So when you get Frank and try to escape we are going to follow you using Gojo's six eyes and intercept you. In the battle, Gojo is going to kill you and you are going to kill me…" Geto confirms, his gaze narrowing. He didn't want to die despite Atlas and Gojo ensuring him that he could be brought back. Luckily they had found a way around it with a spirit that Atlas had brought back from China.

If everything went as planned they could kill Kenjaku and get rid of the threat, at least they would be able to force him into hiding if everything didn't go perfectly.

After all, someone, that had been alive for centuries no doubt had ways to escape unbelievable odds... he could create a dimensional cage and that should make it impossible for him to teleport away with whatever tools he had.

Atlas was confident in this at least, if anything his knowledge of what Kenjaku wanted and needed for his plan to work was enough that he was sure he would take this bait. It was rushed, but it should work.

"Alright, well then, let's get going then… I'll go grab Frank," Atlas said, standing up before he teleported to the tombs leaving Gojo and Geto to think about everything that was happening.

"You know he may be tricking us right?" Geto suddenly says as he looks at Gojo.

Shaking his head Gojo says, "I believe him. There is a history in my family of six eyes users being killed when they are born. We all assumed it was just because they were scared of the power that we possessed. Then why wasn't I killed when my clan was at the weakest it had been in a long time?" Gojo reasons. Everything was just… lining up.

He felt that he should trust Atlas, someone who was strong enough to try and usher in a new age of Jujutsu.

Nodding his head Geto agreed, the talks that he had with Darkness were enough to confirm some of his suspicions. Curses were reaching a new high as well, with the human population increasing rapidly it wouldn't be long before four of the strongest spirits were reborn…

Looking at the sky he let out a sigh.

Guess it was time to make a difference. He was too young for this. Then again, so was Atlas...


Appearing in the tombs Atlas smirked when he saw that people were there. Clearly waiting for him to come. All of them gathered around Frank's body some even trying to move it with cursed tools. A few Zenin family members muttered amongst themselves. "If only that useless traitor hadn't taken the Inverted Spear of Heaven then we wouldn't be having this problem right now."

Nodding his head in agreement the older member just humphed as he kept on reading through a stack of papers. Trying to find something, anything that could help them break Frank out of the other dimension he was currently stuck in.

Despite the land around him being ruined from a recent fight he lay unmoving and untouched. Floating in the air as if he still lay on the destroyed bed.

He was on another plane where the fight hadn't taken place. Only his visage was visible since Atlas wasn't able to hide him perfectly without being around him constantly.

The Higher-Ups had clearly let these people down here. How they found Frank's body was still unknown to him, there really was one answer since neither Toji nor Geto would have revealed anything.

Kenjaku had let them know... That raised some more questions though, questions he would find answers to later.

He had never expected them to find Frank's body since he didn't know Kenjaku had a way to find it even while it was on another plane. Even after both Toji and Geto saw it. After all the blood stains from the fight had never been cleaned up. No one else had come down here after the fight...

Walking past them all since they couldn't see him he saw that there was someone here who he hated. Someone on high Alert… well Gojo and Geto needed a reason to know that he had to be followed right?

Eyes growing cold he suddenly appeared before Minori who was standing on high alert waiting for anything to happen. He was so desperate to catch Atlas and kill him that he decided to stay down here with Frank and stand guard.

His eyes widened as the figure of Atlas appeared before him and thrust his palm forward and before Minori could even react his chest was blown to shreds by the shattering of glass. The loud crack and bright flash that Atlas let through the attack stunned everyone else around here as he jumped next to Frank and put a hand on him before suddenly disappearing.

Teleporting away just as quickly as he had arrived and leaving Minori dead on the floor.

Sure, it would make it harder for him to be proven innocent but he couldn't care. The asshole had constantly gotten on his nerves.

"Atlas is here! He has Frank! Tell the Higher-Ups immediately!" One of the people standing around started yelling as he ran away from the sight that Frank was in.

Turning to see that only Minori had been killed.

Left panting and shocked the small team that had been allowed in the tombs quickly made their way outside.


Teleporting to his room Atlas quickly grabbed what he wanted to keep, leaving Frank's body on his bed. Hearing the alarms start to raise around the place he smirked as he felt Gojo's presence outside of the room before he felt the air shift.

Grabbing Frank he pushed them both into another dimension as the room he had just been standing in was eradicated. Reversal Red ripped through the air leaving a trail of destruction as it impacted the ground and exploded out letting out a wave of decimation that left nothing but rubble and ruin behind.

Teleporting away he started to make his 'path' that he normally did to teleport. Of course, he didn't need to do it this way anymore but no one should know that apart from Gojo.

His path was made by connecting planes to the point that he wanted to travel. A path that should theoretically be able to be seen by the six eyes.

Seeing the path that Atlas was clearly displayed, a short one that travelled just a bit into the hillside where Atlas would normally meet with Toji Gojo grabbed Geto's shoulder and teleported just a second beforehand. Arriving on the hillside with his short-range teleportation he turned around and let out a blast of Hollow Purple at the air before him.

Instead of a beam, a wave of destruction passed through the air tearing at reality itself as space distorted and crackled before it impacted something.

With space fracturing Atlas came flying out of the folding and cracking space that appeared from Gojo's blast, covered in cuts and wounds as he tumbled out of the air and slammed into the hillside, Frank tumbling out beside him but not nearly as damaged.

Being interrupted while teleporting had done great damage to Atlas. Or at least he had let it in this case pretending that he had to defend Frank from the blast.

It was good if Kenjaku thought that Hollow Purple could break through dimensions which it could. Gojo and Atlas were just playing it up a bit.

Now for the real plan to start.

Rolling to his feet from the impact sight Atlas turned and faced both Gojo and Geto and laughed as he stood between them and Frank.

"So you use what I taught you against me huh? Can't fight me properly snowflake?" Atlas taunted, his face turning into a smirk.

"Why are you doing this Atlas? Why are you protecting Frank? He killed Ayumu!" Gojo said his face a cold, controlled rage. "First Toji now him. Who are you really Atlas?" Gojo questioned as he got into a fighting stance.

"They are my family, I told you before and I'll tell you again, I will always pick my family first." Throwing his hand forward Atlas sent a wave of dimensional destruction at the two of them only for Geto to open a black inky portal and pull out what looked like a massive rock golem.

Charging towards Atlas the attack slammed into it shattering the stone but not hurting it that deeply. The wounds mending quicker than he had expected them to.

Cursing Atlas went to back away from the charge but his eyes widened as he was forced to teleport between another spirit and Frank that was being attacked by a giant worm that attempted to swallow him.

Just before he could send a blast down and obliterate the worm Gojo hit him with a Reversal Red that threw him to the side slamming him once more into the hillside in an explosion of power.

Seeing more spirits converge onto Frank Atlas teleported in front of him and grabbed him trying to teleport out again but was hit by a wave of Hollow Purple that threw him to the floor, surrounding Frank with his body as he tried to protect him from the attacks that slammed into him over and over.

Letting out a roar Atlas sent countless fractures of reality from his body shielding them for just a moment before he put Frank completely in another plane.

Dodging to the side as Hollow Purple tore through the barrier that was keeping the spirits at bay Atlas turned to see Gojo readying another attack already.

Gosh, he had trained them well.

With his world suddenly shifting he heard a voice sound from behind him. "Am, am... am… I... I PreTtY?" It said its innate domain filled the air with inverted colours as the world seemed to distort slightly.

Oh, so it had lived… Geto was stronger so it made sense that he was able to save his stronger spirits.

Knowing the battle wouldn't move on until he answer he said, "No your horrendous."

With time snapping back into action as he answered the question, countless scissor blades appeared around his body. Going into another plane they all phased through him but in the moment he was stuck Gojo had acted.

Appearing before him Atlas' eyes widened. This he didn't expect.

Gojo was covered in Hollow Purple, each movement of his was erasing the matter around him but by the nose bleed he couldn't keep this up for long.

That was impressive. He was growing way faster than normal.

Blocking the punch that was thrown as hit the chest Atlas' eyes widened as the punch didn't stop. Severing the arm for his body and impacting his chest with enough force to send him flying back once more.

Crashing into the hill Atlas grit his teeth, god that hurt.

Healing as fast as he could he saw that Geto got in front of him and sliced his sword, foolish but it made sense. Even more sense considering their plan.

Dodging the blade he heard Gojo screaming something but ignored it as he darted forward and slammed an attack into Geto's chest. The blade had passed through him. Seeing Geto grin he wondered what was up but wasn't able to question it as the hand he had hit Geto with suddenly was ripped to shreds by hands that emerged from the boy's chest.

But the damage had been done. With Geto flying backwards and slamming into a tree Atlas tried to get up and teleport away but as soon as he started to make his path Hollow Purple slammed into his back. Acting surprised he turned to see that Gojo was glaring at him.

Seeing the damage Atlas turned around and shot out one final attack, a blast of dimensional energy that cut through Gojo's chest and slammed right through Geto's heart behind him.

Stumbling back Atlas started to heal as he looked at Geto in shock as if he didn't mean to do that.

And Gojo took that as his opportunity.

Appearing behind Atlas he put his hand on his back as Hollow Purple suddenly rippled under his skin. The already tired and damaged Atlas could block it.

Trying to hide in another dimension Atlas started to scream as cracks opened up on his skin and with a thought he pulled a perfect reflection of his body to this plane and swapped with it.

And Atlas fell to the floor unmoving before Gojo put a Hollow Purple through the head of the now dead Atlas.

Looking at his own dead body from within another plane Atlas looked at the countless cracks over the surface of his skin that radiated a soft energy from the clash between Hollow Purple and his special property. Looking down at it he didn't take his eyes off it until he saw the flesh starting to crumble away.

Good. He didn't want to leave behind a body on the off chance that Kenjaku might be able to take it. He told Gojo to make sure that it was going to crumble from a clash between their techniques and it looks like they were successful.

Seeing Gojo run over to Geto he quickly picked him up and started to try and wake the boy but seeing that it wasn't happening he teleported back to Jujutsu High. Following behind him Atlas soon appeared in the same room.

And everything started to go so fast.

It didn't take long before Ieiri tried to heal Geto and cried when she couldn't, he was already dead. Having bled out.

Looking at Geto, Atlas wondered what cursed spirit he was using to be so… well so dead. He didn't have a heart and his cursed energy had dissipated and his skin was growing waxy. If he didn't know better he would really think that Geto was dead.

Seeing Gojo wasn't starting to get agitated however he assumed that he could see something with his six eyes that was stopping him from panicking. Because if he couldn't confirm that Geto was at least maybe alive then he would have started to get frigidity. Or he was a lot better at controlling himself than Altas thought he was.

Seeing some people arrive to start to put the body away in the morgue Gojo stopped them and said. "Fill out all the papers… he wanted to be cremated…" Stopping them from touching his friend's body.

Backing away one of the people said, "But… we were told by-"

"I don't give a fuck about what you were told. I just killed my mentor and my best friend is dead. He wanted his ashes scattered. So, get your ass back to whoever told you what was happening and tell them I am taking care of it." Gojo snapped.

"Bu-" he started to say before he was slammed against the wall with enough force to knock him out cold. Gojo's eyes glared around the room as his power started to radiate from his body.

"Anyone else?" He said, his voice filled with venom.

Shaking their heads they all started to run out of the room one of them grabbing the unconscious person on his way out.

Picking Geto up princess carry Gojo looked down at his friend before he started walking with him out of the morgue. Before he even got far however three figures approached him from the end of the hall. Principal Yaga, Higher-Up Nobunaga and his assistant. Joben.

Staring at the scared man that walked in front Gojo's eyes narrowed as he waited to see what he had to say. The scarred crown on his head was clear proof.

Atlas was right, he had personally come for the body.

Speaking Joben said, his voice mournful and his face full of regret. "Congratulations on becoming the strongest Sorcerer alive Gojo, although this isn't the time for that is it… I am deeply sorry for your loss. We have heard your request and would like to help out personally… He has done a great service to the whole Society taking out someone as terrible as Atlas…"

Watching from another plane Atlas smirked… hook, line and sinker. He knew from experience, desperation was a powerful motivator.


Thanks to everyone who is reading and supporting!

I know there were a lot of people who were asking and questioning why Atlas didn't move Frank and I hope that it is explained in this chapter but in case it is unclear. He didn't think he needed to, no one else would have gone down into the tombs and he was certain that Toji wouldn't mention it at all and that Geto would only mention it to Gojo if anyone.

He wasn't expecting Kenjaku knew, after all as far as Atlas is aware he can't know the location of minds he is effecting and can't even feel them if they are on another plane apart from Hoshi who had a willing connection because he was broken and wasn't fighting back anymore.

So he just didn't think that he needed to. With everything that was happening with Saving Riko and resisting her merge to dealing with Gojo and Geto he was fairly busy and just thought it would be unnecessarily complicated.

And at the end of the day if Toji or Geto did mention it then even if they didn't find Frank they still would have labeled him a curse user evidence or not they just wanted a reason. So they wouldn't have been able to hurt Frank or anything like that, he was in another plane. Atlas knew that he would be safe unless Gojo or Toji with the inverted spear wanted to do anything. Which he trusted both of them so in the end it wasn't something that was a problem to him.

Whether they saw Frank or not or had evidence Kenjaku still would have got the Higher-Ups to push the same results. Even if Frank wasn't found, as long as Kenjaku knew where Frank was nothing would have changed.

At least with Frank there Atlas had an excuse to come back and cause a problem to get followed by Gojo for his plan, even if it was a small chance of it happening he wanted to be able to have some things in place to fight Kenjaku. Hopefully that all makes sense.

I am sure that there will be plenty of questions about this chapter as well and I am happy to answer them all so leave them here if they haven't been left elsewhere! Thanks once again to all those that read and leave support such as stones or comments!

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