
ตอน 5: Chapter 6

A few nights after the Harlem fight, Peter and Mary Jane were in the living room of their cabin playing with May while they waited for their visitors to arrive. When there came a knocked at the door, Mary Jane went to answer it and let Sue Storm, carrying Valeria in a carrier, inside with her hair flowing down across her shoulders and wearing a simple blue dress that came to her knees. "Thanks for inviting me for a family night…" Sue started to say as the ladies, Mary Jane taking Valeria's carrier, entered the living room and then raised an eyebrow when she didn't see anyone else, "Who else have you invited?" And Peter shared a glance with his wife before saying "No one, we invited the others to a gathering tomorrow night. Tonight is just us." Sue looked surprised then resigned and let out a heavy sigh "Very well, should we put the girls in another room so they aren't scared by you yelling at me?" Now it was the Parkers turn to look surprised. "Why would you believe we would have brought you here to yell at you?" Sue wouldn't meet either spider eyes and then it suddenly clicked into Peter's head, getting to his feet he went over and enfolded Sue into a hug. "Sue I meant what I said about it not being your fault for what Reed did." Said Peter, Sue tried to pull away but he held her firmly against him and then the emotions that had kept bottled up started coming out as tears fell down Sue's face. "But I was his wife, I could've done more. I should have done more." She said burying her face into Peter's shoulder "When I learned what Reed and Stark were going to do, I thought threatening Reed by leaving him would be enough to give him even pause but it wasn't and I failed in ensuring that you would have a normal life.

"But when they did reveal our identities, you immediately left Reed to ensure that we would live. You saved Peter from getting a bullet in his head, Sue." Mary Jane said moving to hug the blonde from behind, sandwiching her between the two spiders. "I can never thank you enough for saving him." Sue blushed as she felt MJ nuzzle her cheek against her shoulder blade. "Well a course I would save him, I didn't want lose the man I truly love..." Sue stopped talking as she realized what she just said and her face turned red. Which became tomato red as Peter cupped her face, tilting it up so she had to look up at him before he bent down to press his lips to hers. Though it been almost a year and half since the Arachnid incident and the two hadn't done anything kissing except on the cheeks, but it felt like yesterday to Sue as her mouth slowly moved with Peter's and moan as they remembered the feeling, texture and taste of the mouth of Valeria's father. Who mother, momentarily forgot that Mary Jane was pressed against her back, acted on reawaken instincts by sliding her hands up Peter's chest and wrap her arms around his neck as the slow gentle kiss turned French.

The two kissed for several minutes before a little whine from May ruined the mood and they pulled their mouths apart, breathing deeply Peter gazed into Sue's eyes as he said with genuine affection "I love you too." This made Sue tear up again, "You and Mary Jane have been there for me and Valeria more in a few months then Reed had been in all the years of our former marriage that I had magically annulled just a few days ago…" Peter raised a curious eyebrow as Sue continued "Because even if this whole thing with the Registration get resolved peacefully and we deal with whatever is coming. I can't go back to Reed and try to live a fake happy life again or have him raise Valeria." Peering over Sue's shoulder, Peter and Mary Jane shared a glance seeing an opening.

"And you won't have to not if we can help it. The reason we asked you here Sue, was to extend to an offer to you to become a Parker and I mean a real one in the sense of marry me and become my wife like MJ." Sue tearful eyes widen as they went from Peter to Mary Jane and back seeing complete serious and love in their eyes. "You mean… I… we…" Sue stumbled over the words so Mary Jane helped her out. "We'll become Sister Wives to our beloved Peter." "You're serious?" Asked Sue. "Yes." Peter said smiling at the blonde he held, who was too stunned to speak and so filled with love that without thinking she stood up on her toes to again kiss him deeply. Though this time the kiss was interrupted by all three heroes phones beginning to ring with texts kinda and ruining the moment. "At least they waited until the middle of the kiss." Peter said, making his ladies smiled and chuckle as they pulled out their phones see the same text. 'Turn on the TV.' Reluctantly pulling away from the three person hug, Mary Jane grabbed the TV remote and hitting the on button. The screen came on to reveal a talk show stage with a few recognizable people on it, the one that drew Peter, MJ and Sue's attention was Peter's Aunt May as she pulled her arm back and, as hard as she could, slapped Tony Stark's goatee off.

With May

Slapped! The sound echoed across the room with Tony Stark's cheek stinging more than when Miriam Sharpe, who was sitting in a chair looking surprised, had given her own slap to him after Stanford. "You disgust me for what you have become, Stark." May said, barely controlling the rage in her voice. "You betrayed My Peter, Mary Jane, my granddaughter and the other Spiders. Ruined their chances of normal happy lives, while also trying to kill them and you have the gaul to stand before me and call them siding with Steve Roger was disappointing and foolish!?" "Mrs. Parker, I know your mad, but understand that I don't take pleasure in hunting down my friends like criminals. But they are breaking the law and need to answer for it." May snorted at Tony's words. "And you think that them saving lives is more worst than all the evil things you done Stark?" Tony shifted from foot to foot as May continued.

"You hunt down those you consider you friends! Betrayed those that trusted you with their secrets and even their very lives! And for what?! To become king of the world! Steve and his team are upholding the principles they are sworn to uphold without giving up their freedom, while you throws your principles away like a dirty pair of socks. If you continue down this path you're on Stark, soon you'll find you're the only one walking it alone, with blood on your hands and realized that none of this was worth the price. Being a hero is a responsibility-." "Then why are your nephew and the other spiders forsaking responsibility for the deaths of those that died including my Son!" Miriam Sharpe shouted angrily, standing up and getting in May's face. The two woman glared at each other, before May said very calmly. "I truly am sorry for your lost Miriam. But you call people like Captain America and my family criminals, when they weren't the one to make Nitro explode. And also because you don't know their sides or what made them go against the Law that they say is supposed to save lives but only ruining so many. I know their reasons including the honorable Captain."

"How would you know what Steve Rogers reasons are?" Miriam asked completely hooked and, ignoring the look of disbelieving surprise on Tony's face, May took Miriam's arm to lead her the couch. Once settled in May said. "Because, just like the Web Warriors did, Steve came to me in secret to ask if he was doing the right thing. Peter didn't know that he visited and the reason was because I had given the Captain advice before during times he been down. He valued my opinion to risk coming to me and wanted to hear it from a honest citizen of this country that Steve loves so much." May gave a warm smile at the memory of the brave hero confessing his doubt and trust in her. "The basic idea of the SHRA with accountability for one hero's actions when they did something truly wrong, the training of young heroes by their elders to ensure that there wasn't a tragedy, Steve were in agreement. Because the New Warriors were inexperienced and attempted to take on enemies that were outside their league." Miriam began to look pleased when May said. "However, Steve saw the flaws of the Act and believed the government shouldn't be given power over all the super humans, for how long until a corrupt politician turned them against their enemies. Further more the heroes can't say no to signing without getting arrested and that's another reason Steve hated, the No choice or freedom part. And before you say that the unregistered heroes have a choice, let me tell Roger's incident where he saw how the Law was taking away the freedom he's fighting for." May took a deep breath.

"The two weeks before the Act became a official law, many heroes met at the Baxter Building to talk about it. While Steve was asked by The Director over there, Don't…!" May said sharply, pointing her wither old finger at Director Maria Hill. Who was standing off to the side of the stage and froze with mouth open as she was about to speak out in protest. "Not one word from you! As I was saying, the Director asked Steve's thoughts on the Act and he gave his honest opinion that it will split the hero community down the middle, and most likely caused a war. She asked who was most likely to be against the Act and Steve said who, not knowing what was going happen. Until Hill told him to help Shield arrest those heroes, expecting Steve to be willing to immediately imprison his friends and colleagues. Steve said he won't be part of arresting heroes for doing their jobs when they aren't doing anything wrong. That's when Hill's hit squad came in and surrounded Steve and she said for him to get in line or get a cell. All of this was before the Act was truly a thing, so technically the Director was unlawfully trying to arrest Captain America." Miriam eyes were wide in horror as May went on.

"Steve told the soldiers to stand down, that he won't be responsible for defending himself, and what does this bitch do?" Again May pointed at Hill. "She acts without thinking that ordering her men to attack Captain America wasn't going end badly for them. Which was several broken bones that Steve felt bad about inflicting as he escaped on top of a jet, and Hill's actions were what convinced Steve that he must oppose the Registration. Fighting for the freedom of this country and its heroes that that's damn Act is trying destroy." Miriam stared at Hill. "Is this true?" Hill wasn't one to be put in her place, especially by an elderly woman "I'm not allow-." She attempted to say that she wasn't at liberty to say, but Miriam cut her off by shouting angrily. "So it was you, you're the one who started this war of heroes, because you made Captain America believe that it was all wrong by threatening him, all before the Act was passed!" Miriam's face was turning red as she rose from the couch, "And not learning from your mistakes, the Spiders are now against the Act because you try to kill them!" The woman might've had continued to rage when May put a hand on Miriam's shoulder. "Do you wish to know their reasons why?" Taking several deep breaths, Miriam thought for a moment before sitting back down.

"Peter and the other Web Warriors came to me for advice as well and the all around concern they had about the SHRA were both the methods Stark and Shield were performing and especially in exposing their identities to the world. You said how wrong it was to wear a mask and hide your identity, but the very good reason for it is this. The mask is not to protect them, it's to protect the people the hero care about. For I was attacked by the Green Goblin when he found out who Spider-Man was, and came after me to hurt my Peter and then Goblin then kidnapped and killed Peter's first girlfriend, the Gwen Stacy of this world. Goblin did it in such a way that Peter thought that he killed Gwen in trying to save her." May got chocked up a bit and Miriam handed her a handkerchief for May to whip the tears from her eyes. "That tragedy nearly broke my Peter completely, it would have made him go down a darker path if Mary Jane hadn't brought him back to the light and giving him hope to continue living. This had been helped by so many others, including Miles, Sue and Johnny Storm and the Gwen Stacy of another dimension who lost her Peter and in a sense telling Peter that she forgives him for not being able to save her helped him move on with his life. Yet now because of Stark exposing their secret without their permission and Shield destroying their home, how can my family return to having the normal fixed life they had. How can Peter and Mary Jane go on date when people won't leave them alone, or how can my little grandniece go to school and have friends. Because now that their enemies know, villains from Carnage to crime lords such as Kingpin will attack little May to have a bloody play date ending in death or is capture to force Peter and MJ to break the law in order to keep her safe."

May look at Miriam with tears flowing now freely down her cheeks as she asked, "So has my family paid enough for you to decide that your son Damian had been Avenge Miriam? Or do more families and heroes must loose everything and pay in blood, before you realize that none of this was worth it." Tears were now rolling down Miriam's cheeks as well. "We didn't want anyone to get hurt Mrs. Parker, the Registration was suppose to stop people from getting hurt." "But the price you asked the heroes to pay come at too high of a cost. They are becoming slaves to a government that, while noble, who can't be trusted. To a bloodthirsty Director who thinks firing a rocket is the most appropriate solution, while Nick Fury, who I meet before his disappearance, prefer chatting and making deals with some coffee while respecting a hero right to privacy and willing to compromise. Which is unlike this man…" May gestured at Stark, "Who refuses to compromise and throw away principles for a damn photo shot with prostitutes. A hothead idiot who's willingly to sleep with actually villains that won't hesitate to stab him in the back, all instead of standing by friends and family who would take such a knife to save his life without hesitation, at least before now. I know why you brought me here Mr. Stark, to try and make my family come to rescue me so you can throw them into a prison I heard horrible things about and all on live television. Well I refuse to be used as your bate for my family so I say this to them." May looked at the camera. "I love you all. My Peter, MJ, Miles, Gwen, Kevin and all the other heroes stand for what is right. Keep up the good fight. For New Warriors were kids who wanted to do the right things as you do and they made a mistake. Which even the most experienced person either cop, soldier, fireman or hero could make." May looked back at Miriam. "Your son could have grown up to become just like my Peter and made similar mistakes, it just comes with being a hero of learning and being better than before." After a long moment Miriam nodded in agreement "Yes, Damian could've become just like your nephew." And the two embraced each other, both crying on each other's shoulders.

For a few minutes there was silence before Hill spoke as she stepped onto the stage, "Noble words, Mrs. Parker. But the matter still stands that Captain America, his team and your nephew are still criminals." "No they aren't…" Miriam said pulling away from May to stared firmly at Hill and Tony. "We all have been the villains in this situation, and now it's time to start being heroes again." She looked at the camera. "If you're watching this Captain Rogers, I wish to apologize for not… No, for refusing to see what your point view was and why you were fighting for. May Parker is right. The lost of my son Damian made me so angry that without realizing it I stoked the flames of this war along with everyone else who were angry. But now I will attempt to mend the burns delivered. I'm not abandoning that the Registration for it is or can be, with the needed changes, as it meant to be and a law that saves lives and more importantly, give you heroes your freedom back." The video ended and after a moment of white snow, the news room where Jameson was sitting with wide eyes along with the others appeared. "Wow! I always admire Parker's Aunt but now I truly respect her." Jameson smiling.

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