
ตอน 4: Chapter 4- When your student is too good

3rd POV

In a deep, dark cave, an old man talked with a strange plant-like, half-black and half-white creature.

"Minato has left the village along with the 3rd Hokage for the 5 Kage Summit. It seems like the Third Shinobi war will finally come to an end. Unless you desire otherwise."

The old man waved his hand away negligently, as if a shinobi war was of no significance to him and can be started and stopped at any time he wants.

"No need. Our goals have already been achieved." The old man spoke in a raspy voice. "Now, only a single pawn remains. Have you completed the task I gave you?"

"Yes. The plans have all been put into place." The creature paused here and gave a hesitant look. "Though… there's one problem."

"And what's that?"

"Kakashi, the girl's teammate is coming to rescue her. Should we take care of him as well?"

"Kakashi. Hm… this boy is Obito's rival, isn't he?"


"Then, I have a better plan for him. Take a clone of mine to that girl. I'll put her into a genjutsu that'll make want to die at Kakashi's hand. That should bring out even more emotions than the girl dying at the hands of some no name Kiri-nin."

"Very well. Is there anything else?"

"Don't mess up the plan. A lot rides on this. I'm near the end of my life. If you fail then we'll not get another pawn."

"I will not fail, Madara-sama. After all, I am your will."

A few days later, Kakashi watched in great horror as his Chidori coated arm penetrated the chest of his last remaining teammate. The one he'd promised to protect.

His entire being became numb as Rin gave him one last smile and spoke up in barely audible words.

"I… forgive you… Kakashi. Thank you… for… everything."

With those words, Rin's body collapsed backward. He tried to catch her but was in too much shock and grief to move properly and could only watch helplessly as her body slumped to the ground.

A deep silence fell in the battlefield in that instant before he heard a distant scream from somewhere. And then his Sharingan started to act up, sucking up all the remaining chakra in his body and taking him critically close to Chakra Exhaustion.

'I'm sorry Obito, Rin. I failed you all.' Kakashi thought before the world went dark.


Ren Uchiha POV.

It's been a day since Kushina gave him the test for the book 'Beginners for Dummy'. Or that's what he'd named it in his mind at least.

Last day had been… interesting. With Kushina asking him harder and harder questions related to the test. And finally falling into a listless slump upon realising that he'd indeed memorised and understood the entire book.

Doing so had not been easy even for him. He had to stay awake the entire night for many nights in a row before he was able to read and memorise all of it.

His Sharingan had helped, somewhat, with the Picture Perfect memory it provided. But even that was of limited help to him as he had to understand and comprehend the topics inside the book and not merely memorise them.

If not for Gamer System increasing his Intelligence stat and Speed Reading skill, then it would've taken him much longer to go through the entire book.

As things stood, his Intelligence stat had almost doubled in the last month from reading that one book alone. And his Speed Reading skill has levelled up to the point where he was now able to read an entire page within ten seconds.

Now, he was here in Kushina's home once again to continue with his Fuinjutsu studies. And get started on the practical aspect of Fuinjutsu at last.

"Now that you have completely memorised that book, we still have a few things to do before we can get started on making Fuinjutsu seals." Kushina said.

"And what are those few things?" He asked.

"It's Calligraphy and Chakra control." Kushina explained. "You need to have a good, steady calligraphy in order to draw Fuinjutsu seals. And when you draw those seals, you need to pour a steady amount of chakra from your brush into the seal. Which is why you need to practice Chakra Control."

"That seems easy enough." He replied.

"Oh!? Easy is it? Very well then, let me see your Calligraphy first."

Five minutes later.

"How is your calligraphy so… perfect?" Kushina asked while inwardly moaning in despair. Or that's what he thought she was doing at least. She had that expression on her face right now.

"Did you forget that I have a Sharingan?" He asked, pointing to his two eyes. "I simply picked up a set of calligraphy writings which I found best. Used my Sharingan to copy it, and then practiced until I perfected it. The whole thing was disappointingly easy, really."

Having a good calligraphy was very important to him because his hand writing was pretty shit in his past life due to poor schooling in his earlier days. So he'd made it his goal to have a great hand writing in this life. Which turned out to be two day's work with his Sharingan and Gamer System.

As he said. Disappointingly easy.

"What about your chakra control? Are you going to tell me that your chakra control is perfect as well?" Kushina asked in half snark and half defeat.

He rubbed the back of his head in mild embarrassment and her face fell.

"Really?" She groaned and he held back a chuckle.

"Well, in my defence, it isn't perfect." Even though he had tying his best to make it that way.

He'd always known the value of great Chakra Control so he'd spent a lot of time training it.

Since birth.

Or ever since he realised where he'd been reincarnated and was able to use his chakra. Which happened a month after he was born.

So yeah, his Chakra control might not be perfect but it was undoubtedly better than anyone else in this world. Even Tsunade. Maybe even better than the Sage of Six Paths for all he knew.

"Well, here, take this pen and pour a steady stream of chakra in it while drawing lines on this Chakra sensitive paper." Kushina said, handing him the set.

"How does this work?" He asked, giving a curious look to the Chakra Sensitive paper.

"If your chakra is too little, then the ink will be repelled by the paper and you'll not be able to draw a line. But if it's too much then the paper will get a hole in it. Don't worry about the paper. I have many of these lying around."

He nodded and after only a few tries, he got the right measure of just how much chakra he should pour into the brush and… that was that.

"Can we get started on making Fuinjutsu seals now?" He asked Kushina who looked completely defeated by this point.

"Yeah, sure." She replied with a listless look in her eyes.

Ah… it seems like he broke his new teacher as well.


Kushina Uzumaki POV

She watched in silence as the brat completed the 100th seal of one of the most basic seals that a Fuinjutsu student can make.

It was a simple seal with two basic elements to it. The first element took the Chakra from the user. And the second element converted that chakra into light.

So when you pour chakra into that seal, it glows. Simple as that.

It was an early precursor to the Light seal, which is able to store up a certain amount of chakra and can illuminate an entire room for an entire night.

She had learned this seal under the guidance of her father when she was 5 years old. At that time, her chakra control was not great and her calligraphy was only so-so, so it took her over a week to make a hundred copy of this seal.

The brat did the same in 5 minutes.

Thus, she was currently holding back the desire to tear out her hair and scream at the world.

She'd always known that the world was unfair and that not everyone had the same amount of talent. But this…

This was Bullshit!

"We're taking a break." She announced after testing all hundred seals for any defect. There weren't any.

"But I'm not tired." The brat had the audacity to say.

"Yes, you are." She said while giving him a 'kind' smile, her hands itching to pinch his cute chubby cheeks.

"Haha… Of course." The brat said while rubbing the back of his head and slowly inching away from her with a wary look. "Making hundred seals is a lot of work."

Her eye twitched.

The brat run.

He didn't get far before she glomped him and brought down the heaven's retribution upon him for being so talented by pinching his cheeks to her heart's content.

That would teach him his place, hmph!


Ren Uchiha POV.

"And we're here." His teacher announced in a grand manner as they finally reached, you guessed it, the Ichiraku Ramen Shop.

He glared at her. His chubby cheeks still feeling the phantom pain of her molestation.

"Cheer up, Ren-kun. After all, I'm going to treat you to the best Ramen in all of the world."

He ignored her and sat a few seats further away from her, only for her to pick him up and put him down on her lap.

He tried to struggle away from the demoness but she kept him firmly in place with a tight hug. Finally, he relented and leaned back on her bosom.

This was… comfortable.

"Hello, Kushina-san. I see that you've brought a little friend of yours with you today." A younger looking Teuchi said as he came out from the back of his stall.

He noticed a middle aged woman working at the back while carrying a one-year-old girl on her lap.

That must be Ayame and her mother. He guessed that the mother must've died in the Kyuubi incident in the canon timeline.

Hopefully, he'll be able to avert that tragedy in this world.

He'd already shown to Minato and Kushina that he can see 'glimpses' of the future. So a warning from him regarding the Kyuubi should be taken seriously.

"Yes Teuchi-san. Let me introduce you to my new disciple. Ren Uchiha." Kushina announced while raising him up for Teuchi to inspect.

"Hello, little one. I'm Teuchi, the owner of this humble stall. It is nice to meet you." Teuchi said with a warm smile on his face. "Feel free to come here anytime you're hungry. Kushina keeps a tab here, so you don't need to worry about paying for your meals either."

"Hey! That's my tab. Why do I have to share it with Ren-kun?" Kushina cried out in fake indignation.

"Because you're his teacher. And because Ren-kun is too little to pay for himself." Teuchi explained patiently.

Well… that wasn't technically true. He got a $10,000 salary from the Waifu Catalog Company per month after all. Which when converted to this world's money came to a total of 100,000 Ryo.

So over the past four and half years, he had accumulated over 5 million Ryo in his device, which he can take out anytime he wants.

And even without that, his parents had left behind a fair amount of money for him in their inheritance. Though he'll not get access to it until he either comes of age or becomes a Shinobi.

Still, he turned to look back at Kushina and gave her a cocky look. As if saying 'I am going to eat from your tab whether you want it or not. What can you do about it?'

Kushina's look of fake indignation turned into real indignation real quick but then she simply huffed and pulled him back into her lap.

"Five Miso Ramen for me and one for him." Kushina said and Teuchi immediately went back to work.

And they started waiting for the food.

"So… I haven't seen Minato-san in a while. Is he out on a mission?" He asked to make conversation and Kushina quickly nodded her head.

"Yup! But it's a super secret mission so I cannot tell you anything about it. He should return in a few days though." Kushina said, and while she tried to be chipper about it, he noticed the underlying worry in her voice.

'What kind of dangerous mission would Minato go to after the war has almost ended.' He wondered.

"Hm… Minato-san can use Hiraishin, can't he?" He asked.

"Yup." Kushina said but refused to divulge any more info on this topic.

"Do you know how to use it as well?" He asked but she shook her head.

"Why not?" He asked and she gave him a sad smile but kept her mouth shut.

Oh… she was a Jinchuriki so they didn't want to give her a Jutsu that she can use to run away.

Or at least he thought that this was what the higher ups must be thinking.

It was also possible that the Jutsu was simply too hard for her to learn. Or there might be some hidden conditions required to learn that Jutsu and Kushina just didn't qualify.

"Can I learn it?" He asked and Kushina gave him a curious look.

"Why would you want to learn it?" She asked.

"It's a convenient Jutsu." He said. "If I want to go and sightsee a distant country but I only have a single day of vacation, then I can't do that. But with Hiraishin, I can be in that country in an instant, enjoy the whole day there, and then return back once I'm done."

"So you want that Jutsu so that you can enjoy your vacations?" Kushina asked with an amused looked and he shrugged.

"I suppose it can be useful in a battle as well. If I'm up against a powerful opponent, then I can retreat from that fight easily. Or use Hiraishin to take my opponent to one end of the world and then leave him there." He said. "But yeah. It's a useful tool. I'm surprised that more people in Konoha haven't tried to learn it."

"They have tried." Kushina told him and he paused.


"They have. Many of the shinobi or kunoichi who earned enough merits in the war asked for Hiraishin. But no one else aside from Minato was able to learn it. Not even the Sannin."

That… made sense. If he, an outsider, can see just how useful that Jutsu is, then the shinobi living here would obviously notice the same things.

Especially someone like Orochimaru, who made it his whole shtick to escape from dangerous situations.

"So, can I learn it even if I don't have any merits?" He asked.

Kushina chuckled and rested her chin on top of his head. "If Minato really becomes a Hokage as you've 'seen' then I'll ask him for it and we'll see if you really have what it takes to learn the Jutsu that so many others failed to learn."

"I will learn it." He said with utmost confidence.

Kushina was silent for a moment before she spoke up. "I believe you, brat."

Then Teuchi arrived what their bowls of Miso Ramen.

It was delicious.


Minato Namikaze POV

He stared at the unconscious forms of his two students through the glass window and wondered how can someone who is lauded as the fastest shinobi in the world, always be late when it really matters.

Kushina hugged his arm by his side in a show of comfort and support and he squeezed her hand back in acknowledgement.

"I failed them, just like how I failed Obito." He said in a hoarse voice.

"You didn't." Kushina denied vehemently. "You were out on an important mission for the village. You couldn't have known."

"I'm a failure of a Sensei." He said and was then yanked back by Kushina until they were face to face.

Her eyes were scrunched up in anger as she spoke up. "You're not a failure Minato. You did everything you could for them. You made sure to train them as best as you could. And you protected them throughout the 3rd shinobi war. Yes, you failed them. But that doesn't make you a bad teacher. That's just life. And you need to accept that."

"How can I accept it when my students are right there, dying."

"They're not dying. Kakashi is just suffering from chakra exhaustion. He'll be right as rain in a month. And didn't Tsunade-san tell us that Rin should survive as well."

He let out a morose, self-depreciating laugh at that. "Heart on the left side of the chest. That is what it takes for a student of mine to survive. And even then, she might still die."

"She'll not die."

"She very well could." He said while shaking his head. "The seal holding back the Sanbi is already too weak. If it was not for that strange white flesh on her chest restraining Sanbi's chakra then it would have already been released into the world."

"And that's why we're here, aren't we." Kushina said. "Once they're done healing her, we'll go in there and we'll make sure that Sanbi remains inside Rin. We'll make sure that she survives, dattabane!"

He chuckled upon hearing Kushina's verbal tick and then leaned into a hug as tears fell from his eyes.

They remained like that for the next few minutes before the door of the room slid open and Tsunade gave them a stern look.

"Get inside!" She barked at them. "It's time."

He wiped his eyes and nodded at her before both him and Kushina rushed inside the room, intent on saving the life of his student.


3rd POV.

"I should go back there." The boy said, his eyes focused on the ground with an unnerving intensity as the red eye on his right eye socket spun.

"And then what?" The old man asked. "You go back there, reveal that you're alive. And everything will be right in the world once again."

"I don't care about the world. I have to confirm that she still lives."

"And if she does, then what? What is to say that she'll not just die in some other ill-fated mission? You know this world is cruel."

"I'll protect her. I'll make sure she never comes into danger ever again."

The old man barked out a laugh at that. "Don't make promises you cannot keep. No one can protect anyone in this world. Not even your Sensei, the fastest man in the world. Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless the world is perfect. Don't you want to be part of that world. A world where the people you cherish would never come into any danger. A peaceful world."

"A lie."

"A necessary lie. Or you can go back to that cruel world out there, and see if you can truly keep your promises and protect your loved ones from all the danger out there."


"The strongest decisions always require the strongest of wills. You already know what you need to do, child. You have already seen the cruelty of this world. Now, you have chance to change all that. To change everything for the better. Do not hesitate now."


"Make the choice. You either stay and work to make a truly peaceful world. Or you go back."

"I…" The boy hesitated for a long moment before the memory of the girl being pierced through by his other teammate crossed his eyes and his will firmed. "I choose to stay."


AN: Rin survived because of Universal Calibration. Here is it's description for those who don't what what that is:

Universal Calibration: Entering a new world, only to learn that the capture targets are out of your strike zone, can be… inconvenient. This perk will automatically adjust the ages, sexes, and sexualities of any canon characters, and the population's average beauty level, to better suit your preferences. This will occur before you or anyone in your retinue enter each world for the first time, and even affect the portions of the population that you have no interest in. The locals of that world will not notice these changes - from their perspective, that's just how things are. Any events of canon that would be affected by the alterations are adjusted as little as possible to keep the same general flow of events, keeping the scenario recognizable even though the participants are possibly decades older or younger. This perk cannot fundamentally shift a setting's danger rating or make capturing individual targets any easier.

I don't know if a 5 Kage Summit took place after the 3rd Great Shinobi war. But in this story, it did take place so that the 5 Kages can come together and talk about the peace. Minato joined Hiruzen as a guard so he wasn't there when Ren got kidnapped.

And yeah, the whole Obito deciding to stay with Madara might seem like lazy writing. And I won't lie, that's exactly what it is. Because I don't want to bring Obito back into Konoha, and then write an entirely new storyline from the scratch.

Do you have any idea how much time and effort that would take?

So yeah, I'm sticking with the canon timeline when it comes to Obito. Sorry not sorry.


Also, for those who haven't read my last fic and don't know what Nightmare Mode is. Here's it's description:

1. You only get 1/10th the amount of given points upon World Selection. Hence why he gained 59 points at the start instead of 590 points.

2. Instead of the normal Stamp that you can use again and again and again to capture as many waifus as possible, you get a One-time use Stamp. That you can only use once, in a given world. Use it wisely. (You'll get another such stamp when you go to your next world.)

3. You cannot buy any other Binding Methods. So no Tempest Jewelery, Shroud, Tantric Arts, or Hypnosis App for you.

4. You cannot buy any lures either. So no Faerie Feast, Sticky Fingers, Alluring Whisper, or Love Spot for you.

5. You cannot buy any Waifus from the Catalog either. So there's no Waifu Catalog in this Waifu Catalog. Heh!

6. You cannot stamp a Husbando or Familiars. Only Waifus.

7. Waifus who confess their love to you will still be captured in the standard way. But for that, you'll have to make them genuinely fall in love with you and then confess that love to you. Good luck with that buddy.

Hope this helps

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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