
ตอน 1: Chapter 1: Prologue

"Interesting," he said as he stared at the mirror, knowing he is not in his original body, which he finds amusing.

"At least I died an honorable death," he said, having died after saving a little girl who nearly fell onto the train tracks.

"But that was a gruesome death; I still feel the pain from separating my head," he said, his body shivering at the thought.

"Let's not think about it and try the power that this body has," he said as he closed his eyes.

He imagines a small wisp of fire in his mind. "Fire," he said, as a small wisp of flame appears right in front of him.

"Hmm, it works, but what about the power that I possess?" he said.

He thinks about it, and a sword appears in his hand. He summons a pitch-black sword.

"I remember this sword. The only good sword that he has," he said.

The sword is capable of devouring holy energy.

'I should not wave it around in the toilet,' he said inwardly as he unsummoned it.

"Is this a blessing in disguise? I have a handsome face and lean muscles, which surprises me since this body doesn't have that much muscle mass," he said. "The fact still stands that I am Kiba Yuuto, the Knight of Rias Gremory."

"I should be at Middle-Class Devil or a tier below it. Either way, I don't care. Let's get some sleep before I decide to do anything first," Yuuto walked out of the toilet and headed to his bed to sleep.

The Next Day,

"I guess this is real," Yuuto woke up and got out of bed. He looked at the clock, and it said 6:50 AM. 'It's still early for a Japanese student. I suppose he did train early. If that's the case, let's go to the nearby gym.'

Yuuto took a bath, cleaned himself, and then packed a bigger bag with spare clothes and Kuoh Academy uniform. He also brought two pairs of shoes, one for school and one for sports.

As he walked out of his room and headed outside, someone saw him. She had white hair and a small petite body, looking very cute. It was Koneko, and she thought to herself as she saw Yuuto, 'He's training elsewhere. Hmm, do your best, Kiba-senpai.'

On his way to the nearest gym, after checking the location using his phone, he took a look at his money.

"Good enough for membership," Yuuto said as he walked there with a sleepy face.

When he arrived, he looked at the gym and entered it. The receptionist asked him with a smile, "What is your name, handsome young man?"

"Kiba Yuuto. I'm here to apply for membership," Yuuto said.

"Really? Here is the registration form. Are you going to take the monthly or yearly?" the receptionist asked.

"Yearly," Yuuto said.

Yuuto began filling out the registration form and gave it to the receptionist. She took it and said, "Kiba-san, you can start exercising. When the card is finished, I'll call your name. If you want to put your stuff in the locker, here's the key, number 39." The receptionist handed him the key.

"Thanks," Yuuto said as he took the key, headed to the locker room, put his bag in the locker, and then went outside to the gym equipment.

He tested the dumbbell first; it was 30 kg and tested his strength. He did a dumbbell curl, as this was his number in his past life.

"Huh? Why does it feel so light?" Yuuto muttered.

Then he went straight to the heavier dumbbell, which was 50 kg. He did a dumbbell curl and said, "Is this for real?"

"I guess let's look at the barbell now," Yuuto said.

He began setting up the barbell using the Olympic one and put a pair of weight plates, 35 kg each side.

'Let's try squats,' Yuuto instantly did it, and he had a shocked face. 'Fucker, why is it so easy? Let me put more heavy plates.'

He changed the plates to 60 kg each side. This was the best he could get with this gym. He lifted 120 kg easily, doing squats like it was no problem at all.

'Fucking hell, I want to lift heavy weights. Men happy. Why the hell is it so fucking easy?' Yuuto frustrated. 'Let's just do some old calisthenics exercises.'

Yuuto began doing muscle-ups until his arms felt sore. Then he headed to the treadmill and set it to the fastest speed. He kept running until he was tired.

At this time, people began entering the gym.

Yuuto looked at the clock; it was 7:30 AM.

'It's still early; let's do a few more exercises and then head to school. I hate school, and I miss my old school with my friends. Those were the golden times, me with my friends,' Yuuto smiled, thinking about the past.

Yuuto began doing several more calisthenics. When the time hit 8:10, he went to the washroom to clean himself and put on his Kuoh Academy uniform.

One of the people in the locker room saw him and said, "Kiba? Since when do you go to the gym, pretty boy?"

The person was also a student, with well-built muscles, light hair, and a regular haircut, with several unidentified dark strands peeking out of it.

"Today, I just started. But what's your name? You can call me Yuuto," Yuuto offered a handshake.

"Here I thought you were an arrogant bastard. My name is Hashimoto Yoma. You can also call me Yoma," Yoma accepted Yuuto's handshake firmly, testing his strength.

Yuuto smiled as he fought back, soon defeating Yoma, of course. Yoma let go of his hand in pain and said, "Damn, you're strong for a skinny dude."

"It's nothing. I've just been gifted with strength, so I finally decided to start weightlifting," Yuuto said. "We can continue our talk; we don't have much time before the school closes the gate."

"Right, let's go," Yoma said.

Yuuto took his membership card, and then the two of them sprinted off towards Kuoh Academy. Yuuto maintained his speed, although he was sore after the training he had just done.

They managed to arrive at the school just in the nick of time.

Both of them took a breath, and someone said as she closed the school gate, "Yoma, like usual, but Kiba-san, why are you also late? This is the first time that you've done it."

Yoma commented on it as he looked at Yuuto, whispering, "Oh, you were just the shining example of academic excellence, weren't you, Mr. A-grade student?"

"Shut up, bro," Yuuto replied back.

"I'm talking to the two of you, stop whispering," Sona said, getting annoyed by the two of them. "Go to your own classrooms."

"But are you going, Sona-kaichou?" Yuuto asked.

"I'm going, but—" Yuuto interrupted her. "But isn't that the teacher's job? Why are you doing this?"

"Can't you mind your own business?" Sona said in a fierce tone.

"Chill. I will, let's go, Yoma," Yuuto said as he patted Yoma on the back, and the two of them headed inside the school.

"Damn, she was fierce. Why are you testing her?" Yoma asked.

"No, I didn't. I'm just asking," Yuuto said.

As they were close to Yoma's class, Yoma said, "Never thought talking to you would be nice. Are you free after school? We can go to the gym together if you want?"

"Sure, I can make some time. Wait there, as I still need to do something after school," Yuuto said as he made a fist.

Yoma saw that and fist-bumped him. "Roger that, bro."

The two of them separated, and Yuuto headed to his class. When he entered, the girls said, "Kiba-san has arrived!"

A few of the boys in the classroom looked annoyed, and some seemed frustrated. Yuuto put his index finger on his lips to indicate for them to be quiet. They instantly quieted down as Yuuto went to his seat and waited for the class to start.

The girls whispered to each other.

"I think Kiba-san is tired. We should be respectful and follow his wishes."

"Yeah, you're right. We should tell the other girls."

The girls began typing away while Yuuto sighed, seeing their behavior.

'They need to grow up,' Yuuto thought as he looked out the window.

The class started after a teacher arrived a few minutes later. They began teaching, and then the next teacher, and the next teacher, until finally, lunch break arrived, where Yuuto just decided to close his eyes and sleep.

'But why the hell do the subjects I'm learning seem harder than in my previous life? They're the same subjects for God's... sake.'

Headaches attacked him as he endured them.

'This restriction is annoying,' Yuuto said. 'But it would be good if I use this as my training regimen.'

Yuuto began chanting "God" in his mind, training his brain literally.

After the lunch break ended, the class started as usual until the bell rang. The teacher left the room, and the students followed suit.

But the girls were worrying about Yuuto as they saw him making pained expressions during class. They didn't disturb him, as they understood that Yuuto needed some space.

'I need to go to the Occult Research Clubroom (ORC) first,' Yuuto quickly got up and headed toward that place.

During this walk, he began to chant "God" nonstop until his body adapted to it. He was making himself adapt to avoid any weaknesses he had now.

It could be life-threatening if he didn't learn how to adapt, as if his future enemy had some kind of control power, they could make Yuuto say "God," causing him to get a headache, and the enemy could attack him at that time.

'It's better to prepare than regret,' Yuuto said to himself in his heart.

When he arrived at ORC, he headed to the meeting room. There, he saw a long red-haired busty lady and a long black-haired busty lady waiting while drinking tea.

The red-haired lady was Rias Gremory, the King, while the black-haired lady was Himejima Akeno, the Queen.

"The two busty onee-san. But Akeno sure is still my favorite," Kiba saw Akeno look at him with a smile.

"How was your day, Yuuto?" Rias asked with a smile.

Akeno poured some drink for Yuuto and patted the sofa next to her. He took a seat and drank it.

"Nothing new, but I did make a friend," Yuuto replied.

Rias and Akeno were surprised, so they were happy for him.

"Congratulations," Akeno said.

"Can I leave early? I have plans for today," Yuuto said.

"Sure, there's nothing important for you to do yet," Rias said.

"Thanks," Yuuto said as he took a step out of the room. He turned around and said to the two of them, "Bye."

Which resulted in the two of them saying, "Bye, Yuuto," Rias replied. "Bye, Kiba-kun," Akeno replied.

Yuuto left the ORC and headed straight to the gym, while Akeno and Rias were confused about Yuuto being happy.

"He seems to be very happy," Akeno said. "His face looks better with that smile rather than a poker face and fake smile."

"Yes, I guess him getting a friend helps," Rias said.

But the two of them were happy to see that Yuuto was not serious and was not faking a smile. He was always serious.

Speaking of the devil, Yuuto arrived at the gym and changed his clothes, heading straight to the main room. He saw Yoma already waiting for him.

"The stuff you needed to do already finished? I thought it would take longer," Yoma said.

"It's just the little things that I need to do," Yuuto said.

"So, are we going to train together?" Yoma asked.

"Of course, let's go," Yuuto said.

They began with some stretching first.

"What do you do in your free time?" Yuuto asked first.

"Working as a model," Yoma said.

"Oh, interesting," Yuuto said.

"What about you?" Yoma asked.

"Working with my family in their community service. It's not that hard," Yuuto said.

"Usually a man with your popularity wouldn't do something like this," Yoma said.

"Ehh, I'm not like other men," Yuuto said.

Then they started with simple dumbbell curls. Yoma was surprised that Yuuto could carry the heaviest.

'He did say he was gifted. Is this what he meant?' Yoma thought.

While Yuuto said inwardly, 'This is easy, I should use Demonic Energy to make this harder. Think the dumbbells are heavy.'

Yuuto thought that and Demonic Power did its work, making the dumbbells heavier. Now Yuuto finally could use a little bit more strength.

"So, what's your meal plan, Yoma?" Yuuto asked.

"Hmm, at 7 AM, I drink my protein shakes and start my training. During lunch break, I eat my bento that I cooked, full of meat and vegetables. Then at 5 PM, I drink protein shakes again. At 7 PM, I eat my last meal and go to sleep. Sleep is very important, just like training. I have experienced it because of my stubbornness," Yoma explained.

Yuuto chuckled hearing that from Yoma. "I guess you keep on going until you pass out."

"True," Yoma agreed.

After that, they did barbell curls. Yoma was not surprised now that Yuuto could use all the heaviest weights.

Yuuto also did the same thing when he did it with Demonic Power. After they were done, Yoma approached with a challenge to see whose endurance was better.

They started with the first exercise, which was jumping rope. This was getting stupid as Yoma was trying to beat Yuuto, but he couldn't as he stopped.

"Next exercise," Yoma said, not wanting to lose all of the challenge.

To Yoma's surprise, he lost all of it, with Yuuto still having extra stamina.

"You are a beast, Yuuto," Yoma said.

Yuuto was smiling, hearing that compliment.

After this, they left and went their separate ways. Yuuto headed to the nearby supermarket to buy protein shakes and a bottle for it.

'After I get home, I should take a look at my Sacred Gear and Demonic Power,' Yuuto said inwardly.

When he returned home, he took a bath. After finishing, while wearing a towel to hide his private parts, he headed to the kitchen and made his protein drink.

Koneko entered the kitchen to get her cookies in the fridge and did not see him as she brought out her cookies in a bag. When she closed the fridge door, she finally saw Yuuto drinking the protein shake in one gulp.

"Kiba-senpai," Koneko said, surprised, but her eyes did wander a bit on Yuuto's body, which had some muscles.

"Yes, Koneko," Yuuto said with a smile.

"Why are you here without wearing any clothes?" Koneko asked with a poker face.

"It was on the way," Yuuto said.

"Kiba-senpai, you are lazy," Koneko said.

"Yeah, I am," Yuuto said as he watched the new bottle, and then he left the kitchen, leaving Koneko wondering what just happened.

'Did something happen to Kiba-senpai?' Koneko wondered.

As Yuuto arrived in his room, he wore clean clothes and sat on the floor to meditate.

'Let's see where my Demonic Power is at. Even if I have the memories of this original body, it's better for me to check them on my own,' Yuuto thought.

Yuuto imagined himself in his power source location. It took a small amount of Demonic Power to do it.

As he opened his eyes, he saw his Demonic Power in the form of scarlet fire, which was of a normal size. The fire's size was at least half of a normal door.

"Hmm, I need to train this to be at least bigger. Now let's see my Sword Birth," Yuuto did the same thing and imagined he was in his Sacred Gear's location.

As he opened his eyes, he saw himself in an open barren desert with rubble littered with hundreds of swords anchored in the ground like grave markers in a wasteland, yet well preserved.

"So this is the place where I can create my sword," Yuuto smiled. "This place is similar to Unlimited Blade Works Reality Marble."

"I guess it does follow the shape of what the user imagines. I guess it shapes what I imagined it was supposed to be. And I'm sure I'm supposed to create it like I imagined," Yuuto said.

He extended his right hand forward and closed his eyes.

'Normal Knight Sword.'

A projection of a medieval knight sword materialized right in front of him. When Yuuto opened his eyes, he saw the medieval knight sword and smiled.

"Looks like I was right."

There was only one question in Yuuto's head now: what sword was his best bet that would help him in the long run?

"I guess let's create a custom one."

Yuuto held his chin and thought about what he needed.

'I think Ghost Rider suits me. Let's make a sword that, when I hold it, I become the Spirit of Vengeance.'

Yuuto extended both of his hands this time and focused up.

'First, the sword's shape.'

When he got the appearance down, he began thinking about what abilities it should have.

'Transforming into a Ghost Rider. What is Ghost Rider? The user has been bestowed by Zarathos. They grant the user nigh-extraordinary powers.'

Yuuto kept sending everything that he knew about Ghost Rider to the sword until the sword creation itself was completed.

He didn't know how long this would take, but when the sword's process was finished, Yuuto dropped to the ground tired and exhausted.

'The hell? Why was this so hard? No wonder this original body didn't try creating swords as much. But 'Blade of Vengeance' has a nice ring to it,' Yuuto thought before falling asleep.

Taidanotsumi Taidanotsumi

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To see the sword go to my patreon, it is free. Also, this novel will took longer to make as I make it as long as possible

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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