Daoist_Cheesecake - Profile


LV 4
2018-03-05 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United Kingdom

ป้าย 4

Moments 16

Replied to Daoist_Cheesecake

You can interpret what I said how you wish. Good luck with your story, just because I’m not a fan of the trope doesn’t mean you can’t make it work. I just highly doubt it. I can go on and make this into a long argument breaking down every thing that *I* felt forced or awkward with their social interactions up to that point and past, but why would I want to demotivate you just because the story fell into a trope I did not like? You’re clearly hard working hence why I didn’t slam your story and gave it a not so critical review (even said it was good which was me purposefully being polite) and focused on the reason why I dropped, and why I just warned you why there will be people dropping - I know you were aware there would be but I don’t think you considered the fact that when people want something and don’t get it they can continue to enjoy it eagerly waiting for it to one day happen (and it may never but they will still read wondering when) however if they do not want something added and receive it they will react much more harshly. And with a poll that close it’s an even worse decision. Next time you poll, if it’s not atleast 80% maybe even 90%+ ”yes” vote, don’t go through with it, much safer decision. Hence why I still stand by my statement of it being an awful decision. Understand that my review only wards away people that would’ve dropped specifically for this one reason. If you want a comprehensive critical review and breakdown let me know. You put out a lot of chapters which impressed me with your work ethic, so what if a few people drop? Take it on your chin and move forward, your story in the end of the day. Not everything is an attack. Once again good luck, and keep writing.


We saw the dude fight when he was old af like Sarutobi, sure he had sharingan but if you see how much chakra it drained from Kalashi? He had Hashirama dna on one arm only to hold the sharingan. Imagine him at peak strength when he had prime level of his own chakra spamming wind blades and jutsu. All we saw was a crippled old man using an arm and abilties that aren’t his for most likely the first time in battle, who did not fight for atleast a decade using sharingan abilities he most likely got to keep him alive from assassination attempts. Danzo, like Hiruzen we’re far from the shinobi they used to be, being 80yo and sitting behind desks for so long. They were most likely beasts to be able to live to that age. Hiruzen was seen sealing the weakened 1st and 2nd kage with one hand while dominating orochimaru with perfext use of jutsu. An orochimaru who we only then see fight crippled for the remainder of the series and shippuden, but still makes everyone wary and terrified. An orochimaru who can confidently battle a four tail kyuubi jinchuuriki with just a sword from his mouth. No arms. Even though hes a ninjutsu specialist who was taughy by Hiruzen himself.

Starting at the Tokubetsu Jounin level, there are two divisions, a Jounin and an Elite Jounin, and higher up is the Kage level, but in this world there is no Kage level, so in terms of ninja level, an Elite Jounin is the pinnacle, although in Yeruashi's opinion, ninjas like Konoha's White Fang and Danzo, who are much more powerful than the average Elite Jounins, can be called "Kage level" ninjas to make it easier to differentiate them.

Naruto: Time Control

Naruto: Time Control

Anime & Comics · inferno303

Replied to Hydranoid88

Tbf when Shizui told Hiruzen and Danzo they didn’t seem too shocked, Hiruzen was just stern and Danzo began plotting to steal it for its brainwashing ability. They most likely already knew from their old partner Kagami, or their sensei Tobirama or Hashirama would have told them since the Senju would’ve encountered the Mangekyo plenty of times after centuries of battling them. Orochimaru was keenly aware of the potency of the sharingan and also helped Danzo implanting them, he was also more obsessed with them than the Byakugan which is superior than base sharingan since immunity to genjutsu so this hints that he probs knew about mangekyo since that’s when Sharingan becomes more superior. My point is many of the high brass in Konoha are aware of Uchiha secrets. Didn’t help the Uchiha that Madara was a show off, his battle with Hashirama that created the valley of the end was legendary so many must have witnessed it, it wasn’t far from Konoha afterall. Anyway my point is Jiraiya most likely learnt of this from Hiruzen or Tsunade or literally any higher up.

Jiraiya sighed. "The Eternal Mangekyo is the next evolution of the Mangekyo Sharingan," he began, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "You unlock it by implanting the Mangekyo of a close relative into your own eyes. Once you have it, your Mangekyo abilities receive a significant boost, and you no longer risk losing your sight from using them."

Naruto: The Wandering Blacksmith

Naruto: The Wandering Blacksmith

Anime & Comics · what_if_3574

Replied to electronatom

Thank you for that. I hate the annoying pointless conversations with the system. I feel like they do it just to bolster word count. Annoying af. You have good common sense!

[Readers who have bookmarked from many days ago to make the name consistent i edited all the previous chapters and i have also made system have no intelligence, it doesn't have annoying speech mocking mc everytime it speaks]

Naruto: The rise of Uzumaki Kingdom

Naruto: The rise of Uzumaki Kingdom

Anime & Comics · electronatom


10/10 You’re insanely talented. Don’t let these idiots convince you to quit! This is one of the best fics I’ve actually read on this damn site. Ignore the bs from these brats. You’re a fantastic writer! And the character is great, self-ware of his ego yet he unapologetically embraces it! Vane, ego-centric, selfish, but also dreams of a better world for everyone, selfish yet selfless. Flawed like literally every person who exists and will ever exist, but accepts who he is (something rare even in fictional characters). I’m sick of ruthless murder hobo’s, psychopaths ignorantly written by brats. This has substance. Please continue! Please be aware a lot of these idiots haven’t finished any form of education and are barely literate, and another good percentage are foreign speakers, (no offence to them but they tend to use these fics to learn English and aren’t educated in English literature). Your grammar is excellent, your story telling is fantastic, seemless transitions in perspective, poetically written language which match well with the setting and context of the story. The flowery and beautifully descriptive style in which you use also meshes well with the artistic theme of the main character. You need to finish, not just for my own sanity but your own. Be proud of your work, and don’t you dare accept criticism from brats on this site. I can go on and on about the positives but I need you to continue first!



"Nothing," he stated. "I slept like a baby."

Reborn as Rhaenyra's Twin - (House of the Dragon)

Reborn as Rhaenyra's Twin - (House of the Dragon)

TV · ssyffix

Replied to Daoist_Cheesecake

Though some may hold a direct seat on the council as well as the position (e.g. Jellal). This Michello person is not one of the four gods of Ishgar.

Michello, the third-seat of Magic Council's Ten Wizard Saint, countered, "Mr. Yajima, we understand your close ties to Makarov and Fairy Tail, but we cannot afford leniency this time. Hasn't Fairy Tail caused enough turmoil?"

Fairy Tail : The Strongest Creature

Fairy Tail : The Strongest Creature

Anime & Comics · Ani_Scout

Replied to Panera_Employee

Ashura inherited sage of six paths body whereas Indra inherited his eyes. Thus being a reincarnation of Ashura you inherit the sages body… so Hashirama has sages body.

In the annals of history, Hashirama Senju stands as a titan among shinobi, a figure whose name will forever be etched in the hallowed halls of legend. His legacy continues to resonate through the ages, serving as a reminder of the boundless power that can be achieved through strength, determination, and a heart full of compassion.

Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

Anime & Comics · The_Zen_Boy
