jystin - Profile


LV 14
2018-04-05 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 8

Moments 106



Standing in front of Tobias was a huge purple monster with a beaked face, an exposed brain, skulls for kneepads, and currently wrapped in chains. In between the two was a scarecrow, but not a normal one. A scarecrow made of scrap iron that had chains coming out of it to hold the monster in place.

Wild Card In MHA

Wild Card In MHA

Anime & Comics · RubberPeen

Replied to 0vrLrd71


Tobias seeing that he was knocked down, took out another card and threw it at him. As the card hit him, a demonic gate appeared behind him, opening as chains flew out to wrap up the villain and drag him into it. Unfortunately, because of the greater sealing effect of the card, the time it took for him to be dragged into it was longer than normal and increased the more the villain resisted.

Wild Card In MHA

Wild Card In MHA

Anime & Comics · RubberPeen

Replied to jystin


The door, which had been giving way, ended up breaking into thousands of splinters and pieces, giving way to the invading forces of Xandar, who did not hesitate to enter the temple and begin a slaughter, with the Enderman being the first to enter and charge as a dark wave swept over the walls, ceiling, and floor, extinguishing torches and extinguishing any light they passed by.

ASOIAF/GOT: Minecraft in Essos.

ASOIAF/GOT: Minecraft in Essos.

TV · Marcia_05


the night is dark and full of terrors. - Definitely true now f**king Endermen.

The door, which had been giving way, ended up breaking into thousands of splinters and pieces, giving way to the invading forces of Xandar, who did not hesitate to enter the temple and begin a slaughter, with the Enderman being the first to enter and charge as a dark wave swept over the walls, ceiling, and floor, extinguishing torches and extinguishing any light they passed by.

ASOIAF/GOT: Minecraft in Essos.

ASOIAF/GOT: Minecraft in Essos.

TV · Marcia_05



Durrak's 'tribe' of giants accepted being settled in one of the more remote areas of the valley. They were not quite stupid... I'd hesitate to call them any kind of intelligent but they were very simple folk when it came down to it. They wanted to raise their cow herds in peace and if they could get us to promise to not bother them they were more than content to return the favor and even trade after a point.

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav


Nightshade- The Falmer Foodie She needs to start giving stars (or little suns) to inns and food vendors

I tilt my head to the side only to see Nightshade gorging herself on some street food she likely bought earlier. The moment our eyes meet she quickly hides the food behind her back causing me to chuckle only to stop moments later as I realize that my voice has grown a bit more melodious than before.

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav


is he gana run into the lady creating elemental spiders?

Three months had passed since the rather... pitiful attempt on Reyvin's life and the subsequent execution of the assassin by way of ravenous spider, and many things had happened in the meantime.

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav



Davos shakes his head and pulls out his trusty crossbow, looks at it for a moment, looks at the centurions, sighs, and finally rushes up at one of the mounted ballistae.

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav


Marwyn the mage, interested in necromancy


On the evening of our arrival, at least I think it was the evening, I was skulking around camp with the help of my umbramancy and noticed Marwyn talking animatedly with Phineas. The lich was telling something to the Breton before the young man brought out a bird carcass and animated it. So this was the path he chose in the end...

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav



Harald, being the testosterone machine that he was, contented himself with throwing spears across the field and impaling a good dozen of them on his own.

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav



The smile I give him shakes him to his core.

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav


he is one of the few that I max out dialog options with, and check back for more.

Just as I am about to enter the storm again I hear "LOH VAH KOR!" and the storm disappears.

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav



The guards get to the grim business of finishing off any wounded Falmer, and we all take our time checking for any traps or additional ambushes. Soon we are ransacking the houses in case there is any Falmer still hiding, we do find some very young ones but Hjolmir sends all of us out of that house and I prefer not to think about what he did next.

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav


Loot everything, then do the hero slow walk as u slaughter everything before you because you are a hero. Definitely not because you took everything that wasn't nailed down, nope, definitely not.

Most of the initial rooms are empty, well empty of Falmer, there re a lot of Dwemer items that should sell for a pretty penny once they were done with their expedition, naturally no one loots anything as it would only weigh them down going forward.

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav



" I challenge you for Lady Catelyn's hand, Tree hugger barbarian! I shall not allow my friend to be taken by a Northern barbarian! You should all be put to the sword! Every man, woman, and child." Benjen heard a young man say.

Game of Thrones: Dovahkiin

Game of Thrones: Dovahkiin

TV · Caio_Bernardo



"You jest… right?" Davos asked

Game of Thrones: Dovahkiin

Game of Thrones: Dovahkiin

TV · Caio_Bernardo
