Webnovel Author: usha412 - Novel Collection



LV 14

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2018-09-02 เข้าร่วมแล้ว India

ป้าย 18

Moments 89

Replied to Naam_Shabana



Aww.. poor gurl.

Emilia heaves a sigh and slaps herself in the face. "That's right. We aren't even together in any way so why does any of this matter? He wants to use me, then I'll just use him back." She says with fresh resolve as she heads outside.

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

Fantasy · GoddessKarma


Bashful Isaac hahahahahhaha. I totally wanna see his expression. OML

"Brother!" She shouts gleefully. Winston hisses quietly in annoyance. "Hey sis, what's going on? You seem pretty cheerful today, was the mall that fun?" Isaac asks with an amused chuckle. "I suppose you could say I enjoyed myself. But that's not what's important right now! This guy is Winston, you'll be training him starting today. He said he wants to see just how strong a Rose prince could possibly be." Emilia laughs menacingly. "You don't say? Perfect timing, I was looking for a new sparring partner after the last one got sent to the hospital." Isaac says bashfully.

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

Fantasy · GoddessKarma


Haha, omg.

Dimitri's face contorts with intense anger. "WHO DARED TO DO SUCH A THING TO YOU?!" He shouts and stands up from his seat. Dietrich panics and sends a silent plea to Emilia for mercy. "Nobody, I was just curious what would happen if someone did." Emilia says in a calming tone. "I see… Well it ultimately depends on you dear. If you are offended then we could go as far as to kill a. If you don't care about it then we would settle for castration." Dimitri says nonchalantly. Emilia smiles, "I see. Thank you for that. I'll see you later tonight for lunch, okay?"

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

Fantasy · GoddessKarma



"I'm guessing you knew he was watching us? That's why you chose that moment to make a move on me? It had nothing to do with wanting to talk about that thing from before." Emilia accuses Dietrich, the annoyance in her voice becoming more evident. "Well… Umm, Em it's not exactly like that. What I mean is, I wasn't actually thinking we would get that far before he made himself known." Dietrich says, not realizing that he's making things worse for himself. "I see, my apologies then, Prince Dietrich. Next time I'll make certain that we don't get anywhere near that, okay?" She says with a sickeningly sweet smile that says 'you fucked up buddy.'

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

Fantasy · GoddessKarma


Sooo wholesome and cuteee. AAAaa. ma heartoooo.

Quin gives them a sad look, feeling left out. Emilia feels a bit guilty so, despite herself, she offers her arms to Quin. The older woman jumps at the opportunity and joins in on the hug. Though she is smiling externally, Emilia is feeling extremely uncomfortable and grimacing on the inside. She shrugs mentally, at least they're happy and nobody is pouting about anymore.

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

Fantasy · GoddessKarma


True true. A lady can never have too many clothes. Totally agreed.

"Hey, I wasn't sure what kind of clothes you like wearing so I brought a little bit of everything for you to choose from. Please tell mom that I did NOT bring too many clothes for you." Vira says with a pointed glare at her mother. "Mom, a lady can never have too many clothes to pick from. I am simply ensuring that my little sister has enough variety to pick something that she's comfortable wearing." She adds with sass.

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

Fantasy · GoddessKarma



Emilia looks over at Quin to see if this is true. Quin's face was lit up hopefully, obviously anticipating Emilia's response. Emilia sighs and stands up. "Alright but can I at least shower first? I smell like a pig that rolled in its own feces." She says deadpan. Vira bursts into a fit of laughter at Emilia's analogy while Quin gasps. Emilia, however, fails to understand their reactions.

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

Fantasy · GoddessKarma



"Oh, I see. That's good to hear. But…you're mates? Did you uh… Umm you know…" Dimitri stumbles over his words with a bashful expression on his face. It takes every ounce of Dietrich's strength to not laugh at the King's shyness. "I believe he's trying to ask us if he's going to be a grandfather some time soon." Dietrich explains with a hint of amusement. Emilia's eyes grow wide as she blushes a bright tomato red. "No! Of course not!! It's way too soon and besides I… Just no!" She denies louder than planned.

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

Fantasy · GoddessKarma


Dude. shrugs

Dietrich rolls his eyes and ignores Isaac's words. Or at least pretends as though he is ignoring them, but they played in his mind on repeat for the remainder of the ride. Is he really that into her? Of course mates automatically have a special kind of connection the moment they meet but Dietrich hadn't thought about his feelings for the small female before. He knew he felt protective of her and definitely had a sexual attraction to her, but actually falling for her this soon? And is it really that obvious to outsiders? If it were then wouldn't he have noticed his own feelings by now? And what about Emilia, she didn't seem to notice anything. Or she didn't say or show any signs of knowing…

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

Fantasy · GoddessKarma



Dietrich tilts his head at Emilia but she just shrugs and turns toward her window. Dietrich taps Vira's shoulder and receives a wink, telling him that this is some kind of strange plan. Dietrich shakes his head and stifles his laughter as he catches on. They want Dietrich and Emilia to sit next to each other so that she would stop glaring at Vira.

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

Fantasy · GoddessKarma


I agree with Em here. haha

Patrick lifts an eyebrow at Emilia. "Oh? Are you saying you want to have some private time with your mate? In a rush to complete the mating process, ey? I'm not sure how mom and dad are going to take that news. After all, they're about to see you again after so long… they'll want to spend time getting to know their long lost daughter." Patrick teases playfully. "You're kind of dumb, aren't you?" Emilia growls and walks away to get her things packed up.

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

Fantasy · GoddessKarma


Sadly yes... hahahhahahhahahha

Dietrich growls and moves to punch Patrick but Emilia steps in front of him. "But… fine." He sighs. "If they really are my siblings then that would mean I shouldn't allow you to harm them, right?" Emilia points out. "Now, is that guy really my brother?" She asks again. "Sadly, yes." Dietrich says with disappointment. "Good. Then as his sister I'm allowed to hit him." She says with a vicious smile.

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

Fantasy · GoddessKarma



Vira spots Dietrich and immediately jumps into his arms while hugging him tightly. Dietrich freezes up and stares at Emilia. She shrugs and looks away. "So? Can you confirm their identities, MATE." She asks while putting emphasis on the word mate. Vira jumps down and becomes visibly anxious. "Emilia, he's your mate?! Wait wait wait! I didn't mean anything by that hug, I promise! I've just known Dietrich for a long time. Oh, but nothing happened between us, I swear we are just friends. Wait… that still sounds weird…" Vira says as she begins to panic.

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

Fantasy · GoddessKarma


Yayy to siblings.

Emilia steps out and looks at the two strangers. Both had black hair and silver eyes, just like her. "Who are you? And how do you know Dietrich?" Emilia growls with suspicion. The male steps forward to speak. "We are Isaac and Vira Rose, from the Southern Kingdom. Who are you?" He growls back. The female, Vira places a hand on her companion's shoulder. "I think it's pretty obvious who she is. You must be Emilia, right? We're your older brother and sister. We've come to take you back home." Vira says happily.

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

Fantasy · GoddessKarma


Haha. Why curse the boulder? What did the boulder do? SMH

Emilia walks into the woods and continues walking for an hour. She drops to her knees and screams at the top of her lungs. All the anger and frustration finally overwhelmed her. She ceases her screaming and punches the nearest object, a boulder, with all of her strength, immediately regretting it as she screeches in pain. She looks down at her bloodied fist and laughs at her own stupidity, "Of all the things I could do, I had to hit a stupid fucking boulder. Go figure." She sighs and shrugs off the searing pain as she ventures further into the forest.

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

Fantasy · GoddessKarma


Hehe. We totally believe you. Totally.

Emilia stares blankly as she tries to gather her thoughts and get her emotions back under control. 'What do I do? No, I can't fall for this. I won't fall for this. I feel nothing.' She repeats over and over in her head like a mantra. She takes a deep breath and looks over to Dietrich with renewed determination. "Okay, I'm going hunting now. By myself." She says, leaving no room for argument from him. He opens his mouth to refuse but she walks away before he has the chance to speak.

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

Fantasy · GoddessKarma
