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male LV 13
2019-10-01 เข้าร่วมแล้ว United States

ป้าย 5

Moments 4223


So he's copying Venom's look

Another tactical suit-wearing man strode onto the stage, but rather than the grey of Steel Spiders armour, his was jet back with a white spider on the front. His arms and legs rippled and plates formed and dissolved as he went through several transformations, creating blades, claws and balls of the web that he shot at moving target equipment at the end of the stage.

Marvel: House of venom

Marvel: House of venom

Movies · Mallison


You mean fight for the innocent unlike like the corrupt Cops/Politicians/News Agencies


"Look Pop, I need your backing. With the media on my side, on our side, we can spin this however we want. Venom won't be able to hide, he won't have any friends to help him and we can nail him, get a scoop and a conviction, but I want you to headline this for us. I want the Daily Bugle to be our sponsor. You know how much space meant to me, how much you and New York mean to me. If Harry is right then Venom is dangerous, you know what he does, you see the reports. I have to take the fight to him, I have to stop him. Please Pop, please."

Marvel: House of venom

Marvel: House of venom

Movies · Mallison


Don't break it off you might give him a symbiote

"A reminder," and Venom made a small blade, no bigger than a finger and he stabbed it into Eddie's shoulder, before breaking it off. "Stay away from us." and dropping him, sent out another line and leapt off into the New York skyline.

Marvel: House of venom

Marvel: House of venom

Movies · Mallison



"Make me rich son. You've still not gotten over that small genetics hurdle yet, have you? I said, once the WSC sets its mind on something it never changes it, genetic manipulation is only going to be allowed to treat illness, no money in curing the sick son, make money prolonging the disease."

Marvel: House of venom

Marvel: House of venom

Movies · Mallison



"Look man, fuck you, it's bad enough I'm covered in Venom gunk but now I gotta listen to your crap. Get lost," Sandman spied the same tower Venom had, would water help get rid of this damn sticky crap faster? He'd reabsorbed enough of the sand from the ground to at least attempt it. It was better than the alternative, being stuck with this idiot while the cops got here.

Marvel: House of venom

Marvel: House of venom

Movies · Mallison


No he did it first then you and black cat

"First, he copied me, and second, thanks to your confession I think you'll be spending more time in jail, uh Sandman was it." Spider-Man flicked open a phone. "Yes, this is Spider-Man. I have the villain Sandman webbed to a roof at," he leaned over the building and checked the name of a shop nearby "Madison and Jones yeah, 9th, near the docks, that's right, no, he's not going anywhere, thank you, officer." Clicking the phone closed he took a few pics with the Sandman and then paused for a second.

Marvel: House of venom

Marvel: House of venom

Movies · Mallison



She needed the courage, the three women had gotten together and made plans and while Gwen and Felicia were confident, MJ had her doubts. She was sure she liked them she just needed a push, nothing bad, just a little edge that once she started she wouldn't have any doubts at all. like skydiving, she thought, no one sane jumps out a plane without being pushed, its fine, yup, its fine.

Marvel: House of venom

Marvel: House of venom

Movies · Mallison


Wait Otto wasn't the one with missing hand that was Dr.Conner who make the lizard

"I, I'd like you to meet him, maybe come for dinner sometimes, uh, and once you've met he can come and meet MJ. I uh, will warn you though, Otto, he's disabled. So no staring and no asking, the poor man lost a limb in an accident, so when you meet, behave okay."

Marvel: House of venom

Marvel: House of venom

Movies · Mallison



"Dad wants you, stick to the plan," and then smiling, he made his way to the executive cafeteria. It was deconstructed taco Tuesday, thick steaks with rich herb crumb and creamy cheese sauce, one of his favourites.

Marvel: House of venom

Marvel: House of venom

Movies · Mallison


Or you know cameras that recorded your name when she screamed it out like a idiot

Cash and bricks of brown and white powder were bundled into the bag, the safe was empty of anything else, other than ammo and a few explosives, which Venom relieved them of. A shuttered window provided their escape route as they could both hear sirens in the distance, more for their first heist rather than this one, but better safe than sorry. A place like this might have silent alarms and help or worse might be on the way.

Marvel: House of venom

Marvel: House of venom

Movies · Mallison


How dare you say that name and that title together


Life was looking up for Eddie Brock, New York's friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man.

Marvel: House of venom

Marvel: House of venom

Movies · Mallison


Ya got to realize that they might not see a day behind bars just like uncle Ben's killer so at least beating and possibly crippling them is the only justice their victim could recieve.

As he leaned back to think about what she and he clasped his hand on top of his head, maybe he did deserve what Venom did, but he wouldn't learn anything, he would see that and not the crime he committed. He wouldn't learn, only the time in jail and a sentence would teach him, Eddie knew from experience that physical punishment never taught anything except hate, and as he leant forwards his fingers touched the keys and he began to write his article.

Marvel: House of venom

Marvel: House of venom

Movies · Mallison


Starting to wonder if she's doing the age old secretarial duties on her knees


"On my way to him now, proofreading and editing, it's a dirty job but someone's gotta do it" and Eddie snorted, he hated proofreading and editing and was always glad he could send it off for someone else to do it. Judging from the pile of printouts Betty was carrying, so did a lot of others.

Marvel: House of venom

Marvel: House of venom

Movies · Mallison


Well hey if you don't want the junk then I'm sure Peter will be happy to take it off your hands!

As Max looked at his phone it was a text message. He shook his head at its contents and looked at the package Alexsi had left. Maybe he should have sold it to Aaron, but he shook his head. He had one more job to do for Oscorp and he was leaving. He'd been offered a good deal back home and he'd taken it, he was tired of the junk and the smell, of fucking New Yorkers, and of that fucking Osborn prick. Once this job was over he'd be free.

Marvel: House of venom

Marvel: House of venom

Movies · Mallison


I mean she also has a symbiote so it probably helped her the same as them just a smaller dose.

Without shame, she stood and stared at him and in return, he stared right back. Gwen and MJ were both beautiful and since they became hosts they had toned down and put on muscle but Felicia was that way naturally. Her arms and legs were muscular from working out and fighting, even her taut stomach had very little fat on it and he could see the lines of her abs as she stood in the morning sun. As his eyes drifted up they stopped at her chest, he had no idea how breast size was measured but Felicia had gone right past cup and right into bowl. Her breasts were large but perky with light pink and slightly hard nipples that sat over largeish circles of her areola and as his eyes slid further up, her hair, still messy from sleeping, hung down over her slender neck. Its platinum blonde colour catching and reflecting the sunlight.

Marvel: House of venom

Marvel: House of venom

Movies · Mallison


Please 🙏 🙏 🙏


Her work with Oscorp had taken a deeper turn as well, she had left her internship and been given a proper position, a colleague of her boss, Dr Olivia as she'd introduced herself, had her working on samples of genetic material. Sure it was just feeding them into a mass analyser and then collating the results but Gwen felt that she was actually doing something worthwhile, away from the managers and slimeballs. It was part-time, counted towards credit on her college course and it paid well.

Marvel: House of venom

Marvel: House of venom

Movies · Mallison


He's a captain not the chief

George wasn't 100% sold on this idea. As Police chief, he had the authority to make deals like this, to allow testing of approved hardware in civilian areas, however, if anything went wrong he was sure that Oscorp and Norman would dump all the blame on him. If it was any other time he would have said no, but with Venom becoming more active in the area, with Spider-Man getting more and more positive press, he needed to do something to get public opinion back on his side. He kept a viewtube video loaded on his phone to remind him of that.

Marvel: House of venom

Marvel: House of venom

Movies · Mallison


So wait a sec earlier you said she had small breast like Gwen but 36C isn't small by any standard and is more then a handfull

She had taken a long look at herself as well, Gwen taking her to one side and explaining a few of the more feminine sided things. Gwen had been right. MJ was never one to exercise but now the taut lines of her new physique were obvious as she posed and flexed in the mirror. She tried on an old bra but unlike Gwen, found she was still the same 36C she always was and peering closely saw that her skin was now blemish free, even some of her old acne marks were faded. Her hair had taken on a lustrous sheen and now curled at the ends as if freshly washed and cut. Thankfully she was still the same height, and all of her clothes still fit her, she was now just, better.

Marvel: House of venom

Marvel: House of venom

Movies · Mallison



"Gwen, you need to control your powers and your symbiote, you're its master, not the other way round." He had scolded her, for several nights in a row he had woken to find Gwen's symbskin tendrils extended into his crotch trying to 'milk' him and after another restless night he had had enough.

Marvel: House of venom

Marvel: House of venom

Movies · Mallison



Gwen had had enough, her father's overbearing attitude never sat right with her and after his accusations, she snapped. "Yeah, he did dad, is that what you want to hear, that I spent the night with Pete and we fucked? That he tore my panties off and ravaged me, cause he didn't dad, I ravaged him, I was horny and I wanted it so I took him, the scuffs the marks are from me throwing him around. There, are you happy? I took Pete out last night, got him under me and fucked him. He's my boyfriend dad, we're allowed to do things like that," Gwen pushed past her father and slammed the door to her room only to emerge a few minutes later stuffing some things into a bag. Her plans to grab the few unmentionables she would never let anyone touch, her underwear and a few sex toys that she had snuck out to buy, were just grabbed and thrown into her bag. She was too angry to care if her dad saw any of it.

Marvel: House of venom

Marvel: House of venom

Movies · Mallison
