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2018-11-12 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 8

Moments 1283


Don't forget to tackle logistics, I know everyone doesnt want to deal with it, but it has to be done

There are thousands of things that Axel could create simply from his memory that could be created. But first to be able to build all these creations, he would need resources. And to do that he would need to create a massive mega structure to harness the resources of an entire planet to provide the resources he needed. He had the power now all he needed to do was implement it.

Halo Reborn

Halo Reborn

Video Games · Dr_Dred


And still a virgin...

Axel's new Appearance had caught the attention of almost every staff member within the facility as well as the Spartans who had noticed his increased height and muscle mass. Axel was already 30 years old meaning that his body stopped growing a long time ago so this sudden increase in his height was something unheard of.

Halo Reborn

Halo Reborn

Video Games · Dr_Dred


He completely forgot his lightning affinity...

Yet…with just a sip of the Hero's Water, he'd absolutely crushed the man easily, even with such an stounding technique as that Water Armour of his.

Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Anime & Comics · 0_Jordinio_0

Replied to _AlphaWolf53_

Looks like a guitar capo

[Ding! Host has been rewarded with SCP-3022 for his dedication to holding the Foundation together! Keep working hard for the glory of humanity!]

Marvel: The Foundation

Marvel: The Foundation

Movies · Darkstar_crow

Replied to Ductor_Storage

And I'm loving everybit of it.

"Whatever you can give me about the Maiko Triad."

Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve

Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve

Anime & Comics · FictionOnlyReader



(A/N If you want another name for the MC then tell me. Vote in the comments, cause that's all I got.)

The Immortal in Star Wars

The Immortal in Star Wars

Anime & Comics · DaoistRUH792

Replied to Infinite_Shadow_57

I'd like to think Elicia is more surgical with her strength, with rogue/ninja/spiderman build

'Oh wow, I'm gonna go on a mission with the strongest woman in Fairy Tail, Erza Scarlet, also known as Titania.' Lucy thought to herself while jumping up and down in excitement in her head.

Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Anime & Comics · SixthSense1029


Or something like what Republic City Police From TLOKorra used, maybe extendable arm blades, or karambit knives for lethal cqc would work well with eskirma/arnis


"I should probably do the same thing to the left one, too." Alfonzo muttered as he put the finishing touches on the right gauntlet. "Although I don't have the materials to make a rope for it, yet. It would be pretty bad ass to have my own version of the ODM Gear."

Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Anime & Comics · SixthSense1029

Replied to marcelll3214

It's bound to happen sooner or later

Hearing Elicia's whispers, Cana could not help but look at her in surprise. However, when she saw Elicia licking her lips, she put on a smile filled with lust before walking out of the living room.

Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Anime & Comics · SixthSense1029


Canned Goods, dried goods, cheese and charcuterie meats, prepacked mres, Alcoholic beverages, candies, smoked goods, food cubes. Lots of avenues to make more money for our boy Alfonzo, maybe open a general goods/convenience store beside his restaurant....

'I should ask Alfonzo if he can make something to preserve food.' Makarov thought while stroking his mustache and looking at all the Fairy Tail wizards with a disappointed expression. 'Then, I can order some extra dishes for emergencies like this one.'

Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Anime & Comics · SixthSense1029

Replied to Anime_fan1234

Why not shurikens?

"Metal Magic: Shuriken Rain]." Alfonzo muttered, chanting the name of his spell.

Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Anime & Comics · SixthSense1029

Replied to Chaos_Order8

He can just lift up his shirt if he wants it to be seen... 😐

"Here for me." Alfonzo said, pulling up his shirt and pointing to the right side of his abdomen. "And I'll take silver."

Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Anime & Comics · SixthSense1029

Replied to Beamingkangaroo

All the more sweeter when they redeem themselves after their villain arc.

"The Thunder God Tribe will be Fairy Tail's strongest team!" Laxus shouted with vigor. "And none of us will ever lose again!"

Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Anime & Comics · SixthSense1029


Hmmmm... Alfonso's harem but it in reality it's Elicia's harem...I can accept that... Probably, still think it would ruin their dynamic

'Whatever happens, happens.' Elicia thought to herself, shrugging her shoulders while still laying on top of Alfonzo. 'I don't really have a problem with it either way.'

Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Anime & Comics · SixthSense1029


No....Just no... Stick with our two protags

'Now that I think about it...' Alfonzo thought to himself as he approached Cana with Elicia. 'We're in an anime world now... I wonder if she'll push me into a harem, now. Either way is fine with me. I'm not even sure if I could make more than one girl happy. Hell, I'm not even sure how Elicia stays happy with me. Especially after how I basically neglected her feelings back then. Eh, whatever. We'll just cross that bridge when we come to it.'

Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Anime & Comics · SixthSense1029

Replied to traceeee

Now that wouldn't make for a good story innit? It didn't even work for Disney

I just hope it's more in line with the EU than canon since I don't want to deal with that First Order bullshit. Which totally ruined the new trilogy for me.

Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun

Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun

Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
