Irappu - Profile



LV 10
2019-03-26 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 8

Moments 44

Replied to Arkinslize

Thank you for your lengthy response to my review. While I appreciate the effort to explain your perspective, it doesn't change the glaring issues I've pointed out in your novel. Character Growth: Let's be clear: Jake's character is stagnant. Over 1,000 chapters in, and he's still the same naive, clumsy individual from the start. Your defense of his "traits" doesn't excuse the lack of development. A character can retain core traits while still evolving, and Jake simply hasn't. Antagonists vs. Protagonists: It's one thing to have a protagonist face challenges; it's another to make him perpetually outwitted by every antagonist he encounters. It's not about disliking challenges; it's about the protagonist appearing inept chapter after chapter. Comparison with "Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse": The comparison stands. While your novel drags on with filler content, "Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse" has managed to deliver twice the content with more meaningful progression. It's not just about quantity; it's about quality and pacing. Release Rate and Rankings: While I understand the challenges of balancing a job with writing, it's not the reader's concern. If you're going to write, especially a paid webnovel, then you should be prepared to deliver. Using your job as an excuse for slow releases and subpar content is unprofessional. Story Progression: Your novel feels like a never-ending cycle of drama with little to no resolution. It's like watching a soap opera where the plot never advances. The unique world and powers you've introduced are overshadowed by the repetitive drama and lack of character depth. In short, your response, while detailed, doesn't address the core issues of your novel. Instead of being defensive, perhaps consider the feedback and improve. Until then, your novel remains a masterclass in how to stretch out a story with minimal progression.


First of all the release frequency is pretty high which is good for people that enjoy the novel, however the quality of the story will no doubt suffer for it. From the start the MC is said to be at the top of his class as is shown in the story it's not because he is smart, but because he has very good memory. So does this novel have a smart/high iq MC the answer is no, Honesty his a bit on the slow side, tough in front of guys, but very docile and submissive in front of girls. In the beginning chapters the nurse at the school teaches him swordsmanship and they make deal for her to teach him magic because he's magic talent is extremely good. He has to do a specific thing for swordsmanship training so that she will teach him magic so he asks her when she will teach him magic and her answer was "When I decide" making the deal pointless and that is the MC's reaction to this "ok". Doesn't even try to argue that flippant answer he just rolls over like the good little boy he is. This lead's to the other problem I don't think there was one character in this novel that wasn't annoying or likable. When you read the novel the plot feels to forced, you don't feel like you're experiencing an adventure with the MC, it's more like you're being dragged around by the author. MC - "why can't I learn tier 2 magic?" Side character "Because I said so". No explanation, no reason just NO. The MC is constantly talked to like a child. I've read novels that are leagues better the this one yet the rating and reviews on this novel are insane most of them are 5 stars and you can sometimes very rarely see a 4 star review. There are no 3, 2, 1 star reviews for this novel which I find strange (speculation on my part, but it's like there being deleted. I'll be taking a screenshot of this review just in case it gets deleted). So in short if you find the first 20-30 chapters of this novel enjoyable you'll like the rest. If you didn't just drop it and don't wait your time it doesn't get better in the slightest.


Honestly when I started reading this story I thought it was going to be a great interactive story where the readers would have a say in some of the parts and decisions in the story, but what I got was a story with no explanation about how the power scaling works, we have a tsundere shop keeper that hasn't explained what she's selling or how much it costs (I'm guessing so that the author can just make up the price if the MC need to by something to save his ass if he messes up), adds the questions that people leave in the comments of each chapter to the following chapter and does not answer them because zombie to dumb to understand bla bla bla. The more I read the more I feel like the plot is being forced in a specific direction and this is supposed to be "Webnovel's First Interactive Story!". I would like to recommend changing this to "Webnovel's First copy & past (sometimes just make them up) questions from the comments and then ignore them Story!". This doesn't change even in the latest chapters. The worst of all it took me half a day to get throw 20 chapters because this story with a good idea and concept was so boring and poorly executed that I kept stopping and taking brakes out of boredom. I don't get why authors self sabotage when they have a good story concept, but add unnecessary things, annoying characters, insist on keeping them and forcing them down the readers throat when they know that the readers don't like them and find them annoying. At the 20 chapter point MC basically get's adopted by the Adventurer/Mercenary Wind Mafia team. There are more thing wrong with the story, but I think I'm already at 300 words so I'll stop here. Also at the time of writing this the author posted his latest chapter 24, but has started writing another story "Wait, My Juice Can Save The World?". His current started 20 novels and is updating 3 if you don't count this novel.

Replied to weurs

That's what I was wondering? In a previous chapter Lin Qingtian was braking throw to Soul Formation but he already was at Soul Formation when he fought against the two Bai elders that were Soul Formation. So I don't know what's happening.

Originally, Lin Qingtian thought that Lin Xuan was only at the second level of the Nascent Soul realm. However, when he saw purple divine lightning striking down one after another, he suddenly realized that this was not an ordinary lightning tribulation.

Reincarnated As A Baby? My Cry Is A Dragon Roar!

Reincarnated As A Baby? My Cry Is A Dragon Roar!

Eastern · Northern Wind Sword

Replied to Alocraft

Btw is the mtl any good or am I just going to lose brain cells by reading it?

Replied to Alocraft

Hopefully it get's picked up this time. From the synopsis this novel sounds like it would be a fun read
