Magistrate_Netsuke - Profile



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I have no clue why you’re stalking me but hey what’s up! You can call me Netsuke my pen name, I’m XX grade-schooler and this guy doesn’t have a library of vocabulary, so no perfect writing.

2020-12-17 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Philippines

ป้าย 2

Moments 4


* — Need to work. ** — Not bad *** — Satisfying **** —Excellent ***** — The best Webnovel can offer. ---- Note: Don’t mind the grammar, I’m in hurry, so. Writing Style — I will assume the author is not Native English base on the writing. Tense, comma, filler words, and dots are out of place. Furthermore, the Author likes to switch words for some reason. Sometimes, confusing to read. But still a readable novel — 3.5 / 5 Story Development — Pretty much decent. After he reincarnated back in time, the plot moves right after. However, to my opinion, the plot is just too fast. In one chapter, the mc meets a Core Member of this organization called ‘God’s Legion’, which will become terrifying in the future according to the author. Despite the Author telling us God’s Legion is scary, the members aren’t, at least from what I’ve seen when he meets one of the members. The Author even bothers to fed us information about this guy telling us that he was scheming and Mc suffered ambush from him bla bla bla, but then died few chapters after his appearance. Is this really the scheming and crafty Fang Chen? Hell, he even looks at the Mc with arrogance when he saw him. If I was scheming and crafty, I would approach the Mc, befriend him, and know about his background and such as after acting. But what did I see? Author telling us Scheming Person yet instead portrait the usual ‘Stupid Arrogant Young Master Fang’. Show not tell. Telling us is like promising us such character but showing is portraying us that character. Instead of telling us ‘He is Scheming’, show us what made him ‘Scheming’. Also, Fang Chen is a future member and strategies of God’s legion, thus killing him after his appearance would affect the entire plot. By killing such a character, it made him irrelevant to the story. Take note, God’s Legion would be the hurdle the protagonist has to overcome in the story. This kind of hurdle, God’s Legion Members should be relevant to the plot and should appear with decent intellect. As for Fang Chen? Meh, he’s not. Foolish and stupid. I even doubt if he really was a Member of this so-called God’s Legion. Also as a reader, I wouldn’t care about such information if this guy would die a few chapters later or held no importance to the story. As for plot holes, I notice lots of them. For instance, the Mc was able to obtain Kill Points by absorbing Pills. Take note, pills have different grading and their effects also differ from the grade. So by telling us experience gain from pills is base on Mc’s luck makes no sense. But let’s not talk about that. Back to the point, ‘Kill’ basically means to slay and slaughter any living creature. However, gaining ‘Kill Points’ from absorbing Pills is an error and violation of the rule laid by you, Author. By writing ‘Kill Points’ instead of ‘Experience’ means you set the rule for the protagonist leveling through slaughter. But in this case, you show us Mc gaining Kill Points from Absorbing Qi which is a no-no. For other plot holes, it will consume time explaining, so I will leave it in the hand of the Author to find those. For this, I will rate 3/5, on account I didn’t read all over the chapters available. Who knows the others might appear not too stupid and Plot Holes might not Plot Holes in the first place. Character Design — As for the other characters, though lacking, let’s not talk about it. Let’s focus on the Protagonist. TLDR; No Changes! Details: He died from fighting and ambush in his previous life, which I thought the protagonist would be cunning and cautious after experiencing that event. However, there are no changes at all. After arriving in the Lower Realm, all he did was act arrogant and stupid. By basically sitting in the center of a Restaurant, no doubt will attract attention. Bang! It did attract attention. Furthermore, it was a notable figure of the younger generation. The younger generation also wants to sit where Mc was sitting?!?! Coincidence? Or Forced Plot?... And guess what happened? Mc held him in contempt, sneering, and provoking him for no reason. Also, showing off wealth in the restaurant? Isn’t that basically attracting attention? Didn’t he die from being careless in his previous life? No matter where he is, even in the place of weakest, he should have been cautious. Why now gaining a second chance, he still a stupid, usual stereotypes xianxia protagonist. For this, I will rate 2/5. Need to polish more. Update Stability — 5/5. No need to explain. World Background — Author feeding us info dumps. Most of the paragraphs I read in a chapter mostly contains info. Info. Info. And Info. For having a good concept, I’ll rate it — 3.5/5.


This reminds me of Harry Potter The Sorcerer Stone introducing paragraph. Lol.

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