William_Litsch - Profile



LV 11
2021-05-01 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 5

Moments 3993


he's already cursed to be trash. no equipment and consumes genes permanently. oddly enough, the key necklace is equipment that is also equipped with the wraps, so whatever.

This matter also helped to put a great deal into perspective. He was nearing his third day in this world, and yet it was already messing with his mind so much. He should have been able to take this in stride, but he felt real excitement at seeing this treasure.

Genetic Ascension

Genetic Ascension

Fantasy · Awespec

Replied to Crocodile9

yes really

[Curse Status: Glutton. <1 Common> Gene a day to maintain Happiness. Requirements grow by the day. <7 days> remaining until Hunger increases]

Genetic Ascension

Genetic Ascension

Fantasy · Awespec


that makes no sense. this is like maddness being clarity. genes don't work like this. you can't put in carp genes with bat genes and get dragonballs.

Sylas' eyes narrowed. He felt that his guesses were pretty close to the mark, but what of it? What could he do with this information? Did he just have to randomly pour Genes in and hope it popped out something good?

Genetic Ascension

Genetic Ascension

Fantasy · Awespec


great. too bad you are wearing cursed wraps that prevent you from using your fingers properly.

Maybe that was why there was no number attached to it. This Skill could raise his Dexterity to whatever it needed to be for him to unearth his full potential and then some.

Genetic Ascension

Genetic Ascension

Fantasy · Awespec


sigh. too easy. no fun.

Floor cleared? How? He hadn't done anything. And also, wasn't the recommended Physical 100? Shouldn't the rewards be even better, then? Why was he getting the same reward he had already gotten the first time around?

Genetic Ascension

Genetic Ascension

Fantasy · Awespec


maybe it's the fact that if this were a game with a manual he could go to the weapons section and realize that he is now doomed to use a "weapon" that would lose against a rusty knife. maybe that's why he's confidant.

However, Sylas felt a level of confidence he hadn't felt when he first entered the dungeon, and that was for no other reason than his Comprehension. He had a feeling that it would be of great help here as well.

Genetic Ascension

Genetic Ascension

Fantasy · Awespec


fantasy on rails at this point

The cobblestone path leading into what looked like an ancient ruin or city of sorts.

Genetic Ascension

Genetic Ascension

Fantasy · Awespec


hollow out a snake. use its body as Santa's sack.

He looked around. Between the various python corpses he had accumulated along the way, he had too many things to carry and yet no way of conveniently doing so.

Genetic Ascension

Genetic Ascension

Fantasy · Awespec


good! it makes fights boring and prevents him from even learning how to actually fight. he's actually just standing around a lot waiting for things to die.

'Even so, I need to find a way to break these limiters. What if my Will caps at 50 as well? Wouldn't that make Madness useless against more powerful targets?'

Genetic Ascension

Genetic Ascension

Fantasy · Awespec


yes, because he hasn't trained, worked hard, educated himself, or genuinely learned something on his own. it's just sustem power ups, not hard work. this is more a videogame or a vrmmo than real life.

Until now, the Skills hadn't really made Sylas feel uncomfortable. It was probably because the power came from Aether, rather than increasing what his body itself was capable of.

Genetic Ascension

Genetic Ascension

Fantasy · Awespec


way too much. why not just mount missile launchers on his shouldets with unlimited ammo?

'That much Strength? That's a four times multiplier. But what if <Little Madness> and <Big Madness> were activated at the same time? Would the +300% be added to the base number or the already +100% of <Little Madness>?'

Genetic Ascension

Genetic Ascension

Fantasy · Awespec


too familiar

He activated <Big Madness> and a familiar pattern repeated itself.

Genetic Ascension

Genetic Ascension

Fantasy · Awespec


this seems unlikely since the jaws of a snapping animal tend to be its most agile movement.

In his own act of Madness, he suddenly gripped the flickering tongue of Big Madness just as it whipped its head to the side. 

Genetic Ascension

Genetic Ascension

Fantasy · Awespec


did he rip out poisonous fangs with corrosive poison? i thought he had their heads.

His intention pulled at the ground again just as Big Madness managed to regain control over itself. Unfortunately for it, slowing down was the last thing it should have done, as its remaining good eye was ripped through by yet another fang. 

Genetic Ascension

Genetic Ascension

Fantasy · Awespec
