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I am unimaginative and I am not ashamed to admit it. That's the reason I like to read......

2021-08-20 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 12

Moments 407



And it was casting without a staff!

HP: Bad Intentions

HP: Bad Intentions

Movies · Max1mus



I saw Ibrahimovic's body soaring into the air, making a taekwondo action of volleying and kicking forward!



Anime & Comics · Legend_Man_1262



After scoring this goal, Ronaldinho made two six gestures with both hands, shaking his wrists and running towards the corner of the court.



Anime & Comics · Legend_Man_1262



Blackpool social,a photo of hold the orange shirt and in bio its was written



Anime & Comics · Legend_Man_1262



''Nice catch my friend. You'll always be welcome in the Vale of Arryn as will your inevitable offspring. Goodbye Oberyn, try not to poison yourself, I really hope to fuck a daughter of yours someday, or at least a Lethal Dornish beauty and who better than a woman born of you? Hehe, seriously though I really will miss you. Goodbye old friend.'' Says Rogar as he departs, realizing that this could very well be the last time he steps foot inside the Citadel as he goes through its halls.

The Reincarnated Falcon

The Reincarnated Falcon

Book&Literature · Theragfromthecrag


By the Andals, you mean...

All the magic of Westeros was massacred by the first men and Andals when they came to Westeros.

Game of Thrones: The Golden Lion

Game of Thrones: The Golden Lion

Movies · Chick_Thief


God's Eye

3 days later, they were only 1 day from Viergétang. The overnight camp was in the coasts of a small forest not far from Oeildieu, a lake in the Riverlands.

Game of Thrones: The Golden Lion

Game of Thrones: The Golden Lion

Movies · Chick_Thief



Days passed and one day, Aslan received a letter from his father telling him to leave for the town of Viergétang, in the Riverlands, the north of King's Landing.

Game of Thrones: The Golden Lion

Game of Thrones: The Golden Lion

Movies · Chick_Thief



As Jon and Maester Aemon watched in astonishment, the egg began to crack, small fissures appearing on its surface. With bated breath, they witnessed as the eggshell split apart, revealing the creature within. To their awe, a majestic Night Fury emerged, its scales glistening in the dim light of the room.

Winter's Resurgence

Winter's Resurgence

Book&Literature · Vikrant_Utekar_5653


I think author has copied it from somewhere . These last few paragraph were similar to a certain fanfiction.

Realizing that Ned's loyalty to Robert and Jon Arryn would soon be tested by their deaths, Jon knew that his best course of action lay in establishing his own power base and alliances, independent of the current political landscape. He resolved to use his knowledge of future events to his advantage, leveraging his position as Aegon Targaryen to forge alliances and strengthen his claim to the Iron Throne in the aftermath of Robert's demise.

Winter's Resurgence

Winter's Resurgence

Book&Literature · Vikrant_Utekar_5653


Next GRRM book in the ASOIF series.

"So when you will return, accepting who you are is of paramount importance. You are a Targaryen, but you are also a Stark, the song of fire and fire. Be both in what comes next, and perhaps the winds of winter can change into a dream of spring." The voice spoke sternly. 

Legacy of the White Dragon : Dance of the Dragons

Legacy of the White Dragon : Dance of the Dragons

Book&Literature · HeroDuT1998


Wylla Manderly....???

Currently I was thinking of what I should get my bride to be as a gift. I always bought Wylla a present when I left for one of these journeys. I looked to Greywind and wished he could tell me what I should get her. I could get her a crystal mermaid pin, she loves mermaids.

The Weirwood Wolf ( Game of Thrones )

The Weirwood Wolf ( Game of Thrones )

TV · Telling_Tall_Tales


only Cregan is good, I don't remember Westrosi people having middle name

The young Lord asked the wet nurse if she said and anything before she passed out, the wet nurse responded with by saying Lady Stark did name him My Lord. The young Lord responded what did Lyarra name him the wet nurse quickly responded Cregan Jaxson Stark , The man responded with 3 sentences a good name.

Game of thrones: 3rd born Stark

Game of thrones: 3rd born Stark

TV · Bezalel_8



Jax - I was shocked his name was Ron but I quickly put my emotion in check and responded, am Jaxson nice to meet you.

Game of thrones: 3rd born Stark

Game of thrones: 3rd born Stark

TV · Bezalel_8


ASB ???

Part of my coping was an effort to rationalize my predicament, in which I had likely been sent to an alternate universe or likewise mirror reality by some unfathomable cosmic coincidence or being. Given my 'fusion' with the old Casper, perhaps there was brainwave synchronization wibbly-wobbly stuff going on? For a while I'd wondered if God sent me, or some ASB instead? I had no idea why, but in some aspect, I fell away from existential pondering, as it was getting me nowhere, and grew to see this like a dream of sorts, one in which vices and certain character aspects from my 'previous' life had fallen away. It was truly liberating to literally not feel the anxiety I had before.

Dread Our Wrath (ASOIAF SI)

Dread Our Wrath (ASOIAF SI)

Book&Literature · TheOneThatRead



As soon as she was alone, she sauntered over to her vanity and brought out a small, ornate chest. Its key never left her person, she carried it always in a chain around her neck. Inside of it laid her most precious possessions. She fished out the key to open the chest. There was the emerald necklace of Lady Joanna, her mother. Underneath it, lay an old piece of parchment. She brought it out and very carefully opened the folds. It was a childish drawing. One that she had made when she was but a mere eight namedays old lass. It depicted a golden dragon with red wings, astride it was a man with silver hair – her Silver Prince. In front of the Prince, sat a beautiful golden-haired woman whose eyes were of bright emeralds. Cersei mournfully brushed her fingers over the drawing and let out a sigh. A lifetime of unfulfilled dreams and desires were imprisoned within that piece of parchment. Yes, she married the King, she indeed became the Queen. But true to the prediction, Robert truly had been unfaithful to her. She had three beautiful children, also true, but they were not the fat oaf's. They were not Jaime's either. She hated failures. But she still had time on her side. She was the most beautiful woman in the realm. She would win Jaime back. She set the parchment aside and brought out a single dried rose. She had stolen it from her daughter. Myrcella could never appreciate what this rose represented. It was meant for her and her alone

Game of Thrones: Champion of the Winter

Game of Thrones: Champion of the Winter

TV · La_Monserga


If not Jaimie, then who is it....???


As soon as she was alone, she sauntered over to her vanity and brought out a small, ornate chest. Its key never left her person, she carried it always in a chain around her neck. Inside of it laid her most precious possessions. She fished out the key to open the chest. There was the emerald necklace of Lady Joanna, her mother. Underneath it, lay an old piece of parchment. She brought it out and very carefully opened the folds. It was a childish drawing. One that she had made when she was but a mere eight namedays old lass. It depicted a golden dragon with red wings, astride it was a man with silver hair – her Silver Prince. In front of the Prince, sat a beautiful golden-haired woman whose eyes were of bright emeralds. Cersei mournfully brushed her fingers over the drawing and let out a sigh. A lifetime of unfulfilled dreams and desires were imprisoned within that piece of parchment. Yes, she married the King, she indeed became the Queen. But true to the prediction, Robert truly had been unfaithful to her. She had three beautiful children, also true, but they were not the fat oaf's. They were not Jaime's either. She hated failures. But she still had time on her side. She was the most beautiful woman in the realm. She would win Jaime back. She set the parchment aside and brought out a single dried rose. She had stolen it from her daughter. Myrcella could never appreciate what this rose represented. It was meant for her and her alone

Game of Thrones: Champion of the Winter

Game of Thrones: Champion of the Winter

TV · La_Monserga


Ned Stark is dual wielder .......???

Jon was surprised by Howland's words. What did he mean by all that? Another thought arose in his mind, he said at the beginning that he had fought 'with' a dual wielder, shouldn't he say fought 'against' one? He didn't dwell on that any longer as another bout of applause declared the end of the other duel. Dacey Mormont had emerged victorious against Ser Wendel. The knight was grumbling good-naturedly about aggressive she-bears, Dacey laughed at his comments.

Game of Thrones: Champion of the Winter

Game of Thrones: Champion of the Winter

TV · La_Monserga
