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"A Slime in a World of Monarchs" • Tensura x Solo Leveling "A Slime in a World of Monarchs" • Tensura x Solo Leveling original

"A Slime in a World of Monarchs" • Tensura x Solo Leveling


© WebNovel

Chương 1: Prologue:

Hello Readers I just want to clarify Some things First I do not own this work this Fan fiction is Created by Testarossa-Sama

Do considered Following him/her and I would like to thank him/her for giving me Permission To Translate This Book

I Use my Own cover That I dint use for a fan fiction since I can't find the Cover thats on this book, Now last Note If there's Any Error or Mistake on the Translation please do Mention it and I Will Fix it ASAP now on the Story.

Here is the link for Testarossa-Sama




<<...>> Ciel Conversing through Thought

>>...<< Thinking and Conversing thought Thought

"...." Talking


On to the story:

After becoming the most powerful being and saving the world, Rimuru Tempest devoted himself to taking care of his kingdom.

But now that everything was peaceful between humans and monsters, apart from Tempest not suffering from any problems, he no longer knew what to do.

>>This is boring<< thought the blue-haired man lying on the green grass of a hill. His face was struck by the warm rays of the sun, then was covered by the shadow of a female figure.

<<Master, do you want to have fun?>> Ciel came out of the imaginary space and stood in front of Rimuru smiling, she was planning something.

>>What do you have in mind?<< He sat up and watched Ciel by his side she do the same. >>You don't plan to cause a war like Veldora, do you?<<

"I feel offended being compared to a dragon"Ciel rested her head on her lord's shoulder and smiled. "Would you like to travel to another world?"

>>Umm, what Will she propose to me?<<

"What kind of world?"

<<It wouldn't make sense if I told him everything, but I will tell him that this world needs help.>> She intertwined her hand with Rimuru's. "And then I can help while you have fun"

"That sounds good to me" He took a position on top of Ciel and locked his hands at her sides. "Will you come with me?"

"Obviously, I will always be with you." She broke Rimuru's grip and took him by the cheeks, pulling him closer to her. "When do you want to travel?"

"After I take care of you, I will leave a parallel existence and we will go without problems"

End of Prologue

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