Tải xuống ứng dụng

Chương 2: The struggle.

Thirty three year old Rhehan, the 7th richest Asian, surpassed his every competition like a piece of cake. His major strength was his confidence and his hard-work which gave him a an upper hand as compared to his other rivals. Right from the beginning the man had learnt that life was all about hard work and effective decision making!

After being ill-treated by his foster parents, Rhehan lived on streets of City X and begged for food at the age of six. After one month of his struggle to survive his hunger, he was one day noticed by a cafe owner. The old cafe owner took pity on six year old Rhehan and offered him to serve food to customers in return for money and food.

The cafe owner was an old man of 65 years with no family of his own. Rhehan worked the evenings and nights in the cafe and went to school during the day. The cafe owner was now Rhehan's mentor who not only helped him survive but also taught him how to cook and run a cafe effectively.

By the age of 16, Rhehan not only had started to handle the cafe independently but also had become an expert in cooking. The old cafe owner who was then 75, treated Rhehan like his son. Rhehan lived with the old man in his small house in the outskirts of City X. The boy had already begin to save the money to open another cafe in the busiest area of city.

When Rhehan turned 20, he found the old cafe owner dead on the chair of his living room, one night after returning from work. Thus, once again Rhehan was left all alone and heartbroken in this entire world. By that time he had already opened two more cafes and his first restaurant was already in making.

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Quà tặng

Quà tặng -- Nhận quà

    Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

    Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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    Stone -- Power Stone
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