Tải xuống ứng dụng

Chương 6: Meeting

The alarm clock's incessant ringing told the occupant of the room that it was seven o'clock, Liu Wei loved his sleep, he angrily shoved the alarm away and covered his head with a pillow, after about thirty minutes, the alarm began again

"Kukriiikakapompom kukrikakapimpom, kukrikkaka kukrikaka pimpim pom kukrikaka kukrikaka pim pimpim pom"

The annoying thing about the clock was the terrible song it sings, and with the computerized piercing voice, with this song, even if you are a deep sleeper, you must surely wake up. Liu Wei angrily searched for the noisy alarm to fling it, but just as he stood up, the door bell rang, that's when he came to himself, he picked up the clock and saw the time, his eyes widened, and he flew to the bathroom ignoring the person on the door, he had a meeting by eight o'clock and he was sleeping by seven thirty. He knew no-one would question him, but he doesn't like being late to meetings, it wasn't exemplary.

Wang Feng stood outside for about twenty minutes before the door was pulled open from inside and he faced a fully dressed Liu Wei.

"Good morning Boss"

"Let's go" Liu Wei answered and strode to the elevator. They exited the hotel and headed for LiT Enterprise headquarters in Los Angeles.

They were welcomed in by a female attendant.

"Welcome, Mr Wei, the board meeting is this way" smiling she led them to the elevator and then to the meeting room.

"You are finally here, Mr Liu Wei " Mr Jon Philip, the CEO of the LiT Enterprises smiled as he stood up from his seat.

"It must have been a tiring journey, how do you see Los Angeles? "

"Not less than expected " Liu Wei replied expressionlessly.

"Ha ha, I see, so let's go in, we were just about to start "

Mr Jon led the way to the inner room, and they faced a long table of board members who arrived few minutes before them. They all stood as both of them entered and where seated before they took their seats.

The meeting officially begun, Liu Wei silently listened to all that was said, while Wang Feng took records of important details.

"Mr Liu Wei, do you have anything to say about this?"

A female board member asked. Liu Wei lifted his eyes from the files he was staring at and looked at them. Then after thinking for a while he remarked.

"Well, I'll suggest that there be a music audition. Not old Artists, fresh ones, that will be groomed. But these ones should not be entirely novice, they must have studied Music and are familiar with it. I suggested for new artists because we would want the public to see new talents and not the old and overly familiar faces. The music audition would draw the people's attention, because there would be prizes for the winners and the selected numbers would be the first batch to be signed under the Industry. This is my opinion. "

Liu Wei concluded and retired to the file he was looking at.

The entire board members were speechless, 'why hadn't they thought of this?'

'Mr Liu Wei must surely have a high IQ'

After agreeing to what Liu Wei said, they concluded the board meeting. The board members slowly dispersed after greeting Liu Wei and Mr Jon.

"Mr Liu Wei, while don't we go out for a drink or two" Mr Jon offered, with his face beaming with smiles.

"I'm sorry, Mr Jon, I have to meet with an old friend today" Liu Wei replied as he stood from his seat and shook hands with Mr Jon.

"It's nice doing business with you, I look forward to more collaborations in the future " Liu Wei remarked.

"Yes, I look forward too, safe trip back to China, the project will begin as soon as possible and in about three months we'll prepare for the auditions"

"I pray it goes as smoothly as planned" Liu Wei replied as he nodded at Mr Jon and left with his assistant.

zhiruyi zhiruyi

Mass release. My fingers are crying 'Noooo'

Load failed, please RETRY

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    Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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