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Chương 51: Harem Vote + Plus Pa treon Deal

The Pa treon deal is if you join the $7 or $10 tier you will get 20 plus advanced chapters those 20 chapters all have R-18 sex scenes! So 20 R-18 chapters! It will be amazing and it is a good deal you can vote also for which girl you want in harem on my p atreon!

PA TREON LINK: https://www.pa treon.com/ghostybones

[Copy and Paste: you will %100 get advanced chapters for this fanfic I promise and there will be even more chapters for the next month!]


Pokemon: The Legend[ Harem Vote]

Vote for R-18 and Harem for Pokemon girls and the milfs! I might lewd only one pokemon called Gardevoir.

Vote below/ pick the girl you want or suggest one! Also read the author's note at the end.


Misty's sisters [The Sensational Sisters]

Ash's mom






Melony[ Milf Sword and Shield ]

Nessa [Tanned girl Sword and Shield]

Sabrina[ Original first Pokemon Red and Blue]

Suggest any other girl/milf

Gardevoir [ Lol I have no limits]

GhostyXXX GhostyXXX

Should I repost this fanfic on my other account called

GhostyXXX on this account I strictly post R-18 and action packed original novels and fanfics!

I will even bring back the OG cover art!

It will still be called Pokemon: The Legend but it will have more chapters! Just remember you will always get way more chapters for all of my fanfics/novels on my pa treon!

Just $5 or 7 to join!

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