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11.11% Meeting them

Chương 17: She's here

Anonymous POV

I'm glad that she's here. I've been wanting to see her for quite some time already. These 2 years without being able to see her I could only yearn for her through my songs so that she could hear what had been inside my heart. I don't know how and I don't know when did I exactly fall for her but that feeling just spread allover my heart. I did try to deny this feeling in the first place but it didn't work. It was such a beautiful thing to fall in love. Little did she know that I also like her. Through every Vlive I did it just so that she will see me. I don't know if she had ever watched me on the Vlive or not. I'll always tell myself that she will definitely watch my Vlive. In our songs, I secretly slip in a few sentence of love so that she could see the message that I'm trying so hard to tell her. I don't think she will notice that anyway. I really hope that I could see her again.

The rest of my members don't even know that I like her. I could not afford to tell them because I know that they will tease me. They won't believe that I will fall in love with a simple girl like that. For them they think that I'm quite a heartless person but I'm actually not. I only look cold on the outside but I'm only nice to people who are close to me. I have a hard time to open up to other people because of some personal reason. I couldn't change that attitude of mine. Maybe one day she could help me change this attitude of mine.

(Anyone wanna take a guess who is it? I think most of all could already guess who is he.)

Lilac's POV

Finally I've found the apartment that I'm supposed to stay at. This place is so isolated as if no one had been staying in it for a few years. When I walk into the place, I went to the counter to get my apartment room's key. Although the place look run down from the outside but the insides look so beautiful and extravagant. I think I've made the right choice to rent here. Moreover it's near my university. This is the best thing that could ever happen to me. Luckily the rent was quite cheap since it's in town area. It's really convenient for students to stay here because the university is near, the food stalls are all nearby and it's easy to hail a cab or get a public bus.

I can't wait for my life as a university student to start. It's going to be wonderful for me since I won't see my family at all since I could only go back during holidays and the price of a flight ticket is not cheap. So my parents can't force me to go back. The worst thing is that the distance between Korea and Malaysia is not short. It takes at least 6 hours per flight. Could you imagine how tiring it would be traveling to and fro in such a short time. I really couldn't do it. Not saying that I'm lazy or what. It's just so rushing. I could only go back during the weekends. More or less my allowance every month won't be enough for me to use if I used it to go back to Malaysia. I would rather use those money on my studies.

Jung Kook's POV

I was shocked when Jin hyung showed us picture of Lilac. I miss her so badly and now she's here. It's like a dream. I couldn't believe that she's actually here now. I hope that we will be able to see her since she's already in Korea. She has actually became so pretty now. This makes me feel something in my heart. I don't know what is this feeling. Before this we were really close when I was still in Malaysia but after Jin hyung lost his phone I don't know any updates about her. I regretted not asking for her social media when we could still contact each other. At least if I followed her on Instagram or be her friend on Facebook, we could still keep in contact. At least we wouldn't stray away from each other. I really regret it so badly.

Jimin's POV

I'm so happy to see Lilac again. This shows that I have a chance to meet with Ji An again. She's such a nice person and I can't wait to see her again. But why would she come to Korea alone and Ji An not by her side. I thought that they two of them couldn't be separated. The only thing that makes sense is that either she come here to further her studies or for holidays. I bet she had spent quite a lot just for her studies alone that she was able to come so far. As long as she's here, we will have a lot of chance to encounter with each other again.

lovehalsey lovehalsey

Hey lovelies,

Thank you for reading my book and supporting it. Even though my updates is quite slow. Please continue to give me support everyone.

Lots of love,


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