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50.32% Meeting them

Chương 77: Hazel's sister

Hazel's POV

I really envy Lilac for being able to be so close with Jung Kook. But she never had the initiative to introduce me to him. It felt like I'm not important to her. I want to meet Jung Kook so badly but she doesn't know that. It's okay. I hope she would realize it sooner.

To: Anonymous

I'm still unable to get close to Jung Kook. Lilac doesn't introduce me to her. What should I do?

From: Anonymous

What can I do about it? I'm so far away from Korea. You can't expect me to tell her to introduce you to Jung Kook.

To: Anonymous

Help me please. Only you could help me if you still want him

From: Anonymous

I'll see how.

Hehe with her help I will be able to be close to Jung Kook in no time and I bet I can kick Lilac out of their sight. I want them to only see me as their loyal fan not Lilac. I want to reduce Lilac into a state that cannot be pull back up. I will get my revenge one day. Just you wait Lilac.

Lilac's POV

I've been sneezing non stop since I've return from uni. I wonder whose missing me so much or have I caught a flu. I touch my forehead and felt nothing weird about my temperature. While sighing I prepare myself to go to the mini mart to get some Panadol just in case I'm really sick. As I walk to the pharmacy, I met Hazel who was walking around Han River. That's weird her house is kind of far away from here so why is she here.

"Hazel." I called her but she didn't hear.

I walk towards her and tap her shoulder. When she turned around, I realize that she's not Hazel.

"Oh sorry. I've got the wrong person. I thought you were one of my friend." I said.

"It's ok miss. I think I know who you're talking about." She said while taking out her phone.

"Is it her?" she asked while showing me the picture in her phone. I was shocked when I saw Hazel's face in her phone.

"Oh you know Hazel?" I asked.

"Yes. She's my sister. My name is Hanuel." She said.

"Oh. Hanuel as in cloud?" I asked.

"Yes." Hanuel replied.

"I didn't know that Hazel have a sister. She had never told me about you." I said.

"I'm not surprised. She doesn't like me actually. Maybe it's because she sees my father as someone who destroys her family." Hanuel explained.

"I see. No wonder you have a Korean name. So you guys are not blood related?" I asked.

"We are because my mother is her mother's twin sister. So that's the reason why we look almost the same." Hanuel explained.

"Oh I see. I'll take my leave first. Bye." I said.

"Bye. Oh by the way I didn't get your name." Hanuel said.

"My name is Lilac Ye." I said and walk off.

lovehalsey lovehalsey

Hey lovelies,

Sorry for the late updates. So there will be two chappy for you guys today. Thank you for reading.

Lots of love,


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