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Chương 3: Chapter 3 : I’m Back to the Past

The continuous screaming and knocking interpreted Yu Qi. She was forced to open her eyes. The pain hit her brain making a sound came out from her mouth.

'Argh, my head. It really pains.' Fortunately, the pain only occurred shortly. Just then she realized that she just touched her head with her hand.

She was staring at her hands. She moved her fingers many times to make sure she was not dreaming.

Knowing this was not a dream, her tear flew down from her eyes. Her legs were also fine. They had not been cut off. 'Wait, something felt different.' She started to look at her surroundings. This room was her room 10 years ago. She clawed off from her bed.

Standing straight, she felt weird. Looking down, her boobs were smaller than before. 'Something is not right. I am already dead. Why am I here? Everything I feel before is not a dream. The bleeding, the pain, everything.'

She took a small mirror and took a look at her face. The face was the face when she was 16 years old. She just returned to the past. 'I'm back to the past.' She smiled at the mirror while touching her face.

The knocking was continued at her door. She remembered at this time she lived with her adopted family. But at that time, she knew nothing about it. They did not tell her. She walked to the door and opened it. The first face that she came across was her young adopted sister, Wang Ha Na.

"Hey, why are you still sleeping? I have been knocking on your door. I'm hungry. Make the breakfast faster," demand Wang Ha Na.

Yu Qi's eyes made the cold flash. She remembered that she was like a servant in this house. This family was always like this.

Treating her like a slave that can be ordered anytime. She thought that was normal that she helped her family, but they thought differently.

Feeling shivered, Wang Ha Na hugged her own body. She did not know why she was feeling like this. Looking surrounding, just looked up at Yu Qi. Yu Qi was smiling at her. She let go of her body after feeling okay.

"Quick. I'm hungry." After finished that sentence, Wang Ha Na left.

Flashing the cold smile on her lips, Yu Qi closed the door and started to change her clothes. After done, she walked out of her room. In the living room, she saw people that she thought was a family to her.

ZerahNeko ZerahNeko

Hey guys..

My second day write this novel..

Kindly leave your thought about this novel and comment about this chapter..???

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