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Chương 30: YOU HAVE MISTAKEN....

Searching, indeed a great struggle especially during morning, search of shoes and socks. For a simple non-living thing we need to execute a big plan of searching, then how much of searching should be there when it comes to our suitable life partner? This challenge was put forth to IBU and Jimin.

Lot of questions raised for him but IBU didn't have that much time to clear it. So, Jimin refused about doing that. IBU got an idea "how about we make everyone forget who they are. I mean temporarily "

Jimin really can't follow what's she is up to. So, he replied "you implement it and I will follow you " At the moment, we can't blame Jimin for not understanding or IBU for not speaking understandably. Soon, they both left their place.

Jimin and IBU arrived somewhere which contained tall skyscrapers, traffic lights, bridges and numerous vehicles which caused pollution. Anyway, it was wonderful.

Jimin had no clue, where she brought him ,but after seeing a tall building ,he started to shed his tears ,the memories of him and his Brothers for these several years were roaming around that building . While he was in his Golden memories, he saw a familiar figure coming out of that building .

He was tall enough to make many people shorter. A sweet dimple added a extra handsomeness to his face. His black colour coat was very dangerous for others to see him in their naked eye ,because it will burn their heart into ashes.

He was none other than, Reason for BTS to grow into an unexceptional talented boy band in the universe. He was the one and only RM.

Though, he looked like the same, something was missing which could be easily understood by Jimin. He decided to greet Kim Nam-joon (RM) and give a pleasant surprise. He entered into the big hit entertainment sneakily, and nobody noticed him. He straight away went to RM beyond the security somehow; and said "Hyung how are you? Didn't expect me here right, how was my surprise?"

Not even a slight reaction was there in Kim Nam-joon's face "I am sorry you have mistaken me for somebody else... " in a polite manner and walked out like a stranger.

After this, Jimin can't control his tears, while he started to cry everything suddenly stopped.

Ibu ran and came to Jimin "Can't you wait for me, while I went to treat my stomach you created a problem here. I have told you earlier but you refused to listen, except you and me no one knows about BTS, Even the BTS themselves for a short period. This poor child Jimin can't curse her even in his heart, because that can also be heard by her. Without no other go, he must follow her for any reason or, whatsoever. But still, he can't understand why she made such a worse plan.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Viết đánh giá Trạng thái đọc: C30
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Stone -- Power Stone
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