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Chương 86: Chapter 86

Rubica was sick of it. She had seen people die many times. She had seen it so many times that she was truly sick of it. She didn't want to see people die anymore. She didn't want to see more people despair over their loved ones' death.

'If it weren't for the mana stone…'

Mana stones were always the problem. Nations and individuals who acquired it could get huge wealth. It was also why the war had gotten so big with Stella.

Dragons tended to choose lands with abundant resources as their territories. Iber chose to live in the mountains that were known to have even purer and stronger mana stones than the one present in the Seritos kingdom. On the other hand, Ios got himself the fertile land where many rare plants grew.

Humans wanted those lands, but they had no power to fight the dragons, so there was nothing they could do.

However, that changed the moment Stella was made. With it, humans had the power to fight dragons, not just their underlings.

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