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Chương 73: Bakugou and Shinsou 2

The sound of tree branches snapping and falling to the ground follows them as they run. He doesn't have to look back to know that Moonfish is close on their tail. But even with the noise of Moonfish's destruction, Katsuki can hear another sound. It's another sound of destruction, but it's one that rages, one that envelops, one that overpowers. Katsuki suppresses a shudder. If his memory is correct, it's something that should help them.

A little ways in front of them, Shouji bursts through the trees, one of his arms bleeding profusely and otherwise covered in smaller cuts and bruises.

"Oi, tentacles," Katsuki shouts. "Keep running!"

The other boy only takes a split-second to register Katsuki's shout and the villain right behind them. Only a moment after they pass the spot where Shouji appeared, the trees burst apart and a shadow looms. Katsuki can feel the pressure of Dark Shadow even as he runs. Glancing over his shoulder, he sees the two forces of destruction collide and the darkness swallow Moonfish in a single gulp. The continual babbling ceases immediately. Moonfish doesn't even scream.

He skids to a halt, his breath coming faster than usual, nerves taut with tension. Dark Shadow towers over them, blotting out the faint glow of the moon. They need a bright light to overcome Tokoyami's quirk as he rages out of control.

"Close your eyes," he snaps at his companions. He can feel the weight of their gazes on his shoulders as he channels his power between his palms, focusing on its brightness. "Stun grenade!" 

Katsuki shuts his eyes. He triggers the explosion, and white light radiates from his palms, momentarily turning the forest as bright as day. He knows approximately where Tokoyami is and sprints forward before the smoke begins to clear. Bird boy lies flat on his back, but he still seems conscious. He blinks at Katsuki before pushing himself into a sitting position.

"Thank you for stopping me," Tokoyami says in a relatively even voice. He clenches his trembling fists in his lap. "I don't know what I would've done if—"

Katsuki cuts him off before he can get too deep into his self-recrimination. "Get up! We have villains to fight."

Bird boy gapes at him for a moment. "Right," he mutters, and starts to stand.

The other two students approach, Shouji still clutching his bleeding arm. 

Tokoyami looks at the ground. "I'm sorry."

Shouji pats him on the shoulder.

Katsuki glances over the other students. The only worrying wound is Shouji's arm, but it's not like he's about to bleed out because of it. "Can't you do something about that?" He gestures at the wound, then turns to look at Shinsou. "Get over here brain-jacker," he demands.

The general department student frowns, but steps forward cautiously. "What—"

"That looks a lot like bandages," Katsuki says, eyeing the thing that looks like Aizawa's capture weapon around his throat.

"It's not," Shinsou replies. After Katsuki simply stares at him for a few seconds, he begins to unwind it. "Fine," he sighs. "It's not the most sanitary though," he adds as he hands it over to Shouji.

Katsuki turns away. He's seen worse. So much worse. For a moment, he sees a montage of all the injuries he's witnessed. Of horrible gashes, of broken limbs, of the aftermath of the most destructive quirks. Of Izuku—

"I'm going," he announces and takes off. Footsteps sound behind him. "The hell do you want?" He snaps without turning around.

"The thing is," the general department student says, sounding a bit out of breath. "While I don't like you, I like Midoriya, and he'd be upset you ran off somewhere and got hurt."

Katsuki nearly trips. Nearly.

"Oh," Shinsou says. "I meant as a friend."

This time, Katsuki stumbles. He curses the (nonexistent) tree roots, just so no one gets the wrong idea. "What the fuck does that have to do with anything?"

"I didn't want you to worry."

"I'm not worried!" He hollers. "If anything I'm worried about the fucking villains that may or may not be trying to kill us!!"

"And about where Midoriya is, and if he's been injured or—"

"Ye—No! Izuku is—" Katsuki stops abruptly.

A figure approaches coming in the opposite direction. Even in the dim forest with only a faint moon as light, the two-tone hair is unmistakable. It's Todoroki. Alone.

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    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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